Imperial Entertainment TV and Movies > Gaming Corner

Star Wars: Battle Pod

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Seen and read some new stuff on this IGN page
Watch this video, Shawn. I may start calling arcades looking for this tomorrow.

I don't know if you have a Dave&Busters where you live but I saw a commercial for the star wars game and it said only at D&B. So I'd look there first.


--- Quote from: JDeck on February 04, 2015, 06:13:01 PM ---I don't know if you have a Dave&Busters where you live but I saw a commercial for the star wars game and it said only at D&B. So I'd look there first.

--- End quote ---

I may or may not be on my way lol.

It could be a regional thing. They might have a contract for the SE region. I don't know. I probably depends where you live.

Found one in kck, about an hour away. May have to give em a call tomorrow.


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