General Collecting > Gentle Giant

Gentle Giant 2010


I just seen this pic of one of Gentle Giant's 2010 PG Gifts.
Clone Commander Faie

You can find pics of the other two PG Gifts that they will offer this year, here

Yes, there are 2 Star Wars offerings and one Harry Potter offering.  You'll get your choice of one, and will be able to purchase another additionally.  I'll be getting both Star Wars ones.  Unfortunately, what is irritating, is that I renewed my PGM membership back in March, and they're just NOW sending out the gift, which was Commnader Rex.  He's due to arrive at my house on Wednesday, but then on 12/31 they'll automatically renew my membership for the next year.  I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Gentle Giant makes awesome products, but has horrible customer service!

That Fox looks pretty cool!  I might pick one up.


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