Author Topic: AFE's Customs -- Updated 12/28/13--Back In Black!  (Read 123809 times)

Offline ActionFigEmpire

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Thanks Art! If you find the time to do something with her that would be awesome! Even if it's not right away. Bioware lifted their ban in their forums on the words mentioned above, but still aren't allowing anything but straight relationships in the game. What if you want to play with your significant other?

Anyway I am also debuting a Mando Jet pack flight instruactor and of course Jenny's custom portrait figure!

"The Empire has a legion of loyal soldiers that are in endless supply."
"Only Imperial stormtroopers are so precise."
"For the Empire!"

Offline FialaFernbrugg

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the cantina looks fantastic AFE
good idea to use the throne as a stage for the band

Offline Clonehead

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Great shots, afe! Man, that bartender is sure getting bum-rushed, isnt he?

Offline ActionFigEmpire

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Thanks FF glad you approve! Yeah I really liked the idea for the stage. They sell these mouse pads that look like persian rugs where I work but they're so expensive! They'd make great props for cantinas, Jabba's palace, and outdoor markets.

THanks Clonehead! I had a lot of fun staging this mini-dio! Yeh the bartender is handling a lot of customers at once. I love the Jawa reaching up for his blue milk like in ANH!

"The Empire has a legion of loyal soldiers that are in endless supply."
"Only Imperial stormtroopers are so precise."
"For the Empire!"

Offline ActionFigEmpire

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So while I was shooting the latest batch of customs and newly acquired figures, an idea popped into my head. As far as I know anyone has yet to tackle a Star Wars version of classic gothic monsters, except maybe Silof, who works mainly in 1/6th scale. So I was thinking what if Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde were to exist in Star Wars? And thus they now do:

Long before the rise of the Galactic Empire...
A brilliant geneticist and Jedi Master, Edward Hyde seemed to always be at work mixing the force and the known sciences of the galaxy. When not on missions of diplomacy and helping to heal those wounded during such missions Master Hyde could be found mixing tinctures in his laboratory. Obsessed with a personal quest to find and isolate that which strengthened a force sensitive being's ability to feel the force and draw on it for power. Having discovered a microscopic organism, midichlorians, that was almost doubled in presence in force sensitive blood, Master Hyde began to synthesize a formula of pure midichlorians to create a super-jedi serum. The experiment was running beautifully. Not wanting to risk the newly created serum on another being he selflessly decided to be his own guinea pig. Drinking from the vile containing the dully glowing liquid, Master Hyde felt nothing at first. Slowly he began to feel the gentle presence of the force growing. His senses heightening. Sensing beings around him, both near and far. Tapping directly into the force with no control or buffer warped his very soul. His physical appearance also began to change as light and dark washed over him and collided within his very being. His body changed. His face began to transform from a man of mild looks to that of a strange creature. His controlled emotions now raged in a violent storm. Seeing his new form reflected back in one of the labs many mirrors shook him to his core. With this he destroyed his laboratory and fled into the darkness. The transformation had ended by the next morning and the survivors of Master Hyde's brutal attack found him unconscious in a dense forest nearby. Believing that he'd been attacked by a forest predator they set out to find it and keep it from attacking again. Deep in the forest hunting for a creature that never existed Master Hyde became annoyed. His frustration quickly changed to anger. Suddenly in a blind rage he had transformed again and destroyed his companions. During his violent outbursts and transformations Master Hyde's mental persona changes along with his body. He becomes a perverted beast of the darkside--Darth Jekyll and wreaks havoc on the galaxy! Master Hyde/Darth Jekyll is a tortured man forever at war with his deadliest foe--himself!

Master Hyde:




Darth Jekyll:





"The Empire has a legion of loyal soldiers that are in endless supply."
"Only Imperial stormtroopers are so precise."
"For the Empire!"

