Imperial Creative Engineering > Graphic Artwork

Jim's Art

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Sweet renderings, James! I love that pilot and like your version better than the one in the comic.

very cool.  Love how darth is giving the other pilots a thumbs up.  Your sketch definately fleshes out the details.  the more I look at it the more I see the concept boba fett body. 

that'd make a great comic pack.  There are alot of collectors out there that love these weird obscure characters.

Very well done on the art.  I like it.

Here is a sketch of an X-Wing pilot from the same Droids comic as the TIE Fighter pilot seen above. The separate picture is of his helmet.


Here are the reference pictures that I used:


As you can see, for some reason the pilot outfit changes from the time of the briefing at the Yavin based to the time the pilots are in the cockpit.

huh perhaps that is their "undersuit" and they have a thicker heavier space suit to go over that... maybe the heavier one is a g-suit?

that is an interesting helmet design.  It's interesting to see such an old comic and the style within it.  I doubt you would see such a deviation from cannon star wars costumes and such in a modern comic.  heck... I think in all the clone wars comics anakin and ahsoka and obi-wan all wear the same outfit ALL THE FREAKING TIME....

i'm sorry, but I've always found that to be a retarted aspect of tv-cartoons... people change clothes... i know it's eisier and more cost effective to make up one digital model and reuse the crap out of it... but comeon...  sorry.. i'm rambling.

great sketches.  Alot better than any of my human sketches!


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