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fan-fic links - go read my fiction!

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It was suggested in chat last night that I needed to "show off" my Fixer stories.  Well, to that end, if you enjoy reading Rebellion-era fan-fic written by an award-winning* writer set in an out-of-the-way part of the SW galaxy, visit:

They are finished stories, but are subject to being revised and rewritten at any moment.  Fixer and friends are constantly being refined and expanded, especially as I develop fictional voices for my various postings here!  One of these days, I will be going back and illustrating the stories using custom figs I make.  Enjoy!

*awards received include "Judges' Choice" and first- thru third-place and honorable-mention awards at a good-sized sci-fi/fantasy convention on the Gulf Coast big enough to draw names like Timothy Zahn, Orson Scott Card, Aaron Allston, Keith Parkinson, Michael Stackpole, George Alec Effinger, David "Zeb" Cook, and many others.  Categories covered poetry, mail-in fiction, and on-the-spot fiction.

I will make it a point to delve into these when I get a chance, doc, as I am sure they would be a good read.

Doc, I just spent part of the last hour reading the stories about Fixer and Bartan. Absolutely great, I would buy that novel!

At the suggestion of a friend, I went thru Fixer's Tale and pulled out/replaced/renamed all the Star Wars elements, just to see if the story still worked.  It does.  So who knows - one day you may *get* to buy it...even if it isn't strictly Star Wars.  You can always mentally make the switches needed, if that happens.   ;D

I hope you make Fixer. I can just see an FX-7 droid on moving tracks with some of those great appendages you mentioned in your stories surrounded by his little mouse droid buddies.


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