The Imperial Shipyards

Imperial Creative Engineering => Fan Fiction => Topic started by: TheIRISH Rogue on March 19, 2014, 01:44:48 PM

Title: The Clone Wars: Knightfall -- Raid of the Jedi Temple Mod 5/22/15 CONCLUDED
Post by: TheIRISH Rogue on March 19, 2014, 01:44:48 PM
Star Wars: The Clone Wars


"The Republic stands battered by the turmoil of war. The height of the conflict has passed with the failed Separatist plunge against the capital system, Coruscant. The CIS forces are faltering, the Clone army surges fourth in every direction, the Senate remains locked, and Chancellor Palpatine's power grows limitless.

The influence of the Jedi has become even more transparent whilst the war wanes. Their numbers spread thin. The order exists on the brink of annihilation. Lesser skilled Jedi are pushed into battle. The costs grow. The populace has lost faith in the Jedi to restore order.

Even now as clone troopers comb through the damaged planet, hunting isolated pockets of stranded CIS droids, a number of cruisers bring detachments of the 501st back to Coruscant under direct orders. The planet is eerily silent. For the first time in the conflict the Jedi see a light through the cloudy haze..

The vale of the darkside has fallen… "

A cooling breeze lightly whistles against the shattered glass of Chancellor Palpatine’s dim office. The frame scorched grey and black from the recent electricity unleashed upon the Jedi Master, Mace Windu. The effort to arrest the dark chancellor has failed, setting in motion events the Sith master has been meditating on for years. Grinning shrilly, Palpatine set aside the façade he previously maintained in front of Anakin Skywalker since his childhood. Within moments of Anakin’s murder of Windu, he finds himself completely abandoning his sacred duties, kneeling to the dark lord whom he had been hunting for years. In a state of panic and desperation to save the woman he loves, Anakin’s fall to the dark side is only just beginning..

Darth Vader, the newly anointed apprentice stood before the chancellor’s desk, his master cloaked in raven robes turned to face him. Glowing, fiery eyes of hatred pierced from the depths of Sidious’ hood, “First I want you to go to the Jedi Temple..” Showing little surprise, Vader’s eyes met his masters; his silence already accepting words yet to be spoken. Lord Sidious’ grumbling voice continued with the orders many Sith had fantasized for centuries, “You will catch them off balance. Do what must be done Lord Vader. Do not hesitate and show no mercy!” Suddenly his master’s voice softened to a mere whisper, “only then will you be strong enough with the darkside to save Padme..”

A deep bellowing whir of Venator-class Star Destroyers, as they would come be known, became audible. From empty space they descended from their secret holding patterns above the planet. The initial cruiser of the trio had already begun offloading troopers when Lord Vader departed the chancellor’s office. The others utilized LAAT gunships that whizzed downward to drop their squads into formation. Night enveloped the city lit skyline. Traffic and street activity could not nearly be described as normal. All seemed eerily silent after the Separatist attack on the governing sectors; some blocks still smoldering, bleeding thick smoke from their inner layers. Vader’s Jedi interceptor hissed passed the docks of gathering troopers. The cockpit latches snapped as they disengaged, springing the upper windows open. “Atten- tion!” barked a clone trooper near the newly arrived craft. The clone clad in the blue of the 501st saluted and quickly stepped to the side of his General. “Sir, we are ready and awaiting your orders!”

With a slight grin, Vader recognized the blue markings and familiar white arrow outline that adorned the troopers helmet. “Commander Appo, have your men ready up and begin to secure the surrounding blocks of the Jedi temple. No one…No one is to go in or out. Tell me, What’s our tactical strength?” Commander Appo lifted his helmet rolling it beneath his arm, “General, we have been tasked with two full regiments a third is in reserve, and the original regiment is being re-armed after their last assignment.” Vader nodded, such strength would be needed to deal a decisive stroke to the order. With a moment of worriment, the general paused his quick pace.. “Captain Rex…what’s his status?” As if to understand the dark lord’s cause for concern, Appo raised his hand outstretched in a motion to harden Vader’s resolve for the task at hand, “The captain, Torrent company, and the majority of the 1st regiment are recovering from their last mission. I know Rex would be at your side if he wasn’t injured sir. He is the most loyal trooper in the GAR. “No matter the cost, preserve the Republic”..Those are the orders.”

Nodding, Vader’s face hardened. His gaze became opaque, emotionless..cold, “You’re right. That’s good commander.. Have the gunships lock down a perimeter out of sight. We will be approaching on foot. No tanks are necessary. Form up on me. Block off and have the main force approach in parade formation. Dismissed..” The clone trooper briskly saluted, his helmet pivoting between his fingers while he spun it atop of his tightly groomed hair. The trooper jogged to head the legion and raised his comlink, tapping the green button, his eyes watched Vader pace forward walking down a long narrow drive. About 200 meters ahead, the robed fallen Jedi raised his gloved, mechanical hand and motioned forward.

“Silently lads, forward! We have our orders: “Execute order 66.” March!”

Stepping off, the regiments began their hushed march towards the temple. Their boots echoed from building to building. The sheer number of troopers steadily marching forward created an ominous clatter. Vader alone, at the front of the column turned the next corner in a direct lane towards the Jedi temple. His hands reached up towards his shoulders, his fingers clasped the cusp of his hood. In a quick motion his hood rose above his hair, darkening his face beneath its cover.

Anakin Skywalker stood before the gates of the temple. Border security was fairly minimal due to the optimized safety protocols instituted during the Clone Wars. Mostly guard duty fell to various remote droids and a handful of sensitive Jedi. Many knights were deployed on the front during the current wide reaching campaign against the Separatists..This campaign is thought by all to be the coup de gras and it is…

Master Jurokk was patrolling the grounds. He approached the main entrance and realized it was Anakin Skywalker and rushed towards him while he stepped up the stairs. “Anakin, Anakin, what happened? Where are the Masters?” Jurokk was aware that Masters Windu, Fisto, Saesee Tiin, and Agen Kolar,  composed the arresting team sent to subdue Chancellor Palpatine after the defeat of General Grievous. During their leave he did what was possible to keep order under the command of Shaak Ti. Anakin without inflection inquired, “Where is Shaak Ti?” Jurokk looked at Skywalker as he strode beside him, answering..his insides churning as the negative reverberations within the force riveted his senses, “In the meditation chambers- we felt something happen in the Force, something awful. She’s search the force in deep meditation, trying to get some feel for what’s going on…Something has happened, hasn’t it?” The Jedi Master’s eye caught a gleam of white armor. Looking behind he saw clone troopers ascending the stairs in marching order.

The white of his eyes grew as he saw not a squad, but rank after rank of clone troopers. His hand lightly touched the back of Skywalker’s arm, “..Something horrible…How bad is it -?” His breathing was near panicked, his face still turned towards the growing sea of blue and white armored soldiers. Anakin’s hand rose from beneath his thick brown robes holding his lightsaber, “You have no idea…” Jurokk’s face turned towards Skywalker without noticing the hilt being held beneath his chin – Click – the familiar whir of the saber igniting could be heard for only an instant – Click – as quickly as it had extended, the blue blade quickly collapsed back into the hilt. There was no redemption now as Skywalker fell deeper into the darkness. The Gate Master lay slain, the first casualty of the Temple raid.

No alarms sounded – Massed troopers stayed in large rectangular formations, climbing, in step, up the countless stairs. A handful of newly promoted ARC troopers accompanied the regiment, interspersed with their brothers. Six Jedi stood sparring within courtyard before the echelon’s path. Their blades bursting with color as they clashed together then dissipated when dodging and pushing one another. Recognizing the 501st stripes and the Jedi at the front they rushed towards Anakin deactivating the sabers in their grips. “Master Skywalker, welcome back!” one shouted, another, “I just saw the holo of the CIS flagship crash you did..WOW was that your best landing of a Seppie cruiser yet Master!!” They closed in on the hooded figure, noticing a change in Skywalker’s typical cavalier attitude, something wasn’t quite right, “Master Skywa… Urkk..ACK..HMPH” the speaking Jedi was raised from her feet…choking..

“That is no longer my name..” Vader’s voice spoke lifelessly from beneath the hood addressing the female. His pointer finger and thumb touched as if to squeeze the life from the choking knight. A sudden popping crack of the spine left the Jedi limp in the air..her saber clattered to the floor. The remaining five were caught in complete shock. They watched their friend’s body lifelessly fall towards the stone floor.

In that instant Vader drew his saber. Lifting his arm, the dark apprentice cut down a Twi’ lek knight in the first stroke, cleaving him through his leg and torso. The blue blade whirled in a blur as Vader spun the blade behind him impaling another knight through the chest; the scent of burning flesh filled the still night air. His gloved hand jutted out hurling two knights backward before their thumbs were able to ignite their weapons. The final Jedi, a Nautolan ran towards Vader pulling his saber from his belt. Tick – tack – Tick – tack - his boots snapped rapidly against the stone. A red dot appeared on his chest for a brief moment before being replaced by a larger glowing hole that knocked him off balance. His body crumbled to the floor, an orange glow faded as smoke rose from his chest, felled by a far off clone sniper. The two force pushed knights regained their footing for a moment until being rapidly pulled towards Vader whose arm continued to drag them in a wide clearing motion. Their bodies slung shot across the courtyard until being stopped by a marble wall. Their bodies cracked, bursting on impact…thrown so hard, there was no chance to regain their footing again.

Vader’s boots neared the fallen Nautolan igniting his saber only briefly enough to sever his head. “He would have done least alarming them with a scream..” Their death march continued unknown. He made sure to leave no lingering life- force connection between those who came in contact with him. By severing their connection to life, wounded Jedi were unable to commune with other knights of the living force. Their presence only a void.

Pillar statues of tremendous Jedi that towered over the courtyard became surrounded by thousands of clones nearing the precipice of the stairs and temple entrance. No longer did these large figure’s shadows tower over practicing nights. The fight was no longer simulation, but truly a struggle from being extinguished.

Another lone knight walked towards Skywalker, “Good evening Master. What is the cause for th..” Interrupting, Vader made his final demand of the Jedi Order, “Draw your sabers and become one with the Force! Your plot to overthrow the Republic has failed!” Confused the knight laughed uncomfortably, slightly confused by such a declaration from the esteemed prodigy. “FOOLS!” Vader exclaimed slicing down the man in a growing rage: so many years of being held back, the lies, the mistrust, bubbled up from dark places unknown. “Commander Appo, direct your men as necessary. You have your targets. Now, isolate and destroy!” With a nod before turning to his captains he shouted to his lord, “Yes sir! Right away!”

Appo gave the signal through his comlink. As drops from a waterfall clash upon rock, squad after squad rapidly charged into and around the temple surrounding every gateway. Dozens swarmed the halls quietly, choosing their positions and moving forward, none dared to advance past Vader.

“Troopers follow me..”
Title: Re: The Clone Wars: Knightfall -- 501st Raid of the Jedi Temple Pt. 1
Post by: wraithnine on March 21, 2014, 02:47:48 AM
that was utterly superb!  wow!
Title: Re: The Clone Wars: Knightfall -- 501st Raid of the Jedi Temple Pt. 1
Post by: Tamer on March 21, 2014, 03:13:35 AM
Cool deal, on the front page.

I am gonna enjoy this read tonight or tomorrow.
Title: Update: 3/30The Clone Wars: Knightfall -- 501st Raid of the Jedi Temple Pt. 2
Post by: TheIRISH Rogue on March 30, 2014, 03:20:14 AM
The Clone Wars: Knightfall Pt 2

Darth Vader’s plan was going unnoticed. “Destroy the hanger and all ships! We must focus on reaching the communications center.” A wing of gunships swooped in without warning. “Commence the barrage!!” a voice rang out across the comm lines.  Each gunship unleashed their entire payload of rockets in quick succession, turbo lasers continued pouring through the smoke, turret and chin guns rapidly fired slamming into any hint of a silhouette. The Jedi defense turrets were dismantled by the barrage, bursting into flame as they attempted to lock onto the gunships. Two gunships, filled with rocket teams, selected the futile turrets that remained. Barrels collapsed as the variety of gunfire tore through them. The clattering ceased when the last turret was obliterated. Any star fighters on the deck were too damaged put up a fight. In moments the entire hanger was left in ruin! Smoldering, torn and tattered metal, ships, and bodies alike; the hanger laid to waste.

Jet troopers burst through the smoke making use of their heat sensitive helmet visors to see through the smoke. They sprawled through the vaulted hangers and executed any surviving, but disoriented Jedi in addition to other ground crew. One Jedi went unnoticed, his robes cut and scorched, meandered into an area where he used the force to part the smoke. The man’s skin warm from the flames that flickered bountifully around him, a warm flow of blood trickled down his cheek, arm, and leg. Looking up, his eyes strained to see past the flashlight beams that broke the smoke; in front of him a squad of clone troopers drew near.

His chest relaxed as he exhaled in relief. A brief, yet menacing moment elapsed as he watched their DC 17 blasters raise, “Clones..?!” A tempest of blue laser bolts were let loose from the squad. The Jedi’s legs collapsed to his knees, his hand unbuckled his saber activating it for a moment before being overwhelmed by the bolts. His saber clattered when his torso fell backwards. “All clear!” the jet pack sergeant reported through clone command.

Alarms sounded across the temple, but were too late. Thousands of clone troopers had already established a foothold in the entrance of the temple. Jedi of all ages rushed from their rooms. For many in the already occupied wings of the Jedi Temple their doors opened to reveal a terrible surprise, a personal firing squad, most were gunned down before they knew the armor insignia. The 501st surged forward into the great halls, infiltrating the corridors in vast numbers. Pockets of resistance formed as knights, masters, and temple security rallied.

The fighting thickened, echoing through the halls. Upon reaching the library…all was again silent. Darth Vader was flanked by two squads of clone troopers who guarded the wooden arch ways behind him. “On orders from the Supreme Chancellor, you are to grant me access to the secured beacon!!” A voice emanated from behind a holobook shelf, Jocasta Nu proudly walked out. “That is a request only made possible by residing Jedi masters..on the council..” Rebelliously, she ignited her lightsaber.

Standing defiantly she raised her arm to initiate her attack stance, but Darth Vader, without care, levitated her. Her saber wiggled within her tightening, clutched hand. Pulling harder until she no longer could hold on; it flung from her hand. He then held it in front of her with the force. “You aren’t exactly in a position to deny this request..” Slowly the dark lord guided the saber through her chest; a concise, but tormenting death.

