Imperial Creative Engineering > Dioramas

Galgrebaa Spaceport.

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--- Quote from: Darth More on April 22, 2020, 12:47:44 PM ---Wow, there you go! A solid selection of droid parts! I can see lots of B-A-D parts here! You realized your idea very quick! Looks awesome already!
I think your table will see a brilliant modular station! And one section/building at a time sounds like the perfect way! This is the way...

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Thank you DM! I'm keeping the interior sets simple, I'm not going to put too much thought into it, I'm just going to do it. The main focus will be the exterior because that's where most of the figures will be.
I have a handful more BAD parts coming, so I probably won't need any more. Initially I was thinking I'd make it bigger, but 1sq foot is good.

--- Quote from: Starchaser on April 22, 2020, 10:09:54 PM ---What a great concept! This is going to be a fascinating process to watch and I can already see its going to look stunning when its done. I really like the droid bath. I've used the pink to white DAP before, but not for a diorama:) But both my wife an I like it for fixing holes in our house's drywall. Glad you tried it, our experience has been positive. I will be excited to watch this project unfold.

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Thank you. It'll just be build as I go. I have planned a Droid workshop, Bar/casino, docking bay, for the Slave I, maybe a truck stop convenience store. After that who knows? It'll just be an ongoing thing I guess.

--- Quote from: Tamer on April 23, 2020, 12:31:26 PM ---This is gonna be fun. It already is off to a great start.

Off to the front pages.

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Thank you. I had an epiphany. I've been very selective about what figures I buy, because most don't doesn't fit in my collection. I was basically just buying imperials, Jabbas guys and ewoks. Kind of limiting, especially with TVC being as it is, it's difficult enough to get one figure, let alone army build them. Also, you would not believe the amount of greebles and model kit parts I have, it's insane. In the world if 3d printing you can just buy whatever screen accurate thing you want, and the art of modeling is kind of dead. So I'm just going to build my own world. I don't have to concern myself with screen accuracy. So, we'll see what I come up with.

--- Quote from: RCWCreations on April 23, 2020, 12:56:30 PM ---What a great idea and love that Chopper

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Thank you. It's the Disney parks Chopper. He comes with his extra leg, which I thought was neat.

Right when I got home today it started raining, so I skipped the second coat of spackle, and started adding my greebles. Also Bad Mother Customs made me some signs to go in my Droid shop and throughout the Spaceport. Cool thing is, the ink is translucent, so I can backlight them!  I think I'll assemble the walls, patch the seams and paint the walls next.

Mostly using that extruded foam? I've noticed using that drywall mud directly on foam leads to cracking and chipping (chunks of drywall falling right off the foam). Any problems with that?
I'm going to try a small building this weekend using Mod Podge on the foam first.

Your project looks exciting!  I'll be turning on notifications for this thread!


--- Quote from: Chuckles on April 23, 2020, 04:19:24 PM ---Mostly using that extruded foam? I've noticed using that drywall mud directly on foam leads to cracking and chipping (chunks of drywall falling right off the foam). Any problems with that?
I'm going to try a small building this weekend using Mod Podge on the foam first.

Your project looks exciting!  I'll be turning on notifications for this thread!

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Thank you, and that is correct I use bluefoam for all of my dioramas. I've had no trouble with chipping. First I sand the surface I'm going to apply the spackle to, to get a good grip. Then I'll water down the spackle slightly to get a tacky consistency. I apply the first layer thick, then sand until I see blue in spots then add a thin coat sand, repeat. I usually do three coats or more, but I might just do two for this interior.

Sanding the surface first, and watering down the mud are things I didn't do. Salvage what I can, and learn from my mistakes. Thanks.


--- Quote from: Chuckles on April 23, 2020, 04:57:18 PM ---Sanding the surface first, and watering down the mud are things I didn't do. Salvage what I can, and learn from my mistakes. Thanks.

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If it does chip, just pick out the loose spackle, sand it, then go over it again and sand it down. Should work. On my Stormtrooper diorama I used air drying clay and it dried into a cracked up mess. I just sanded it down and added spackle, and it's as smooth as a baby's bottom.


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