Imperial Surplus Sales > Star Wars Trades

AFE's Fodder Market - Updated Wants 8/06/14 Ninja Turtles!

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Here is an updated list of the fodder pieces I am currently looking for. Please let me know if you have anything that I might be able to use. Thanks, everyone.

All 3.75" Scale pieces:

Jarael - complete figures/Satchels/heads
Tol Skorr - Figure/Head/Body
Bane Malor - Heads
HK-50 - Guns
Cade Skywalker - Guns/Torsos/legs
Major Pano - Guns
Rebel Pilots/Clone Pilots/AT-AT Drivers - Hoses/Tubing/Flight Harnesses
Protocol Droids/IG-88/Battle Droids - Fully articulated body parts (Build-a-Droid parts) Heads/torsos/arms/legs
BBI/Dragon -  3.75" Navy Seal Silenced Pistols
BBI/Dragon - 3.75"  Katanas/Samurai Swords
FX-6 - Medical droid arms
FX-7 - Medical droid arms
Indiana Jones Crystal Skulls - x3
Medieval style armored bodies
modern/futuristic style armored bodies
Medieval style Armor pieces - Breast plates, helmets, greaves, gauntlets, bracers, pauldrons etc. (not clone/storm trooper, please.)
Modern/Futuristic Armor - Nothing distinct, nothing iconic like Stormtrooper armor. Must be like the ROC Viper armor
Any female body parts with good articulation you may be willing to spare or trade for - Heads/Torsos/arms/legs/etc.
Inferno Canon Black Widow - Head
Marvel Universe Alpha Flight Aurora - Head
Any diorama items - crates/boxes/beds/barrels/computer consoles/desks/tables/chairs/etc.
Clone Commander Fordo - Guns


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