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« on: February 01, 2010, 11:21:09 AM »
P'Chek - were an ancient species from the moon of the same name. They were said to be similar to the Twi'leks. Judging by the age of the ruins they left behind, P'Chek civilization was at its height circa 1,000,000,000 BBY.

Pa Tho - were an extinct sentient species. They created the Great Subcrustal Tubeway.

Paaerduags (Their actual name unpronounceable by other species) - were a symbiotic species that consisted of a large, yellowish, hunchbacked, two-legged creature with a small green, four-eyed creature sprouting out of its back. Much of the language, including the true name of their homeworld, was not pronounceable or comprehensible by non-Paaerduag, for one required two mouths and four ears to truly speak and hear it. The green head communicated with non-Paaerduag, as the sounds produced by the other could not be heard by most species. Their homeworld was Sorjus, a planet far off the Perlemian Trade Route. At birth, the two humanoid components were separate beings, which as they grew up, fused together. It seems the larger creature controlled movement as the smaller creature would tell it to turn around so it could see things opposite itself. Paaerduags were seen often around the time of the Jedi Civil War, and Revan encountered two Paaerduags during his travels; one named Ja'Gatcha, (who was trapped on Taris due to the Sith quarantine and was likely killed when Darth Malak's fleet bombarded the surface from orbit) and another named Mic'tunan'jus Orgu, a merchant in Anchorhead on Tatooine.

Pada - were a species of round-faced, mammalian bipeds. They had yellow fur, short horns, and large claws that made them excellent at climbing. They also had superb night vision. The Pada were extremely peaceful and honorable and were not allowed to kill another being, even in self-defense.

Palmiens du Tigre (or simply Palmiens) - were humanoids indigenous to Palme du Tigre. The Palmiens had a pre-spatial technology level. They were apparently wiped out as the last test of a stormtrooper training program.

Pan-preneur - were amphibious sentients indigenous to Sonn Vilmari. They resembled many other aquatic races, and were believed to be distantly related genetically to the Mon Calamari, though many aquatic species shared similar genetics.

Paonnid - were an alien species.

Pappfak - was the name of an alien species known for possessing long, blue-colored tentacles. Pappfaks could regularly be found inhabiting the marketplaces at Mos Eisley on the planet, Tatooine. They may have had three sexes: at the wedding of Lady Valarian, musician Doikk Na'ts of the Modal Nodes observed three of them in what he described as a "prenuptial embrace."  

Paqwe - were aliens native to the planet Paqwepor Major. They loved good bargains, tall tales, and had big ambitions. Most hated politics and any law that could limit their expressive freedom, basically any law.They were short with yellow-green skin, had a wide carriage and a sway-backed, waddling gait.

Pas'sic - were the perpetrators of the Vrassh Slaughter. However, as of 19 ABY, neither the Pas'sic government nor the New Republic had compensated the survivors, despite the requirements of Pas'sic law.

Pascwa - were a sentient species.

Pashv (plural Pashvi) - were a race of humanoids who had wider torsos and longer arms than Humans. They lived on a world in Wild Space whose surface was dotted with many thousands of rock pillars, atop which grew both the best edible plants and extremely dangerous flying predators. This led to the Pashvi becoming both attracted to and frightened of physical objects they lived with. They had "agreeable" mentalities and were known as poor fighters. Their homeworld was raided by the Vagaari some point prior to 27 BBY. Pashvi art had a stable but small market, mostly in the Corporate Sector.

Passars - were a race equipped with natural venom.

Patrolians - were distinguished by their pale, pastel-colored scales and long, fin-like limbs. Robonino was of this species. They could resist minor electrocutions.

Pelemaxians - were an ancient race indigenous to Pelemax.

Pelgrin - were an extinct species native to Pelgrin. Though primitive, they had the uncanny ability to duplicate advanced technology. They were the creators of the mysterious Oracle at Pelgrin.

Peripleen - were long-living, simian sentients with strong jaws and arms. Wim Smoot, an inmate on Oovo IV, was a Peripleen.

Pinurquians - were a species of horned humanoids active in the galaxy. Their best known member was Tinketh Fo, the leader of the planet Keyorin. The Alderaanian Resistance encountered the animated corpse of a Pinurquian in Darth Rivan's secret archive room on Almas. The Pinurquian had been killed in a firefight between the Stalfonauts and Jacen Yar's team of bounty hunters.

