Imperial Creative Engineering > Graphic Artwork

Forceflow's Gallery

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--- Quote from: Forceflow on March 12, 2017, 04:05:23 PM ---Good Morning, Endor
This one was a lot of fun. The forest is a stock photo, with 3D renders of the AT-ST and speeder bike composited in. The scout trooper was – I believe – a Hot Toys or similar premium figure. Lots of retouching to make them look like they belonged in the same scene.

My mom had a canvas photo print made of it for my brother. I have yet to see it in person, but I'm told it's a classy-yet-geeky way to decorate.

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Printing will even out the juxtaposition even more.  Very nice!

That's true, bubba. I work in printing, so things not outputting like I want is a major hangup.

Art deWhill:
good job!! :thumbsup:

The Han Solo Adventures

I was doing some hard drive spring cleaning and found an old project... from when Solo was just a twinkle in Disney/Lucasfilm's eye.

I've been a fan of the Brian Daley Han Solo trilogy since I was kid, reading tattered paperbacks at the local library. I now own the original edition paperbacks (a lucky find at a used book store). There's something about the old-timey font and pulp cover art. They don't print 'em like they used to... to much branding and focus testing. Back in the late 70s/early 80s, licensed material could be weird.

In the spirit of corporate synergy, I reimagined the trilogy as a modern hardcover. Since Disney still has old Legends material in print, it doesn't seem that far-fetched to me. And with the new movie coming out, seems like a no-brainer. As far as I'm concerned, it's canon until proven otherwise. Let me know what you think! Everything was made in Photoshop and Illustrator.

Looks great to me. Wish they would release these again. Off to share.


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