Offline hangarbay94

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Re: Action Figure Empire's Customs -- Updated 05/24 Big Custom Update!
« Reply #230 on: May 24, 2011, 12:54:06 PM »
Hell Yea! a great use of parts...very clean customs! Me likee

Offline ActionFigEmpire

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Re: Action Figure Empire's Customs -- Updated 05/24 Big Custom Update!
« Reply #231 on: May 24, 2011, 01:20:38 PM »
Last week I got some female GI-Joes to use in my customs. Agent Helix is definitely my favorite and I immediately began to formulate a new character with her. To my surprise this morning, Jediwolf has a new female Mando up on the front page and he used the Agent Helix body. Great minds think alike haha! So here's what I came up with earlier in the week: 

Meet Xalexa Kayn. A female Mandalorian flight instructor. She specializes in training newly come of age Mandalorians in the finer arts of Jet pack use. Alive before the Clone Wars she was stationed on Dxun. One of the most skilled Jet pack operators the Mandalorians had ever seen, Xalexa even gave lessons to Jango Fett when he was younger. During the clone wars she was in charge of training the Jump and Jet troopers to use their jetpacks and jetpack fighting techniques.


DSC_1496 by




"The Empire has a legion of loyal soldiers that are in endless supply."
"Only Imperial stormtroopers are so precise."
"For the Empire!"

Offline botwt

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Re: Action Figure Empire's Customs -- Updated 05/24 Big Custom Update!
« Reply #232 on: May 24, 2011, 02:02:34 PM »
Great job on these characters!!
Master Hyde's head reminds me of Will Arnett. :D

Offline JediMerc

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Re: Action Figure Empire's Customs -- Updated 05/24 Big Custom Update!
« Reply #233 on: May 24, 2011, 02:46:35 PM »
I loooovvveeee the Mando flight instructor!  Incredible photography; I've come to expect nothing less!   

An Ugnaught Jedi!  Great pork---I mean work---on the newest Sith Lord.  Now you've got me thinking of what ROTS could've been if this guy had substituted for Vader... ;)

Light side, dark side...meh.  Just give me a lightsaber and a blaster and I'll take care of it!

Offline ActionFigEmpire

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Re: Action Figure Empire's Customs -- Updated 05/24 Big Custom Update!
« Reply #234 on: May 24, 2011, 06:51:41 PM »
Here's my little protest of Bioware's discrimination in the up coming Star Wars The Old Republic. If you missed my post about it, Bioware, the video game company that created one of the best Star Wars story based RPGs, Knights of The Old Republic, has banned any homosexual relationships in their newest game. Saying that "These terms (gay, lesbian, bi, homosexual), do not exist in star wars". So in light of that silliness (why would Star Wars discriminate? Have you seen the creatures they serve in Chalmun's Cantina? lol) and in support of our LGBTQ fan brothers and sisters, I give you the first (to my knowledge) openly lesbian X-Wing Pilot:

