Author Topic: The Clone Wars  (Read 10773 times)

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Re: The Clone Wars
« Reply #30 on: August 16, 2008, 06:50:09 PM »
Yeah, I can definitely associate with a lot of your points Chad. They show a scene where a sbdroid grabs a clone and mercilessly blows holes through his body and then we see Obi sipping tea.  I could definitely tell the folks who did this had no idea what real combat was all about.  I think this should have stayed TV or changed it to a real life movie with a similar plot.

Offline Obi-Sean Kenobi

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Re: The Clone Wars
« Reply #31 on: August 17, 2008, 12:16:30 AM »
Wow, Cimter and I liked it and most of the rest of you didn't. Did I wake up in the Bizzaro universe this morning?
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Re: The Clone Wars
« Reply #32 on: August 17, 2008, 04:54:44 AM »
Wow, Cimter and I liked it and most of the rest of you didn't. Did I wake up in the Bizzaro universe this morning?

Ah Bizzaro, poor misunderstood Superguy. I am not saying I hated it at all. It was good. I have seen a lot worse animes, but I don't think this was probably big screen material.  I guess I just got used to the movies using real people and kind of thought this would be more "real" than anime, but was disappointed.  I also thought we were going to get some Jedis to care a bit about the deaths of thier clone soldiers and sure didn't see that.  I guess I was hoping for a little bit more of a "band of brothers" feel and didnt see that. I know this is all science FICTION, but there are enough veterans out there that I wished they had used a few to give the combat a little more realistic feel. I am not saying the battle sequences were horrible, but it would have been nice to see some sympathy shown for lost comarades. Kind of like the ewok mourning his fallen buddy when they both get blasted by that atst in ROTJ.   

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Re: The Clone Wars
« Reply #33 on: August 17, 2008, 01:48:18 PM »
Shawn you have to remember, this wasnt made as a Movie per-se, this was 4 TV Episdoes strung together and made into a Movie, which in my opinion outshon the Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones, now people will most probably disagree with me and thats their opinion, however in my opinion it was a success - Now if they make another Movie, I hope they use this sort of animation to do it.

I think the TV Series will be a success, and everything you wanted to see Shawn will happen, but not like a Real Movie, all series start slow to fair and build up to either be a great success or a complete failure, I do not see this series being the Later, however I do forsee it being a great success as long as they can keep up with it.

Yeah I woke up this morning and couldnt believe we agreed on something either Sean, lol.  I just checked to make sure the world wasnt coming to an end or a Vogon Fleet hadnt arrived, we are safe for the min.

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Re: The Clone Wars
« Reply #34 on: August 17, 2008, 01:52:37 PM »
Thank god I decided not to see it.  Sounds like I would of been very disappointed.  Im gonna wait for the live action series fett
Star Wars is not about the characters or plot...its about people settling their differences with ungodly amounts of hate and violence.

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Re: The Clone Wars
« Reply #35 on: August 17, 2008, 02:51:17 PM »
Don't get me wrong guys, its a new Star Wars Movie so I am happy period. Still, think it was small screen not big screen material. Like you said we are probably gonna see all the rest of this, but a movie should kind of be stand alone and not need help from further sequels whether they be TV episodes or what not.  I think TESB is a good example of a sequel, but one that could stand alone if need be. I liked it. I just would not put it in the class with the "real" non anime movies. Just my opinion.

And Scraith, if you want to see a movie, this is definitely better than many I have sat through.

Offline Phatty

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Re: The Clone Wars
« Reply #36 on: August 17, 2008, 03:16:29 PM »
Okay, I've finally seen it, and it's time to chime in...

This movie was excellent for what it was entirely intended for: an ANIMATED movie designed to pull in new fans and keep old fans happy as well.  And guess what?  It delivered.  We older fans, who grew up with ANH being the end all be all for Star Wars need to remember why it was we got into all this craziness to begin with, which is the fantasy of it all, the chance for our imaginations to run wild and be quenched at the same time.  Kids who went to see this, of any age, got to witness a brand new story aimed at them.  They didn't need to see the other 6 movies to be interested.  New characters joining old characters in a new storyline unspoiled by any need for continuity.  It works for fans like us because we DO pick up on the continuity of it all.  Here is my breakdown of the components that made up what I feel to be a great and fun movie!

Action: Plenty to keep the mind racing.  The troop battles were action packed and quick paced to be sure.  I can see the point Shawn made about the SBD who grabbed a clone and shot him straight through.  Graphic for our adult minds to be sure, but kids these days don't recognize such examples of savagery.  That was something thrown in to keep the bloodlust in us older fans satiated.  Children don't understand battle tactics, so to take the time to insert them, as well as to pay for the expert input from real-life battle tacticians would be unnecessary.  However, for any fan, child and adult alike, to watch 2 Jedi Generals face seemingly insurmountable odds in victory is something we can ALL cheer for, and did as well!  The lightsaber battles were a joy as well.  Though it was incredibly short, one of my favorites was Plo Koon's short cameo!  As one of my favorite Jedi (along with Kit Fisto, funny enough), his new look and outfit in this series is absolutely cool!  The Obi-Wan vs. Ventress battle was great, as was Dooku vs. Anakin.  I only wish there was more!  And here's to wishing to see Master Yoda and Master Windu battle someone!   I was definitely interested in Padawan Ahsoka's style of lightsaber battle.  The upside down lightsaber method was fun to watch.

