Imperial Entertainment TV and Movies > Star Wars Movies

How do I explain that the prequels are good?

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I also think they had some bad casting thrown in there too. Namely who they got to play Anakin in Episode 2 and 3.

  I agree anakin should have been completely different. In episode I he should have been about Luke's age 15-17. And by the end of episode III at least 30. What always grinds my gears is that Anakin is I dunno 10 years old and Padme is like 17. Then episode IQ they're the same age. Anakin aged 10 years Padme 3. Kinda strange.

 On a different note if Anakin missed his mom so much why did he wait 10 years to come visit her. I could hear his mom now "I undastand. You have important Jedi stuff to do. You go and fight your robots or whateva. Dont worry about me. The sand people are easily startled, I'll be fine."

I would Ask if individual has seen EP 4-6 (plus RO)... if so and "want more" show THE CLONE WARS (theatrical film) then series. If someone really wants to fill in the gaps then suggest EP 1-3

it's not that the prequels are the worst movies ever made but you need to be in a certain frame of mind to look past things... Unless your a child whom only pays half attention to anything.


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