Piton - were a species from the planet Piton with pale skin. They were known for being tall and thin, with high foreheads. They also had near-white eyes. Most Pitons lived underground, causing them to have translucent skin and no hair. When traveling off world, they were forced to don eye shields to keep out the glare of the planet's suns. Jedi Knight Miro Daroon was of this species.

Pitrillistians - were a species of seven foot tall beings native to the planet Pitrillistia. They appeared very imposing in their brightly colored clothes which covered their two-piece shells. They were a peaceful species and spoke a language which was mostly musical buzzes created by the small wings stored underneath their shells. To feed they would use their proboscises to suck the minerals from fluids. They had two upper limbs, both with different "hands"; the left was insect-like while the right was Human-like, although it only had four fingers, and allowed them to grip blasters and other such objects.

Ploven - were aquatic sentients native to the planet Gra Ploven, referred to by some Imperial personnel as "little finbacks". They were subjugated by the Empire, but when they failed to make their assessed contributions to the Imperial war effort, the Star Destroyer Forger used its laser cannons to boil Gra Ploven' oceans, killing over two hundred thousand Ploven.

Poldts - were lanky sapient bipeds that artificially bore some resemblance to Gungans and the Geonosians.

Polosich - were a species of sentients with yellow, velvety skin. Tyew Fordrod was a Polosich.

Polydroxol - were a species of sentient, denantium-based shapeshifters that were native to the world of Sevetta. They resembled two hundred kilogram masses of mercury while in their liquid state. Polydroxol usually had the power to mimic other kinds of species and speak their native language, but their native environment was the toxic volcanic pools of their homeworld. Their unusual evolution resulted in them possessing a complex circulatory system which passed electroglobins throughout the body. This also had the effect of allowing the Polydroxol to survive without oxygen. An interesting societal development was that, during travels, these creatures would often journey forth in pairs. Due to their metallic nature, superficial wounds could heal instantaneously, like the loss of a limb, or slugthrower wounds. However, while they could close their wounds and replace their limbs, they could not replace the electroglobins instantaneously, and would need an extended period of rest in order to regenerate them. It was quite possible for a Polydroxol to die of electroglobin loss but still be completely intact.

Poraskor - were a species from the planet Betal, They were capable of weaving neural-web reflex threads.

Povanarians - were one of the member species of the New Republic. In 19 ABY, they served alongside Bagmims and Humans on New Republic ships.

Priapulins - were a sapient species from the planet Pria. They resembled large worms with five knobby notochords arranged around their tubular length. When fully extended flat, they measured at four meters in length, however preferred the configuration of an upright S shape. They had three pairs of eyes, and the underside of their bodies were covered in thick bristles. The spiny appendages along the edges of their bodies were specialized for a number of purposes, being hooked, thorny, or spatulate. Priapulins spoke Basic in a smooth whisper. Priapulin measured distance in "salt pans" (nine of which was equal to eleven kilometers) and time in "tides" (one of which equaled ten hours). One notable Priapulin was Charza Kwinn, a pilot employed by the Jedi, who once transported Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker to Zonama Sekot.

Proliferans - were a species of sentient humanoids who resembled large red ants. They were excellent at digging, often using their skills to dig under enemy forces and waylay them when they got close. They had their own empire, known as the Proliferan Empire which was in turn ruled by a monarch. At the time of the Galactic Civil War, the ruler was Queen Yentuki.

Prosslee - were the former oppressors of the Forshul, a species indigenous to the neighboring Yminis Sector. During the Caamas Document crisis, the Prosslee senator took a pro-Bothan stance in opposition to the Forshul. At least one Prosslee escort frigate participated in the Second Battle of Bothawui, fighting first on behalf of the Bothans, and then as part of the united New Republic fleet.

Proteans (also sometimes called Protreans) - were sapients indigenous to Nathas I which was located within the Questal sector. Their natural states resembled man-sized gelatinous blobs made up of protoplasmic clay. Using this protoplasmic form, they would consume food by absorption. A further advantage they gained from their evolution was the ability to change their shape and mold it into other forms. They would even be able to change their coloration allowing them to hide and capture prey.

The species tended to have low intelligence though were quite capable of understanding basic commands. In Protean society it seemed that groups would consist of five to ten individuals. Reproduction was made by two members of the species merging with one another. Once done, they form a stone-like cocoon shaped as a ball and would remain as so for a standard year. At which time the cocoon would crack and the 'parents' would emerge with their child.

