Author Topic: Boryla Sector, Outlands Station - Admin Office  (Read 53493 times)

Offline DocOutlands

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Boryla Sector, Outlands Station - Admin Office
« on: May 06, 2009, 09:53:22 PM »
Well, there's that done.  Now we've got a branch of the ImperialShipYards open on the station.  I suppose I'll have to see about getting Maintenance to update the Visitors' Index one of these days.  Of course, the last update I requested hasn't been processed yet.  Nor has the one before that, nor...  Well, I digress.  I suppose we're fortunate that Engineering keeps the life-support systems in better shape than Maintenance keeps the Index boards.

I did some concept doodling over the last couple of days.  New projects popping up to tantalize the Muse.  I suppose I chummed the waters a bit.  I toured some of my "favorite sellers" and looked thru Clonehead's current listings.  Oops.  He's suckered me into a deal or three, I think.  Maybe I should hire him(?  I assume - but for all I know, "he" is a third-sex Chovallian MudWorm!) to market retail spaces on the 'Station for me.   He talked me into this Shipyards deal.  Looks a bit shady - slap an official-sounding name across it and bureaucrats leave you alone.   I suspect we'll fit right in.  They've got some good field-agents, judging from the reports and pics I went thru.

So, the projects.  Bounty hunters have always been favorites, and we've got to have the local crew immortalized, as well.  Naturally, I want to do some Mando's.  But I've got to wonder - do they ALL wear the same type armor?  NO variations?  I think that's just marketing, myself.  The Fetts made a name for the armor and Jodo was happy as a B'shvalk snow-clam to copy and continue it.  I haven't managed to find anyone who had enough personal knowledge of any Mandos to give me an answer I was comfortable relying on.  So conjecture takes over.  And whimsy.

Bren and I were looking over the deals and noticed the AOTC Clone Pilot and Republic Commando helmets were rather close in style to Fett's helmet.  The old Airborne Trooper was maybe another step...devolved? away and the finhead AOTC helmet is obviously related, but more distantly.  I think the first two could easily look at home atop a Fett-type body with little in the way of modifications.  Being the way we are, however, Bren and I came up with an array of mods to make.  The list we worked up looked like:

Pilot or Commando Helmet + Rangefinder - archetypal Mando look!
Pilot or Commando Helmet + flip-down visor a la the Commander X figs
Pilot or Commando Helmet + Baccara antenna detail
Pilot or Commando Helmet + Cody visor

We figured these mods would likely be the easiest ones to accomplish.  I think they'd likely look great on the Airborne Trooper, as well!  Speaking of... I'm interested in seeing what an Airborne helmet would look like if the lower part of the face were reshaped into something closer to a Fett helmet.  That might make another interesting variation on the Mando theme.  And let's NOT forget the McQuarrie Fett!  TWO helmets!  Both obviously Mando but NOT the standard style.

Then I wondered about taking a traditional Fett helmet and grafting on the "breath mask" apparatus of an AT-RT driver.  I realized I had out-dreamed my current meager set of skills.  I should get busy and improve!

So...I have a custom helmet.  What do I stick it on?  A body, of course, but not just any ol' body.  A bounty hunter needs armor!  Right, then.  Well, we don't want a straight Clone or Stormie, do we?  I really like the Veers/Snowtrooper breastplate arrangement.  Right, then.  Note to self - unearth the Snowtroopers and Veers.  Wait - don't the Royal Guards have unusual armor under their cloth robes?  Yes!  Excellent - cough up those arms and legs, you!  Well, I guess we could just repaint the entire Guard body and just add extras, like bits from ARC Troopers' armor or Airborne Trooper armor.  A sniper-plate from Baccara and a rifle from IG-88 would make for a great look, I think - especially if that guy has a flip-down visor, to boot.  That might make a good Clone, actually...

Note to self - AOTC Sergeant (green striping) needed!  Yeah, BFII color-coding.  Bren loves keeping the schemes going like that.  Get a flip-down visor and pin it on like the gent did on his Hawkbat Battalion Commander custom, then hang a sniper plate on him and give him an IG88 rifle.  Poof - near-instant bad@$$.  Give him some sort of backpack, because snipers don't usually work close to supply-lines.  Great - he'll need a buddy...have to brainstorm on that one another day.  Hm... the AOTC Cody-style visor?  Might be onto something.  Would a rangefinder work with a Cody visor?  Test time!  Should the sniper/spotter team wear kamas?  No...everyone uses kamas to imply "specialness" - mine need to stand out as special some other way.  Gotta wow folks without looking like a retread.  Backpack could be a Snowtrooper one as the base, and modify from there.  Maybe add a comm-array on it.  Ok!  That's something new to chase.

