Imperial Creative Engineering > Graphic Fiction

The Clone Wars Adventure with Jedi Master Dex and his Padawan Kyle

(1/2) > >>

Darth Abshir:
So far im working on it ;D ;D

Darth, that's great...

I'm going to remove this post shortly as it really is not a post at all....

If you are producing something then please post some 'Work in Progress' images or something, even a blurred photo of you making something relating to making a photo novel would suffice...

Imagine if everyone posted stuff like... "I'm doing something really cool, but I don't have anything to show you", or perhaps "I've done a really cool custom..but it broke", or even "I made this awesome life sized X-Wing Fighter that could fly but I've forgotten where where I parked it"...This site would be Crakalakin!!!

Absir buddy...less talk more action!!!!! ;)

Darth Abshir:
Thanks for the news HB94

Work in Progress

Darth, are you trying to post images??? the last post just said "work in Progress" but no images???


Darth Abshir:


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