Imperial Surplus Sales > Local Finds

The Woods of West Virginia

<< < (2/60) > >>

still havent found anything since the build a droid two packs. Pat has found some new ships, but not poor little me. Man my pegs are decimated too. I sure don't see signs of new store displays or restocks either. :'(

nothing new came home, but I did see two new things;

one, the Battle of Mygeeto BP and I did like the black droids, but it was creased so I passed. If I see it again maybe. Good lord knows I need to save my money.

two, I saw the new Clone Wars Galactic Heroes and noticed some of em had some cardback variations.

nothing new yet. Man I am hoping my stores mess up and set this stuff out early.

Well still no new stuff, but I did see a few new GI JOE items;

Dang, gonna have to find me one of them HISS tanks!


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