Now, if we were doing a straight Mando custom, I think using a Concept Fett or Animated Debut Fett as the body would be an excellent idea for a base body, suitably repainted.  The Proto-Fett is definitely different enough to not look like "Another Recycled Fett" custom.  I don't remember if the Ani-Fett is different enough or not.

Well, that pretty much sums up - and expands, actually - yesterday's skull-session with Bren.  Maybe next time we can work out a list of Fixer's-

Dang!  Somebody forgot to rewire the long-range sensor array to match the new flux-capacitor bank Engineering installed.  I just hope they didn't burn out anything too expensive...

I'll have to stay in touch with the gentlebeings at the 'Yards.  I think they'll be able to not only aid and abet my projects, but more importantly cheer me on and teach me (more than) a few things.  Maybe they can tell me where to find some better minions...

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Re: Boryla Sector, Outlands Station - Admin Office
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2009, 04:08:58 AM »
I love it, buddy! The whole idea troubleshooting rant with Bren was spot on with just the right serious bit of attitude thrown in. More please.......
  I like your custom ideas already.
  Yes, I can help with your custom ideas and execution questions.
  Oh, and say hi to Bren for me.

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Re: Boryla Sector, Outlands Station - Admin Office
« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2009, 05:12:23 AM »
Sweet ideas, I love the chain of thought!

Offline DocOutlands

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Re: Boryla Sector, Outlands Station - Admin Office
« Reply #3 on: May 07, 2009, 07:04:09 AM »
The character of Bren in this saga is Brendan, my 15yo son.  He's a fair sounding-board.  If I can describe something that makes him go, "Oh, kool!" then I reckon I've got a winner.  If it makes him ask questions and makes me think, then I reckon I got a winner.  If it sends him off on a tangent of his own and he in turn describes an elaborate idea of his own, then I KNOW I gots me a winner!

That was a pretty fun approach to a post - I'll prolly keep doing that.  Yeah, I have a badly-warped brain...

Offline DocOutlands

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Re: Boryla Sector, Outlands Station - Admin Office
« Reply #4 on: May 07, 2009, 10:02:09 AM »
By the Maker!  I just discovered the Visitors' Index has improper contact info in the Gallery!  It's a shame torture is frowned upon unless you are a crime-lord or an Imperial agency.  Those buffoons in Maintenance are ripe for a flogging.

I woke up this morning, vaguely disturbed about a project.  T'Nadar, the Chadra-Fan in the Galaxy Shop.  I'm looking forward to the upcoming Ugnaughts set to use as a base body.  I'm wondering if they'll have a ball-n-socket head, or what.  The Kabe fig will be donating head and hands, those are easy.  The feet, tho.  I'm still at a loss of how to make whole feet for the character.  I guess I need to locate a sacrificial Kabe figure and just cut away the body to see of the feet were made separate and then glued in place or what.  I'll find something and make it work!  As for the head, I'll have to learn how to cast them.  I have to say, I'm looking forward to those Ugnaughts.  Granted, I've got some of the older ones and they may still end up being the basis for the fig, but I'm expecting some nice functionality.

Hmmm...  If the feet thing gets too difficult, I may end up cutting off the lower end of the Kabe figure and the lower piece of an Ugnaught and blend the two together.  Hello sculpting challenge!  Not my preferred approach, but hey.  If I try it and don't like it, I'll have learned and grown.  Then I can always revisit the figure concept with new skills until I'm satisfied.

Bren just came thru looking for binder-fluid.  He's got some blaster parts he's wanting to reassemble - just a cut-down DC-15 rifle and a scrap scope, but the lad is customizing!!  He's also piecing up a custom fig based mainly on a parts-swap of accessories.  I can hear him in there griping about molded-on holsters and bandoleers from here!

