Author Topic: The Meerian  (Read 1233 times)

Offline Cimter

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The Meerian
« on: January 14, 2010, 05:47:47 PM »
INFO: The Meerians were a race of short, silver-haired Near-Humans native to the planet Bandomeer.

RACE: Meerian
HEIGHT: 1.1 to 1.7 Meters Tall
SKIN: Pale pink
DISTINCTION: Short near-humans

Bandomeer was a planet in the Outer Rim Territories, on the Braxant Run. It was known for its high concentration of ionite, as well as the many predators lurking in its wildernesses. The planet's surface was roughly divided in half by a huge landmass and the Great Sea of Bandomeer.

Bandomeer was a mining world dominated by the Offworld Mining Corporation until 45 BBY. The planet was at one time an agricultural world of rolling plains until it was discovered that many valuable ores were hidden in its crust. Then, mining operations such as Offworld Mining took control, and reduced it to strip mines and industrial wastes. The planet was the homeworld of the Meerian race, who struggled to come to terms with the prosperity that cost their world's natural beauty. Even Bandomeer's surrounding asteroids were rich with mineral deposits, but could not be mined due to the risk of fragments colliding with the planet.

When Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn arrived on the world, they narrowly saved it from destruction at the hands of Xanatos.

In 19 BBY the Ionite miners of Bandomeer refused to honor their contracts with Galactic Empire. In order to teach them to treat the new government with respect, Emperor Palpatine ordered his apprentice, Darth Vader, to deal with the local resistance. The Imperial Army quickly overwhelmed lightly armed miners and established control over the planet.

Huff Darklighter once employed farmers from Bandomeer, as well as Salliche and Taanab, to staff his underground hydroponic gardens on Tatooine. Bandomeer was conquered by the Yuuzhan Vong during their invasion of the galaxy.

As a people, the Meerians were a slow, deliberate race with a primitive society. Their personality was generally sunny and optimistic, although due to the takeover of their planet by mining companies, some Meerians developed a mercenary mentality that contrasted with the older, more helpful philosophies.

For much of their history, the Meerians had no contact with offworlders, until Galactic Republic survey teams landed on their planet. Soon, the mineral riches of Bandomeer were discovered, and several mining conglomerates essentially took over the planet. Although the Republic recognized the Meerians as the true owners of Bandomeer, in actual fact they exerted little control over the fate of the planet.

Throughout the centuries of pollution on Bandomeer, the Meerians developed the ability to breath in toxic air, with their noses and tongues working in tandem to filter the air. They also became pale-skinned from the lack of sunlight able to filter through the smog of their

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I would like to thank Wookieepedia for this info.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2010, 05:51:29 PM by Cimter »