Author Topic: The Stars and the Skies  (Read 2598 times)

Offline Starhammer

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The Stars and the Skies
« on: February 12, 2013, 02:25:18 PM »
So I don't have anything new to share just yet, but I thought I'd share something older. Back when I was more active on another site called Sithlore, I wrote a little piece of lateral character background in the form of a couple scenes of daytime drama interrupted by a commercial and a news alert (covering a RP bit in another thread going on at the time). My character was a Imperial Officer cadet on a political fast track until his father fell out of favor and was assassinated, leaving my character quickly imprisoned. His mother quickly remarried a family friend who was well regarded in order to protect herself and the other two children. So without further ado (except that I'll need a few minutes to manually modify the post because the old forum code is incompatible with this site...) here is an excerpt from an episode of The Stars and the Skies.  
« Last Edit: February 12, 2013, 02:27:01 PM by Starhammer »

Offline Starhammer

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Re: The Stars and the Skies
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2013, 02:48:04 PM »
Welcome again to: The Stars And The Skies, broadcast live from Imperial Center for your viewing pleasure... Long Live The Empire!

An ornate crystal vase shatters against the hardwood door, it's pieces falling to the floor. The view pans out to show a young woman, dressed in a lavender silk blouse, with the pattern of a Coruscant Lilly stitched into the breast in fine thread of crimson and aquamarine. Her hair is a platinum blonde (probably dyed) and her make up is a bit too heavy. She's been sobbing, and screamed out at the object of her ire...

"You Bastard! How can you look at me and tell me nothing happened with her?" She accused, "I know what she's like, and more importantly, I know what you're like." She sounded upset over the perceived betrayal, but no tears ran down her porcelain cheeks...

The view panned back towards the door, an showed an exceptionally handsome man, with a perfect smile, and one could almost see an actual sparkle to his teeth. Though recently dodging the expensive projectile that came very near his head, not a single one of his curly, raven locks was out of place. He looked to the girl who was so angry at him and smoothly replied, "Ivaara, Darling... Jai and I would never do anything like that, I only turned to her for help trying to understand what you've been so upset about lately. She's your friend, Ivaara, and I love you," His voice was calm and confident, as though he truly had nothing to hide, but then, some people are very skilled at deflecting certain truths... "We were worried about you. You've been acting so strange ever since that old man accosted you in the park. He was just a crazy vagrant. Everybody knows the Jedi are gone. Everybody knows they won't be starting another war like they did before. And I know you could never be anything so vile as that. I love you Ivaara, but you've got to calm down and try to be rational..."

And at this moment an older couple entered the room from the doors on the other side... The man was somewhat gruff, and seemed to be worried about something, but was making pleasant conversation with the exquisitely dressed woman at his side. Behind them was a white protocol droid, carrying a great many shopping bags. As they entered upon the scene, and saw what was happening, they stopped their idle chatter. A cool look passed between the older and younger women, clearly mother and daughter from the resemblance.

The older gentleman, likely a military man by his stance and demeanor, looked at the young man across the room, hiding all but a hint of the venom in his iron glare. "Ivaara, is everything alright?" he intoned, probing for some semblance of truth in his daughter's reaction. "Just what exactly is this about, Worrel?"

"Oh, what would you know or care about anything, Admiral?" she huffed, intoning an obvious resntment at him through his former rank. "I'll be in my room, and I want everyone to just leave me alone!" and with that she stormed out of the room.


The picture fades, to be replaced with that of a massive black speeder roaring towards the camera, and some exciting music playing in the background. The speeder performs a variety of low risk maneuvers in an outdoor setting, and a baritone voice speaks..."Only one speeder can claim the title of Field & Track's best new speeder of the year! The Ma'ab Seq S/C500 is what you need for a life on the go. It has more hauling capacity and a more luxurious interior than any Sport/Cargo Speeder in it's class, and if you buy during our Empire Day sale this weekend, we'll have banking consortium lenders on hand to give you low, Low, LOW financing. Get a new Ma'ab Seq S/C500 today. Stock is limited... Ma'ab Seq, the only name in transportation YOU need to know!"

The picture then shifted to that of an attractive brunette sitting behind a desk. She wore a dark grey blouse that was cut to a style strongly resembling a naval officer's uniform jacket. In a graphic overlay behind her was a picture of Imperial Stormtroopers and other military and emergency personnel attending to numerous wounded in a market square on an unknown planet. There was a great deal of chaos, and it was possible to see many bodies that weren't moving. Soon, it became obvious that the paving stones weren't supposed to be that shade of red. The woman looked into the camera, with a smile and a pleasantly excited demeanor, and spoke... "Mandalorian terrorists detonated an explosive device today, killing dozens and injuring hundreds. Investigators are checking into the possibility of links to rebel conspirators. Find out more after the program."


The picture again fades into a scene with the young woman from earlier, Ivaara, laying on a bed in a nicely appointed room. A beige cyclopian protocol droid stands nearby...

"Arsee, begin diary mode..."

"Diary Mode activated, begin whenever you're ready Miss Strine."

Ivaara thought for a moment, and then began, "Oh, I hate that man. Worrel and his smarmy noblesque attitude. He thinks he's so charming. Does he really think I don't know what's going on with him and Jai? Well, it's not like it matters. My parents have got to give in soon. When they realize we're in love and finally accept him, I can be rid of him and his stupid games. I can't imagine why he hasn't won them over yet. You'd think the Admiral would have more interest in unloading me on some COMPNOR poster boy like Worrel."

"I wish my brother would come back," she continued. "He's got a score to settle with the old man too. Dammit, how can he act like he cares about us. He might as well have murdered Father with his own blaster. I'll never understand why that witch left Daddy for this pompous ass. Dammit, I can't think about this right now. I'm gonna go find Rudy and take him out to a show or something. I need to clear my head. End diary mode."

"Diary mode terminated. Shall I accompany you and the young Master Strine on your outing, Miss Strine?" the droid replied casually.

"No Arsee, but thank you. We'll be fine."

Offline Viper6

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Re: The Stars and the Skies
« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2013, 10:25:34 AM »
i think i'd prefer this in a more traditional story format, but i like the content.