Psadan - were one of the indigenous races of the planet Wayland. They were covered with lumpy plates that made them resemble walking, talking rocks, Scientists believe they were evolved from hard-shelled mammals. They were a warlike species and often fought their neighbors the Myneyrsh. They were one of the races that the cloned and insane Jedi master Joruus C'baoth kept under his rule at the foot of Mount Tantiss.
When the Yuuzhan Vong invaded, the Psadan and Myneyrsh tried to fight back and were mostly exterminated, the rest fleeing into jungles.

Pugs - were a gang of canine-like bandits who lived on the Forest Moon of Endor. They rode around on creatures called vrooms. Pug may have been the name of their species or their gang.

Pursians - were sentients from the planet Pursin. They were at war with the Yugami.

Pydyrians - were sapient avians indigenous to the moon Pydyr that orbited the planet Almania. Millions of Pydyrians were killed in a droid detonation planned and carried out by Kueller, a Dark Jedi who had risen to power on Almania. Only 1000 Pydyrians survived. Wuja Wojaine was a Pydyrian.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2010, 08:44:33 PM by Cimter »

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« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2010, 11:47:00 AM »
Q'nithian Aeropteryx - were a race of avians from a planet in the Q'nithian system. Their wings were too small to power them for flight, so they used them for pulling themselves across the ground instead. Their wings were tipped with talons to help them do this. They had gray feathers and eyes that were not well adjusted to vision. As such, Aeropteryx who left their homeworld often had to wear lenses to help them see.

Qadel - were a sentient species. According to Evocar by Direus'Pei, they were made extinct by Xim, who justified his actions on the basis that they were slavers.  

Qieg - were sapient insectoids indigenous to Lan Barell.

Qonat - were a sentient species formed from or by the Ahra Naffi and in turn begat the Qella.

Qonto - were sapient humanoids. Lina Adonais was one.

Quadrant Seven - were a race of humanoids from the planet also known as Quadrant Seven. They were distinguished by a collection of antennae on their heads which resembled Human hair. The Quadrant Seven were a peaceful race who, at the time of the Clone Wars, had not had a war on their planet for 570 years. They shunned technology and were dedicated to preserving their planet's ecosystems.

Quill-heads - was the name by which Greedo identified a group of fellow bounty hunters he spotted in the Mos Eisley Cantina in 0 BBY. "Quill-head" may have only been the nickname of the species. It is possible that they were Spiners.

Quints - were tall, furred sentients hailing from the planet of the same name. They were best known for their speed and agility.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2010, 08:39:48 PM by Cimter »

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« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2010, 11:47:52 AM »
Radnorans - were the native inhabitants of the planet Radnor. Although they were fairly short in stature and sturdy in appearance, they were a intimidating humanoid species. In 27 BBY, the Radnorans had to evacuate their homeworld following an accident at one of their weapons laboratories, which resulted in the releasing of harmful toxins into the air. It soon killed most of the population in the city-state of Aubendo. The Jedi were sent to aid in the evacuation. After the toxins subsided and a threat from their planet's neighbor, Avon, was averted, the Radnorans were left to rebuild and mourn the dead.

Ramoans - were a sentient species whose homeworld was ruined by the Yuuzhan Vong. Five years after the Yuuzhan Vong War, they were still being relocated to new worlds. The last stages of their relocation were supervised by Lowbacca, who abandoned the project to join the side of the Killiks. At least one member of this species became a Jedi Knight; Bazel Warv was a contemporary of Valin and Jysella Horn. Ramoans were larger and stronger than average humans. Their skin was jade green. They had small eyes, a pig-like snout and tusks jutting out of their mouths. They spoke in a series of grunts, oinks,and squeaks. The shape of their mouths made it difficult-if not impossible-to speak Basic. They may have been related to Gamorreans.

Ramplish - were a species native to the planet Sullust who lived in clans. After a long holy war on Sullust, at least one clan were cast off the planet. Many members of this clan ended up on Ord Mantell and Gamorr. While living there, they generally operated frontier posts, toll posts, space gates, as well as running almost all of the fuel ports on Gamorr. Hepmaga MiOrd was one such being who set up a hunting business in the outer wastelands of Gamorr.

Rat People - were a race of rat-like humanoids that lived on Coruscant.