Nu’s body was tossed amongst her books that she loved so dearly. Librarians poured from above and below. Launching themselves from concealment, shelves, and statues they engaged Vader and the clones with a calm, but very deadly demeanor. In a last ditch effort to protect their livelihood and secrets from the invaders, holobooks became the target. Sabers blazed through the books which briefly flickered before permanently losing their data. Jedi continued to leap down cleaving clones apart, severing limbs and helmets alike. The strike was deadly and dangerous, but their numbers were too few. Blue bolts burned and mowed down Jedi from unpredictable angles as their valiant, but futile fight raged on.

Vader’s comlink beeped, “General, we’ve knocked out the hanger sir.” -- “Impressive, most impressive, but this battle hasn’t ended yet! Push your men towards that beacon! Keep this building sealed!” Vader walked through the halls, not a single threat worthy to display much effort. His blade cut swathes through the Jedi who came to oppose him. Clone trooper blaster fire speckled the once beautiful walls. “Push your way to the beacon!” The halls became littered with bodies from both factions. Blood, smoke, and fire poured through the halls. Glass shattered as thermal detonators burst through windows. Rotary cannons formed deadlier crossfire patterns while clone troopers gained ground on each vertical level.

Seldom were Jedi able to punch holes through the thousands of clones to get outside the walls, but every so often a padawan or knight would make their way out of the tremendous temple. They always left the same… first peering out into the silent courtyards, then sneaking and crawling from cover to cover; all the while under the eyes of clone sniper/spotter teams. Each target allowed to reach a breath away from freedom; taking a brief pause to look back at the smoldering temple to reminisce. In that moment they would be gunned down from afar. Dropping lifelessly out of sight from the temple, the distance permitted more Jedi to fall into the same trap. Utter hopelessness…

The raid intensified as Vader and the 501st surged towards the beacon. Knights of all species and training styles attacked in pockets and waves alike. Clones would be thrown against the walls forming large craters and cracks or cut down. In moments their absence was soon filled…an ever growing faceless enemy crippled the spirit of those Jedi able to fight. Vader toppled statues to crush Jedi snipers who used the high perches to pinpoint targets to sever. Non-Jedi defenders used what improvised breast-works they could to fire down on the sea of troopers. Rocket infantry exchanged explosions behind heavy cover with only smoke trails as their witness. Each shook and burst flaming marble in ripples across the halls. Undaunted Vader marched forward. “Your pride has ruined you!” he exclaimed slicing a Jedi’s arm from her body before using the force to throw her toppling over the railing. Every gesture resulted in waves of death.

Vader and his fist of soldiers struck through Jedi brutes and interceptors. Finally, the Sith reached the beacon. The second crippling blow of the operation was near completion. Clone troopers circled to defend Vader while his fingers quickly typed to reset the coded message broadcast to all Jedi; recalling those on missions to return. The troopers held their circle tight using suppressive fire and a constant application of stun and thermal detonators to keep any interruptions at bay.

From a side entrance two green saber blades spiraled! Slashing into the trooper ranks, dozens fell cut, pierced, even decapitated. The dark lord’s attention shifted when a helmet rolled, tapping against his boot, cleanly scorched. His hood quickly turned as the blades returned to their master in the dark crevice. Finishing his task - he pressed the beacon close, “I want a squad of assassin’s placed here. As for the rest of you, die holding this position until they arrive.” His cloak folded and twisted as he stepped over the fallen troopers.

A wounded clone barely able to wield his weapon, stretched out his arm to ask, “..But General…where are you ..going?” Pausing before entering the crevice where the green sabers fled, he replied, “To hunt Jedi…”
Title: Re: The Clone Wars: Knightfall -- 501st Raid of the Jedi Temple Pt. 1
Post by: wraithnine on March 30, 2014, 05:35:39 AM
this story really add horror and distress it really adds meat to the bones of "the great betrayal"
Title: Re: The Clone Wars: Knightfall -- 501st Raid of the Jedi Temple Pt. 2
Post by: Tamer on March 30, 2014, 11:01:42 AM
Nice, time to go put this on the front page.
Title: Re: The Clone Wars: Knightfall -- 501st Raid of the Jedi Temple Pt. 2
Post by: TheIRISH Rogue on March 30, 2014, 11:15:26 AM
SU-WEEET! Thank you for checking in! :)
Title: Re: The Clone Wars: Knightfall -- 501st Raid of the Jedi Temple Pt. 2
Post by: nickeltcd on March 31, 2014, 05:51:42 AM
Gripping , Intense, just a stunning picture in my mind. Now i want to know who that Jedi is that Vader is going to hunt.
Fantastic job!
Title: The Clone Wars: Knightfall -- 501st Raid of the Jedi Temple Pt. 3
Post by: TheIRISH Rogue on April 18, 2014, 11:21:38 PM
Serra Keto became separated from her master, Cin Drallig. During a fire fight with the clone troopers of the 501st the clones had begun using AT-RT’s to breach holdouts in the large hallways where the Jedi were able to hold their own. The Jedi knights slammed damaged pillars to the ground to provide themselves cover. The troopers had no choice but to engage closer...which is not a primary option when confronted by Jedi knights.

While squads advanced, large and small pieces of marble, levitated by the force, gained momentum hailing towards the white clad armor. The large chunks toppled handfuls of troopers with tremendous effect. Smashing armor and bone a like with no effort. The more experienced Jedi used smaller stones to hit acute targets like the black crevices between their enemies armor plating. Sabers provided a quick death, blaster bolts brought a decisive demise, but jagged rocks and glass… this was a war for survival where any advantage was being used. Glass visors cracked on impact with such force blood often had no choice of escape but through the thin faceplate or vents. In an effort to regain momentum, charging AT- RT’s hurled themselves into the Jedi defenses; dispersing pods of knights as they dove out of the way.

Charging into the fray they did just that. Some pilots were sliced, beaten, even dislodged from their seats, but the two legged machines continued a few more steps before toppling over itself or slamming into the breastworks. The window was given for troopers to have just enough time to rush through the chaos and take advantage by swarming the knights; overwhelming them with concussive bursts and tearing them down with rapid fire. Skilled Jedi were able to reflect and aim bolts back into the clones, but once close enough…seldom did any knight escape unscathed…It took nearly an hour and several platoons to gain access to Cin Drallig’s corridor. This matter soon would require the skills of Lord Vader himself.

After being separated Padawan Keto mistakenly made her way toward the main beacon thinking it would become a Jedi stronghold. Instead she stumbled into Anakin surrounded by clone troopers. In her best attempt to foil whatever plot was going on; the determined female padawan cocked her arms back then sent her double sabers spiraling into the clone squad. Reclaiming her sabers with the force, she turned and sprinted down the thin hallway towards the data room.

Blue light flashed her silhouette across the room. She climbed above a hologram table and waited, facing the door. The padawan paused with bated breath, her ears tensed, keen to the echoes that swirled around her. Blaster fire, screams, thunderous booms to and fro. The Force was becoming laden with pain and misery. A figure emerged from the shadows. Keto shouted at her pursuer, “You shouldn’t have come here!” Vader showed a minor grin, the blue illuminating the grin beneath his cloak, “Ahh..Serra, Cin Drallig’s greatest pupil has come to greet me.” The two charged one another, each seeking retribution.

Bright light flashed when their blue and green blades struck; illuminating her attacker’s face. “Skywalker?!” she gasped in disbelief as she stammered back. In a state of confusion her hands began to tremble at the prospect of such a unfathomable betrayal. The pair had fought together a handful of times, each saving the others life on an occasion or two. Her initial focus which had enabled her to help Drallig defeat dozens of clones was now shattered with each emotional pulse of her heart. Her arms flexed as she raised her sabers engaging the fallen Jedi with emotional swings and parries. Anakin’s attacks became less rigid in order to absorb less shock from her strikes. Fluid parries gleamed her blades away from him wasting her energy with each strike. Holo-monitors sparked as her sabers slashed through their mechanics leaving a momentary orange glow through the molten metal. When one green blade ricocheted off the sith’s blue blade, her other was brought forward to keep him constantly on the defense.

Vader indulged the padawan for several bouts. Though she was formidable, she did not have the skill nor endurance to best him. Keto began to pepper Vader with sharp witted insults in an attempt to distract him from his forceful defense. The pupil’s right arm began to fatigue. Her focus forged through the pain as her strokes became more and more limbering. Burning within her muscles stretched down her arm. Sensing the change, Vader used this to his advantage. His blue blade lunged forward at an alarming rate. Keto’s eyes bulged as the glow brightened near her face! Vader’s blade was diverted with a swift turn of hers. Darth Vader allowed the force she had thrown into her block to push his saber away. The Sith added force to the recoil turning his unsuccessful attack into a spin in which he added his own strength. In an instant complete silence aside from the soft hum availed… Vader’s cloak made a slight swoosh as the dense brown material swiftly left the metallic floor spiraling up. The clatter of battle was inaudible with no sound, but the lonely whir of her illuminated blades..time seemed to slow. Keto’s eyes focused on the blue blade returning in her direction, the sound growing, brought her back to reality. Her waist twisted to bring her strongest arm to bear, reinforcing the aching burn within her right arm.

A great hiss echoed throughout the room with the impact of clashed swords! The muscle’s resistance waned dangerously; which brought her right arm to collapse, hitting her body as her second blade came to reinforce the faltering right. Vader’s menacing, prideful grin grew. Keto looked for a reprieve..even if only for a moment, she needed something to break the onslaught. Using her left-hand she slid her blade down Vader’s, dangerously close to his hilt. Vader having lost his hand one time to Dooku reacted stronger than a typical swordsman would have otherwise. The padawan out stretched her fingertips hastily, then curled them tearing a large motor from the wall. The device which previously powered the bright holo-displays flew towards the pair. Vader leapt back before the large device smashed into the floor throwing a cloud of dust with sparks into the air.

Darth Vader used the force in a swiping motion to clear the cloud before him. Keto’s boots clicked as she landed far above on balcony platform that lead to another corridor. “What? AHH…” a panicked scream cut short. Vader darted around the massive piece of equipment and vaulted himself up over the railing where the young Jedi fled. Ahead of him was a sliding door attempting to close, but rebound off a recently dispatched clone, the orange hue that emanated from his armor still apparent. The Sith walked through the door smashing it back.

The hall was narrow. Light flickered at the end of the access hall as he neared the end. Stepping out Keto’s green blades ignited as she thrust herself towards Vader, pinning him to a large column. Her right hand moved slowly to decapitate the Sith, but her attempt failed when he dodged out of the way. He jutted out his fist knocking her back with the force. The determined padawan toppled over a railing and fell down a number of meters. Upon hitting the floor, her lungs forcefully exhaled with a grunt. She lay facing up…her eyes tightened, breathing coarse and harsh. She could see Vader approach the white railing above, his hand’s posture acting as though balancing a stick. Keto’s eyes widened when she realized the pillar she sliced through was levitating towards her. Vader smiled before he dropped the immense pillar down upon her, smashing her without hesitation. Not even a scream was made.
Vader stood alone in the vacant hall. The battle raged in distant halls. For now only his breath lingered.

KKkkrsshhh (his comlink activated) “General! We request your assistance in the main atrium! Cin Drallig is…..SHHIIiisssss..”

The message dropped silent following the hiss of a lightsaber. Taking a last look at the growing pool of Keto’s blood, Vader turned again down the narrow hall towards the ongoing struggle. Cin Drallig’s presence within the force was strong. Vader searched for a void forming amongst his troopers..there he would find Master Drallig…
Title: Re: The Clone Wars: Knightfall -- 501st Raid of the Jedi Temple Pt. 3
Post by: wraithnine on April 19, 2014, 03:19:52 AM
oh man this story just gets better and better!
Title: Re: The Clone Wars: Knightfall -- 501st Raid of the Jedi Temple Pt. 3
Post by: Tamer on April 20, 2014, 03:49:02 AM
Just great action here, off to share.
Title: The Clone Wars: Knightfall -- 501st Raid of the Jedi Temple Pt. 4
Post by: TheIRISH Rogue on May 25, 2014, 10:34:00 PM
The Clone Wars     ------ For unfamiliar Clone OC's of mine -- Click link  ()rr ()rr

Knightfall: Vol 4.

“Forward Forward!!”

“On your left..On your lef…AAHHHH!!”


“Take them down!! Keep down the suppressive fire! Overwhelm them!”

“AHH!! It burns – IT BURNS!!!” “HOLD it together trooper!”

“Exploit the gap in the pillar!” “Flank em!”

The silent disposition the clones held during the initial minutes of the raid on the Jedi Temple had drastically altered as the conflict reached its peak. Every corridor was filled with utter carnage. The once great halls that radiated the meanings of peace, justice, and serenity were now scorched with blast marks and riddle by craters. The long halls and forums littered with bodies. The walls reverberated with each thunderous eruption. Though the sounds of the struggle echoed, nothing about this fight was familiar. Everything could be used by the force wielders as a weapon. No cover was safe for too long..even breastworks were used to smash the clone troopers that sought refuge.

The clone troopers of Salvo battalion had an uncanny relationship with the Jedi. This mission was especially tough, but there was zero toleration for anyone who dare chose to betray the republic…no matter how many battles they had stood together or prevailed. The majority of the battalion was with Rex off site, but Volley squad was in the thick of it. Being lead by Sergeant Kano, they found themselves in one of the bloodiest passageways within the Jedi Temple. The squad charged forward under the covering fire of three rotary cannons speckling the hall in thousands of rapidly firing blue specks.

Hotsh crouched next to his Sergeant. With their backs against a blown out wall, Hotsh shouted over to Kano, “Toss me a grenade!” Kano tugged at the cover atop a backpack of a fallen brother. Failing to open, Kano’s fingers clutched the flap even tighter before pulling the flap with a swift jerk. With this jerking motion, the trooper’s body moved revealing a slice through the armor..nearly cloven in two. From the pack five grenades rolled out. Quickly, Kano reached down and snatched up two which he rolled to Hotsh. The sergeant also tossed grenades to Pike, Wraith, and Tank. While rapidly firing their rifles and carbines, Hotsh rapidly stood up from his position; winding his arm back as his thumb squeezed the arming button. Spiraling through the air a Twi Lek Jedi saw the incoming grenade. As fast as it was coming towards him he halted its advance with his hand, then returned it back to the clones. Another trooper was climbing over the debris Hotsh and his squad were using as cover.

The trooper’s hand helped to push him over the collapsed wall.

Clink* Clink* Clink*

The small metallic clacks could be heard as the grenade tapped along the floor. As quickly as he had crossed the makeshift wall, he was propelled back across it from the resulting explosion. Various pieces of armor and stone were hurled into the air. The body smashed into a wall sending cracks up the wall, splintered apart the armor, then collapsed lifelessly to the floor atop the debris. What use to be white and battle worn armor was now blackened, smoldering plates.

