Imperial Bulletin > Imperial HR Office

Upgrading to new forums...

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Shawn, I was as surprised as any with the new look, and I think it's streamlined well!  Let me know if you need help reworking the style sheet and whatnot, I think I still remember how lol!  I know I had wondered about the 2.0 upgrade for years, but was always afraid to pull the trigger for fear of losing everything!  Great job buddy.

The new look is very cool! Congrats! :D

The only minor issue i see is with the banner which is missing a bit from its right part.

Serg, I wonder if that is a monitor or screen size issue as mine looks like this:

Pat, how does that banner look to you? Maybe you can make it a bit smaller if we keep seeing folks report this issue. Does anyone else see the banner as a bit cut off? And if you see anything else let us know.

Aha yeah. That's entirely possible on smaller monitors or window sizes. Maybe that logo area needs to be in its own row per se. Kind of like News: is situated.

Mr. Black:
Everything's fine on a regular monitor, but on a phone the text in the upper right corner overlaps the banner, like jkno posted.

This morning I was frantically looking for the "show unread posts" link  ;D


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