Reigats - were a species of large humanoids with grayish, mottled skin and dark blue hair, eyelids, and lips. They were generally a species of loners whose yearly "breeding drive" was probably all that kept them from becoming extinct. The Reigats were sometimes very quick to anger. This was sometimes termed "Reigat Rage".

Reks - were a sentient species characterized by slender, whip-like bodies. They had thin skin with the texture and temperature of lukewarm rubber. All Reks had brightly-colored eyes; purple was a common iris color for the females of the species. Many Reks sought work as bounty hunters. A group of several Rek bounty hunters working for the crimelord, Nandreeson, captured Lando Calrissian and gave him over to their employer.

Reussi - were Near-Humans from Reuss VIII.

Rhen Varites - were a species indigenous to Rhen Var, where they built beautiful cathedral-like buildings. They went extinct when their homeworld entered an ice age.

Rigellians - were hulking green-skinned sentient humanoids from Rigel 7. Due to the high gravity of their home planet, the reptilian Rigellians were very large-framed, dense, and heavily-muscled. This made them formidible foes on normal gravity planets, on which they were reportedly strong enough to tear apart vehicles and other metal objects. Rigellians sometimes were employed as assassins due to their impressive physical prowess. At the time of the Galactic Civil War, they were nearly extinct. The bounty hunter with the alias of Darth Vader's porter belonged to this species.

Rikyams - were the central brains of the worldships of the Yuuzhan Vong. Relatives of the yammosk and dhuryam (but with less religious significance), they controlled everything onboard the worldship, monitoring the environmental controls, controlling the breeding of creatures, and monitoring ship functions. If a muscle spasm occurred, the rikyam would be able to moderate the spasm so that it would not threaten the worldship.

Rindians - were an alien race from the planet Rindia. They were small in stature and possessed eight digits on each hand.

Ripoblus - were native to the planet Ripoblus in the Sepan system. They were at war with the Dimoks, a war that was interrupted by the arrival of the Galactic Empire in the system. The Ripoblus sided with the Rebel Alliance and the Dimoks with the Empire until the Empire attacked both sides, prompting the negotiation of a ceasefire.

Rodisar - were sapient crocodylomorphs from Rodis. Nilo was a member of this species kidnapped from his home planet by slavers who ended up in the arenas of Rattatak around 22 BBY.

Romin - were a humanoid species, who boasted a somewhat smaller stature than that of Humans; Romin were a species with golden skin and eyes. Their noses were flat, barely raised on their faces, and their mouths were wide and expressive. The Romin hailed from the planet Romin and were divided into two classes. The Ruling class was the minority of Romin who had wealth and status. The majority of the Romin were of the working class who lived in poverty and took up homes in vast shanty towns that were set up outside of the richer cities. The working class suffered from a much shorter lifespan due to the rampant disease and decay that dominated the ghettos of Romin. Romin were ruled by a single dictator who went by the title of Great Leader. The Great Leader during the final days of the Old Republic was Roy Teda, who became infamous for hiding galactic criminals on the planet for substantial kick-backs.

Roonans - were small, almond-eyed bipeds from Roona, having five digited hands, each being roughly the same length. Their dark green heads were deeply wrinkled and egg-shaped. They were members of the Galactic Republic, and were represented in the Old Republic by Edcel Bar Gane. A Roonan trader was seen in the trade center CorusMall in 32 BBY. In 22 BBY, Tukker Val Loo was a male Roonan Jedi.

Roonat - were an alien species. They communicated in a squeaking language.

Roshans - were humanoid beings who lived on the planet of Rosha in the Leemurtoo system. The Samarians also lived in this system. The Roshans were about to make a trade agreement with the Samarians when the Galactic Empire intervened.

Rseikharhl - were a race native to the Rseik Sector.

Rugjha - were non-humanoid sentients with fifteen flexible limbs, glossy mauve skin, and multiple eyes. To Humans, they appeared to be a tangle of limbs with the occasional eye peeping out. Rugjha could become talented musicians, partly because they could play ten or more instruments at once. Among the most famous Rugjha musicians were Umjing Baab and His Swinging Trio (though Baab was considered a part of this trio, as he only had two fellow members in the band.) Though they could play instrumental music which humanoids could hear and enjoy, they did not sing to them, as their natural voices were inaudible to most humanoids. Rugjha used artificial mechanisms to speak Basic to Humans.