Characters: The new (or is it retro?) look to some classic favorites was fun to see.  Commander Cody in a cross between AOTC and ROTS was great.  The addition of Commander Rex (Alpha, I believe in the comics), Commander Fox, Ahsoka Tano, Whorm Loathsome, and even Rotta the Hutt was a nice addition to the Star Wars Universe.  I did get annoyed by Ahsoka's nickname for her supposed Master.  If you've seen the movie, you know what I'm talking about.  I was disappointed in the dynamic between Tano and Skywalker.  I wanted more.  Perhaps that's where the cartoon series comes in...It definitely makes me more than anxious to see this cartoon every week.  I am DYING to know the fate and path of Ahsoka Tano, who isn't even mentioned in ROTS.  Is that an accident, a coincidence, or on target?  Time will tell on this matter.  Whorm's appearance was short lived, and though he's an interesting character, I could do without him if he never appeared.

Animation: I don't know what everyone has been so up in arms about.  I think it's far from anime style myself.  The 3-D, detail rich environments are more than just visually appealing.  The battlegrounds were great in detail, taking into account what a city under siege would look like during the Clone Wars.  The B'Momar Monastery was cool to see too.  I think this style of animation will be a lot of fun to watch this fall.

Story: Mostly solid.  My only complaint was the dynamic between Ahsoka and Anakin.  It definitely needs to be explored.  I'm guessing during the TV series.  Maybe it's because I only saw it once, but I couldn't find any glaring holes that can't POTENTIALLY be filled with the TV series.   We have to remember that a one-shot movie won't top the lasting power of an ongoing series, and it's main goal was to trap us, children and adults, into watching the ongoing series to see if our questions get answered.  I think they will.

Overall, I'm going to give the movie an initial B+.    My biggest complaint (oddly enough) was the opening to the movie...why not the standard Star Wars theme song we're all accustomed to?  The new music for the opening was unnecessary.  I did, however, enjoy the music throughout the rest of the movie.  Then there's the lack of dynamic between Master and Padawan take away from this movie, but again, it could be to fill in during the TV series.  My initial grade can be affected by the outcome of the TV series.  So, if you haven't seen it yet, do so.  It's definitely worth seeing, and fun to watch at that.

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Re: The Clone Wars
« Reply #37 on: August 17, 2008, 03:44:15 PM »
Good points Pat. Still, I would have been just as happy had this new movie came out as a new TV series. I guess the box office appeal of SW won out. I also agree that it did set up the TV series nicely, but I was left wanting at the end and got up saying this is it?

As far as the battle scenes they were pretty good if a little too savage for the kids they are trying to appeal too. I could have lived with em if they hadn't thrown in that scene where the sbd grabs the clone by the heads and just mutilates him. A little too graphic for an anime aimed at kids imo. Nothing wrong with it for kids like me,  but I would have been covering my little gal's eyes real quick if she had been there.  I just don't think kids need to see that kind of stuff. Counterpoint though was this was rated correctly so small kids shouldn't see it yet. I would also have liked to have seen a Jedi General or Rex or a clone commander as soon as the battle was over ask about casualties.  I good commander wants to win, but always checks on his troopers once the battle is over and makes sure he does what needs to be done for his soldiers. I absolutely hated seeing Anakin hang Rex out to dry in order to get that little Hutt back to Jabba. I don't care if it was for the greater good, you never ever ever ever leave your soldiers who are counting on you behind.  A commander would have stayed behind and battled while his soldiers escaped with Jabba's kid. 

As far as characters, I really did like the new Anakin, sans leaving Rex out to dry. I like Ahsoka too and love the fact that this might get us the little gal audience I think this hobby needs. I would love to see the gals get into this by getting some gal toys of their own besides a leia or Padme. I guess there is Mon Mothma. LOL. I so wanted to see Gree, but I will have to wait.  I absolutely loved the Camo scout clone commander and soldier. I sure hope we get to see more of them. I thought this was Gree at first, but I guess not according to that book I got! I do agree Pat, I have to give em an "A" for the characters.

As far as action, not bad at all. I would have liked to have seen a more definitive space battle, but am hoping we see one further into the TV series. I so wanted to see that new Ywing come out to bomb that monastery, but I do like gunships too.  Man, that shuttle clonehead talked about I thought was awesome too. Did anyone see that ATRT drivers? I almost want to go see this again so I can pay more attention to see what the drivers looked like.  I did absolutely love the ground battles, especially the one at the monastery with that atte climbing the walls. That was a good piece of work. I will give em a B though for the lack of a good space going battle.

Animation grade is far lower.  The characters just seemed too jerky to me, espcecially Padme. I am hoping this won't be as noticeable in the TV series. I also think one needs to point out they were trying to portray this as a "realer" anime than we have seen before. Frankly, this was not the case.  My grade for animation is a D at best.