“Damn Jedi..we fought with you..we can find your shortcomings!” trooper Shine shouted, priming a grenade he pulled from his bandolier. Pressing his thumb into the button the countdown beeps remained audible over the hail of laser fire.

*Beep “….4”

*Beep “…3”

*Beep Beep “..2”

“HUMPH”- With only a moment remaining, Shine torqued his body around the wall and flung the silver grenade toward the Jedi who was preoccupied deflecting laser bolts to even notice the incoming spherical object. Blue lekku rested against his chest, brilliant green eyes darted to the shine of the thermal detonator.


In that instant the grenade erupted into a glowing ball of flame! When Hotsh stood bringing his rifle to bear, the spot where the Jedi had been standing was only memorable due to a smoking boot that remained. “Ha ha ha, gotcha!” Shine grimly chuckled to himself. Following suit, the brothers in Volley squad held the timing triggers before throwing them towards the Jedi defenders. A rumble shook the floor when shockwaves unfurled ripples of destruction. As the smoke rose and debris settled the clones cautiously moved forward. While creeping their ears remained keen for any voices or familiar humming the Jedi weapons emanated.

Hearing nothing but the gentle crackle of fire, Hotsh and Pike jogged to their next cover position. Bits and pieces of obliterated lightsabers laid about their feet. Assertively Pike spoke to Hotsh, “I don’t hear..anything..” Their eyes scanned weapons darted around corners as they progressed across new tattered terrain. Hotsh’s eyes caught a glimpse of something through the haze; a flowing motion only for a second. His targeting monocle zoomed in towards the area he thought the glimpse had been. Motioning to Pike they moved hesitantly..poised for anything.

“Hotsh, what are we looking for?”

“Shhh..quiet lads..”

Clone troopers stepped over the bodies of Jedi. Wraith knelt down to examine a fallen Jedi with closer detail.. “That’s odd..I knew the blast was concussive…but” The troopers thoughts spaced apart as he processed the evidence he was studying. Kano approached, “Wraith..don’t waste your time on something we just "wasted".” The veteran soldier’s helmet turned to the side in skepticism. Kano nudged the body with the sole of his boot “See?” In shock Wraith leaned forward, “Did you see that breath Sarge?!” Kano was easy to annoy which became evident in the tone of his voice. “’re acting like a shinnie! If you’re that worried…what’s one more blast cost? Take it!” Kano’s boot pressed down on the Jedi’s chest whose eyes promptly opened.  

The sergeant’s finger began to squeeze the trigger, but instead of a laser bolt finishing of the knight…a lightsaber ignited. A burning sensation tore through his chest. The green blade glowed as it searing through his armor!

“Uhg…ckkuh!” Kano’s helmeted face did not have to look down far to see the blade that had him skewered. Wraith regained his footing, but before his blaster could be put to use he was propelled backwards through the smoke. The Jedi, while still lying on the ground, swiftly brought his leg up, kicking Kano off his lightsaber. The sharp crackling of the saber igniting followed by the heavy thud of Kano’s body suddenly brought the clones back to a heightened sense of alertness. From beneath their feet lightsabers ignited severing many unaware trooper’s limbs. Blinding flourishes, disciplined stabs, and debilitating slices: dozens of Jedi rose from the floor where they had acted slain. Cloaked in the smoke, only the sounds of whirring and cutting radiated. Screams echoed: often cut short. Hues of blue and green flourished, but no shapes were certain. No target was definitively identifiable. Wraith stood up and bolted into the conflict…only to be force pushed from the thick cloud, “I’m getting really tired of that!!”

Again he hunkered down behind a piece of debris aside his brethren.

The room drew silent again. Hotsh, now in charge of the squad, made a calculated decision, “OPEN FIRE!!” Without moving forward all blasters unleashed a maelstrom of fire which separated the cloud as they pierced deeper. “AHH!! Frie…ire”a shout heeded. Pockets of smoke began to dissipate quicker.

Hotsh shouted over his comlink, “Holdfire! We will push forward.” Having survived the incident on Umbara, Hotsh was reluctant to endure any instances of friendly fire, preferring to risk casualties at the end of a light saber instead. Again, the clones surged forward attempting to claim any edge over the Jedi; often doing this by popping unpredictably over or around a corner to unveil their rapid fire weapon.

Hotsh crept over the tile fragments, his shoulder pad barely scraping the wall within the fog. A humanoid female Jedi turned the corner, her skin blazoned red. The blue saber she wielded sliced through his DC 15A rifle with ease. Hotsh’s surprised face was masked by his helmet, but his stammered backward steps were cut short; falling backwards to the floor. “Hotsh!! Watch it!” Shine shouted, firing his DC 15S in quick succession, scrambling towards the duo. Deflecting the blue bolts away from herself, one hit his forearm plate toppling him off balance.

Jedi Master Tiplee’s blue eyes pierced him. Her eyes bearing the angst he only saw during the time her sister, Master Tiplar, was murdered by trooper Tup. “Master Tiplee!” Hotsh exclaimed out of sheer surprise. Her “hair” wavered behind her head furiously. Her hand gripped Hotsh’s throat through the force. “I knew this day would come! My sister’s murder was no mere accident..” Hotsh’s back grinded across the fragmented floor while she throttle him.

“Leave it to be those we saved: the marauders of our demise! You…There’s always been something wrong about your kind!”

Hotsh could barely make a sound, “We…didn’t betray the ..(*gasp)..the republic!”

“Can’t you see you are only puppets and THAT is what makes you so dangerous! You are failing the republic! Just wait…”

Hotsh grappled at his throat with one hand while his other touched a familiar portion of his bisected DC15A.


Within his palm and thumb he squeezed a button unleashing the grappling hook attachment which had been hooked beneath the barrel of his weapon. The hook launched in an instant sinking deeply into her collar. The red skinned Jedi cried out in angst as the grappling hook spread its claws beneath her muscle. Master Tiplee reignited her saber and began winding her arm back to deliver a killing blow.

The clone trooper grabbed a hold of the line and yanked harshly! Tiplee's balance was torn as the hooks pulled her bone unsympathetically. Pike lunged at the opportunity Hotsh was providing. Tiplee’s saber fell to the ground. Trooper Pike drew the blade that was locked  on his shoulder blade. The female rebounded off the ground, flicking out her wrist to call her saber to her hand. The metal still warm touched her skin as she ignited the blade yet again Pike weaved his arm with hers immobilizing it while sinking his cold blade through her right side, wrenching the blade up further to ensure her demise. Tiplee’s mini red and blue tails wrenched then fell as her body writhed then went limp.

Pike pulled the blade from her body and dropped her to the torn floor. Extending an arm to help his comrade Hotsh to his feet; the two looked to their feet for a new rifle, which was readily available.

The two looked at each other, took a breath, and then again dove into the fray.

Hotsh and Pike’s brothers had surged further forward during the scrap with the Jedi. The 501st was beginning to pick up momentum – a refreshing feat for the clones who were being cut down at an alarming rate. The new leader of Volley squad’s voice rang-out over the comlink, “Send these traitors to the dark! Boomer we need AT-RT support on the barricades!” In other corridors, AT-RT’s sallied fourth to aid in breaking up the impenetrable sections of Jedi resistance. As the clone barrage increased, knights lifted entire walls to shield themselves from incoming lasers.

The rotary canons chipped away at the hefty slabs suspended in air.

“Where are the rockets? Shine--- rockets STAT!” Hotsh shouted over the comms. “I know sir! Hell…they’ve been put to use in a lateral corridor. Supplies are tight at the moment!”

“Then get creative! More altitude.” – “Sir, there are swathes being cut in our lines! Reinforcements requested! We cannot gain grou…shhhhhhhhhh *click*”

Hotsh then redirected a portion of his patrol to the requested zone.

A saber-master and a handful of his pupils were making short work of clone troopers in a series of nearby hallways. Troopers died in droves. Enough of the rocks had been worn away where a Jedi was felled by a rotary canon’s burst. The stones noticeably dropped towards the ground.

The three clones wielding the rapid-fire weapons were lifted in the air and rapidly pulled over their brothers fighting amongst the debris filled hall. Abruptly they broke through the grey slabs: not stopping before hitting to the floor.

Looking up Hotsh noticed a Jedi with grey and silver,long hair on a platform flanked by his apprentices. Sabers ignited. The entourage leapt down to engage the clones.

“Now is our time padawans! Show these clones how to become one with the force! For the order…”
Title: Re: The Clone Wars: Knightfall -- Raid of the Jedi Temple Mod 5/26
Post by: wraithnine on May 26, 2014, 03:42:47 AM
holy sh.! this story is fan-bloody--tastic!
Title: Re: The Clone Wars: Knightfall -- Raid of the Jedi Temple Mod 5/26
Post by: Tamer on May 26, 2014, 06:49:07 AM
I posted this all over the place. Lets see if we can get this some comments. Folks, please take a few seconds to jot IR a note letting him know you appreciate what he is doing. I know I for one don't do enough to show how much I appreciate the great fan fiction and photo-novelers and graphic creators like the Irish Rogue here who just add heaps of enjoyment to me in this hobby.
Title: The Clone Wars: Knightfall -- Raid of the Jedi Temple Mod 11/18
Post by: TheIRISH Rogue on November 18, 2014, 11:25:42 AM
The long awaited Volume 5 depicting one famous scene viewed by Obi Wan and Yoda when they make their way back into the temple. Enjoy! All feedback welcome!!

Star Wars

The Clone Wars

Volume 5

The temple’s halls echoed with clatters of armor, whirring of Jedi sabers, thunderous bursts of explosions, and the pounding thuds of both boot and body. The 501st spread through the temple like waves upon a beach. Had their initial breach of the temple been halted the trooper’s lives would have paid a higher price, but Lord Vader enabled them to strike deep into the heart of the sacred building. The Jedi: isolated and alone.

Vader quickly walked from the balcony leaving padawan Keto’s body behind. Troopers clad in blue and white armor hurried about him collecting data from the temple’s library which had only then been secured. The fallen Jedi’s face was void of expression. His thoughts only of rage…doing what must be done. A glimmer caught the knight’s eye as he neared a bronzium statue. The familiar countenance of Count Dooku’s was easily identifiable among the Jedi busts of the Fallen Twenty. Undeserving of more time of his, Vader barely flexed his pointer and middle finger to topple the heavy bust to the floor with a resounding crash. A bellowing metallic thud rang off the granite surfaces. A slight exhale of satisfaction left Vader’s nostrils.

Passing beneath a towering archway, Vader, shortly issued orders to a squad of troopers approaching the gate, “Keep those records intact and guard the beacon by any means! Do not let anyone reach those records or the beacon.” The sergeant snapped to attention, quickly nodding his head before shortly replying, “Yes sir!” Their boots quickly pattered against the shiny floor; spanning out to cover several firing lines. The Sith lord’s cloak waved as he walked; his blade whirred by his side, the blue reflecting off the shinning marble.

Vader’s eyes needn’t see what surrounded him in the all too familiar halls. Each step clicked while he meditated, eyes closed. His mind and muscles actively sought out powerful presences of other Jedi leading the struggle within the temple grounds. As he thought, Vader could feel a large swath of clone troopers being cut down. The button of his comlink snapped, “Commander Appo, where are the troops meeting the highest resistance?” The clone’s voice was hardened from orchestrating the attack, “General, We’ve secured the hangers, power station, access gates, towers one and three! The meditation quarters are nearly cleared as well! We are engaged in the great halls, but are making steady progress. We’ve been halted in atrium nearest the Training Hall. Battle-master Drallig and a padawan pack were seen near recorder TR4-121. Squads are taking substantial casualties!”

Vader began to jog towards his old training grounds, “On the way. Have a fresh battalion prepped for the Inner Sanctum, but DO NOT progress. We only need to prevent their escape…” The clone trooper’s voice remained urgent, “It will be done General Skywalker!” Had the commotion of battle not been so prevalent, the rogue Jedi knight gone dark acolyte would have had a thought about Appo’s title.

Turning right, the hall became an immediate expanse. Beneath Vader’s boots the smooth click began to crackle. Small and large pieces of rubble were scattered surface. Clone troopers and Jedi lay strewn across the floor. Troopers toppled over one another, their armor sliced or bludgeoned by large chunks of rock. The walls decorated with blaster specks accompanied by pockets of dark explosive craters. Pillars of all sizes; cracked or blown from their perch, then used as cover on the floor. In contrast to the identical clones, Jedi of all species and colors slumped against the wall, some with blast points still smoldering. Vader looked at several pairs of Jedi while passing them. Their hands interlaced in a last attempt to share a final exchange of compassion.

Down an adjacent hall, an adolescent Nautolan lay on his chest. Burning sensations in his leg roused him from the shock that had brought him to the floor. Green finger tips sprawled, his arm extended towards a knight who had been fighting alongside him. The female lay contorted on her back, hair messily scattered across the floor. Nudging her shoulder, the young Nautolan saw she was badly singed and cut by shrapnel. That end did not spare her being shot additional times by the troopers. A tear trickled down his cheek. Ripples through the force overwhelmed his senses. A click echoed.

The Nautolan’s head snapped up with abrupt alertness, but relaxed at the sight of another padawan who was raising up from beneath a pile of dead clones. A third climbed over the railing. He was a tall headed Cerean, similar to that of the famed master, Ki Adi Mundi. The Nautolan gasped, “Thank the force for both of you!” The Cerean retorted in pragmatic skepticism, “This is only the start of our trial…just because we’re alive now does not mean we’ve won.”  ---“Or that we’re even close…” said the padawan who shoved the clones from his body.

“We need to get to the Sanctum!” the Cerean hushly whispered. The human male began lifting the Nautolan; wrapping the green arm over his neck, “Yes yes! The Sanctum is where the guardians will be! Shakkra Kien will save us! Do you think the blue wolf is still down there?” The Cerean moved to the entrance briskly, then looked down the hall, “Does that even matter? He’s great with that spear! Let’s go you two..” The tall headed Jedi peaked around the corner cautiously. His head turned right then abruptly turned left, noticing Anakin Skywalker as he ran down the hall. His eyes widened in both surprise and relief. “Fi Nik, what do you see?!” the human padawan loudly whispered, his breath heavy while the pair worked hard to make their way towards the tall figure.

Fi Nik took a step into the hall way. Vader’s jog did not slow…his arm curled before unfurling…the saber spiraled rapidly when leaving his hand. With no time to act the Cerean’s body tensed up for an instant prior to the blue blade burning its way through his neck; instantly cauterizing the split flesh. The spinning blade continued on its path down the hall. The duo of padawans paused in confusion when the blade was recalled. Their eyes bulged in horror! Fi Nik’s neck glowed orange, separating from his body while it collapsed to the floor where it rolled into a severed clone helmet.