Rutanian - were an off-shoot of the Riorian race, they were the native species of the planet Rutan. Their species had an offshoot called the Senali who inhabited Rutan's own moon Senali. The rivalry between the two species was provoked by the Yuuzhan Vong into war, leaving both Rutan and Senali weak and vulnerable to invasion.

Ruusanians - were approximately 20,000 preindustrial Near-Humans from Ruusan. They developed due to inbreeding amongst the small Human population of Ruusan; they were hardy and well-adapted to a desert environment. Surface artifacts suggest that other species lived on Ruusan as well, making it possible that Ruusanians originated from somewhere else.

Ry'coz - were a species native to Novor 23. They worked with arriving Human and nonhuman colonists to create a vibrant economy and culture.

Rydarians - were a sentient species of humanoids that were native to the world of Rydar II. They were also known as Rydans.

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« Reply #3 on: February 01, 2010, 11:48:52 AM »
Saadul - were a sentient species.

Sabrashi - were the race who was noted for the creation of the Fear stick.

Saffa - were a sentient species that were responsible for the development of an important form of art, the Saffa paintings, after making contact with the Thennqora. The Saffa painting reached its height approximately 2,200-1,550 BBY.

Saheelindeeli - were sapient primates indigenous to Saheelindeel. The ape-like aliens were green-furred humanoids. They had a limited technology, and were just starting to move ahead toward automation by 0 ABY. They had a matriarchal society.

Salissians - were sentient humanoid creatures that were used as mercenaries during the Clone Wars by the Separatists. They had a reputation for being mean and possessing a willingness to do just about anything for money.

Samarians - were a sentient species native to the desert world of Samaria. The Samarians were engaged in the process of setting up a trade agreement between their neighbors the Roshans, however the Galactic Empire intervened.

Samuac - were near-Humans from New Kisge. They managed to avoid subjugation by the Galactic Empire. Some Samuacs, such as Sisquoc, joined the Rebel Alliance.

Sarafurians - were an ancient race from the planet Sarafur. They were all killed when their planet stopped rotating, rendering one side of the planet too hot and the other too cold to support life.

Sareeta - were sapients indigenous to Sareet. They had pink skin and large lidless eyes.

Sarmians - were an ancient race from the planet Sarm, in the Unknown Regions. They were wiped out by the same supernova that created the Utegetu Nebula.

Sarrish - were a red-skinned reptilian species indigenous to the planet Sarrish. They were members of the Galactic Republic and were represented in the Galactic Senate by Veedaaz Awmetth during the Clone Wars. They were protected by the Sarrish Defense Force.

Saurians - were a reptilian race with snake-like heads. They spoke with a lisp and generally wore swamp-patterned fatigues.

Sea-dragons (or Waterworms of Drexel II) - were gigantic sentient reptiles who dwelt in the never-ending ocean of their world. They communicated with each other using ultra-sonic signals. When Governor Quarg's scavengers arrived on Drexel II, they set up a scheme where they used a sonic jammer to cause any passing spacecraft to malfunction and crash to the planet. But the jamming signal proved damaging to the Sea-dragons' and prompted them to attack the scavengers. The scavengers' technicians realized the damage their signals were causing and objected to their use, but their efforts were thwarted and they were exiled to the sea. But the technicians survived, and eventually developed a relationship with the Sea-dragons, and became to be known as the Dragon Lords, even though the relationship was between equals rather than one of servitude. As infants they resembled small lizards, and would spy on Quarg's city-ship to report the scavengers' intentions back to the Dragon Lords. When Crimson Jack and his battlecruiser entered the system at the direction of Han Solo and Princess Leia Organa, the scavengers tried to bring the huge craft down, but were unable to do anything but hold it in orbit. The Dragon Lords and the Sea-dragons feared the power that Quarg would attain if he were to acquire the huge craft, launched all out attack on the city-ship. With the help of Solo, Leia, and Luke Skywalker, the Dragon Lords and the Sea-dragons were able to defeat the scavengers and permanently disable their jamming equipment.

Segmi - were sapients indigenous to Kathol and were created by the ancient Kathol construct known as the DarkStryder. They were genetically made to serve as a race of builders to replace the Charr Ontee who were banished. They appeared as a race of huge worms that could exude a resinous substance which was used to form the structural supports of buildings. Once the Darkstryder's fortress lair was finished, the Segmi's purpose had ended and they wandered away, forming their own civilization. Like most of the other Kathol servants, the Segmi also learned to manipulate the Ta-Ree life energy around the Kathol's ancient homeworld. Some members of the species were recaptured when the Darkstryder required new parts to be developed in its fortress.

