Author Topic: General Podcasting Basics  (Read 10979 times)

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General Podcasting Basics
« on: July 05, 2013, 02:17:41 PM »
General CAFN Podcasting Basics:

I thought it might be a good idea for those who are podcasting with Custom Action Figure News to have a small informational page if you have never podcasted with us before.
First off the audio only (video may be forthcoming, but not for awhile yet) interview will take place using a free downloaded program called skype. You can find more information here:

and the direct download for skype (depending on your device) here:

With the direct download for a window computer here:

It is a very fast download and will bring up a screen where you will pick a username and password which you will then use to sign on to skype thereafter. From there all you really need is a microphone (standard on most computers nowadays) and a set of ear buds or headphones that will plug into your computer or device (any regular mps, ipad, or similar device will work).

Microphone choice:

For me I purchased a Logitech microphone headset which does both (it was around thirty bucks) and it seems to do well. Here are some Amazon Options:

General Plug in microphone:

Headset Microphone:

Really any microphone that will plug into either the microphone slot or one of your usb docks will work just fine. There is also a test in the profile portion of your skype account where you can test everything too. Generally speaking it is considered that a usb plug in is better in audio quality than the plug in types, but they will all work ok for a decent skype call. Some of them are very cheap with very decent approval ratings.

Headphone Choice:

The biggest thing is that you have some type of headphones. As we often go live, if you don’t have a headset and try to just use your speakers your microphone will pick up all of that as well as the audio for the other people talking and that will lead to some awful feedback. Here are some general good approval Amazon Options:

Also, if we do go live, please do not try to listen in on Imperial Shipyards or our Ustream Site as that will lead to the same problem. Lets just say if you start hearing an echo that is probably the reason.

Which device to use for skype?

We have had people use ipads, iphones, and other devices that are skype capable, but a good ole computer or laptop seems to work best. Chad and I have been using these since we started and haven’t really had any issues.

Skype Basics:

Once you get signed up, you will need to add a contact in order to be able to talk with Chad or me. It is as simple as in the upper left where it says add contact to hit that and then when it wants to contact to type in the skype name:



Chad Hitchcok
Melbourne, Florida

And you are now good to go. You can call free to contacts this way. You can add phone numbers too, but you will need to buy skype credit. Still, it is nice to be able to call a regular phone number sometimes. It is pretty reasonable as far as rates. I bought ten bucks one time to do a skype call with someone who just couldn’t handle skype and stll have seven bucks of it to use and we talked for almost two hours.

General Customizer Interview Questions (for all individual interviews):

1. What got you started with customizing? How long ago did you start (can you give us a little background about how you got to the place you are today like whether you were part of any communities or Sites or Local groups) and what particular lines do you customize and which are your favorite lines to customize?

2. Is there a particular base figure or vehicle that you would say is one of your favorites to customize or would you say that anything is fair game? What character or vehicle would you say you have more customs of than others?

3. What was your all-time favorite custom whether it is figure, diorama, vehicle or project? What about this particular favorite makes it stand out more than some of your other projects?

4. What was the most difficult or time consuming custom you have ever completed? Would you mind sharing some of the history of the build process of this particular custom?

5. Is there a particular part of customizing that you would say is your favorite (i.e.: ls painting more preferred to coming up with the parts or is kit bashing or making your own accessories preferred) or would you say that the entire project for you is enjoyable?

6. What custom that you created would you say you learned the most from? Would you mind sharing what you learned because chances are we need to hear it!

7. What customizers or people in your life have inspired you and encouraged you along your customizing journey? Is there anything you would like to say to someone along those lines who is just getting started or thinking about starting to customize? Is there any message you would like to send out on the air waves for those folks who have supported you?

8. Is there a favorite tip or trick would you like to share with our listeners? Or one of those “aha” moments when you realized you had made a breakthrough in your art? For L.E. this is a toss up about his great three our four toned painting style or how he find things that can be turned into treasures!

9. Is there a particular customizing technique or art form that you would love to know more about? I think part of this great process is learning from other folks and sharing what you have learned and is there anything that you have seen out there that you would love to see or hear more about? What would you say is your greatest customizing strength?

10. What endeavors are you currently working on and are there any future projects you can share with our listeners? Do you have any long range plans of where you see your work heading?

One of the first things we like to do as well is get you a set of specific individual questions using google docs so if you can send me or Chad (once again pm or email or ) we will know which email address to send the invite too. Normally I just use the email address you have on file with your isy registrations, but I know some of you would prefer an different email address.

Those are the basics and should be enough to get you up and going and to be ready for the interview. We are glad you decided to talk with us and hope that this small tutorial was helpful. As always, if you have any issues with this or more skype questions you can pm, email ( or and we will be glad to answer anything along these regards.

Feel free to hit us up when we are on skype too. Chad and I normally like to do a quick skype call before we actually podcast just to see how your audio is too. Sometimes this is a few minutes before the podcast is supposed to start, sometimes just a quick bull session to introduce ourselves and how your interview will go. Trust me, you will have a blast. I haven’t had one that wasn’t yet!

Shawn and Chad.