Vader ran passed the hall where the two wounded padawan’s were standing, completely befuddled by what they witnessed. The green skinned Nautolan turned asking ghastly, “Wa..was that Skywalker?” The human paused in denial, “No way.. I was probably Skywalker, but that couldn’t have been his blade.”

Seemingly in reply to their bewilderment, the cloaked figured returned to the hallway, saber ignited. “Skywalker…?” uttered the human padawan. Vader slowly approached his prey. “Skywalker?”

Falling to his knees uncontrollably, the Nautolan clutched his throat and lungs, gasping, “GUrk…ahg….I…ca..’t..”

The other padawan ignited his saber, striking a defense posture. He took a step forward, gripping his saber tighter with both hands for added strength. Vader raised his lightsaber, also holding the hilt with both hands. “You dare?” he challenged. The illuminated blade swung upwards, making contact. In the same motion Vader swirled his glowing saber in a blue flourish before again swinging down, anticipating the padawan’s blade bouncing off his…and it did. The Nautolan deeply inhaled after Vader released his grip over the youngling’s respiratory system! This however, was in vane: the human’s rebounding blade struck his Nautolan comrade. Green eyes faded lifelessly, rolling back into his head.

Vader’s heart not only darkened, but took a degree of dark pleasure varying the methods used to dispatch his foes. The young man let out a scream of rage cracking his voice. The small framed boy swung diagonally upwards in a blind frenzy. When his arms reached their pinnacle, Vader’s blade briskly hummed thrusting its way through the boy’s sternum and collar. He too fell to the hardened marble. Hope dashed in a matter of moments.

Vader again turned toward the atrium to continue the dark deeds of the night. He reached a large bastion of clone troopers who sought refuge while others continued to reign down blaster and rocket fire. Vader walked amongst his men’s scattered ranks. Discipline remained hardened and tight. Approaching the front ranks, the troopers under Hotsh’s squad, Vader began to raise his hand into a fist, “Hold here, I’ll take care of this.”

“You’ll do no such thing darksider!” a voice echoed from before Vader. A man with long grey-hazel hair stood above the rubble. Behind him a small contingent of padawans whom he had been training during the initial stages of the onslaught. “To be honest, I’m surprised it took you this long to arrive.” Vader passed the barricades, “My apologies old battle-master.. I was teaching Padawan Keto how flawed her technique was…too crushing a lesson it seemed.” The wise Cin Drallig sighed, an air of sorrow lingered, ”I saw what you did Skywalker. Your snide remarks don’t cover your self-loathing…” Igniting his saber, Vader began to scale the debris. “Spare me the philosophy and stick to what you know..the sword. Your defense has failed thus far…”

Behind Drallig, a tremendous gate way was illuminated with natural greens, the sound of trickling water over smooth stones prevailed over the chaos. The battle master had been leading a sparring session several of his students prior to the attack. The sword instructor took in a deep breath of the fauna behind him.

With a click, Drallig activated his green saber; bringing it to a defense ready pose, ”Prepare yourself to join the force old pupil! To all others…let this stand as your final lesson. How to become one with the force!” Raising his blade, Vader shook his head slightly, “To whom are you teaching? Ha, shouldn’t you have a class still standing by the end of your lesson?” Their blades swirled in a haze of vibrant blurs before flashing brightly upon impact. The strokes were made swiftly, steadily, and with keen accuracy.

Every stroke hissed!

One of Drallig’s Padawan’s, Whie Malreaux readied himself. He was thought to be a powerful addition to the order second only to Anakin. Many Jedi Masters remarked the contrast in their humble nature given their talent.

Two clone troopers readied their weapons to halt the young man’s approach. Springing from behind cover, their weapons clicked to the ready. “You are not my end!” he challenged with confidence. Cutting through one’s DC 15 with a stroke that tore through the other’s thigh. Continuing the same sweeping “U” motion, Whie pulled his saber back through the clone’s arm and chest then torqued his wrist thrusting the blade deep into the disarmed trooper’s side. The blade dove through the trooper’s right side, penetrating deep, reappearing again next to his helmet.

Withdrawing his blade, Whie made a valiant effort to aid his saber instructor. Using a sniping technique, he thrust the saber towards Vader. The slender padawan’s fingers released the grip then reformed into a straight palm; thrusting his sword through the air with a force-push! Vader had little time to react as the blade cut through his robe creating a perfect hole. “Nice Whie!” the other padawan, Bene, shouted! Anakin’s focus remained on Drallig though he was dismayed at the near encounter that recently unfurled. Whie and Bene ignited their sabers and charged forward towards the fray.

Their efforts to hinder Vader were short lived. Whie entered a window of exchanges between the two saber masters. Though true of heart, his saber stroke was quickly countered. Vader’s aim stood true, cutting Whie down with a precise slash across his chest. Whie’s momentum continued even after the death-stroke had been dealt; his body toppling down the debris mound. His last gaze was through Drallig and Vader’s rapid clashes into the Room of a Thousand Fountains. “The green.. tranquil..” his mind let go, joining the force.

Bene’s cheek glossed with streaming tears. The order crumbled around her. Jedi continued to fight temple wide, but sheer numbers had begun to tilt the favor against them. Drallig poured his might and years of teaching into combat with Vader. Bene’s confidence shattered; her self-doubt crept in, diminishing the years spent keeping it at bay. Towards the duel she bolted. Vader slammed his saber against the battle-master’s saber, forcing Drallig to stumble, his foot losing traction as the rubble gave way.

Vader’s face sharply turned towards the dark-haired pupil, his eyes flared as if on fire! The dark disciple’s hand throttled Bene’s throat through the force, lifting her from the ground. Her body was suspended inches off the ground drawing nearer to the dark knight. Bene’s feet kicked, veins began surging from beneath her skin, body writhing in agony. “NOO!” Drallig shouted trying to break Vader’s clutch over her attacking desperately! Her body began to wretch violently. Vader deflected blow after blow using the padwan’s suffering to weaken his opponent’s resolve.

Usually Vader ended a strangling struggle by cracking the victim’s neck or windpipe, but this time he carefully sapped every fiber of her being; even allowing partial breaths to prolong the painful process. All with the intent to ruin Drallig’s spirit!

Bene eventually succumbed to Vader’s torture, but this brought no reprieve to Cin Drallig. His concentration was cracked. The toll of his mind’s eye shattered the master’s fortitude after being subjected to a death of such incredible caliber. He engaged Vader again with a number of quick thrusts and counter parries.

Using a sharp sliding motion, Vader used a trick that he had once been chastised for by Master Drallig. The blue blade hissed down the green in a white flash compelling Drallig to open his hands to avoid losing them. As he disengaged his lightsaber to prepare a defense, Vader redirected and quickly thrust the blue glowing blade deep into Drallig’s heart then pulled the blade through his shoulder.

The battle master was dead before another breath could be taken. His death was delivered so swiftly that his hand continued in the direction of his initial movement, throwing the saber from his clutch. The master responsible for leading the defense of the Jedi Temple had fallen. Vader turned to his troops; all who watched the prowess of their leader in awe, “Hunt the rest of them down.. all of them! The rest of you; it’s time to finish this! Join me for the Sanctum...”
Title: Re: The Clone Wars: Knightfall -- Raid of the Jedi Temple Mod 11/18
Post by: wraithnine on November 18, 2014, 01:54:56 PM
wow! once again a fantastic chapter! totally loved it ,love the detail and the rhythm.
Title: Re: The Clone Wars: Knightfall -- Raid of the Jedi Temple Mod 11/18
Post by: Tamer on November 19, 2014, 03:15:55 AM
Update on the front page.
Title: Re: The Clone Wars: Knightfall -- Raid of the Jedi Temple Mod 11/18
Post by: TheIRISH Rogue on November 19, 2014, 06:52:35 PM
Thanks mates for the support!

Y'all will enjoy this next transition!...that I promise! ;)
Title: The Clone Wars: Knightfall -- Raid of the Jedi Temple Mod 2/7
Post by: TheIRISH Rogue on February 06, 2015, 11:21:23 PM
The Clone Wars: Knightfall _ Volume 6.

The Jedi Temple stands alone.

High above the other buildings enveloping Coruscant in its entirety. Four bold towers surround the central temple, a monolith amidst the skyline. Always a beacon of hope and symbolism amidst the chaos of the hustle and bustle that is the metropolitan planet. The pinnacle of purpose for not only the core world, but the galaxy. Simple in structure and design, illuminated clearly in the waning eve. The glow seen from city blocks, even multiple hectares away, as far as the senatorial penthouse districts.

This night that glow of hope is different. Orange hues abound as the temple stands ablaze; silent, bold walls concealing the horror raging within…

Darth Vader’s defeat of Cin Drallig sent robust reverberations through the force. His death signified a turning of the tide. The older Jedi fought on buying time for the less experienced padawan’s to elude death’s final grasp. Their numbers on the upper decks dwindled.

The dark lord walked with purpose past his fallen saber instructor’s body; intentions fixed upon the corridor ahead of him. Troopers of the 501st flanking him by the dozens. Their armor more worn and tattered from this engagement than any other conquest including Christophsis, Rhen Var, even Felucia.

Boots continued their muddled cadence. Each impacting the debris covered marble floor. Vader paused, as did the clone troopers behind him. With a small snap his saber was secured against the leather belt around his waist. Fiery eyes looked at the door from beneath a dark vail as if already piercing the first of many bulking vault doors. Numerous sections on the door contained force keys. Points which only most talented force users were capable of unlocking.  The dark acolyte raised his hand, closed his eyes. His instincts penetrated the mechanisms; beginning to slowly unwind their intricate maze of locks.

Clone troopers stood, not knowing what to expect next. Their journey through the temple had exposed them to more fighting styles than they were ever accustomed. Many, particularly those closest to Vader did their best to mask any emotion from their heavy breathing. The brief pause allowed the soldiers to begin contemplating what was happening now that there was a lull in their adrenaline rush filled struggle for survival.

This is not something Vader needed; reflection nor the time stealing locks. His anger was constant by this point, only giving way to a mix of rage and fury! Raising his other hand, Vader pressed his hands forward with a jab, the backs of his hands touching. As if to peel the door open, Vader’s flexed hands dragged apart the force. In conjunction with his hand gesture, the mechanisms could not repel power of such a vast scale. The door’s metal and stone torn asunder: rippling, splitting, peeling towards the opposite walls. Trooper Hotsh stood aghast at the sheer power of Vader’s will; pulling apart such refined materials. The weapons quickly clicked as the 501st raised their weapons to blast anything opposite them, but their sights only revealed an empty hall. Seeing the door with closer inspection, looked as though tremendous hands shredded a simple leaf.

Again, Vader was advancing with purpose down the corridor. Following, the clones noticed the floor was again clean, the dirty heels clicking, echoing off the pristine walls. The surface almost slick in texture as the angle increased steeply. Down and down they clattered towards the deep Sanctum of the Jedi temple…
Roused from his sleep in an instant, Vallen’s chest rose with a gasp. His body twisted of the bed in a contorted position. A fearful cold sensation swelled from within his heart, spreading across every limb. His left hand wretched over his pounding heart while he inhaled deeply. C3-77, his protocol droid, activated sensing Vallen’s traumatic rouse, “Sir, is everything alright?” Vallen leapt to his feet, “No!...Something has gone terribly wrong!” His body slammed into the duristeel case ahead of him. Clenched, his fist struck the activation sensor rolling the doors back unveiling his armor, “What pilots are on Duty at this hour?!” Pausing for an instant the droid’s eyes flickered twice, “Captain Valkier and Flak are the closest. Shall I summon Net or another gunship sir?”

Vallen latched his chest plate shut, pulled his left gauntlet into place, and then hurriedly reached down, lifting the belt with his sidearm. Bolting quickly into the hallway he was raising his arm to tap the comlink, “Valkier do you read me?!” The familiar clone pilot’s voice calmly replied, “Sir yes sir! How can I be of assistance Major?” Vallen’s clone boots resonated down the long stark hall. As he passed room after room he realized the 501st barracks were empty. Odd..since he had not been notified of any night drills. “Where could they be?” he wondered to himself.

His voice rang out toward his comlink, “I need you to touch down by the AT-TE port!” Flak, Valkier’s co-pilot unwittingly chimed in, “Sir…isn’t it a little late for a..” “SCRAP IT FLAK!” the major barked to his wrist.

A white light activated sliding the exterior blast door of the Republic garrison open. Vallen continued his sprint passing a stationary Turbo tank. He gave pause, looking down column after column of towering behemoth AT-TE’s. The low whirring of the familiar LAAT increased in audibility! Approaching the ground, the doors heaved open. Inside only red light greeted him, no squad of clones. “Sir, where’s your helmet and kama?” Flak inquired. Vallen had forgotten them in his haste. Running out of time, not knowing why!

“Kark..” he exclaimed under his breath. The clone pilot turned to look back into the boarding galley of the larty, “No worries sir; we keep extra buckets on deck! Where to Major?” Gunship engines pulsed lifting the gunship up diligently into the air.

“…the Jedi Temple.” The clone focused on his new mission, “Right away sir!”
Minutes passed slowly as did the ride. The gunship drew near; the temple came in sight! Vallen’s eyes grew with concern…fire bellowed from stone! Clone troopers continued hustling about. Both clone and Jedi lay strewn across the campus; each decorated with blast point or lightsaber strike. The Major now knew why his heart sank, but now so many more questions unveiled themselves.

Flak unclipped his safety harness, climbing down into the trooper bay of the gunship. “Sir you may need one of these. Only 501st is permitted here.. that does not include attachés.” The co-pilots normally cheery face was different than ever before. It seemed to hold a weight, one of weight which the soul never truly frees itself. Flak pulled down a trooper bonnet from a netted compartment.

Vallen raised the helmet, lowering it over his head. The doors swung open as the gunship touched down on the temple deck. 501st troopers instantly reached the bay doors, raising their weapons in threatening posture. The sergeant of the squad sharply shouted, “Halt! This site is off limits to all personnel!” Valkier stepped from the cockpit, “Stand Down Sergeant: I’m Captain Valkier of the 501st Thunder Wing! Fresh trooper as requested!” “On whose authority captain?!” the sergeant’s voice pierced the humming gunship engines. A brief pause ensued as Valkier stepped off his ship into the sergeants face, “I don’t need to explain my orders to you…request filed by Commander Appo for special assignment. Also here for any wounded, bring them aboard!”

