Kenner / Hasbro Collecting > General Hasbro collecting

New snowspeeder sculpt?

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This image surfaced at and was claimed to have came from an overseas source. It has been rumored that there was a new snowspeeder in the works. Is this a proto of that future release? only time will tell. What does the difference look like to you guys?

It was also said from another poster on this site that there was a rumored $150 atat walker in the works. No pics of that one.

I am sure the ATAT- is something to watch, to me it looks like a differnt cockpit hatch but I don;t see any major changes,  the colors are just be a mold test to gear up for a new run, so that is cool to see they are at least that far in the stage

Sweet pic Clint. I need to go find my atat walker rumor thread and add it to the list.

Please make a new doggy walker, please!

Snowspeeder looks ok, I'm not against it.

I think next  year is our year if we are gonna get it. If we dont there are gonna be a lot of disappointed fans. Lets hope toyfair sheds some light on this and all the new ESB ships that are coming out, but if I know Hasbro, they will make us wait till SDCC or perhaps CV now.


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