Story was ok for an opening salvo. I didnt like the fact that is just sorta ended. All movies imo, should be stand alone if need be. This one wouldn't cut it, but as you point out it was designed to set up the TV series so I will reserve my grade of an "F" for now. I do like the fact that Anakin didn't seem like such a "wussy" this time, but I could have lived without the chumminess of Ahsoka and Anakin for at least a few battles.  I would have thought that a padawan would have been a little more respectful of their new master.  I didn't like the bickering and banter from either Ahsoka or Anakin when trouble arose. Shut the heck up and try to do the best to help out and not stress out the other person! I also thought that this story was a little too heavy on these two characters and as you pointed out we needed to see more of the main characters. Where in the heck was ole Grievous? At least show us a shot of his eyes before the movie just stops.  I think they could have done a better job setting up the new TV series as far as that goes too and gave us a few more "teasers" of the upcoming action.

So, I agree with most of your views Pat, but have to wait to see how it works out for some of the rest. The great thing about being an American though is we can all have our opinions and Pat you defended yours admirably. I may just change some of my thinking after reading your review.

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Re: The Clone Wars
« Reply #38 on: August 17, 2008, 11:48:54 PM »
Wow, I'll say this much. You guys are as passionate and verbose with your feelings on this sunject, as I tend to be about every thing. LOL.

Yeah I woke up this morning and couldnt believe we agreed on something either Sean, lol.  I just checked to make sure the world wasnt coming to an end or a Vogon Fleet hadnt arrived, we are safe for the min.

Just make sure you have your lovely towel close at hand just in case my friend.  ;D

One quick note. Why is everyone calling this anime? Anime is what you primarily see on saturday mornings. Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh, Transformers, heck almost every Transformers animated series including the original is anime.While this material is influenced by those artistic styles, the clone wars has way more in common with CG cartoon fare like Reboot and Beast Wars. I agree the animation on certain things was not quite movie theatre caliber, it was really excellent during the ground battle and space battle sequences. The main issues IMO were facial animation during dialogue scenes and the lightsaber fights were a little jerky. Hopefully this will get better as the series moves forward.

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Offline Phatty

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Re: The Clone Wars
« Reply #39 on: August 18, 2008, 06:54:08 AM »
I believe that Lucasfilm was calling this a CG version of anime styling.  Not quite anime, but not quite cartoon either.  I could be wrong, but I believe that's what I had heard.

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Re: The Clone Wars
« Reply #40 on: August 18, 2008, 04:12:34 PM »
I'm not so sure. I think this can be attributed to quotes from Mr. Lucas being taken out of context. I recall him saying he was a fan of anime in interviews and featurettes on the Clone Wars micro series DVD's and other media.
I'd say it was an influence only.
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Re: The Clone Wars
« Reply #41 on: August 20, 2008, 06:54:06 PM »
Does anyone know if the TV series is suppose to be this style or are they using live actors?

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Re: The Clone Wars
« Reply #42 on: August 20, 2008, 07:04:41 PM »
The TV Clone Wars series will be this CG/Animation style, while the TV show due out in '09 or '10 will be Live Action.

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Re: The Clone Wars
« Reply #43 on: August 21, 2008, 03:25:54 PM »
Ok, thanks Pat, that's what I thought.

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Re: The Clone Wars
« Reply #44 on: August 29, 2008, 10:25:25 AM »

So, where did the mysterious ship, the Twilight, come from?  More importantly, where is it going?  For those of you who have seen this movie by now, you're all pretty sure it's Jawa Junk.  However,'s Homing Beacon sends word today that you've not seen the last of this ship, and you've probably seen it before, just didn't know it!

     Stranded in a B'omarr monastery on Teth and cut off from his troops, Anakin Skywalker looks to a neighboring spire for a means of escape and finds it in an unlikely clunker of a starship, the Twilight. Ahsoka Tano makes short work of the enemy droids loading the ship, and the Jedi heroes soon blast off to continue their mission in the feature film, Star Wars: The Clone Wars.

Although we witness the ship ditch on Tatooine, we have not seen the last of the Twilight. Anakin presumably scares off the overzealous Jawas and reclaims the ship, and it becomes something of a hobby for him throughout The Clone Wars television series, an unofficial, unaffiliated ship he can use on "errands" not part of his Republic orders.

Fans have speculated on the Twilight's origins since images of the ship first appeared at 2007's Celebration IV convention. Its folding lower foil and lateral crossbeam remind many of a B-wing fighter. Its behind-the-scenes design origins, however, only stretch back to Episode III. Director Dave Filoni describes the Twilight as being taken from abandoned Erik Tiemens designs for a Coruscant firefighting ship.

There is an older connection the Twilight holds that dates back all the way to 1977, to the original A New Hope. As a beat up old spice freighter, the Twilight is the kernel of truth to Uncle Owen's lie about Anakin. Luke Skywalker's father was indeed a navigator on a spice freighter... from a certain point of view.

I don't know about any of you, but tidbits like this make my mouth water even more for the cartoon to hit the TV!