Imperial Entertainment TV and Movies > Star Wars Movies

New Star Wars Projects Coming...

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I think it's unrealistic. They tried it with the sequels and i think it generated a lot of new fans, if they didn't get disgusted with the toxicity on social media. It's the same when the prequels came out, most older fans didn't like them. Now everyone is nostalgic for them and forgot all about how much people hated them. People who grew up with the prequels are adults with young families. So will be the same 10 years from now with the sequel fans. By then some new trilogy will piss them off and the process repeats itself. That's Star Wars.

I do agree that no one is ever gonna be satisfied period.

So, then all they have to worry about then is satisfying me as all I want is OT nods to everything. There, no more problems right?

LOL, it is only Thursday and I am already punchy. Bad recipe for today methinks.


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