Imperial Creative Engineering > Custom Figures

Cubanpete's dive into Star Wars custom figures.

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I'm somewhat new to repainting Star Wars custom figures. my first repaint was a normal Clone Wars clone trooper, which in my opinion turned out bad.  well anyway, here is my custom collection so far, you can find them here.

I don't know how to post pics of my customs here, yet, but as soon as I find out I'll post all of my customs on these threads.

Welcome to the Yards Cubanpete!  I must say, your clones look so raw, like renegade clones of some kind.  Interesting color combinations!

Welcome to the Yards, Cubanpete! I like the colors you used on your speederbike and rider.

Thank you so much for the positive comments, I just finished a figure, it's a commander Gree conversion, allow me to explain.

I took the color and scheme of the "The clone Wars" commander gree, and painted it to a normal Saga legends Attack of the clones figure, because I thought Commander Gree in the clone Wars looked Mega badass, but I'm not a fan of the cartoony look though.

and also,in a way, The rider is somewhat of a renegade clone.

See, I had an idea, What if the Republic secretly toyed and funded a program for the Clone troopers, called the Elite Corps, Unlike other clone troopers, The Cloners gave these Troopers Individual thought, and each of them, was a test. only 10 were made. Number 7 chose not to follow Order 66, because He fought for a Republic, a Democracy, not an Empire.

anyway sorry for the fanfic. and thank you again for the positive comments



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