I've still got to get over to Workshop-2 today and try to sort that mess out.  It's gone well so far, but it has been a *major* project.  Some of the previous occupant's supplies and junk are still cluttering it up, including a large, heavy heating-unit.  That's staying put for now - I don't have a load-lifter capable of moving it yet.  Ah, well, if I keep talking about it, I'll never get it done.  At least I'll have plenty of projects to think on while I work!

Offline Clonehead

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Re: Boryla Sector, Outlands Station - Admin Office
« Reply #5 on: May 07, 2009, 10:07:26 AM »
Your killing me, Doc. I am loving this! Tell bren to keep his chin up. Things only get less frustrating and more rewarding as his skills progress.

Offline DocOutlands

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Re: Boryla Sector, Outlands Station - Admin Office
« Reply #6 on: May 07, 2009, 01:24:06 PM »
I don't wanna give up too much just yet, but he's onto something.  Took a little different tack on things, but I think he's gonna score in short order.  I took some test-fit pic's of what he's proto'd that I'll get up soonish.  I'll just say we now wonder how a GalMarine helmet would look with, frex, a Jango rangefinder on it.....


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Re: Boryla Sector, Outlands Station - Admin Office
« Reply #7 on: May 07, 2009, 01:31:54 PM »
I know that this sounds like Tamer, but now you have got me curious.
Keep us posted, Doc.

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Re: Boryla Sector, Outlands Station - Admin Office
« Reply #8 on: May 07, 2009, 01:50:09 PM »
Just something to idly ponder while you



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Re: Boryla Sector, Outlands Station - Admin Office
« Reply #9 on: May 08, 2009, 09:42:28 PM »
I managed to look at Workshop-2 yesterday.  That's about all I managed, tho.  Too many minions in need of managerial guidance.  I was honestly afraid today was going to be a total waste, as well.  I had to ferry Bren to his pick-up point in Morna City so he could meet up with his unarmed combat coach.  They are heading for a tournament in L'fiyet so I'll make another run to Morna City tomorrow to pick him up.  A straight run is a three-plus hour ordeal, especially when circumstances require KeKe and Lonnie to accompany me - as they did today.

I've been running on too little sleep of late, so I was off to a VERY slow start this morning, despite my daily regimen of two large mugs of steaming caf.  "Thick as an ASP-7" had new meaning around the offices.  I handled some routine chores in the zoological productivity shops and then met with a client who wants to update his presence in the venue and expand his exposure a degree.  We discussed what he'd need to provide - scans and text of the equipment and parts to be offered - and how I preferred it, in his case, on a mem-disc since his terminal connection isn't as extensive as mine.

That out of the way, the four of us headed out.  KeKe and Lonnie love the chance to get off-station.  Being females, they see this as a prime reason to go shopping.  Being cute, they expect others to indulge them and pick up the tab.  Well, we met Bren's coach right next to a variety store so we made the rounds.  Lonnie picked up some jewelry, KeKe nabbed some art supplies, and I scored a matched pair of blasters for me and Bren.

Manufacturing had sent a request for some raw materials, should I have the opportunity, so we dropped in on another supplier.  This resulted in more expenses on the behalf of minions, but nothing for Manu.  One more chance as we headed out from Morna West.  We dropped in on my preferred supplier and discovered 6 cases of molding compound.  Only one case was the style Manu needed, tho.  So, since I'd picked up Station supplies, the minions needed more.  Of course.

Remind me again why I have minions?

So we made the run from Morna City back to the Station, limping along in a shuttle with a half-blasted cooling system, but happy with our unexpected largess.  Once Workshop-2 is refurbed, Manufacturing plans to set up a facility for small-parts copying.  Clonehead does this through the 'Yards connection, maybe the Station can get involved, too.  More complementing than competing of course.  These guys are shady enough that there's no telling exactly what shadows they have their fingers tapped into.  Are my minions really still mine?

On a much lighter note!  As a lad, I'd owned an airspeeder often referred to as a "Side Gunner" for its rather unique exposed gunner's station on a stanchion off to the side of an enclosed one-man cockpit.  Well, being a tinkering lad, I'd had a go at the vertical stabilizer.  Mucked it up royally, of course.  Disposed of the whole bloody thing without a second thought.  Well, I've often lamented that hasty lapse in judgement.  This past week, I've begun looking into the possibility of acquiring one, antique tho it is.  Nostalgia for a lost youth?  Some may say so.  As it is, I managed to locate several collectors who were interested in parting with their vehicles!  Of course, they wanted the Imperial Mint for their pristine hangar-queens!  However, luck was with me and I've encountered several for more reasonable sums that do, as you'd expect, show the wear and tear of real use - no hangar queens here. 