Calmly with a dark demeanor the sergeant took a step closer to the Pilot in reply, “There are no wounded…Captain” A long pause followed.

Before listening to more of the conversation, Vallen had begun running towards the temple carrying a rifle lifted from the Gunship’s weapon internal rack. Damage to the sanctuary’s walls were substantial! He entered the temple of death…
The slanted ramp seemed to never end! The clones blindly following Vader to an end they did not know. Boots clamoring, armor clinking, breathing in unison, but not a pair of lips moved. The hallway began to brighten, hues of gold and blue abounded wall to wall. Vader’s hand rose, stopping the troopers before their presence became known.

Elsewhere in the temple Vallen ducked and dodged through debris until he tripped. His body tumbled across the crackled floor then slid into a soft object. The non-clone officer pressed his hand atop of his knee. Vallen looked back at what softened his impact to the wall. To his horror, a Rodian child lay before him…shot dozens….countless times. That was enough to propel the Major to his feet! More Jedi were strewn about the ground. He leaned to look over a gap in the railing, immolated by a clone rocket; the temple was mostly quiet. Patrols of clone troopers paced the halls; Jedi littering every surface. Never had the heart of the temple been so cold.

Slowly Vallen began his way down the walkway. Before long he found himself in front of a series of lifts. A quiet calm fell over him, cooling his body from continuing to burn in emotion. Gloved hands reached up, removing the helmet…inside, drenched in sweat. Taking a large breath the essence culminated. A deep voice echoing from within his mind’s eye. “Haide…you are in great danger here… take the lift…a padawan you will find…his mother planet of wind and ice…” A small, hopeful grin grew on the officer’s face when he spoke in a hushed tone, “Shakkra! You’re alive.. where are you?”

 “Be strong – aid his survival…” Kien’s meditative voice continued. Vallen attempted to interrupt the communion of thoughts, “Can’t you hear me!? Where are you?” Ignoring the officer’s plea, the Guardian’s voice faded away until it was gone, “Now go….the force be with you…always..”

The central lift leading toward the high council chamber opened, the force locks undone from elsewhere.

Shakkra Kien was kneeling amidst the greatest pillars of the inner temple sanctum; coming out of his state of meditation. Ahead of him the largest of the temples atriums, a rare sight for even the most elite of the Order’s Jedi Masters. This was a place more sacred than the holocron vault. Behind the horned Chagrian were tunnels for the Guardian barracks and numerous, priceless ancient artifacts of the order.

It was said that when Jedi Masters needed clarity, this is the place of inner most peace. Shakkra Kien knew everything that had unfolded within the walls of the temple above. He sent no guardians to their aid, nor was the request made. Guardians hold a sacred duty above simply protecting the temple. They provide sanctuary for the balance of these ancient artifacts, often meditating on the present, past, even future. Objective observers to the passing of time…

Shakkra waits for the tunnel charges to erupt, isolating the guardians far beneath the clutches of the encroaching enemy, but mines remain silent. A darkness nears…but so too does a familiar presence. Closer and closer the entity approaches. Ahead, from the large tunnel a cloaked figure emerges. In that instant he realizes the darkness and familiar presence are converged within the figure before him, Anakin Skywalker.

“Take heed of your next step Sith-spawn!” Shakkra’s heavy voice carried through the hall. The two apparently alone in the forum separated by a vast space. Vader’s voice hardened and edgy hoarsely shouted back, “Jedi will NO longer hinder me!!” The guardian’s eyebrows raised in gross curiosity, “Hinder you?! The Order has done no such thing in all its time. Masters Qui Gon and Kenobi liberated you! No longer recall the life in the sand? Again, you are enslaved to a master! What is the cost of the Chancellor’s bidding?”

“He only seeks to push.. to grow my power! My NEW master’s influence is superior against ANY Jedi!” Anakin’s blood began boiling. A vein surged through his neck, pulsing harder with each beat. His forehead glistened with beads of labored sweat. The night forged within that sweat and blood.

Calmly, Shakkra Kien stood from his knees. Calm blue eyelids opened, raising his head to observe the adversary, “Nothing is more powerful than the light of the force. Have you fallen so far..SO far THE ONE has become a misguided puppet for the Sith?...Anakin Skywalker.” Vader incensed at the mention of his former name pulled the lightsaber from his belt!


Vader’s blue blade hissed when activated! Instantly his fist clenched tightly around the silver hilt, grinding his jaw, “..Do NOT call me by THAT name!”

A slight smile emits from Shakkra Kien’s countenance. Master Guardian Kien hands point outward to his sides. Fingers extending from the palm. Two clinks echoed off the walls when from beneath his many robes, Kien’s saber hilts crossed before him, spiraling into his hands, activating upon impact! His right hand seized a standard, gold, dual bladed saber whilst the other held the original blue Kyber crystal that had chosen him as a youngling.
“So be it Sith…Continue your crucible…your conception…your rebirth, Anakin Skywalker – BETRAYER.” Vader’s hands were trembling while the words echoed in his ears. He had remained silent during the raid for a reason. The fallen one’s robes rippled when he took a slow step forward; looking directly into Shakkra Kien, eyes not blinking. He continued scanning the periphery for other guardians: where were they? The Master Guardian sensed the blind anger he had encouraged.

Shakkra’s robe jolted with his lunge forward, “This is your legacy!!”

Stay tuned in --- NEXT Volume by the end of the weekend!!  --------------------------
Title: Re: The Clone Wars: Knightfall -- Raid of the Jedi Temple Mod 2/7/15
Post by: TheIRISH Rogue on February 06, 2015, 11:25:50 PM
Here is a pic of Guardian Kien beginning his charge in the NEWLY released Volume 6!! (Featured above)

hmmm...I wonder what'll happen next.. ;)
Title: Re: The Clone Wars: Knightfall -- Raid of the Jedi Temple Mod 2/7/15
Post by: Tamer on February 09, 2015, 08:40:44 AM
Nice, time to get the news to the front page.
Title: Re: The Clone Wars: Knightfall -- Raid of the Jedi Temple Mod 2/7/15
Post by: wraithnine on February 10, 2015, 03:05:34 AM
once again another stupendous chapter!
Title: Re: The Clone Wars: Knightfall -- Raid of the Jedi Temple Mod 2/27/15
Post by: TheIRISH Rogue on February 27, 2015, 03:16:49 PM
The Clone Wars: Knightfall _ Volume 7.1

Bright hues of Blue and Gold cascaded down from the high ceilings above the Sanctum, deep under the Jedi Temple. The colors trailed the pillars to the floor, rich ethereal blues ascending into the golden shine above; colors for which the Temple Guardians were renowned. The brightness serving as an eternal reminder to all Jedi who pass beneath, that light is the path of the resolute. The walls, though vacant of intricate design, were laden with very small stones that shift while glimmering. Not a single day looked the same in this room, the light forever altering as does the will of the force.

Alone in the spacious atrium, Master Guardian, Shakkra Kien, abounds towards his fallen Jedi nemesis, Anakin Skywalker. Seemingly alone, the pair clash in the center of the chamber! Blue and gold lightsaber blades flash brilliantly whilst hissing violently with each flurry of rapid strokes. The room morphs! The tiny, rare gems within the walls absorbing not only the gold and blue light of battling blades, but the white flashes from each saber assault. Glimmers dazzle every surface.
Master Kien remained silent through their contest of skill. His breath remained calm, nonexistent. Even in his near-blind state of fury, Vader was taken back by the tenacious skill of Shakkra Kien. On several instances Vader’s heavy brown robe met the singeing golden blades.

In darkness, the 501st waits with bated breath. Clone troopers on edge biding their time until signaled by the hooded figure to strike their killing blow. An odd aura developed among the troopers. Many felt justice for the thousands upon thousands of BROTHERS lead to their eternal fate by Jedi generals, many others following orders believing it to be the execution of oath and duty. Then there were the slight few who stood intermingled believing a horrible wrongdoing was being carried out. To this few, these orders did not make sense, but for the moment they were not in a position to oppose them; at least not yet…

Vader’s strokes fell well aimed, but were incapable to pierce Kien’s defensive vale. Again and again the embodiment of evil lashed out in offense. Raising his hands over his hood, Vader slammed his arms vertically down, but the Chagrian’s stamina remained boldly unwavering. Countering, Kien tightly gripped his dual bladed hilt forming a clenched fist. Squeezing, he force pushed himself from the floor – propelling the double blades at high speed to counter and flip. In conjunction, the guardian expertly used his blue blade, thrusting through the golden haze with sniping accuracy. Vader remained on his heels, retreating, his domain threatened.

Like a stone through a large pane of glass, Shakkra Kien had shattered Vader’s aggressive attack! At no point during the operation against the temple had the Dark Lord been threatened in such a way. Kien kept the momentum, plunging his blue blade towards each opening he saw available. If Vader’s passion was hot, Kien’s composure was ice cold with focus. Swiping left, he harshly drove Vader’s saber aside; following with a spiral high kick to his hooded throat! With a thud Vader’s shrouded body slammed against the floor. Not taking a moment to feel the pain, the sprawled figure reignited his saber, slashing it across the floor! Leaping backward in the air, Kien momentarily curled up as he spun backward. Rolling to his back before righting himself, Vader’s feet hit the marble with a pronounced, echoing click.

Before the echo finished bouncing off the immense walls, Shakkra Kien’s feet hit the deck from which he rebounded, hurling sprawled hands forward! A powerful force blast was unleashed, launching Vader again off his feet toward the darkness from whence he came minutes prior. Standing tall, the lightly robed figure continued Vader’s expulsion, “Betrayer, leave!...or be vanquished. The choice is yours, but not for long!”

Vader raised himself. Stretching his shoulders back then rolling his head to the side, “I’ll only leave when every last one of you is given an end!! Understand…your pride is here to bring this temple down upon you!”

“Pride has only been yours young one…” Kien challenged, nearing Vader who stood in the middle of a tremendous dark gap. Unyielding, Vader looked on. Kien was within a strike of the Sith whose saber was not ignited. “It’s not wise to lower your defenses Sith..” The guardian struck an aggressive stance, preparing his next move.
Vader raised his saber, a slight arrogant grin growing from the corner of his lips. With a click of the ignition switch, the blue blade extending slowly upward. As it did, the blade illuminated what stood behind him…rank after rank of clone troopers at the ready…
Title: Re: The Clone Wars: Knightfall -- Raid of the Jedi Temple Mod 2/27/15
Post by: Tamer on February 28, 2015, 02:42:56 PM
Great new chapter. Time to go share.
Title: Re: The Clone Wars: Knightfall -- Raid of the Jedi Temple Mod 2/27/15
Post by: Sjefke on March 01, 2015, 11:28:09 AM
Irish Rogue
I enjoyed this chapter.
I just bought some HO scale train buildings for my son off an ebay seller named, Irish Rogue.  Cooincidence?
Title: Re: The Clone Wars: Knightfall -- Raid of the Jedi Temple Mod 3/10/15
Post by: TheIRISH Rogue on March 09, 2015, 10:52:55 PM
See Corresponding Image:

Clone Wars: Knightfall Volume 7.3

The lift raced up through level after level. Indicators flickered the higher Vallen rode until the speaker rang out, the doors slid effortlessly apart. The Major began lightly stepping down the hall…very much confused by the situation engulfing the temple. The shoulder pad moved aside when his long rifle tightly nudged into his shoulder. Ready for anything, he scanned the hall. The sights shifted sharply, high and low, continuing to clear every space no matter how small. “What am I looking for?” he asked under his breath.

Damage on the upper levels was barely evident. No marks were visible near the lifts; remarkable. No bodies, no blast points; only darkness. Vallen’s hand traced the side of his helmet. On the right side his finger grazed the familiar click switch, activating his flashlight. The beams offered a stark beam in contrast to the dark hall, only illuminated by the city skyline of Coruscant. Not a sound was made, but the soldier was not alone. His eyes scanned the city profile looking for other activity. The Senate Dome looked unadulterated from his perspective. Nothing provided insight into the onslaught. .

Crack* Crikkle* Kreek*

Glass buckled and creaked beneath his boots. Looking across the hall, his eyes took in the detail of a window. His light reflected brightly off what glass remained in the window panel. A sparkle glistened where the glass had melted from being blown open.

Continuing he noticed there were two more vacant slots; glass splayed across the floor. Walking to the third, Vallen reached out and took hold of a cable attached to a grappling hook.

The butt of his rifle clicked as he pulled it snuggly to his shoulder beneath the armored plate. Turning a corner, Vallen briefly stumbled over a pair of legs. Looking down, the sights of his rifle quickly found their mark. Kneeling to verify the vitals of a wounded trooper, the officer observed. The armor was a different variation from a standard clone.

Customizations matched the most recent batch of ARC troopers. These clones were known for their harsh mentality towards anyone without a proven Republic reputation. Lacking the earlier phases of training, they were quickly produced to reinforce the ARC’s dwindling number. The major had not seen these troops prior to their dissemination among the corps, their purpose: strictly to enforce the will of their highest commander.

The ARC's pulse noticeably weakened through Vallen’s thin glove. Reaching over his lap, the Major lifted the helmet for a closer look. It looked very peculiar. The helmet had an experimental view plate…two separate eye-like plates. His armor had no color work on it. His helmet was still gleaming white from the factory floor. The two eyes, starkly black, but maintained the familiar V shaped frown for ventilation.

Vallen noticed the trooper's chest barely rise with an inhale, “Trooper, what happened here?” Slowly the clone raised his head, vengeance clearly spread upon his face. In a low harsh voice, “ are not supposed to be here..” His arm raised to Vallen’s shoulder feigning gratitude. The major once again asked, “Give me a status report..” The clone locked eyes through Vallen’s view plate. “..not the clearance.. *cough* You are not supposed to be here..” Quickly the downed-soldier attempted to use the last burst of his energy to fire a poison dart from the wrist that rested upon the officer’s shoulder!

The fatal round neared Vallen’s neck, narrowly missing, as it popped against the wall. In that instant, Vallen's fist smashed into the clone’s throat bluntly! His cuff unveiling the blade within, spraying crimson across the marble.  After a mottled garble left the clone's angry lips, the trooper rolled to the floor. Finally expired.

Vallen still kneeling, was very troubled what had just occurred. A clone willing to kill regardless of the possible link of brotherhood or any other apparent reason. Vallen's identity was concealed with the clone helmet. Seldom clones killed one another in such a way. Recent broods however, were exhibiting signs of detachment; even to the Kaminoans. A troubling thought. “Sociopaths bread for war mongering…is this what we’ve come to?”

