Author Topic: JoeRhyno's customs( 2/1/12 Update-Robert Atkin's Cobra Commander)...  (Read 14521 times)

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Re: JoeRhyno's crap(updated 3/10/11 Halo Update)...
« Reply #60 on: March 12, 2011, 05:10:32 PM »
Wow, what an update. I loved the trip down memory lane here. Just awesome stuff. Thank you for sharing it. I know one thing, expect to see some of this on the fp soon and if you can find that backstory I would love to read it. I promise, we aren't going anywhere for as long as I am alive!

Great work on the Breast Cancer Halo figure. I will do a separate write up for that one too.

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Re: JoeRhyno's crap(updated 3/10/11 Halo Update)...
« Reply #61 on: March 12, 2011, 06:34:30 PM »
great update, really like the stormie  :)
"But… it was so artistically done."
-Thrawn's last words

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Re: JoeRhyno's crap(updated 3/10/11 Halo Update)...
« Reply #62 on: March 13, 2011, 07:57:16 AM »
Ok, got the first update on.

Joe I plan on doing another with just the Halo figure sometime this week.

Great stuff Joe.

Offline Joerhyno

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Re: JoeRhyno's crap(updated 3/10/11 Halo Update)...
« Reply #63 on: March 15, 2011, 09:27:23 PM »
Thanks Tamer, that's too cool... I'm gonna do a SW realted pink custom too, Stormtrooper.... Jawa... Wookie? Whacha guys think?

As for the One guy's back story, I'll have to see if I can dig it up. It was on a message board and they went under, not sure if I can find it or not.

This isn't really an update-update, but I thought I'd throw these up here. I got a new photo-tent thing with some lights. I had to add an extra light up top as the ones that came with it just weren't bright enough. After about 2 hours of fiddling around, I think I'm happy. I grabbed the nearest customs by my workbench and took some practice pics, let me know what you guys think. My friend asked if I wanted to do some reviews for his site, so I thought it was time to upgrade a little.

First is a Spartan I had planned about 2-3 years ago, lol.. using broken parts, I was going to paint him up like master chief, like a grenade just went off near him and he's half in active camo(a clear invisibility camo they have in halo) and half showing... I'll have to work on it now I dug it out.

Next are two custom I started for a lil' challange on TNI, basically a "what if" your favorite videogame or Movie character joined GI Joe. I chose Sam Fisher and Bruce from teh Die Hard movies.

After that another look at my custom pink spartan with a better pic to show her off...

And lastly a better look at my lil' guy on his speeder(and off)... anyway, like I said not really an update, but I threw in a few WIPs to keep you guys happy... :D

Offline Joerhyno

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Re: JoeRhyno's crap(updated 3/10/11 Halo Update)...
« Reply #64 on: March 15, 2011, 09:36:37 PM »

That didn't take long. I found my lil' back story, good thing I usually post on a billion different sites, lol.. The challange/contest was for one figure or vehicle, so I had to enter them seperatly, kinda sucked cause I was basically going against myself, as I got 1st and 2nd, lol:

New America Rift Border Control: Security Interceptor HG32 -

The HG32 is the main vehicle used for Rift Border Control, they're fast and agile and can be turned on a dime. They use a propulsion taken from alien technology and although dated, still the best small one man interceptors to date. The HG32 can run for 96 days(with intermediate resting periods) on optimal power, though it's not recommended and Border Control HQ often pulls them from service for maintenance after 80 days unless a crisis is in order.

Most HG32s are loaded and maintained on a daily basis by the driver and each unit can be specifically altered and adjusted for the preference needed.

The HG32 is scheduled to be retired in the next five years, where it's sister model the HG45 will take its place. Not much is known about the HG45, it's being kept under wraps right now until it's debut later this year.

New America Rift Border Control: NARBC Commander Jarvis Vasquez

Security for the Rift Border of New America. Veteran members of the Grand Army of New America are usually chosen for this role. It's a hard and long job, but someone has to do it. NARBC members are nomadic like, usually paired in twos, but sometimes experienced members take on single shifts. In higher crossing areas, larger groups or caravans are usually used, with teams of 6-12 total members. Small groups spend 72 days straight in service, then they have 15 days of "down time" before reporting back to duty. Bonuses are given for completing your 72 day shift with no breaks( i.e. accidents, injury or time off).