Seikoshans - were sapients indigenous to Seikosha. They were very tall humanoids with pale green skin and unblinking red eyes. They were hairless but for a small amount of black hair on the top of their heads as well as shallow crenellations from the bridge of their nose to their cranium. They also had two-toed feet.

Sernpidalians - were a near-Human species native to the planet Sernpidal. They had white hair, pale skin and red eyes, resembling Human albinos. The traditional Sernpidalian dress consisted of red-striped white robes with huge hoods. They were a deeply religious people, with one of their most revered deities being the goddess Tosi-karu. Most Sernpidalians were killed when the Praetorite Vong used the Yo'gand's Core tactic on Sernpidal, employing a large dovin basal to pull one of the planet's moons, Dobido, against the globe.

Serps - were humanoid reptiles indigenous to Serphidi in the Belial system. They were a sexually dimorphic species, with red-scaled and flat-faced males, and orange-scaled and long-snouted females. The Serps once had superior technology, but they used it for devastatingly destructive acts. Eventually, they chose to sign a pact which banned advanced technology and united the planet under a single king. Their remaining technology was simple, and they sublimated their destructive urges with jousting competitions. Each year, they held a tournament to remember the day of peace. Shortly before the Galactic Civil War, King S'Shah came to power, allying with the Galactic Empire and reviving some of the ancient technology and turning the previously nonlethal jousts into deadly affairs. Luke Skywalker, who had come to the planet to work with the Rebel-friendly natives in deposing S'shah, entered the yearly tournament and defeated the king.

Sessehsellah (or Sesseh') - were a race resembling giant river otters. They were native to the planet Shaymore. They had very little technology, and were thus easy prey for the Galactic Empire, who stole most of the planet's hydrocarbons. The Sessehshellah were freed by the Rebel Alliance.

Seylott - were a bipedal sentient sealion species indigenous to Seylott. Their pairs of limbs could both function as either legs or arms. The entire race was Force-sensitive, and they worshiped the god Shaa.

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« Reply #4 on: February 01, 2010, 11:49:53 AM »
Shadda-Bi-Borans - were a race of green-skinned humanoids was indigenous to the planet Shadda-Bi-Boran. A peaceful society ruled by sun priests, they thrived off of the radiation from their star Shadda. Because of a special toxin-killing enzyme provided by the star, they could not be evacuated to just any world. The Refugee Relief Movement attempted to locate planets with similar stars; Padmé Amidala of Naboo assisted in taking a colony which included N'a-kee-tula, whom Padmé befriended off their world. However their efforts were in vain, entire colonies died off due to their failure to adapt. The survivors on their honeworld refused to enter stasis or be frozen in carbonite, thus leading to the extinction of the entire species. They died out in 38 BBY.

Shalai - were a sentient species known for their ceramics.

Shaull - were a near-human species that hailed from an unidentified planet. They possessed medium gray skin with patches of darker color on the wrist, forearm, and elbows. The species was hairless but possessed a form of cilia-like growth on the back of the head and on the shoulders and back. Their faces had a very flat and smooth nose. Otherwise they resembled humans physically. Few Shaull explored the stars and those few that did often started out as indentured servants on more advanced ships. The species adapted well to galactic standard technology and often possessed a combination of archaic and modern skills amongst those encountered in the space lanes. The species was known for its curiosity and love of new and unexplored places. A common objective of the race was to experience everything and see all things.

Shawkenese - were the ancient civilization of the planet Shawken, who created the Shawken Device.

Shi'kar - were a species whose homeworld was obliterated by a comet impact.

Shikitari - were a rare, semi-sentient insectoid species from Shikitari. Shikitari had multi-stage life cycles. Shikitari were born in egg clusters suspended in a poisonous protective gel to ward away predators. As they hatched, the developing pupae fused to one another, growing into a combined single lifeform. Individual Shikitari grew specialized body parts to become eyes, mouths, feelers, and other organs and appendages. Shikitari pupae grew in a body style that mimicked their guardian.

Shimholts - were a long-lived sentient species from the planet Kar'a'katok, located in the Core Worlds. Ampotem Za, who went on to become the Suprema under the Galactic Empire was a member of the species.

Shownarri - were Near-Humans from Shownar.

