General Collecting > Marvel Universe

Captain America movie 3 3/4" figures

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Awesome haul! 

i managed to get my hands on the movie cap, red skull and crossbones all of which are great figures.  I missed out on getting the WWII Cap but is what it is...  Maybe they'll restock the shelves someday.

I was concerned that they would be hard to find, but my stores have been keeping them pretty well stocked.

I'm seeing the same pattern as Thor, Iron Man, ect.  Breif one or two cases at first then bigger stock later, just hope these don't end up pegwarming.  I think it would spell trouble for the Avengers line to have the three stars pegwarming at the same time. 

Very true on that.  Or worse, they'll stop carrying them before the good ones come out, like Waves 3 and 4 for Thor so I can get Sif and the Warriors Three.  Hell, I was just reminded last night while browsing Ebay about a XMO: Wolverine 2-Pack I was dying to get that I never saw, with the Unmasked Wolverine and Shirtless Astonishing Colossus.  I want that Colossus bad, but can't afford the $60+ to buy him from the Bay.

For the longest time I didn't even know there were a waves 3 and 4 in Thor line.  I happened to find out about them on the net but never ever seen them on shelves.  I wanted Sif and the Warriors three too.  But despite all this, the pegs that are dedicated to the movie line figures at my local Wal-Mart still sell pretty well.  Never saw that 2 pack you were talking about Phatty, but I'll keep any eye out.  I'd like to have that unmasked wolvie but don't really need/want the colossus.


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