Imperial Surplus Sales > Ebay Sales

Ebay Sellers and Stores you use?

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Good points folks. I think one needs to understand that you won't be getting top of the line and your figure may be missing a few parts, but that leg thing (if the figure was pictured having the correct ones) would definitely be grounds for an ebay case to get your deniro refunded. It is definitely a buyers market when it comes to ebay thats for sure.

I did have a buyer return one of those fi figures that I had resold with a snapped leg. I just figured they had got it caught in a vacume cleaner or something.
A lot of those fi figures from the overseas sellers had very loose waist joints. A quality control reject I think. I had always figured that's where a lot of those over seas sellers got there stock from. Vipers kingdom had sold me a proto fett that had a snapped part on it once or twice. He replaced them. with no issues.


Quite a few of our forum members have said they have done business with this particular seller Viperskingdom; another one who hails from Hong Kong. As of this posting there were 128 separate auctions for Star Wars and about 30 listings for some JOE Figures including a small lot of SDCC Exclusive JOES, some of which are better priced than others. I mean $144 dollar price tag on the Baronnesse with Ravage seems just a tad high to me (2 have supposedly sold at that price), but seeing the new Jetfire Skystriker for $28 doesn't seem quite like gouging to me.

Like I said yesterday, love em or hate em, most of us have probably used them and will continue to use them to get some of our swag. Lets us know what you think about this seller and others, as well as your opinion on these exposes. I for one have been wanting to do this for awhile and know I will be barely scratching the surface, but perhaps we can all learn a little here including myself!

I've done business with sindolls and viperskingdon, being pleasantly surprised with each.  While a lot of people claim these sellers have the reject figures they've always been high quality factory fresh for me! Now, I do not recommend buying any figures with cool accessories from them, because chances are they will not be complete. Other than that these two are a great way to score rare figures or army builders at reasonable prices!

Yepper, I feel the same way. Don't expect the moon, but you can get some great deals. It might be time to showcase another one this evening or maybe tomorrow. I have been doing some deck work all day.


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