Imperial Entertainment TV and Movies > Non Star Wars Movies and TV

MOTU Revelations


Netflix has a sort of continuation series of Masters of the Universe created by Kevin Smith. Mark Hamill voices good ole Skeletor himself.

I don't want to ruin the series for anyone who hasn't watched it yet, but I am once again reminded of how fickle we as fans are.

The biggest gripe is that everyone wanted this to be a He-Man kicks Skeletor's butt each episode and thwarts the latest evil plan, but it doesn't go down that way and as a result we see the emergence of Teela as the central hero for most of the episodes. I found myself mezmerized by the whole thing and seeing some of the most hated and beloved characters going slightly different directions was amazing to me. Others, as I have seen mainly on Facebook, are still moaning and groaning even now.

Have you watched it? What do you think?


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