My basic idea is after a couple Nuclear winters in America, people migrated down south and were accepted in South America and basically Columbia and Brazil becomes "New America"... then, there's a rift caused where the Panama Canal used to be and instead of basically a Canal, it's a Canyon separating New America from the North... When the rift happens, these Orc like creatures start coming out of the "woodwork".. for now they're called "Gruggs" I'll probably go with something else, that's just what I call them in my notes. The RBC is created to control them basically... They hate technology, despise it and would attack people or vehicles so they were basically put in their place(The rift).. and kept there...

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Re: JoeRhyno's crap(updated 3/15/11 New photo-tent Update)...
« Reply #65 on: March 15, 2011, 09:53:07 PM »
Sorry for the multiple posts, but for some reason, as I get enough text filled into the little box we're supposed to post in, my screen gets all jumpy and it's hard to add to posts. I don't know if it's my computer or the boards... anyway.

Finding this lil' back story brings back some memories... Basically when Trigate was around, they had a story called 3060, it was something like a game that took place around the year 3060. I wasn't too sure what was going on, and the guys in charge never really explained too much, but it was kinda open ended so you could add your own story to it.

Anyway, thiswas years later after a bunch of wars and such, so in my part of the story, after nukes were dropped on America, most Americans that survived were moved down to Mexico and South America. This was a story I had scribbled down for a long time, but was more GI Joe meets Terminator/Transformers and I kinda edited it to fit their story to enter the contest. In my story, there wasn't orcs or Goblins or anything like that, but in theirs there was.. so They kinda became my Antagonists or "bad guys" in the story.  I even started a playset for it using an old Batman Batcave... I'll have to dig it out, maybe finish my vehicle I started for their team and the other bike(though, I doubt I'll finish the other bike, maybe I'll do the "new" HG45... :D

Anyway, it was kinda cool finding this and kinda makes me want to dig out my notes...

The concept came from a little thought I had... Take a 1:18 scale die-cast bike, cut off the wheels and add some jet looking things to make a hover bike... that's simple, right? That's all I had in mind, didn't know how I was gonna do it till I sat down and started tinkering with my bikes.

I was looking at my misc fodder I had laying around, everything from car model parts, to SW vehicles.. and I was stumped, till I ran across a Spawn figure...

When I saw his shoulder pads had lil' jets in them, it all started to fall in place.. I started hacking and dremeling away at the poor guy and pretty much used everything but his head, legs and hands.

The body turned into the "engine" of the hover bike, and then I attached the die-cast bike seat to it... then a leg on the back, then, the shoulder pads on the sides, dremeled into the body, and I actually had them working and were able to swivel up and down and fold in and out for awhile(you can still see joints in the front view of it).. but it was too flimsy, so I had to lose the "articulation" lol..

Anyway, after that, it was just adding parts here and there to make it look used and worn.  I wanted the characters to basically "live off the land" while on the job, so I added a bed roll, some back packs and straps, the monitor to watch late night porn... J/K.. I dunno, but I thought it looked cool.. so I added it.

Anyway, I came up with the name cause at the end of it all, I probably used 10 glue sticks on that baby holding it all together.. something that I didn't start out wanting to do, but kinda needed to cause of time.. so that's where "HG" came from, "Hot Glue".. lol.. shhhh... don't tell the companies bidding on making them though...  :o

As for Commander Jarvis Vasquez... I pretty much had an image of what I wanted in my head, and usually when that happens.. it never turns out that way, lol.. but surprisingly.. this one did.. almost exactly how I wanted... it was kinda scary.

The Parts for Vasquez, while not as intense as the Interceptor, still took awhile to get right...

Head: Old GTG or Trigate I cant find anymore, lol
Helmet: Trigate Headgear #2
Torso & Arms and belt: Star Wars Imperial Knight
Crotch: 25th Destro
Upper Legs: Wild Bill/Ace modded
Knees: Crimson Guard modded
Legs: Beach Head modded
Rifle: SW Senate Guard rifle
Binoculars: Luke? I dunno, SW though.

I had the basic look down, but I wanted the legs to better match the armored upper body, so I sculpted on thigh armor to kinda match the look and then sculpted the knee pads cause the bare knees looked weird and then I had to build up the lower legs cause they looked skinny after all that, lol.. then I filled in all the joint and screw holes cause I hate those.