Two are missing the cannons from the vertical stab.  That's unfortunate, because one of them has a really sweet red-rust-orange custom paintjob.  However, there is one that, even tho it is a bit battered, is complete and functional.  The price is not too bad, either.  Should I treat myself?  I mean, I do have a Lifeday celebration coming up, after all.

Oh, let me go on record with this here and now, speaking of adding Lifedays.  I was on my way to Housekeeping last night and stopped into the medbay to chat with some folks there.  One of the medtech's caught me and publicly reminded me I'd promised to come by for some bloodwork weeks ago.  And, since Housekeeping wasn't ready for me yet, said medtech would be glad to rearrange her schedule to take my blood sample right then,  Well, caught out as I was, I had no way to weasel out of it, even though I tried.  I suppose it was worth it in the end, the test showed a blood-sugar of 105 even tho I'd eaten less than a hour previous.  The medtechs were quite pleased and told me that was a good score.

Normally, I'm happy when people are happy... but there was far too much maniacal giggling involved as the medtech had been prepping the sample unit.  Still, I suppose that is one thing I can stop not worrying about, knowing now that there's nothing to worry about.  Is that a big enough cause to buy a Side Gunner for?

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Re: Boryla Sector, Outlands Station - Admin Office
« Reply #10 on: May 09, 2009, 03:14:08 AM »
I'd say "go for it", Doc. I believe that you should continue your quest to successfully customize that side gunner that you had given up on, earlier in life. Even though it isn't the same copy, your regret for your previous action could indeed dissapear.

Good deal on the blood sugar thing.

Man, I'm still loving the style in which you write this blog. Please keep it going.

How did your son's meet go?

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Re: Boryla Sector, Outlands Station - Admin Office
« Reply #11 on: May 09, 2009, 07:36:02 AM »
They started about 30 minutes ago.  He'll prolly "2-and-out" as usual.  He only makes one practice a week, because its a 2-hr trip each way for us.  However, he started a self-designed strength-training program earlier this year and bulked up FAST - which put him in a weight bracket with a lot more guys in it.  He sure makes them fight for their wins, tho!  His opponents come out of a match looking like they been rode hard and put up wet.  He (usually) looks good for another round...and another...  Its an issue of not getting enough practice on a live opponent with his own ideas and moves.

And yeah - I'm liking how the blog bit is working out!  I've managed to tie it into my fanfic pieces while still making sense (I think) of what's actually going on.

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Re: Boryla Sector, Outlands Station - Admin Office
« Reply #12 on: May 09, 2009, 06:48:30 PM »
Now I'm in a quandry - go low-budget and get the cheap one without its guns or pay 3x that for a complete one??  I could always  mod the vert-stabilizer and do away with the need for gun mounts on the cheap.  But I kinda like the idea of having a complete one to work from (we luvs our firepower, we does).  I'll have a better blog-entry later tonight.  Some of my ebay auctions ended today - as did some of Clint's.   8)

Nice job on the Mando helmets auction, btw - it ended before I got home, but went higher than I could go right now, what with my other shopping list.

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Re: Boryla Sector, Outlands Station - Admin Office
« Reply #13 on: May 09, 2009, 07:06:55 PM »
I know if it was Tamer, He would go for the complete one but I would probably go for the cheap one and make it pretty. Regardless, It will be worth more to you when you are done with your alterations.

Are you a seller, as well, Doc? I guess I should have researched that.

No prob on the mando set. I figured it would go for more than it did. There is still a mando fan-base out there.

A mando custom might do alright, even in this time of economical woe.

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Re: Boryla Sector, Outlands Station - Admin Office
« Reply #14 on: May 09, 2009, 09:12:48 PM »
Yeah, I sell from time to time, but haven't ever run any customs.  I managed to nab some brand-new figs a couple of times and ran them quick enough to make a small profit.  Too small to have been worth the effort, but oh well.