Author Topic: AFE's Customs -- Updated 12/28/13--Back In Black!  (Read 123852 times)

Offline ActionFigEmpire

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Re: Action Figure Empire's Customs -- Updated 05/31 New Figures Revealed!
« Reply #270 on: May 31, 2011, 10:36:54 PM »
up next we have Doc Outlands! Now he informed me that his son knew exactly what he'd look like as a custom figure: Malakili (the rancor tamer) with a clone trooper helmet. I have to thank Doc's kid for such an ingenious idea! Because it inspired a new character I like to call "The Exe-clone-tioner". A mad axe-wielding clone-beheading mad man who, gets his jollies by lopping off the heads of clone troopers... ok so it's a loose plot, but what a strange and hilarious character! Thanks to Doc's kid!

Now in all seriousness Doc also requested a real figure of a much more believable nature. Namely he wanted to see himself as a Rebel Commando with a very bad ass looking rifle. So naturally "Doc Dynamite" was born! He's only the most ruthless, tough-as-nails, Rebel soldier to ever fight on Endor. He and his squad mates took down a bunch of AT-STs all on their own! Also he might just be the only Star Wars character to ever wear sunglasses. Doc Dynamite takes an already awesome figure and adds that little extra something for a dynamite combo! Now if only I could get him a little cigar...


Doc Dynamite

« Last Edit: May 31, 2011, 10:48:37 PM by ActionFigEmpire »

"The Empire has a legion of loyal soldiers that are in endless supply."
"Only Imperial stormtroopers are so precise."
"For the Empire!"

Offline Art deWhill

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Re: Action Figure Empire's Customs -- Updated 05/31 New Figures Revealed!
« Reply #271 on: May 31, 2011, 10:40:07 PM »
like the shot with the Rebel and the AT-ST!! cool

Offline ActionFigEmpire

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Re: Action Figure Empire's Customs -- Updated 05/31 New Figures Revealed!
« Reply #272 on: May 31, 2011, 11:06:29 PM »
A newcomer to the forums, Crow, sent me some photos of himself and described himself as being "plump" his word not mine lol. He said it'd be cool to be a "plump" x-wing pilot. So I have granted him his wish, albeit not a common request.

 Otaka "Crow" Shimalla was born the son of wealthy Tibana gas merchants  and lived a life of luxury that is, until the Empire seized his father's corporation and declared all his stock to be property of the Galactic Empire. A skilled pilot and brash young man, Crow ordered one of his father's freighters to be loaded to capacity with Tibana gas which he smuggled out of his father's warehouse and he left to join the alliance. With the generous donation of much needed fuel, the Rebel Alliance welcomed Crow, where he was surrounded by many individuals from all species and walks of life with similar stories of the Empire's tyranny. Once he was cleared to fly Crow proved himself an able pilot and began to get back at the Empire for their treachery. Joining Green Squadron, Crow flew many different classes of fighters and saw countless battles during his service. His own personal ship, a modified X-wing he dubbed the "Talon's Point" was his pride and joy though he seemed able to fly anything he could get his hands on. He even proved to be a skilled fighter-jacker, a tactic employed by the Rebellion in desperate times to acquire more, much-needed, starfighters. Otaka "Crow" Shimalla may have left his life of material riches behind, but his new life among the Rebel Alliance fulfilled his dreams in ways he never knew possible. With the defeat of the Empire at Endor, Crow became one of the New Republic's foremost Tibana suppliers and a prominent member of the New Republic's Naval council.

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« Last Edit: May 31, 2011, 11:09:43 PM by ActionFigEmpire »

"The Empire has a legion of loyal soldiers that are in endless supply."
"Only Imperial stormtroopers are so precise."
"For the Empire!"

Offline ActionFigEmpire

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Re: Action Figure Empire's Customs -- Updated 05/31 New Figures Revealed!
« Reply #273 on: May 31, 2011, 11:31:21 PM »
Finally for this update we have C4L6597. He told me he likes clones and mandos the best. So naturally, I've combined his two favorite types of characters and come up with a new Mandalorian warrior just for him!