Standing up, the contemplative man looked again toward the hall. In the dim city lit way, two silhouettes stood, watching. Silently without speaking they took a step forward, stalking their new query. Barely in sight, a brown leather boot rested against a cornerstone. It belonged to a murdered Jedi no doubt. Vallen's eyes strained in the dim, but it was noticeable one of the pair was breathing very heavily. Vallen had interrupted their dark deed.

Taking a step closer…then another. The silence deafening as they crept…


Falling from his perch on the ceiling a shadowy figure leapt! His agility swift! Quickly actuating his helm lights again, Vallen noted deep blue fur briefly before claws clutched one of the troopers, throwing his body towards the disguised non-clone soldier. Both were knocked to the floor. All four now engaged in close quarters combat.

Vallen quickly drew his side arm from it’s quick release rig.. but not before his assailant straddled his chest, clasping Vallen's neck between amidst his gripping vice! Tighter in each moment. Vallen gripped the trooper’s forearm armor…struggling to take hold. Franticly tried pushing the trooper’s helmet to disengage! To no avail as his gloves slide across the white surface.

Non-lethal efforts were costing the man his life. Vallen rotated the pistol in his grip, placing his thumb in the trigger guard. Pulling the trigger, a bolt bore its way into the clone’s thigh. “EhhG…AHHH!” the trooper let out! Now even more driven to finish off the officer. The distraction of pain was just enough for the Major to reposition his arm firing two blasts point blank!

The orange circles glowed beautifully. Never before was he so grateful to see that hue from clone armor! His helmet light had been damaged when the trooper was thrown into him, but the other two figures remained visibly engaged in their duel. From what he could see the figure was a young male creature, his hands like claws and long raven hair tied neatly behind him. Muscles adolescent in nature, but bold as if forged from a lifetime of strife.

The clone was larger than average and held his own against the Jedi. Both acceled in their hand to hand offense, striking blows that visibly effected the other. Fists like iron pounded away at the creature smaller in stature. “Forgive me Master..” his voice said when he collapsed to the floor. The clone batted in reply, “I slaughtered your master..a little too late for forgiveness!…ya, think?!” Following the insult, the assassin applied just as grave a kick; knocking the Jedi against the wall.

“UP!!” the trooper shouted while standing over the beaten knight.

Slowly the wolf creature rolled to his side. Pressing his palm against the floor, a whimper escaped. It was clear the young one did his best to mask the pain while glass shredded his palm.

“Ha ha ha…killing you with a weapon takes the sport out of it…child..” The Jedi clamored to his feet, wavering. “Revenge is not the way…This is Justice..” Pulling from his back a large, almost spear like hilt, the figure ignited a blue saber blade! As cruel as the clone had been in insult and injury, the wolf administered his cool vengeance. Spiraling his hilt within the moment he ignited it; the Clone’s hands were removed, hitting the floor simultaneously as the saber dissipated. In utter shock the clone meandered back, looking at his glowing armored cuffs. Standing in silence, he did not asking for mercy; for there was none for any this night.

Troopers were trained to face death, even smile when it came; this one was no different. The face of Jango Fett gleamed as he looked up towards the creature who bested him. At the same rate, the Jedi’s hand rose steadily. Before the clone could offer further insult, the blue being flicked out his fingertips -- unfurling a fierce force push! The trooper’s body violently propelled back horizontally making contact against a pillar. The immense impact sent a crack splicing towards the ceiling. The momentum so strong his body did not falter towards the floor; his limp body spiraled out the gaping window.

A victorious yet mournful sigh left the alien's chest. Instantly aware, his head glanced towards Vallen! Weary of his presence, both unsure whether to fight or speak.

Vallen paused. The presence before him stood tall once again, cautiously approaching. “I sense you are not a clone..not like the others. So why come to this place of death? It is no longer a temple, but a tomb.”

Vallen calmly began removing his helmet, revealing he was in fact not a clone. “I am Major Haide Valhallen…the 501st was sent here without my knowing.. I felt this terrible.. wave overcome my sleep.. It is only by Guardian Kien's guidance I am here for: he who was conceived from a mother of wind and ice.”

Being careful not to step blatantly into a sniper’s scope, the Jedi treaded into a holoscreen’s glow, unveiling himself. “Then I am what you seek; Kohana Tala.” In the light Vallen could see much better. The young male was a Nelvaan. His body covered in icy blue fur, tattooed in a deeper blue of interlocking keys. His tunic and robes had been through much. It was obvious the Nelvaan had been fighting and hiding most of the night, but why not try to escape this den of hell?

The two gave pause above the fallen Jedi Master. Vallen lifted the lightsaber pausing to remember its once beautiful owner. Fires from below gave more light to the hall. Vallen remorsefully handed the hilt to Kohana. Briskly the pair sped their way down the hall avoiding detection of far off snipers. Taking an abrupt right turn they entered a shorter corridor. Sliding the door open, Kohana hushly whispered, “Be at ease young ones! This is a friend here to help us. We are safe for now.”

“Kohana, where has Knight Chion gone?” inquired a small charming lad. “She’s gone away for the time being little Sors. Be strong! Soon another knight will come.” Kohana’s statement was broad to keep fear from encroaching upon the youngling clan of eight.

Though soon to be true, the Nelvaan had no idea another Jedi knight would come to their section of the temple. The Blue figure sat among the younglings who admired his unique light saber. Vallen picked up a back-pack looking at its contents. From within he pulled one of many small, blue glass cubes, “They are Holocrons Major Vallen…its pertinent they no longer reside here or fall into the hands of these soldiers.” Vallen quickly devised a plan of escape, “Captain Valkier, do you read me?...Do you read me?”

“I’m cold sirs.” A small girl’s voice murmured from the shade of a desk. Sors Bandeam walked to her, blanket in hand, tucking it compassionately around her arms. The fair boy encouraged the others, “Use this. It can help until the Master’s come back.” They huddled together on the floor.

The chill they felt was not the power being deactivated, but the loss of thousands across a galaxy.

“Sir, I read you loud and clear!” Valkier’s voice came clearly over the comm. “We need you up on the deck outside the central spire of the Jedi Temple! Do you have an ETA?” 

----- the communication began to sizzle with static. “…r…..we will….eet…yo…there…! We…grab…*Crsssshhhhh*” ---- “Communications have dropped. They’ve activated a jammer. We are going to have to make this quick Kohana.”

The Nelvaan nodded in agreement. “We need to prep the doors for the gunship! We won’t have time if pressed for it..” Pulling off the clone helmet, the side of Vallen’s lips curled up hinting a smile, “Let’s hop to!”
Title: Re: The Clone Wars: Knightfall -- Raid of the Jedi Temple Mod 3/10/15
Post by: Tamer on March 10, 2015, 02:43:08 AM
I nabbed the artwork. Another great chapter. Off to share.
Title: Re: The Clone Wars: Knightfall -- Raid of the Jedi Temple Mod 3/10/15
Post by: wraithnine on March 12, 2015, 12:22:15 AM
awesome! i sooo love this story!
Title: The Clone Wars: Knightfall -- Raid of the Jedi Temple Mod 3/14/15
Post by: TheIRISH Rogue on March 14, 2015, 06:03:55 PM
The Clone Wars: Knightfall Vol. 7.5


*Chink*       ccrrssSSHHH- PHOOM!!

A clone launched rocket slammed into the ground mere paces away from Shakkra Kien. The concussive wave threw him aside several meters. Vader strode forward from behind the shadows, the first few squads following suit. Hustling from Shakkra Kien’s flank, a lone masked knight came sprinting. The squad nearest Vader raised weapons; fingers tense upon their triggers. Without a word, the Sith’s robotic hand raised, holding the barrage momentarily.

The guardian helped the dazed Chagrian master to his feet. Activating their golden blades, the pair retreated toward the main gates they presided over. More troopers poured through the entrance of the dark ramp; not realizing the advance was bated. Shakkra straightened himself, then recalled his single handed saber from the floor, charred in black.

“Skywalker…to what end?!” the tall, horned knight bellowed. Guardians stormed from the rear corridors, their boots softer due to the material footing. In silence, guardians assembled in lined ranks. Each activated their golden blades for the fight to come.

The cloaked Sith slightly grinned raising his saber into an attack pose, “Finally..Yours..” A very brief moment ensued. Vader’s foot charged forward, leading across the large atrium, a sea of blue and white racing behind.

The horned Jedi master’s voice rang above the thunder of boots, “Brothers of the sabre, DO NOT YIELD!”

A blue blade extended from the hilt in his one hand. Kien led his silent stampede toward the clone mass! Guardians spiraled their blades, plowing deeply, deflecting incoming bolts unfurled by the clone invaders. Two formidable, faceless masses ensnared one another, unwilling until death parted all. The armies clashed! Guardian Knights were the most organized and skilled nemesis the 501st faced that night. Their dual blades reflected deadly, blue lasers back into their clone senders! Armored troopers fell in droves; severed limbs littering the floor. The hall echoed with screams of agony. Its gems violently imitated the ferocity of the raging fight!

Jedi felled by enormous explosions and rotary cannons lay scattered across the floor. Bodies doused in smoldering entry wounds, the scent of burnt flesh mixed with melting armor. 

Vader’s fist established foothold in the entrance of the chamber. A guardian charged forward, throwing his blade with sniper accuracy through the chest of three rocketeers simultaneously. Before he was able to recall the blade from the dispatched foes chests; two rotary cannons took advantage of the circumstance, showering him in a flurry of blazing bolts. His shoulders were the first point to lurch back and forth, the impact pushing him from one side to another until overcome. Looking to one another - the clones nodded in satisfaction at the job well done, both earning them glowing orange necks, felled by a fellow guardian. Continuously clones and Jedi slew one another.

Helmets and masks alike coated the tiles. Shakkra’s eyes scanned across the dying while effortlessly dispatching clones. Several lifeless robed figure’s faces were exposed. Faces of different color and species lay ‘neath the vail. No longer did guardians focus efforts to disarm their enemies, as they often did. There was no energy to use on preserving life, except their own.

Vader threw disoriented guardians into swaths of troopers who leapt on their prey, murdering them by any means possible. Vader headed straight for Shakkra Kien who made quick work of clones both far and near. The double blades acted as his shield, the blue blade then hurled to devastating effect. Whilst the battle thickened, Kien’s voice echoed above all, the walls seemingly carrying his voice above all others, “Fight! What awaits is immortality – Give to them an end!”

Clone troopers continued filling the hall, at times climbing over the dead to get to the action. Vader gripped a protector in the force, pulling him away from the troopers he was fighting. The blue of his saber erupted through the mask the suspended Jedi.

Kien held his position near the archive gate. Guardians fought vigorously to keep the bleached, soulless troopers at bay. Vader passed three-quarters of the room, Master Kien saw the opportunity he had been waiting for, “Sentinels, ARISE!!”

Vader observed Kien’s gaze shift upward silently. High above, dozens of Sentinels, extremely adept Guardians, bounded from their perches. Nearing the floor, each simultaneously threw out their arms, releasing shockwaves that crushed clone troopers beneath their power; fragmenting armor. Their chaotic ranks utterly dispersed. Troopers that were isolated rapidly met their ends by lightsaber. The clones pushed back into the entrance they had poured through shortly before. A guardian raised his saber, “Hold the high watermark! Do not let them cross unless departed!”

The battle of the causeway raged!

Shakkra Kien and Vader, alone, the pair isolated by the newly formed wall of guardians. Golden, brown robes wavered, charging the 501st. “Today your lesson has come at a high cost Skywalker. You are only a shadow of yourself.” Kien’s face was stern. He did not gloat though the battle appeared to be in his favor. Saturated with raw emotion Vader’s mind flashed a vision of Padme, fair skinned in the Naboo sun smiling toward him…barely able to revel in that moment, she screamed out! Red fire rained down enveloping her, smoke stifling his love, choking her. Tears streamed down her cheek…she was dying..

The vision hadn’t lasted long enough for Kien to notice any lapse in Vader. Anakin’s heart throbbed heavily; his resolve renewed from the horrifying vision. “I must…I need to save her!..YOU…killing her..delaying..betraying ME!” he said beneath his breath. His words relatively unclear in all the commotion. Kien’s brow perked with confusion; attempting to interpret the emotional rant. Now was the time to strike!

The blue master flew with haste to Vader. Blue sabers collided, sizzling between the pressure and grind applied to them. Kien glimpsed the fiery hate of Anakin’s eyes…Sith eyes only for a moment before Vader pushed sharply! Both spiraled with brilliant finesse. Their sabers fluidly struck then countered; each using the strength from the other to commit another attack.

The fight wore on. Saber strokes evolved wildly, cutting groves through the stone at their feet. Sparks flew into the air as both knights attempted to gain the upper hand. Clone troopers again and again clashed against the defenders in an effort to reach their isolated lord. The soldiers fought tenaciously, but the rifles and carbines could not make a dent. A squad of snipers joined the fray.
Guardians holding position noticed a lull in the continuous blitz. From the dark, a shield wall approached one step at a time. A hard metallic clank rang when the shields slammed the ground. Alternating with the severe echo, a stomp thundered when the troops took their next step, each bracing behind their shield. What trickery lie in wait? The grey metal wall drew near…both Jedi and Clone clenched what fatal tool was at hand. The shields slammed down again, halting the advance.
An awkward silence was born..

All blaster fire had ceased.

Phap* Skrat* Phoom*

A chain of snipers fired simultaneously from the cover of the metallic curtain! Handfuls of Jedi fell with bolts landing amidst their masks and chests; the velocity so fast - sabers unable to deflect. Again a volley tore through their saber wall, some attempting to crawl from the torn gate.

Thousands of blue lasers cascaded into the Jedi as multiple rotary cannons cut loose their fury; the balance began to turn. Lightsabers swirled in vain, overcome by sheer volume! The knockout blow soon came. Their task of defending such a storm was as futile as struggling to keep drops of rain from hitting the ground. Any trooper within throwing range primed a detonator. “NOW” barked a clone. In tandem, clones threw their grenades as rocketeers unleashed their explosive payload. The floor vibrated when chunks of stone dissolved from the sheer power!

“This was the time” thought many clones, “Now BROTHERS!! For the Republic!!”

The surge of the 501st followed! Clone troopers poured in as a singular mass! All thought of self cast aside. The clone troopers sprinted into the guardians at the gate. Sabers cleaved shields and armor, but the Guardians were overcome by troopers who began tackling them. The room was disarray as fighting devolved into primal hand to hand combat! Surging forward many tripped over the bodies coating the floor. The double bladed sabers were more cumbersome than the single handed variant in battling odds of this caliber.


During the chaos, few Jedi sabers lost. For those whose blades were, their resourcefulness was put to a dire test. Hotsh, a squad leader and sharpshooter, calmly entered the conflict with his squad of batch brothers. Remaining undaunted, his team took pause at the sight, sound, even smell of the carnage.