Shrieks - were three-eyed, pink-skinned beings who lived on the Forest Moon of Endor. Their distinguishing characteristic was the loud noise they made when they felt threatened; this was the basis for their name. Larry was a Shriek. Due to his reclusive nature, Larry remained hidden in a hollow tree for many years. This caused the neighboring Kagles and Ewoks to believe the tree was haunted by vengeful spirits called "Shrieks."

Shusugaunt - were a species from the planet of Shusugaunt in the Raioballo Sector of the Outer Rim. A race of space-faring warriors, the Shusugaunt were short in stature, and were considered to be an aggressive people. The Shusugaunt were encountered by a colony ship from Gravlex Med millennia before the Clone Wars, and attempted to conquer and take control of the Anx homeworld. However, the Shusugaunt were unprepared for the planet's heavy gravity, and found themselves unable to fight without becoming fatigued by the oppressive gravitic forces. The Shusugaunt fled Gravlex Med, leaving the Anx alone.

Sif'krie - were from the planet Sif'kric in the Sif'kric system, it had an economy based on the export of the highly perishable and valuable pommwomm plants. They shared their system with the Frezhlix, who began feuding with them as soon as the Galactic Empire pulled out. In 19 ABY, when a Frezhlix fleet blockaded their system, up to 20% of their yearly planetary income was at risk of being wiped out. The stated motivation of the Frezhlix was to make the Sif'krie reconsider their position on the Caamas Document in their sector assembly, thus making their sector support the Drashtine Initiative in the New Republic Senate and its demand for punishment of the Bothans. Though the Sif'krie were unable to put a formal request for military aid through, the New Republic forces commanded by Garm Bel Iblis and Wedge Antilles arrived to investigate anyway. When the Frezhlix fired on New Republic X-wings who had broken through their lines (supposedly to investigate smugglers), the New Republic returned fire, and defeated the blockading fleet. With the Frezhlix threat eliminated, the Sif'krie felt secure enough to bolster the pro-Bothan forces helping to defend Bothawui. Sif'krie skiffs fought alongside the Diamala-led fleet, and later the New Republic coalition, at the Second Battle of Bothawui.

Sika - were a race of sentient beings that were native to the planet of Sikan.

Sikurdians - were short, round bipeds native to Sikurd who invented the Sikurdian Battle-Axe. A notorious Sikurdian was Alabar Double Ax.

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« Reply #5 on: February 01, 2010, 11:51:04 AM »
Silika - were sapients indigenous to Dohu VII with multiple arms. They had a very rigid codex of honor. As they consisted mainly of silicon, mineral water—or Silika water as they called it—had an intoxicating effect on the Silika who would often challenge each other to drinking contests.

Silver Antz (sing. Silver Ant) - were a semi-sentient variety of the antz native to Kubindi. They were bipedal, warlike insectoids who traveled through forests to gather food in armies.

Siniteen - were hyperintelligent humanoids, capable of calculating hyperspace jumps without the assistance of a navicomputer. They had pale skin and pupil-less eyes. A notable feature of this species were their hairless, oversized heads, which resembled the lobes of a brain. One Siniteen, Pons Limbic, was seen in the Mos Eisley Cantina in 0 BBY.

Siolans - were a race of sentient beings that were able to recognize a close relative just by their scent.

Sipsk'ud - were an alien species native to the Kanz sector. During the Old Republic era, many Sipsk'ud were converted to Vianism by Argazdan settlers from the Core Worlds.

Skandits - were a race of noisy raccoon-like creatures that lived on the Endor's forest moon. They had furry black masks and used slingshots and whips to ambush unsuspecting caravans throughout the forests. Some day, the Ewoks Weechee, Willy, Kneesaa, Wicket, Teebo, and Latara were traveling, when a group of Skandits separated them from their wagon of goods and imprisoned them. However, when the Travelling Jindas passed through and learned that their onetime member Latara was in trouble, the Jindas put on a show for the Skandits and helped the Ewoks escape. After, the Ewoks and the Jindas fled to Bright Tree Village.

Skeebo - were a species from Skeebo.