Meet Kixxy Zoulou, one of the Rebellion's most gifted pilots, Kixxy joined up right after the battle of Hoth. Having been born into modest royalty on Talravin, one of the core worlds of the Galaxy. Kixxy, the daughter of Arch Duke Kalmalaax Zoulou and Countess Erryssa Mal Zoulou, wanted for little as a child. Although accustomed to the finer things in life, Kixxy spent most of her days with her head cocked back and her neck craning up at the sky, watching the various space traffic entering and leaving the Talravin ports.  When she was old enough she entered the CorSec academy on Talravin and quickly became a star pupil. Kixxy eventually graduated the academy and left Talravin to join the Corellian based CorSec armada. It was about this time that the Empire began to dissolve the CorSec fleets and absorb their pilots--or destroy them. Aware of the prejudices and humanocentric agenda put forth by the Empire, Kixxy was awash in turmoil over what to do and where to go. As she awaited the inevitable involvement of her CorSec fighter wing she happened to meet another brash young pilot, Pasha Stormsong. A young woman, Pasha was also an accomplished CorSec pilot operating in a special ops unit as a belly gunner. With a 45 ship kill record under her belt, Pasha was something of a living legend. Kixxy and Pasha became fast friends and flew many missions together. Kixxy's admiration for Pasha grew to adoration. To Kixxy's surprise Pasha felt much the same way about the Talrivan Princess and their friendship and playful rivalry blossomed into love. A love threatened by a growing darkness. Pitted against the Empire's desire to wrest control of the core worlds, CorSec's numbers began to wane. Travelling home to Talravin on some much needed R and R, Kixxy discovered, to her horror, that even her home planet had fallen to the Empire. Disguising herself as to avoid detection by the Stormtroopers she ventured to her father's palace only to find that the royal families had been enslaved and taken off world. It was then that Kixxy knew without any doubt that she would never hold any love for the Empire. Returning to the fleet on Corellia she found that a group of pilots had banded together and planned to rendezvous with members of the Rebellion and lend their ships and skills to their fight against the Empire. Kixxy wept as she related the story of her fallen city to her squadron mates and friends. After pulling a routine patrol run, Kixxy, Pasha and their friends broke off from their return-flight and made for the Hoth System to meet Pasha's Rebel contacts. It was at the meeting that the pilots were ambushed by a squadron of interceptors. Taken by surprise the Imperials ripped through the CorSec and Rebel ships with a hail of laser fire. Scrambling to their ships, Kixxy and Pasha quickly embraced, kissing briefly and said goodbye before flying to engage the enemy. Little did they know it would be the last time the two would see each other. Pasha's fighter was caught in a flurry of chaff missiles intended to baffle a tie bomber's droid-guided torpedo. The miniature explosives detonated into her exhaust ports tearing holes through her fuselage. Going out hot befitted the young fighter pilot  and she took two bombers with her. Kixxy's family gone, and her love snuffed out by the Empire's forces, she had nothing to lose and so she dedicated her life to the Rebellion. Taking down 22 fighters the day of the ambush, Kixxy would join the Rebellion and spearhead the forming of Banshee Squadron--a wing of heavily modified X-Wing fighters akin to Rogue Squadron. She lead countless raids, escort duties and ground missions before returning to Talravin to assume her father's throne during the New Repulbic Era. She and the First Lady of Talravin (her wife) helped to create the Talravian pilot academy, and Talon Squadron, the New Republic's Talravian based fighter wing. Kixxy's triumphs in the face of hopeless loss and great tyranny will long be remembered...

Kixxy Zoulou:






In plain clothes for a ground mission:



"The Empire has a legion of loyal soldiers that are in endless supply."
"Only Imperial stormtroopers are so precise."
"For the Empire!"

Offline Clonehead

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Re: Action Figure Empire's Customs -- Updated 05/24 New Creations!!!
« Reply #235 on: May 24, 2011, 07:21:03 PM »
I like the tough expresssion on her face. Who's sculpt is that?

Offline ActionFigEmpire

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Re: Action Figure Empire's Customs -- Updated 05/24 New Creations!!!
« Reply #236 on: May 24, 2011, 07:35:59 PM »
@Botwt: glad you really like my latest installment of creations! Oh gosh Will Arnett hahah! I totally see it! Awesome! I love when Hasbro sculpts look like other actors! I have a Mandy Patinkin, a Tom Selleck/Burt Reynolds, and a Tom Arnold head haha! Too funny!

@JediMerc: Thanks mate! I really liked her as a flight instructor too! I rolled with the whole yellow and black scheme and found my Feluscia clone pauldrons and thought it looked spot on. I really like her as an untraditional mando. No helmet or chest armor. The jet pack works great too with the color scheme. Totally tickled me how well the 'flying' pictures came out! hahaha Pork! Yeah it's the dark meat of the force and the white meat of the force and the other white meat of the force! Pork Wars Revenge of the Chops!

@Thanks Clonehead! Yeah she's pretty tough alright. It's Cover Girl from the latest Joe line. Really worked well for my hard fighting Princess pilot :)

"The Empire has a legion of loyal soldiers that are in endless supply."
"Only Imperial stormtroopers are so precise."
"For the Empire!"