Onam Trass was a Mandalorian warrior during the time of the clone wars. As a young boy he and his parents were traveling off world to attend a meeting of the Mandalorian clans when their ship was ambushed by pirates. Unable to repel all of their attackers Onam's parents fell and the pirates began to ransack the ship. Unable to think of any other way of defeating his foes, Onam sealed himself into the cockpit and keyed the ship's auto purge sequence. As the reactors backed up their searing exhaust into the crew cabins and corridors of the ship, as part of the purge, the pirates were quickly dispatched by the gust of burning air and fumes. Barely holding, the blast doors to the cockpit melted open and before Onam could disable the sequence he inhaled some of the molten air. His lungs were permanently crippled by the noxious heat and chemicals he had inhaled and thus was forced to rely on a breathing aid from then on. Never one to give up, Onam would still pursue a successful career as a Mandalorian warrior and skilled pilot. When the Republic sought Mandalorians to help train their newly formed Clone army, Onam was among those that volunteered. In charge of the first squad of AT-RT drivers, Onam fashioned a helmet based on the Republic's designs for the AT-RT driver uniforms and lead his soldiers into battle against countless battle droids and separatists. Onam Trass was unmistakable on any battlefield as he assisted his clones from the air with his jetpack, and dispatched droid after droid with his signature twin D H -17 blasters. Often preferring to be silent as his voice was filtered through amplification devices in his helmet, his raspy mechanical breathing unit was his only audible sound aside from his blasters.

« Last Edit: May 31, 2011, 11:32:59 PM by ActionFigEmpire »

"The Empire has a legion of loyal soldiers that are in endless supply."
"Only Imperial stormtroopers are so precise."
"For the Empire!"

Offline ActionFigEmpire

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Re: Action Figure Empire's Customs -- Updated 05/31 New Figures Revealed!
« Reply #274 on: May 31, 2011, 11:43:05 PM »
And here are a few shots from my Tie Bomber repair crew. I like to think of it as the "Imperial Monster Garage".

"The Empire has a legion of loyal soldiers that are in endless supply."
"Only Imperial stormtroopers are so precise."
"For the Empire!"

Offline wraithnine

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Re: Action Figure Empire's Customs -- Updated 05/31 New Figures Revealed!
« Reply #275 on: June 01, 2011, 03:55:53 AM »
AFE   absolutley love these new figures and that TIE  crew   very inventive and i always love the added back stories as i believe it really brings  a custom to life..
R.I.P. The Clone Wars line ..Hasbro you are ..idiots
good riddance to Movie Heroes...

Offline Luke Sprywalker

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Re: Action Figure Empire's Customs -- Updated 05/31 New Figures Revealed!
« Reply #276 on: June 01, 2011, 04:59:32 AM »
Great Job on all of these! I am blown away by your photography!

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Re: Action Figure Empire's Customs -- Updated 05/31 New Figures Revealed!
« Reply #277 on: June 01, 2011, 05:40:19 AM »
Outstanding job brother!! Each of these are fantastically awesome figures!!  :o

Offline ActionFigEmpire

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Re: Action Figure Empire's Customs -- Updated 05/31 New Figures Revealed!
« Reply #278 on: June 01, 2011, 07:03:08 AM »
Thanks so much guys! Means a lot that you all like them! I really had a lot of fun coming up with the stories and breathing some life into each figure! As for the photography, half of it is just having the patience to keep trying to bend the figure's legs the right way and position them over and over and over after they fall down again and again. After that it's easy haha. Some of the earlier figures, with their lack of leg joints really are a bear to pose without using some sticky tack.

Warms a custom maker's heart to know you all think his figures are well done!

Keep the requests coming! I just got in some new figures! So I've got tons of new combination to make now!

"The Empire has a legion of loyal soldiers that are in endless supply."
"Only Imperial stormtroopers are so precise."
"For the Empire!"

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Re: Action Figure Empire's Customs -- Updated 05/31 New Figures Revealed!
« Reply #279 on: June 01, 2011, 09:49:58 AM »
Looks great, on the front page.

I like Imperial Monster Garage.

Offline ActionFigEmpire

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Re: Action Figure Empire's Customs -- Updated 05/31 New Figures Revealed!
« Reply #280 on: June 01, 2011, 09:54:48 AM »
Thanks Tamer! It was a blast staging those shots! Inspired by World War II fighter plane dioramas :) Thanks for the front page treatment! More pictures of the Tie Bomber are up on the AFE blog :)

"The Empire has a legion of loyal soldiers that are in endless supply."
"Only Imperial stormtroopers are so precise."
"For the Empire!"

Offline Mungo Baobab

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Ok so the photo shoot went pretty well. I started by doing a mini dio with my Tie Bomber being "retrofitted for service" with a bunch of ground crew members working her over to get her ready for flight duty. After that I moved on to the customs Didn't get a chance to create DarknSour's figure yet as what little I have here in the way of Sith lords/jedi just wouldn't cut the mustard. So Dark, your figure is on hold for a little while, but I'm definitely thinking about it.

So to start off the update I thought we'd go with the figure that Mungo's request inspired. Mungo Baobab wanted a wise Jedi with traditional robes and a purple saber (and lots of other specifics) but as I got to working on it an Old republic Jedi Shaman was born! While it's not a portrait of Mungo (I am still planning to do one) it is a totally new creation that Mungo inspired.

