Author Topic: Avatar and Banner loading...  (Read 2302 times)

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Avatar and Banner loading...
« on: March 18, 2013, 10:27:25 AM »
I thought that with the great new banners Hangarbay94 is making that it is high time we created a small tutorial for the members, especially the newer folks who may not be used to the smf forum system, of how to upload their new avatars and signature banners.

1. Hit Profile and then on the left hand side choose Forum Profile Information
2. From there under personalized picture you have a series of choices of which to load it. You can load it using a direct image link or load up your own picture. You just hit choose file and browse your computer till you find the one you want and hit open. Then, you will need to scroll down to the bottom of the page and hit change profile (small button with the same name in the bottom right).

Please remember that avatars can be no larger than 100 by 100 pixels or it won't load.

1. You will need some type of photo hosting website that will give you an [img] code. Personally I use, but any will work as long as they will give you said image code. Remember, we do not allow imageshack due to known viruses that attach to those pictures. Matter of fact if we find imageshack images we usually give a few days to change them out before we delete them. Usually once you load your image it will give the choice to get to image links and you specifically want the code that is used for bbc forums which in the [img] code.

2. From there it is simply pasting that image code once again under PROFILE, Forum Profile Information, and scroll down to the signature area (rectangular box). Just paste the image code into the box, hit Change Profile (small button with the same name in the bottom right) and you should see it.

Please also be aware that the maximum width dimensions for banner is 580 pixels with no larger than 67 pixels in length. We love to see all the wonderful imagery, but we are also aware that not everyone has high speed internet and images load very slowly for people on dial up or satellite type connections.

I have found, especially with the avatar that I have had to go through it twice to get it to work so try it a few times and if you are still having issues pm one of your friendly neighborhood moderators.