Offline botwt

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Re: Action Figure Empire's Customs -- Updated 05/24 New Creations!!!
« Reply #237 on: May 24, 2011, 08:25:59 PM »
Love the Kixxy Zoulou figure and story...very well done my friend!!  :D

Offline Jedi Minstrel

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Re: Action Figure Empire's Customs -- Updated 05/24 New Creations!!!
« Reply #238 on: May 24, 2011, 08:59:36 PM »
Xalexa is my favorite but I dig them all.

Offline ActionFigEmpire

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Re: Action Figure Empire's Customs -- Updated 05/24 New Creations!!!
« Reply #239 on: May 24, 2011, 09:44:33 PM »
Ah and now the moment you've all been waiting for... ok well Wookielover1138 has been waiting for at least ;) Here's my custom portrait of our very own Jenny of the hit Youtube show, Kessel Run Review! I present to you for your viewing pleasure: Jenn'ee Shah!

                                                        0//       "What's the matter newbie, can't take the heat?"  --A Young Jenn'Ee to a young Han Solo.    0//

Around the time Han Solo joined the Imperial flight academy a young woman at the academy was busy making a name for herself. While an adept pilot, skilled marksman, and able soldier, Han Solo seemed to be bested in every class by a particular onyx haired girl by the name of Jenn'Ee Shah. Shah, a tall, slender Corellian, was a born prodigy and an instant thorn in Solo's side since the moment he arrived. But unlike most of her peers, Jenn'Ee was bored and desired something more challenging. So she picked the mag-lock code console on the docking mechanism for a Scimitar Assault Bomber and ditched her training while on an away mission. Piloting the craft to a far off planet she landed on Kashyyyk where she soon discovered she had yet another unique talent. Unbeknownst to her, she possessed a slight mutation to other humans born in the galaxy. Possessing a very small extra gland her body produced and emanated a pheromone undetectable to most species. However, as luck would have it, to Wookie males it had the effects of a potent aphrodisiac. Upon her impromptu landing on Kashyyyk Jenn'Ee soon discovered her ability to render even the most savage of Wookies into  docile obedient servants. Using this skill to her advantage, Jenn'Ee was able to become a part of Wookie society and stayed among them for a while, learning all she could. After some time Jenn'Ee secured a suitable ship and set out to make another name for herself. With a crew of Wookie warriors aboard her ship, The Ryyk's Edge, she was able to pave her own way into the smuggling business. With a rap sheet as long as a Wookie is tall including gun running,counterfeitting, fight rigging, spacejacking, blastfighting, theft, long cons, short cons, race fixing, and more it seemed there wasn't anything she couldn't do. To top it all off she crossed paths with Solo, now a notorious smuggler and Chewbacca his Wookie co-pilot, seemingly whenever it was least convenient for the duo. Turning Chewbacca into a simpering lovestruck oaf and Han, often in chains, would be at her mercy. Because of how information changes hands and a misunderstanding of her gift for charming wookies Jenn'Ee earned the nickname of "The Wookie Lover" in the underworld. Never one to back away from the reputation she has built for herself, she has said of Wookies, "Well, when I'm around, they're not fighters, they're lovers and they'll do whatever I say--even rip your arms out of your sockets.--unless I tell them not to." Jenn'Ee and Han Solo have a much more personal rivalry than Han does with Boba Fett. Jenn'Ee has on worked for some of Fett's biggest contractors, moving spice, guns, whatever they need. It's said that if you cross paths with "The Wookie Lover" you better let her have what she wants because she'll get it whether you try to stop her or not. She's tough as nails and twice as seductive as any Zeltron charmer. If you have anything of value it won't be yours for long, Jenn'Ee will find a way to make it so that you never had it to begin with. If you have something, she can sell it, if you need something she can get it, and if you lose something, chances are, she'll have taken it.













And Just for you Jenn, Here's Chewie giving you a piggy--Wookie back ride! :)



 0//  0//  0//  0//  0//  0//  0//  0//  0//  0//  0//  0//  0//  0//  0//  0//  0//

« Last Edit: May 25, 2011, 09:42:52 AM by ActionFigEmpire »

"The Empire has a legion of loyal soldiers that are in endless supply."
"Only Imperial stormtroopers are so precise."
"For the Empire!"