I went with a green/Brown look cause out of the 4 test figures that were sacrificed while making him(don't worry, they were old crappy figs that I couldn't even give away a couple months ago).. out of the different color combos I tried, I liked this one the best, kinda the opposite you normally see(Green uniform, brown armor).. so I think it worked well..

I almost messed up big time and said screw it and threw the towel in, you can see the mess up on one of the legs, I had the figure on the table and spilled Acetone on the table and of course it went right into him... luckly only one leg was touching the area, but it still slowed me down having to repaint that leg and of course it not looking right in the end.. but time was up...

Oh.. and as I was getting ready to take pics, I noticed I never pained the boots, lol.. so I did some dry brushing here and paint wiping there and then said screw it and had to take the pics.. I think it turned out alright in the end...

There, I added all that, so in case the other site purges their boards or something, at least I have it somewhere... :D

Thanks guys... I use Rit Dye, stuff for clothes. You boil some water, plop it in and then put the figures in... same thing I did with these babies for my friend's Bday present...

I found this older pic on page two and on another site I found the actual breakdown per figure so. I  had to post it with the customs it goes too:

Parts list...

GI Joe Bazooka Body, arms, upper legs
Wolverine, Weapon X knees and lower legs
John Cena shoes
Custom cast hands
Fit Finley modified head
Dr. Henery Jones glasses

The only real major mods I did here was to shave off a part of the lower legs to make them look like legs, and then sculpt on the "shorts" bottoms, also sculpted on some socks and then "shaved" Fit Finley's hair and slowly(took like a whole hour) stippled the stubble hair on.


Britney, the Gamoreean Dancer:
Custom Cast Gamorrean Guard head(2 GI Joe Scarlett pony tials turned sideways for her pigtails)
Yarna body, sanded boobs down and sculpted belly and shirt
Sculpted fur neck piece
Sculpted added fur on skirt
sculpted(hate them) feet

She wasn't that hard to do, mainly the sculpting on the fur, then at the last min I remembered about the feet, but my sculpting compound was getting hard, so it was ahrd to work with, not really happy with the feet, but I had to move on. The figure was then dyed in Rit Dye so it would retain it's color and not chip, then layer after layer of drybrushing for detail.. the drybrushing might chip or rub off over time in the joints, but the green dye should help hide it. The hair was a last min attempt to cover the horns, I'm not a specialist on Gamorreans, but I'm sure the females don't have horns, so I added it and hot glued the hair pieces into place and they turned out awesome.

Ima Trapp, the Mon Calamari Dancer:
Mon Cal head
Hands and legs cut off and fuzed to the Yarna body, then sculpted to match up
sculpted shellfish boobies w/shell from a Mon Cal shield for her top

This one started off easy, popped the head on, but then I found another mon cal figure, and he had massive lobster looking feet, so I had to attach them to the Yarna body, then the same with the arms, but then they looked silly human arms leading to lobster looking arms, so I sculpted onto the human parts to match up with the rest.. then the chest, like the others I didn't a slew of six boobied dancers, so I saw the shield, thought it'd make a sweet breast/belly plate then sculpted up the boobs to match the body and meet up with the plate.
This figure was also dyed before painting, then layers and layers of drybrushing, again, hopefully if some of the paint does come off at the joints, the dying will help hide it, here's hoping he just sets it on a shelf and doens't let the kids play with them, lol

Feeda, the Rodian Dancer:
Head and hands random Greedo figure
Body Yarna, with sculpted belly, is that a lil' rodian dancing in her belly, or one too many Bantha burgers?
modified skirt

This one was probably the easiest out of the custom dancers.. I basically dyed the body and then sculpted on the belly(again, to change them up a lil).. added the head and hands and then painted her up.. I did notice I forgot to paint her eyes.. so hopefully one of these days, I can fix that.

PS~~ I got the text box thing to stop jumping around on me, I clicked this compatibility view icon on i.e. and now it works fine.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2011, 10:11:20 PM by Joerhyno »

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Re: JoeRhyno's crap(updated 3/15/11 New photo-tent Update)...
« Reply #66 on: March 15, 2011, 11:04:47 PM »
wow, super cool stuff!! my fave is the guy with his speeder, man, that vehicle rocks  :o

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Re: JoeRhyno's crap(updated 3/15/11 New photo-tent Update)...
« Reply #67 on: March 16, 2011, 04:05:41 AM »
Awesome update Joe. That phasing Halo looks awesome! So many cool things here.

