General Collecting > Gentle Giant

Questions for Gentle Giant!

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Unpopular is an understatment.

As far as how other companies can sell them for ten to twenty dollars less than the direct retailer and still make a profit there is no way any sane buyer will not buy from the other places. I think time, other than exclusives, will see their regular retail sales dry up on their store site.

I for one will be buying all my non-exclusive items from Most Wanted or EE, they are evening offering the 21-B bust now cheaper than I got him for from GG.

Are we gonna be able to get the q and a back on track?

Well, since the last one was so old and most questions have been indirectly answered by product showing up anyway, I say we create a new one!  So, if you have any questions you'd like to ask the people at Gentle Giant, post them here!  I'll close it on July 31st and mail them on and see what happens.


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