“Left! Left! Left!” Hotsh hollered, motioning to his men with sharp jutting movements of his forearm. The small group darted in and out of several struggles. The squad leader’s armor severely impacted the column; seeking refuge. Pike ran towards squad mates Hotsh and Wraith.

A body of a Jedi Guardian unexpectedly crashed him from his feet. Disoriented, Pike struggled to gain his awareness. Back and forth his body moved. Deathly wrestling took place on top of him. A myriad of troopers brawled to restrain their temple host. Pike’s ears were filled with sounds of muffled boots sliding, losing grip on the floor. Lowly grunts from the struggle filled his pressed helmet, screeching against the stone surface.

“Ahhh!” the Jedi’s voice echoed between the floor and tattered armor. One clone bent an arm across his and Pike’s body. Another pair did their best to fatally subdue him with their bare hands. A force blast propelled one trooper off of Pike, hurling the clone toward the ceiling with a scream that ended abruptly upon impact with the floor. Forced to square off, the two clones prepared to charge the Jedi as Pike pulled himself to his knees.

Hotsh raised his rifle to eliminate the target, but the pair obstructed his aim with their stance. “Move!!! Down troopers!” Hotsh ordered, but with no effect. Without another breath of hesitation, the pair of 501st clones projected themselves toward the Knight! The squad leader watched in pending terror as his comrades bodies lurched towards their target! Spiraling gold blurs quickly sent them reeling to their demise, cut down. Hotsh again lifted his rifle! There he saw Pike looking a small glowing cut in his chest plate. It had been unknowingly cloven during the Jedi’s corkscrew parry! Pike removed his helmet which clattered on a small unobstructed plot of ground. In one diligent motion, Pike leapt to his enemy, unsheathing the dagger from his chest rig!

In simultaneous moments, each thrust their blade deep within the chest of their foe. Together they sauntered to the floor, gripping one another. The lightsaber deactivated with a twist of the clone's knife. Pike’s hand reached up, harshly tearing away his enemies mask, exposing the green countenance of a Rodian. As if surprised, Pike’s eyes widened.. face growing pale. Both men engaged a final gaze… their corpses slumped away from one another.

“KARKING JEDI!!”  ()rr ()rr

Picture references:

Below -- Wraith (Left) and Hotsh (Right)

Other mentioned characters:

Title: Re: The Clone Wars: Knightfall -- Raid of the Jedi Temple Mod 3/14/15
Post by: Tamer on March 15, 2015, 06:08:25 AM
Wow, another great chapter. Time to go share the news.
Title: Re: The Clone Wars: Knightfall -- Raid of the Jedi Temple Mod 3/14/15
Post by: TheIRISH Rogue on March 16, 2015, 11:46:56 AM
Thanks for such a compliment and darn superb write up! Support for writers is all so far and few between.
Title: Re: The Clone Wars: Knightfall -- Raid of the Jedi Temple Mod 3/26/15
Post by: TheIRISH Rogue on March 26, 2015, 01:44:07 PM
Star Wars

The Clone Wars

Knightfall Finale: Two Part Volume Conclussion

The unfolding plot against the Jedi too vast to thoroughly comprehend in the moment. The major new the Clone Wars  had eroded much of what remained of the republic’s will power, but was this Jedi insurrection that… or was another usurper hard at work?

“Vallen..” murmured the adolescent Nelvaan as the two left the room in preparation for the gunship’s arrival. Kohanna reached down into a sleeve of his satchel. A slight jingle was made bringing out a saber from the collection he had gathered of fallen Jedi, “This will help.” Vallen had not studied the Nelvaan physiology during his time at Corulag Academy, but he could tell the youth was resilient in nature, but also clearly burdened. Too much was at stake for a survivor’s mind to be privy of the chaos ripping apart the force.

The hilt weighed heavily in his hand, but was perfectly balanced. With a subtle, effortless push of the ignition, a vibrant blade crackled out. Flickering green glows were cast over Vallen’s clone trooper armor while he admired the weapon.

“From where does your craft approach Major?” Kohanna questioned. Vallen took a moment to think remembering the flight path to the temple, “It should be the Northern sector.”

“Then that is where we will be. It is best to go with your initial instinct. Head down the hall and make an incision. It will take time with such thick, aged walls.” Turning, the young knight made his way back to the pack of younglings. A hint of confusion lingered in Vallen’s voice, “…but you’re far more experienced. This process will go a lot quicker with your skills.” Tranquilly Kohanna returned raising his hand to the officer’s shoulder. Placing claw on war-torn pauldron, “After all that has unfolded; they need to see a Jedi they trust. Your reputation precedes you, but the little ones are enduring so much…”

Deliberately Vallen solemnly nodded. Their eyes met; both understood what remained at stake. The pair were fraught with tense emotion immediately beneath a composed demeanor. Kohonna, again, briskly made way down the hallway. Slowly turning towards the task at hand, without warning, a small tear pushed its way from the cusp of Vallen’s blue eye. A trail grew across his cheek, chilled by the night air until his soft glove caught the sparkle. Lifting the humming blade, he bore it into the wall. The stone heated up from within, glowing. Steadily he cut gradually up the surface.

A hot bead of sweat raced down Vader’s forehead. The dense cloak stifled his body, restraining movement, but FURY and PANICK did not allow the Sith to notice the minor difference. The immolation of his fear burned with too much heat. Nothing besieged his WRATH!

“How long did it take for whispers of darkness to encroach and take hold?!” Shakkra Kien challenged. Truly dismayed that such a valuable member of the Order had succumb to the darkside of the force. “Stop your clamoring!” Vader unsympathetically voiced, eyes large and fiery. The turmoil enveloping him was tangible, but nothing the Chagrian said provided the smallest insight to take hold. Not training or talent could bring the reprieve Kien sought. Defeating the momentum of the Clone Wars was futile; routing the dark warrior needed doing!

Vader continued fending off Kien’s trio of blades over and over again, goading when possible. “Do you feel the force around you Master Guardian Kien? They dwindle! Slipping into oblivion.” Kien focused on his opponent so intently, he hadn’t taken note of so many knights splayed across the floor, against pillars, even wrapped in clone troopers. Vader observed dark reverberations of death encroach the Master Guardian. Striking hastily, the Sith took the advantage!

The plasmic blade severed a horn of Kien’s in half then slashed his upper arm. Parrying before Vader’s blade dove too deep. Using a sly tactic used by Dooku on Geonosis, Vader slid his blade close to Kien’s hilt forcing a rapid retreat by the guardian, exposing his leg to strike. Exhausting the offensive, the Sith exposed the ploy, striking Kien through his leg! Shakkra Kien collapsed to the floor, seriously wounded. The chasms were far quieter than before.

Vader stepped back; deactivating his saber. Allowing.. even encouraging emotion to swell over the Master. Mesmerized, they both watched what remained of the knights under Kien’s charge.

The band of guardians choraled together by the 501st were familiar. At one time they were the most promising youngling pack. Each selected for the role of guardian and all elected to take the path of anonymity. Silent tension drew across the air. The fighting was at a standstill.

Surrounding the pack of six, the 501 swarmed near! Forming a large oval, all of the troops remained eight meters of distance to avoid the golden blades that proved so costly. Clone ranks coagulated; thickening with troops knelling and stacking up densely. Their armor lightly clattered standing shoulder to shoulder; some resting rifle on the trooper before him.

Blades continued to hum, ignited. Ahead of the knights, the dense sea of troopers separated briefly. The last of the guardian pack ushered to the semi- circle. Lightsaberless, he walked across the gap. Without a word the knights greeted one another. Even when masked, Jedi could identified another through their fingerprint in force. Some nodded, others briefly placed hand against shoulder. More a goodbye than greeting.

Hotsh broke from formation taking two steps out. Abruptly dropping to his knee, the aim of his rifle never shifted. Commander Bow followed, standing behind him, only identifiable by the stark black kama he wore. Bow looked to his commander, Vader – who proceeded to raise his hand. Kien barked in pain, “This isn’t a fight!’s an EXECUTION!!” Turning his hood, the betrayer almost snidely remarked, “’re right. Of Order 66.”

At the apex of Vader’s raised hand, Bow tossed a saber hilt which skidded across the floor. The lone guardsman stepped into the arc of Jedi. Recalling the saber it spiraled when meeting his hand, “We served together, it’s fitting we are here together.” From another faceless knight came a simple phrase, “ that as it may!”

Jedi were renowned for their reflexes. This instance was no different. Time seemed to slow. Shakkra Kien’s muscles were saturated with emotion of the event as if it had already unfolded. His knights gave a subtle salute to their mentor; Vader’s hand dropping in the process. Kien clamored to his feet: igniting his blades, “NOOO!!”

“FIRE!!” Bow’s voice broke the silence over Kien’s hissing blades. The white and blue clone troopers cut loose a rapidly fired volley of death. Each Jedi used a different form of saber combat, some forms prevented several guardians from defending against the fatal salvo. Guardians were struck over and over, endlessly, until their bodies lay level. One such guardian was dealt three blazing chest wounds, another to her thigh- forcing her to kneel. She continued being shot even as her hilt broke apart from a direct hit.

NONE withstood the barrage long. Those few moments signified an end to the Jedi dominion of their temple. The final protectors descended into the sea of dead.

Title: Re: The Clone Wars: Knightfall -- Raid of the Jedi Temple Mod 3/26/15
Post by: wraithnine on March 27, 2015, 02:43:20 AM
man this story just gets better and better!
Title: Re: The Clone Wars: Knightfall -- Raid of the Jedi Temple Mod 3/26/15
Post by: Tamer on March 27, 2015, 07:01:35 AM
I agree, time to go share this latest chapter.
Title: The Clone Wars: Knightfall -- Raid of the Jedi Temple Mod 5/22/15
Post by: TheIRISH Rogue on May 22, 2015, 05:30:26 AM
Star Wars
The Clone Wars

Knightfall FINALE: Pt. 2

The unfolding plot against the Jedi was too vast to thoroughly comprehend in the moment. The major new the Clone Wars  had eroded much of what remained of the republic’s will power, but was this Jedi insurrection that… or was another usurper hard at work?

“Vallen..” murmured the adolescent Nelvaan; the two left the room in preparation for the gunship’s arrival. Kohanna reached down into a sleeve of his satchel. A slight jingle sounded from the hilt collection gathered of fallen Jedi weapons, “This will help.” Vallen had not studied the Nelvaan physiology during his time at Corulag Academy, but he could tell the youth was resilient in nature, yet also clearly burdened. Too much was at stake for a survivor’s mind to be privy to the chaos ripping apart the force.

The hilt weighed heavily in his hand, but was perfectly balanced. With a subtle, effortless push of the ignition, a vibrant blade crackled out. Flickering green glows were cast over Vallen’s clone trooper armor while he admired the weapon.

“From where does your craft approach Major?” Kohanna questioned. Vallen took a moment to think. Remembering the flight path to the temple he pointed to the left, “It should be the Northern sector.”
“Then that is where we will be. It is best to go with your initial instinct. Head down the hall and make a cut! It will take time with these thick walls.” Turning, the young knight made his way back to the pack of younglings. A hint of confusion lingered in Vallen’s voice, “…but you’re far more experienced. This process will go a lot quicker with your skills.” Tranquilly Kohanna returned raising his hand to the officer’s shoulder. Placing claw on war-torn pauldron, “After all that has unfolded; they need to see a Jedi they trust. Your reputation precedes you, but the little ones are enduring so much…”

Deliberately Vallen solemnly nodded. Their eyes met; both understood what remained at stake. The pair were fraught with tense emotion immediately beneath a composed demeanor. Kohonna, again, briskly made way down the hallway. Slowly turning towards the task at hand, without warning, a small tear pushed its way from the cusp of Vallen’s blue eye. A trail grew across his cheek; chilled by the night air until his soft glove caught the sparkle. He lifted the humming blade and bore it into the wall. The stone heated up from within, glowing. Steadily he gradually cut up the surface.


A hot bead of sweat raced down Vader’s forehead. The dense cloak stifled his body, restraining movement, but FURY and PANICK did not allow the Sith to notice the minor difference. The immolation of his fear burned with too much heat. Nothing besieged his WRATH!
“How long did it take for whispers of darkness to encroach and take hold?!” Shakkra Kien challenged. Truly dismayed that such a valuable member of the Order had succumb to the darkside of the force.

“Stop your clamoring!” Vader unsympathetically voiced, eyes large and fiery. The turmoil enveloping him was tangible. Nothing the Chagrian said provided the smallest insight to take hold. Not training or talent could bring the reprieve Kien sought. Defeating the momentum of the Clone Wars was futile; routing the dark warrior needed doing!

Vader continued fending off Kien’s trio of blades over and over again, goading when possible. “Do you feel the force around you Master Guardian Kien? They dwindle! Slipping into oblivion.” Kien focused on his opponent so intently, he hadn’t taken note of so many knights splayed across the floor, against pillars, even wrapped in clone troopers. Vader observed as dark reverberations of death encroached the Master Guardian. Striking hastily, the Sith seized the advantage!

The plasmic blade severed a horn of Kien’s in half then slashed across his upper arm in a single motion. Parrying prohibited Vader’s blade from diving too deep. Using a sly tactic used by Dooku on Geonosis, Vader slid his blade close to Kien’s hilt, forcing a rapid retreat by the guardian exposing his leg to another immediate strike. Exhausting the offensive, the Sith exposed the ploy in motion, striking Kien through his leg! The horned knight collapsed to the floor, gravely wounded. The chasms were far quieter than before.

Vader stepped back; deactivating his saber. Allowing.. Even encouraging emotion to swell over the Master. Mesmerized, they both watched what remained of the knights under Kien’s charge.

The final band of guardians had been choraled together by the 501st. Each familiar with one another. At one time they had been the most promising youngling pack. Each selected for the role of guardian; all electing to accept the path of anonymity. Silent tension drew across the air. Fighting was drawn to a standstill.

Surrounding the pack of six, the 501 swarmed near! Forming a large oval, all of the troops remaining at least eight meters of distance to avoid the golden blades that proved so costly. Clone ranks coagulated; thickening with troops knelling and stacking up densely. Their armor clattered while they stood shoulder to shoulder; some resting rifle on the trooper before him.

Blades continued to hum, ignited. Ahead of the knights, the dense sea of troopers parted. The last of the guardian pack was ushered to the semi- circle. Lightsaberless, he walked across the gap. Without a word the knights greeted one another. Even when masked, Jedi identified one another through their fingerprint in force. Some nodded, others briefly placed hand against arm. More a goodbye than greeting.

