Imperial Entertainment TV and Movies > Imperial Library

Karen Traviss' RC Series

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I just got done reading the third installment of this "True Colors" and see that "Order 66" is the last one in this series. I will pick it up and read it. I don't want to give too much away, but it is a pretty good read about Omega and Delta squads and the search for a cure to the rapid ageing the Clones face. It has the romance stuff that gals dig, but I didn't let that scare me too much. Its a pretty good read! ^-^

Saw this from the official Star Wars website. I really loved the video game Republic Commando and am loving the tales of Omega squad by Karen Traviss.

Here is the skippy on the final book. WARNING. It does contain spoilers!

can you say, "best series ever".
behind the thrawn trilogy, of course.
which is also getting a new book?
i dont know...

I still haven't read order 66 yet, but plan on doing so. It looks like there is going to be an Imperial Commando series written by said author that will further the RC series.

Traviss is flat-out AMAZING!  The RC series is one of two motivators that finally pushed me into getting serious about my customizing figs.  (for the other reason, see "fan-fic links" in this forum)

Brendan and I plan to do a major diorama of the "apartment scene" from Triple Zero, with ALL the squad-members, Null Arcs, Mando's, Jedi, and other hangers-on who appeared.  Ambitious?  Of course!!  Worth it?  HELL YEAH!!  Homage to the queen, and all! 

I even have Trooper Corr with his prosthetic hands!

Of course, having an SA Commando would be a significant help...I'll buy at least least...!


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