Imperial Surplus Sales > Imperialshipyards Charity Auctions

Charity Auction for Mike Martinez (Mercury Art Studios)

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Well thanks to the generosity of the Yarders I just sent $100 to Hollie and family. Wookie Balls sent more than the price he won the auction for and paid shipping, Dirty Gloves paid, and ofcourse the generosity of the Yarders to donate their items. I went ahead and made up the difference. Thanks folks, it feels pretty good.

We should have a working donate button on the front page here in a few weeks to donate directly too.

I will have more auctions up, probably over the holidays.

How's Mike's family faring, as of late?


--- Quote from: UnitedStatesDemocrat on March 10, 2012, 10:24:13 AM ---How's Mike's family faring, as of late?

--- End quote ---

I have heard from Mike's mom about a few weeks ago and it seems the family is having some difficulties. She loved the idea of our current cusotm contest and has said she is even going to send us a figure or two for the contest. Out of respect for Mike and the family I will not relate the particulars.


The kind folks of the Sarlaac Pit Podcast has sent me a few items a few months back and after talking with Mike's Mom a few weeks ago I figured it was about time I got off my duff and got em listed. You gotta like folks who don't know us from Adam, but still try to support a our cause. I look forward to working with them more in the future. Anyhow, without further adieu here is what is up for auction this time:

The pics are linked directly to the aucton and up for grads is the Special Edition 500th Darth Vader, the Mail Away Qui-Gon Jinn with Eopie, and the Bossk Limited Quanity Hallmark Ornament.

We are winding down with this and I am guessing our custom figures from this current contest that folks donate will probably be our last horah for a little while, but I do want to thank all the Yarders for their kind donations. I am so proud to be associated with all of you.

Mr. Black:
Living in the Netherlands, I find it hard to imagine how things work over there in the US. I mean, it seems really strange to me Mike's next of kin have to struggle like this. We have all kinds of government securities taking care of people who are left behind after their spouses have passed away, but in the US this is a different matter.

In this light, I'm proud to have taken part in the initial customizing event, right after Mike passed away. And to have contributed by donating for that fine Clone bust I got from Shawn.

I still remember getting the news of Mike's passing. It was during TF:DOTM, so for me that movie will always be linked to this sad news  :(


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