Hotsh broke from formation taking two steps out. Abruptly dropping to his knee, the aim of his rifle never shifted. Commander Bow followed, standing behind him, only identifiable by the stark black kama he wore. Bow looked to his lord, Vader – who proceeded to raise his hand. Kien barked in pain, “This isn’t a fight!’s an EXECUTION!!” Turning his hood, the betrayer snidely remarked, “’re right. Of Order 66.”

At the apex of Vader’s raising hand, Bow tossed a saber hilt which skidded across the floor. The lone guardsman stepped into the arc of Jedi. Recalling the saber; it spiraled when meeting his hand, “We served together, it’s fitting we embrace this moment.. together.” From another faceless knight came a simple phrase, “ that as it may!”

Jedi were renowned for their reflexes. This instance was no different. Time seemed to slow. Shakkra Kien’s muscles were saturated with emotion of the event as if it had already unfolded. His knights gave a subtle salute to their mentor; Vader’s hand dropping in the process. Kien clamored to his feet: igniting his blades, “NOOO!!”

“FIRE!!” Bow’s voice broke the silence over Kien’s hissing blades. The white and blue clone troopers cut loose a rapidly fired volley of death. Each Jedi used a different form of saber combat, some forms prevented several guardians from strongly defending against the fatal salvo. Each Jedi was struck over and over, endlessly, until their bodies lay level. One such guardian was dealt four blazing chest wounds, another to her thigh- forcing her to kneel. She continued being shot even as her hilt broke apart from a direct hit.

NONE withstood the barrage long. Those few moments signified an end to the Jedi dominion of their temple. The final protectors descended into the sea of dead.

Clone troopers of the 501st turned their attention toward their master, intently engaged in combat. Alone, the Chagrian fought on, unable to pierce Vader’s vale. No upper hand attained.  The wounds received, burned beyond the nerve. Vader parried before boldly lashing out, slamming his fist into Shakkra Kien’s chest! Reeling through the air, Kien lost grip of his single bladed saber. The Dark Lord pursued relentlessly with unparalleled offense!

Leaping, Vader’s blade was high in the air; primed to fall against Kien’s neck. Propelling himself across the floor, the wounded knight postponed the intended killing blow! Rising, he winced in pain. Golden blades bounced from one side to the other! In one quick strike Vader halved his stroke, sending his saber down the center of the guardian’s hilt. Bounding back, Vader’s sword was mere inches from Kien’s breath!

High pitched metallic clatters chimed off the floor. Vader looked down, following the trail of integral pieces of saber. In a brash move, his gloved hand reached through the force grappling the ruined halves. With fingertips flexing, shattered pieces of metal fell like water through the Chagrian’s strong, blue hands. Only a pair of Kyber crystals remained in his palms!

Vader grimaced. Kien recalled his lost lightsaber, activating it from beneath ranks of clone troopers. Its hiss flared while slicing through rows of troopers along its path! Leg, waist, torso, and neck glowed. Shouts amidst the tumbling bodies echoed.

Still warm from recently being held, the familiar grip glided to place within Kien’s hand. His arm twisted quickly to deviate another powerful attack by Vader, flinching in agony. Their blades speedily skimmed again! The dark Sith seized another opening. Shakkra Kien was finally weakened; fatigued by pain and the sorrowful weight of the galaxy!

*slash* Slash* *SLAM!*

Sith strength prevailed! Vader’s heaving blows forced Kien’s beleaguered hand to release the hilt of his light sword. Instantaneously he jutted out his arm blasting the one horned Chagrian several meters back; robes furling from the discharge’s strength! Jostling on impact, Kien blinked rapidly doing his utmost to clear his dazed sight. Before focus completely returned a bright blue blade spiraled his direction, finding its mark! Searing through his chest the blade turned the wall behind him to molten rock. The grip was his own…

Pressured breath mixed with blood burst from Kien’s lips with a cough. “I still…ugk..I still don’t…” Vader knelt in front of the dying Jedi. Staring mutely; he watched the pain spread. “Only those who dare, thrust the galaxy forward to peace..” Kien’s countenance wrinkled from such a flawed ideal. Vader continued to speak under hushed tones, “You don’t understand? All Jedi are the same…” He dove his lightsaber with careful intent prolonging Kien’s fade from life.

Troopers looked on while the Chagrian’s eyes relaxed. For merely a moment, the Master Guardian found peace in that the living force was not entirely empty. A glimpse of Kashyyk passed through his mind. The last of the Jedi Guardians faded into the force, with a partial smile upon his lips.

Vader deactivated his saber; Kien’s clattered to the floor. Pausing, the Sith had intended final insult, but instead remained severely perplexed by this small smirk. It continued to replay in his mind.

Commander Bow approached from behind the crouched man, “Sir, how are they; all Jedi the same?”

“All are the same in death Commander.” Lord Vader turned from the expired Jedi, looking over his troops. The wounded voices called out.

Hotsh turned his attention toward those recently cloven during the fall of the horned knight. Legs and arms rustled about; wounded clones struggled among the field of the slain. Seeing a familiar harness with an additional unique grenade attached, Hotsh hushly exclaimed, “..Oh no..” He ran to the small pile of toppled clone troopers; pulling the dead to the side. “Medic…MEDIC!! Kix..Smack..Wraith!? MEDIC!!” The squad leader proceeded to tug the harness of clone trooper Shine. Charred black, still freshly smoking, Shine was barely coherent when Wraith arrived. The mechanic, turned medic, tenderly pulled his helmet aside.

Hotsh with the addition of Wraith leant a bent knee to support their brother whose shoulder and chest were lethally carved. Looking to Wraith with eyes of hope, none could be offered when a small shake was given in reply.

Hotsh’s hand patted the bonded chest plate, “You’re valiant brother.” Coughing, each breath shallower, harder to take than the last. Smoke: hewn bodies: inescapable. “It’s fitting…uhg…ehg..” His squad leader’s brow raised with curiosity, “What do you mean Shine?” “Ack*..walking up all those stairs… I didn’t think…” The trooper’s sentence broke apart, short of air. The dark lord passed by without taking note of any fallen 501st. Shine’s eyes followed the figure, “I.. after tonight…I wouldn’t have wanted….to live ..our purpose…….” His gaze dwindled, looking to the deceased beneath his feet shortly before falling void.

Vader’s pace quickened, “Scour these vaults and every last corner of the temple! Find the under-gateways!” Sharply Commander Bow gave a nod, “Your will be done General.” His brown cloak waved as the betrayer adjusted the hood over his head. “Also, prep my ship Commander. I will secure the High Council Chambers before leaving.” Unaware of Commander Appo’s updated status within the temple, Bow offered further assistance, “Should my squad accompany you sir?”
No longer sensing any other masters residing within the temple walls, the robed figure’s silhouette faded into the shadows. “That won’t be necessary.”


Vallen stood beside a newly cut gateway to the city. The radiance of the metropolis illuminated the horizon. Stars seen on other planets had no mark in the Coruscant night sky, yet, in the distance a silver gleam showed brightly. A Venator class cruiser descended from it position above the atmosphere. Urgency was causing Vallen’s blood to race. The snare for Jedi all but closed!


Surprised his comlink was able to respond again, Vallen jabbed the receive action. He took care to mask his trouble in neutral tones, “Vallen speaking.”

“A quick reply for such an early time of morning Major…” Calm and methodical was the voice; none other than that of Mas Amedda, left hand of Chancellor Palpatine. “Ha! What can I say?! I’m a light sleeper sir.” Doing his utmost to remain undiscovered, “That signal normally wakens me for the battle-line. So.. how can I be of service Vice Chancellor? It is a peculiar time to be calling.”

“There has been a coup against the Senate and Chancellery! The Jedi are responsible for a wide spread series of coordinated attacks…A failed endeavor nonetheless, thanks to our loyal clone troopers! As a result, Order 66 has been enacted to preserve the Republic. All planet-side officers are summoned to an emergency briefing by the Chancellor himself. Those details are encrypted and to follow.”

Red blinked rapidly from another button on his forearm communicator! Must be Valkier trying to reconnect ~ the officer sought at least a particle of clarification to how expansive this clash had become, “Encryption confirmed sir! I will be their directly. Were there any casualties within the Chancellor’s office?”

“Fortunately only the traitorous Jedi! General Skywalker foiled the plot. Be at the briefing Major..” Vallen quickly responded to the emphasis Amedda placed on the meeting, “Understood sir!” The message disconnected with a click. Red continued to blink on the comlink! Pressing down, the button popped, “Vallen speaking!”

A clone trooper’s voice came across the line, “Sir, this is Valkier on approach from the South East! Didn’t think comms worked anymore.” A more amicable voice then shouted, “Didn’t know if you still worked either! Heh.”

“FINALLY! We have a gap cut on the North face of the center spire! Please advise captain.”
Flak, Valkier’s poor humored co-pilot, sarcastically interrupted -- “That’ll be a NO GO Major! Not sure if you noticed, but there is a capital ship dropping in from orbit. Unless you know about some upgrades to this gunship that we don’t…well your position is far too exposed!” Valkier reclaimed the comm, “Apologies; the south side is advised for a quicker extract…but we have to go NOW!” “Kark! We’ll be there!” Vallen barked, dashing down the hall in a full sprint!!

The officer’s boots heavily thudded with each step! His armor was a blurr bolting past the high council chamber doors. Sors and his pack huddled behind the council member’s chairs in momentary refuge. “Sir…That soldier just ran back passed the door.” His little voice light, but yielded strength. “Thank you Sors.” Kohanna replied with a smile growing up his wolfly snout.

Serenely the blue furred Nelvaan rose to his feet, walking from the dimly lit room. The doors wished close behind him. Following a series of curved halls he found Vallen starting a fresh circular cut in the wall. Frivolously working, the soldier’s brow dripped with sweat. His body lit with green light mostly, then a soft hue of blue from a series of nearby holovids. “Spare a moment, Vallen..” The Nelvaan ignited his own saber, slicing where the soldier left off. Seizing the moment as suggested, Vallen’s eyes scanned the vids. They were security holograms. Each filled with troopers on patrol over Jedi corpses. 

It seemed the entire 501st was recalled in secret for a mission of this magnitude.

“You forgot these with us! Remember, Master Chion said she didn’t want it to leave your side.” Standing in what little light remained in the hallways, Sors held the Republic satchel. His eyes filled with worriment at the sight of the disturbing images on the holovids. “Right your are. Those keen senses of yours.. Always surprising us! Thank you for making this errand.” Softly a fur hand took hold of the boy’s transfixed chin, turning it. Kohanna stooped to his level. Simultaneously the images quickly dissipated with a touch of the panel control board by Vallen. “Go back to the high council chamber. I will return shortly! Be brave. How about you and the others pick out which chairs are your favorites, hmm?”

The young boy turned away, his mind taken by the thousands of clone troopers marching inside the temple walls. A small soft pitter-patter of steps made their way back to the circular room of windows. Audibly the doors fluidly swooshed shut. Sors curled up next to his friends; troopers still in thought.

Vallen reactivated the security holovids to a very troubling sight! Anakin Skywalker with fingers spread, gained access to the center spire lift.

Kohanna pressed arduously against the dense wall. Vallen joined, throwing his body against the same wall. Heaving the stone from its severed position, it fell from the position it had held for thousands of years. Immediately the gap was filled with grey smoke from fires far below. Within their first cough the deep hum of a larty engine vibrated every surface. Smoke cleared the hall, sucked back to the dark by the enormous gunship’s engine intakes.

The Nelvaan’s demeanor seemed rejuvenated by the sight and sound! His raven mane blew in the gusting wind, tied back behind his head. Kohanna didn’t seem to pay credence to the heat of the freshly cut wall as he stood within its circle; looking down from soaring height. “I’ll return with the younglings in a moment!” The Jedi hollered above the constant droning engines. Vallen moved closer taking a solid stance to block the gap, “I’m sorry..”

“Vallen – I must go to them! Wha..?”

Turning from the gunship, Kohanna began climbing from the gap. In a sudden jolting burst, Vallen unexpectedly thrust himself from the wall! His body slammed harshly into the Nelvaan’s; disorienting him as the pair took to the air. Briefly the pair flew; falling into the open bay of the gunship. Their bodies crashed, knocking Kohanna’s head against the metal surface. Vallen jumped to his feet, striking a red button mounted on the wall with his fist! The thick flak door heaved shut, “Take flight now!”

Heavy clicks sounded, securing the door. Hauntingly the sound reached Kohanna’s acute ears, pulling him from the disorientation! Roaring, his blue, furred fists pounded the door!


“PILOT TAKE US BACK!! THE YOUNGLINGS!!” Quickly he turned to the opposing ajar door and looked out! Too far to jump… too far for anything. “I’m sorry Kohanna. There can be more younglings, but they will need a teacher!”

Vallen attempted to validate his hasty course of action. “To what fate have we abandoned these little ones?!? They wait for me to return! They wait for a Jedi…” His momentary joy of before completely transformed to an indescribable loss. Vallen reached to Kohanna’s shoulder, “Have faith. What can happen? They are only children...”
Vallen turned to the cockpit, leaving the Nelvaan to his thoughts and dark sky. “Valkier, follow these coordinates. Counter to intuition, head to this location on Kamino after you drop me. Do NOT open any lines from Republic Military.”

--- Darker hours came before the light. No respite would ever emanate with the rise of Coruscant’s sun. Not for a dozen years ---

----- A dark soundless still set over each temple corridor. Anakin wandered the halls and familiar pathways taken dozens of times, both as a child and leader during the CLONE WAR. Darkness enveloped everything. A small light illuminated the high chamber room where he had sat hours prior. Upon entering the shadowy room, out from behind Kit Fisto’s vacated chair, sprung the leader of his youngling pack, little Sors. Several perplexed younglings followed close behind, their hero standing closer than ever! Sighs of relief followed while others rose to their feet with bated breath.

“Master Skywalker!” Sors exclaimed, reassured to see the most powerful Jedi arriving to join Kohanna.

“There are too many of them! What are we going to do?” -------

A glaring Vader ignited his lightsaber…

Title: Re: The Clone Wars: Knightfall -- Raid of the Jedi Temple Mod 5/22/15 Concluded
Post by: wraithnine on May 23, 2015, 04:06:35 AM
this needs to be a book ,a graphic novel, something!! i believe we are witnessing the birth of a future Star Wars novelist,i truly do ...
Title: Re: The Clone Wars: Knightfall -- Raid of the Jedi Temple Mod 5/22/15 Concluded
Post by: Tamer on May 23, 2015, 07:48:24 AM
A new chapter! Time to get this on the front page!