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Re: JoeRhyno's crap(updated 3/15/11 New photo-tent Update)...
« Reply #68 on: March 16, 2011, 07:45:35 AM »
Aren't new photo-tents fun??  And thanks for showing the origins of that awesome bike.  Great work!

Offline Joerhyno

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Re: JoeRhyno's customs(updated 8/31/11 Sith and Point Rain Update)...
« Reply #69 on: August 31, 2011, 08:35:48 PM »
8-31-11 UPDATE


Did this for the contest here...

Base figure is a Thor Frost Giant with older Marvel Showdown Thor lower legs. His left arm and leg is from a Marvel Showdown Colossus figure. His right shoulder ball joint is Colossus sculpted over.

I sculped on his pants and shin pads and then dyed the lower half of his body and his robotic arm black, I thought it'd look cool if he had a semi-burnt look, so I dyed half of his torso too. I then drybrushed over it and then used some fake leather material to make his cape and belt thingies. I noticed after taking th pics his belt buckle I sculpted on popped off.. :( You can see it in the first pic. If I can't find it, I'll have to resculpt it.

The lightsaber is from a cheap-o GI Joe rifle's scope, I sanded down the middle and then sculpted on the handle part. I then drilled into it to fit the blade on one side and then thought about the older KotoR comcis with blades that were connected, so I thought that would be cool. I found a GI Joe rifle that had pegs that would pop in and out, so I sculpted over them and then drilled a hole into another piece of rifle, sanded it down and glued it on the back of the belt for the power pack.

I also took some better pics of the Figures I made about 6 months ago for a diorama. I never took the pics, so while I was taking new pics, I thought, why not???

Obi wan was made with a couple different figures. I think the AotC Obiwan, with different upper legs, I forget who's, but someone with black upper legs, might have been a Luke or something... Clone arms and lower legs and then I took an old Vader and hacked him up and dremeled his shoulder armor off and then painted it white... splattered him up with some red dirt and he was ready to take a nose dive on Geonosis.

These were custom clone fodder. I dyed them one color and it didn't turn out, so I spray painted one color and tried a couple different methods to do the digi camo, and all failed, lol.. I was running out of time for the contest and didn't want to use animated figures, so I sucked it up and just hand painted them. I'm not happy with them, but they worked for the dio, the contest was for that anyway, not the figs, so I can always make better ones in the future.

I heated them up till they were soft as rubber and sat them down, they're the "dead clones" in the gunship, so I needed them sitting all the way down(something clones can't do well with their armor), so after heating them up, they were able to sit real well.

Pretty much the same thing done with these guys, Waxer and Boil... again, in the future, I'll have to revisit them.

That's all I got for now, haven't really done anything in a while. I did start up with miniatures again, mainly to make some Battlestar Galactica characters and ships for my cousin's game.. so those will probably be my next update... I'll try to get back at a reg customizing schedule, so maybe I'll be able to do other stuff too.. we'll see... :lol:
« Last Edit: August 31, 2011, 08:39:45 PM by Joerhyno »

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Re: JoeRhyno's customs(updated 8/31/11 Sith and Point Rain Update)...
« Reply #70 on: August 31, 2011, 08:49:39 PM »
Awesome update Joe. That Sith you made is really really cool.

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Re: JoeRhyno's customs(updated 8/31/11 Sith and Point Rain Update)...
« Reply #71 on: September 01, 2011, 04:41:56 AM »
 Great Sith!!  Love the speeder and Jabba's dancers, too!

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Re: JoeRhyno's customs(updated 8/31/11 Sith and Point Rain Update)...
« Reply #72 on: September 01, 2011, 07:49:25 AM »
Joe I really like your Waxer and Boil. On the front page.

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Re: JoeRhyno's customs(updated 8/31/11 Sith and Point Rain Update)...
« Reply #73 on: September 01, 2011, 12:34:29 PM »
Radical man just awesome Boil and Waxer are amanzing great job  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

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Re: JoeRhyno's customs(updated 8/31/11 Sith and Point Rain Update)...
« Reply #74 on: September 01, 2011, 01:48:27 PM »
NOO...  vadsab NOOOOO!!!!! Don't like Waxer and Boil, they should be burned, lol... I'm quite ashamed of them actually, but thanks everyone  ;D