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Fan First Reveals

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Anything have you excited? Some of those Mandos look good.

Getting a chance at Shae again is awesome too. That one goes for crazy prices now.

And it looks like nothing is a store exclusive so we should all be able to get which ones we want!

Darth More:
This presentation wasn't a waste of time even though I was late to the show, I came online right when they showed ARC Trooper Jessie. He was announced to come so I don't understand the disappointment of some fans out there. The cardback sure does look nice, but another image of Jessie without his helmet would've been nice as well to see his face tattoo. I'm a big fan of this new ARC Trooper mold. I think they should go back and make the Clone Troopers smaller again like the ROTS #41 Clone (my very first Clone). To me the Clones based on VC41 feel way too tall and too skinny at the same time.
Jessie is still the most expensive one at TungHori's for $32.99. So I hope that price will fall soon. If not, I'll just open one of my Special Action Figure Sets and keep the box forever. Such a cool set with so awesome new tooling!

It will be nice to see a set of the Modal Nodes and since there are 7 members of the legendary Cantina Band, it makes total sense that Figrin Dan comes with 3 different instruments, so that collectors can buy 3 carded and the other four maybe on one of those 4-Packs. Maybe that also indicates that we FINALLY and EVENTUALLY get a Mos Eisley Cantina Playset or HasLab...

The two Clone Wars Mandos are so cool! How long have we waited for the return of those! The TCW versions go for 50€ loose here. I've seen a sealed Battle Pack of Mandalorian Warriors go for $400 before! Maybe the people who have those pricey figures are the ones complaining now because I think the VC versions look much better! They really nailed the new sculpt for them and did them justice on the transfer to realistic style.
Definitely trying to get some of those and I hope they ship in solid cases as well.

Didn't know about that Battlefront Lando before - I think he's a fun gimmick, but I had definitely preferred to see another figure of the BF2 game before him or at least more than one Gaming Greats figure during this event. If I can find him below 13€, I'll buy him. It's a fun design for some fun pictures.

Seeing Shae Vizla not only returning, but also getting her with an all-new headsculpt is really great! The 2012 release always bugged me because she looked nothing alike the character on the card. Still, that figure goes for 60-120€ loose in the bay and for 140-400€ on card! So the updated re-issue is a BIG WELCOME!! Got her loose for 26€ some years ago, but without the helmet. So I'll definitely pre-order one or two of the repack to display her with and without her helmet and also to make a custom Mara Jade hehe. So hope they'll do the same favor for Bastila Shan and Jyn Erso.

That Death Trooper 4-Pack is just lazy in my opinion. There are so many better options, but it makes sense to reveal it now because the Navarro Cantina Playset just shipped and people want to army-build some more Death Commandos I guess. I might get one as well to replace my 4 other DTs with 5POA. Some extra DLT rifles would've been nice to include to add to the small pistols.
I can understand Hasbro going cheap at the moment at these crazy times and maybe this "lazy" choice for this army-builder pack generates enough extra revenue for future surprises like an Endor Rebel Commando Pack or such.

The pipeline reveals were the confetti to me at the end. Did Jing of the brand team really say the Dark Trooper comes with a world-building set? Would be nice to see something like this:

I hope the brand team do a better job on Luke's face than the designers for Mandalorian Season 2's final...

The Imperial Mortar Trooper will be nice on a VC card! Glad, Hasbro makes him now.

The Klatooinian Raider seems to be different from the pack-in figure of the AT-ST Raider. I take it as occasion to finally ask Hasbro why Amazon have still listed this vehicle on their site as "currently unavailable". Is the AT-ST raider going to get a second production run and global distribution for Mando Season 3? Would be really awesome!

That Prototype Chewbacca is nice for all fans of this gimmick, but I think it's enough now. I got Prototype Vader and Boba Fett - ONE of each and that's enough for me. Sure, it's a nice way to pay for tooling AND milk the cow for those RETRO line - easy money for Hasbro that hopefully opens the door for more future releases of actual good stuff. To me everything that supports the 3.75" line is welcome.

I'm not a fan of The Black Series, still got some 6" figures, which I'm going to sell off, again. They just take too much space even though TVC figures are almost as expensive as TBS figures here in Germany. Sometimes TBS is even cheaper than TVC! I almost felt bad for TBS fans yesterday. Almost. TBS got enough attention since 2013. It's time for The Vintage Collection to receive more love again. It was a good show yesterday even though the presentation could be better. Ewan of the brand team looked so nervous as if someone behind the camera was pointing a gun at him or something. They were acting so nervously as if they were in some kind of interrogation. That's how I experienced it. Maybe they understand our nervous frustration when we try to pre-order those figures a day later to be delivered 2-3 YEARS afterwards - IF we get lucky.
I'm off to play the lottery now. Bye!

I got 2 fingering Dans, they hinted at making the rest of the band, so I got an extra one in case I want to make a Bith custom. Then I got the Cuba Cabana Lando, it looks interesting, different. I think it's interesting the printing technology they used for the holiday figures, they used on his shirt. So those abominations helped develop new technology for making better figures.

I thought mandalorian airborne heavy trooper would be paz vizla, but it wasn't so I wasn't interrested really. The super commando looks cool, but meh I stopped buying mandos, same with clones. I bought like 3 cases worth of morak drivers so I'm entitled to skip what I don't have interest in. They'll sell fine without me.

Then I got the Deathtrooper 4 pack, only one though. I have 6, so 4 more would make an even 10, I don't really want any more, they're supposed to be rare, elite troopers. Yeah it was a lame choice. Only one comes with the web gear/pauldron, with no DLT-19D, I can get 3d printed ones. Death troopers really aren't that hard to get. The wm exclusives were mass produced, you can get them from TungHori now for about the same price. Oh well I still bought it.

The pipeline figures is where its at though. Artillery trooper, better late than never. I'll take at the very least 5. The darktrooper, 6-10. The klatoonian raider I'll get a couple. Luke, It depends if it's a new figure or basically a repack or kitbash of the two ROTJ lukes.

Yeah, I agree the pipeline figures looked great.

I did put in a bunch of pre-orders yesterday.

I actually was able to get the target chewbacca, the pulse deathtrooper 4 pack, Sgt. Krell, Sev, and the TVC Mandos and the new Shae Vizla just so I can compare the two side by side.

All those links are on the front pages if you want em folks.

For those who want order links I got a bit lazy here in the forums. This link will get you most of them and free shipping:

This is Sev and he is still up for pre-order:

This is the Pulse Death Trooper 4-Pack (still in stock):

This is the Target Chewbacca (sold out now but I have seen them come back in stock):

One thing to note is it sounds like the Cantina Band will come in a set later down the road but Figrin Dan will be the only single carded figure of this if that matters to you.


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