Imperial Surplus Sales > Non Star Wars Sales

Boss Fight Studio "Vitruvian H.A.C.K.S." v1 Medusa


The Spectre:
While sorting out all of my Work In Progress custom action figures, I came across an unopened Boss Fight Studio "Vitruvian H.A.C.K.S." first edition Medusa.

I had actually bought first and second edition Medusas years ago as they have coloring and markings that are unique from all of the other Gorgons produced in the line. My idea was to remove the more human Medusa heads and use a pair of spare snakelike Gorgon heads, painted to match the bodies, to add additional unique Gorgons to my custom army. I replaced the second version head (still need to match the skintone to the body), but never did anything with the first version.

Looking on ebay, the first version goes for anywhere between $75-$100 for a loose/complete figure to $150-$200 for a packaged figure. I think I would rather sell her for some fun money than just have another Gorgon in my army.

Anyone need a first version Medusa? I am not expecting the $175-$200 eBay prices so we can negotiate ;)

That's a great offer. I've already got her in my army, too :)

I would love to see BOSS Fight try to get the SW License away from Hasbro.


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