General Collecting > Misc. non Star Wars

Goldleaderone's Non-Star Wars stuff

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beast from the east:
Go go gadet camera to take pics of Mario and Lougi.

Cool collection. I loved the Mario games.

you ever see the version of DR. Claw they made,god that thing looked awful,i never would imagine that that was what they thought he looked like,that's not what he looks like in my book,hell,i still have no idea what i imagine him looking like,but that was the cool thing about claw,we didn't know,and we shouldn't know.he always was one of my favorite cartoon baddies,and of course hollywood ruined the chance to do a cool version in that horrible inspecter gadget movie,oh brother  :'(  :-X .nice collection BTW.

Here are my updated Inspector Gadget and Super Mario Bros. shelves

Walking Dead anyone?

These are really neat!! I really like your Inspector Gadget and Super Mario shelves

Picked this up off ebay after selling a few things. It's a replica James Bond watch from the GoldenEye 007 video game for Nintendo 64. I had a similar one years ago from a Nintendo catalog through Nintendo Power magazine. Unfortunately it was stolen from me, so it was nice to replace it in a way. It's pretty much the same watch, the only exception is the background had a crosshair with a 007 logo.


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