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Here's the trailer for Godzilla Resurgence, AKA Shin Gojira.
   Pretty rad! It has that old school TOHO look to it. Along with practical effects. Hollywood needs to let TOHO have Godzilla, they make em right. 
   Gotta love the old school look, classic Godzilla, not exactly like the '54, but still cool.  He has that smoldering look like the son of Godzilla, where he was basically a nuclear reactor waiting to blow. That part I'm not really into, but I does look awesome as hell though. We'll see what direction they take it. From the look of it they're going back to the basics, but they're still being creative. Those camera angles are awesome. The one with the tail swooping over the buildings, and the shots of the tanks firing on Godzilla. Cool stuff.
      Personally I think its a sequel to the 1954 Gojira, shin Gojira means "new Godzilla", or it can be translated as "real Gojira", so its not a remake exactly. They're just flushing out all those cornball movies made after '54. Or it can be a shot on the american Godzilla as not being the real Gojira, either way I like it.
      He could be the product of all those nuclear disasters that have plagued Japan. Originally it was the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki that created Gojira. He represented the mindless destruction of nuclear weapons.

Count me in. Netflix sometimes gets in some of the good Japanese stuff so I can hopefully get it there fairly soon after it releases. I love Godzilla a good bit.

     Shin gojira will be out in july in japan, itll probably be released on dvd, hopefully in subtitles not dubbed. I'm not trying to sound like a hipster fuddy duddy, but I am disenchanted with Hollywood. They have these 200m dollar budgets, but no original ideas. Look at all the remakes and sequels done in the last decade. Indiana Jones, star wars, Rambo, Rocky, predator, Terminator, RoboCop, ninja turtles, three stooges, just off the top of my head. Now there's Ghostbusters, ughh. That's why I've been watching classic movies lately.  Now, Godzilla, Tarzan and 007 are franchises that will always produce movies, until Godzilla himself  appears and actually destroys Tokyo. Movies based on books are acceptable. But all these retro 80s remakes are getting ridiculous. Ironically they're making a Groundhog day remake.
  Here's a list of upcoming remakes.  Its nuts, its become unbearable. They're starting to remake remakes , because they're running out of ideas for movies to remake. When I saw this list I honesty thought it was a joke. Jumanjii remake with Dewayne Johnson, WHAT!  In recent years they've made board games into movies rockem sockem robots, battleship ive heard rumors of an actual monopoly movie. What is going on with these people.

I am agreeing on the redos. We should have original talent to either continue older films or start new ones.

    I'll get into the movies that I actually do like now, and recommend. I'll start with the easy ones. Taxi Driver, starring Robert De niro , Harvey Keitel, cybill Shepherd, Jodi Foster, Peter Boyel, directed by Martin Scorsese. Its about Travis Bickel (Robert De Niro), a loner  cab driver, who spirals into insanity and goes on a murderous rampage. Its the movie with the famous line "you talking to me?". I always thought it was an interesting movie. Yeah he was nuts, but the movie goes into the thoughts and feelings everyone has from time to time, but he dealt with it the wrong way. He chose to see the evils of the world, and it became his reality. This movie is rated R with bloody violence and harsh language. I wouldn't recommend it to everyone, but its one of my favorites.


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