Alive during the time of the Old Republic Jedi Master Huron "Stormcaller" Kah'Ryuun upheld the Jedi code. Having spent time among hundreds of different peoples on countless worlds, Master Huron immersed himself in their cultures and beliefs. Fascinated with the anthropology of the galaxy Master Huron learned to perfect thousands of healing rituals and spiritual rites. As a Jedi Shaman--holy man and healer he was accepted into even the most paranoid and reclusive peoples' societies and aloud to live among them and learn of their customs. Having spent time among the Sand People of Tatooine, the Wookies of Kashyyyk, The Talz of Alzoc III, Acqualish of Ando and many other beings that often shunned outsiders or attacked them for trespassing into their territories, Master Huron gained knowledge most beings could never know. A simple man, Huron dressed in simple robes and carried satchels of healing herbs and salves, elixirs and unctures. He also adapted his garments to suit any number of cultures from the most primitive and tribal or to blend in as common among hierarchical societies. Sometimes donning garlands of skulls or necklaces of teeth for cultures to project his skill as a hunter and impress his would be hosts. His lightsaber-- the hilt was hand crafted from a Gaffi stick and it drew its power from a violet Kashyyyk amethyst crystal. In addition to his thirst for knowledge and his gifts for healing--both emotional wounds and physical maladies--Huron also possessed the ability to control a planet's weather for a small area. Able to call down hail during a battle, or kick up a sandstorm to blind a would be attacker Huron was known as "The Storm Caller". Favoring violent thunderstorms during intense combat, Huron often called upon great bolts of lightning to persuade his foes to flee with their lives. One of the first force users to learn to conjure force lightning, Huron harnessed his most impressive defense from the very electricity of nature itself. A respected and revered man, Huron would leave many valuable lessons and skills to his predecessors and help to forever impress upon the galaxy the role of the Jedi as keepers of peace and exemplars of life in all its forms.






Wow. That is awesome! To be honest, I don't know if should get any credit for that character at all...even if it was only inspiration. Excellent work.

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Re: Action Figure Empire's Customs -- Updated 05/31 New Figures Revealed!
« Reply #282 on: June 01, 2011, 04:27:31 PM »

totally dig the figure sir! thanks a lot for the awesome custom, although i'm not quite used to the idea of sporting a darker skin tone and a clean shavin look. still way awesome sir! 0/

would you mine if ask what body did u use for the belly sporting pilot? :D

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Re: Action Figure Empire's Customs -- Updated 05/31 New Figures Revealed!
« Reply #283 on: June 01, 2011, 05:51:34 PM »
Finally for this update we have C4L6597. He told me he likes clones and mandos the best. So naturally, I've combined his two favorite types of characters and come up with a new Mandalorian warrior just for him!

Onam Trass was a Mandalorian warrior during the time of the clone wars. As a young boy he and his parents were traveling off world to attend a meeting of the Mandalorian clans when their ship was ambushed by pirates. Unable to repel all of their attackers Onam's parents fell and the pirates began to ransack the ship. Unable to think of any other way of defeating his foes, Onam sealed himself into the cockpit and keyed the ship's auto purge sequence. As the reactors backed up their searing exhaust into the crew cabins and corridors of the ship, as part of the purge, the pirates were quickly dispatched by the gust of burning air and fumes. Barely holding, the blast doors to the cockpit melted open and before Onam could disable the sequence he inhaled some of the molten air. His lungs were permanently crippled by the noxious heat and chemicals he had inhaled and thus was forced to rely on a breathing aid from then on. Never one to give up, Onam would still pursue a successful career as a Mandalorian warrior and skilled pilot. When the Republic sought Mandalorians to help train their newly formed Clone army, Onam was among those that volunteered. In charge of the first squad of AT-RT drivers, Onam fashioned a helmet based on the Republic's designs for the AT-RT driver uniforms and lead his soldiers into battle against countless battle droids and separatists. Onam Trass was unmistakable on any battlefield as he assisted his clones from the air with his jetpack, and dispatched droid after droid with his signature twin D H -17 blasters. Often preferring to be silent as his voice was filtered through amplification devices in his helmet, his raspy mechanical breathing unit was his only audible sound aside from his blasters.


love the figure, thanks so much. :o
do you have a parts list?

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Re: Action Figure Empire's Customs -- Updated 05/31 New Figures Revealed!
« Reply #284 on: June 02, 2011, 04:16:01 PM »
Great job on the custom figs for the fellow Yarders!

Love the Tie bomber crew; the setup looks fantastic!

Light side, dark side...meh.  Just give me a lightsaber and a blaster and I'll take care of it!