Skels - were an aggressive bipedal species who roamed the frozen wastes of the ice world of Hoth. Agile creatures who stood 1.2 meters tall at their largest, the Skels were a primitive species but sentient nonetheless. They communicated through a series of snarls and grunts which emanated from snouts protected by protruding tusks. They also had bony claws on their hands which they used primarily for burrowing through the ice and snow of the planet, but which could also be used to attack their prey. They were covered in thick, dense fur that insulated their thin bodies against the harsh environments of their homeworld. Much like the Wampas, the Skels lived in the many caverns scattered throughout the mountains which provided them with a modicum of shelter. Despite this, they could survive temperatures well below the average on Hoth. They were extremely brazen pack hunters and, because of the lack of much food on Hoth, would go after anything at all which they thought could provide them with food without any provocation. They had been known to attack at least one Imperial Probe Droid. "Skel" also became a derogatory term used by bounty hunters to describe their catch.

S'krrr - were native to a planet of the same name. They were tall mantis-like insectoids with sharp body segments and small transparent, vestigial wings on their backs. S'krrr could not fly, because their small wings were unable to carry their weight. They would use their wings for a form of communication known as "wing-song".  There had once been a rivalry between the S'krrr and the Humans of the neighboring planet, Rabaan (known as Rabaanites). One-on-one combat would often take place on the Combat Moon. Even after this ended, some S'krrr continued to practice melee combat with vibroblades. Despite remaining technologically advanced for a people on such a remote planet, they never developed interstellar travel. Some S'krrr worshiped the lower insects of the planet, such as drog beetles, because they believed they were descended from insects such as these.

Skups - were a Near-Human species. They differed from the Human norm by their small, closely-spaced eyes, large noses, and four-fingered hands. Their skin was described as the "color of dianoga cheese." They were not known for their prowess in battle, though a number of notable master thieves were Skups. Skups were sometimes referred to as "biomorphs," which may imply that their species was originally produced via deliberate genetic manipulation. Anky Fremp, a friend of the future bounty hunter Greedo, was a Sionian Skup.

Sloogarians - were slimy, slug like, sapients from the planet Sloogaria. They were known to enjoy eating bantha droppings and other treats that most species usually found disgusting. Squishmael was the only known member of the species.

Slyte - were a species of sentient aliens. Nubblyk was a member of this species.

Smoke Demons - were a creatures who could change their form from solid to smoke at will. It could also absorb another person's body by flowing into it while in smoke form and cause the victim to disappear entirely. A Smoke Demon apparently had significant strength while in solid form as one was able to defeat the Wookiee Chewbacca in hand to hand combat on one occasion. It evidently did not have a capacity to speak orally, but instead communicated through some form of psychic ability, the extent of which is unknown. One was used as an assassin by Kharys due to its ability to move and kill silently. He killed Katya M'buele while she was sleeping aboard the Millennium Falcon and with others standing guard, however he was not able to escape, as he was impaled by Luke Skywalker's lightsaber, which harmed the creature, whereas blaster bolts did not. These creatures were created by the dark side of the Force. Kharys was one being who knew how to do so. Her smoke demon entrapped within it the souls of its victims, but these souls were released when the monster died.

Smotls - were a small, blue-green race. Ib-Dunn was a Smotl.

Snogars - were large furry humanoids (averaging 2.5 meters in height) from the planet Ota.  Though they once had a technologically advanced society, they lost their technological knowledge over several millennia. They eventually became a primitive people, with limited intelligence and a fear of strangers. They continued to use simple technology such as blasters, enviro-suits stun nets and powersliders, but they could not operate the more advanced technology of the cities built by the ancient Snogars. They came to call the offworlders who could "smart ones". By the time of the Galactic Civil War, this led to a crisis in their society, as they were unable to repair the heating machines their ancestors built to keep their homeworld—that was going through an ice age—habitable for them. The only warm places of the cities, buried in the ice, were avoided by all Snogars, considered to be the "evil places of the ancient smart ones". Some Snogars kidnapped Luke Skywalker and Boba Fett in an attempt to force them to fix these machines some time before the Battle of Hoth.

Snutib - were a sapient species of mantid hunters that allied with the Killiks in the Swarm War.

Sock-headed Worm People - were primitive sapients indigenous to a desert world near Sullust. They had four arms with no hands, but stumps at the end of their arms that could hold things.

Solems - were green-skinned humanoids from the planet Solem.

Soomans - were sentient red insectoids indigenous to the planet Sooma, located in the Outer Rim Territories. They were ruled by King Zornog in 15 BBY. When General Sludd tried to usurp the throne of nearby Alzar, he tricked Alzarian heir Prince Plooz into running away to Sooma on a freighter; Plooz was later rescued by C-3PO and R2-D2. Ten months after the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY, many Soomans were killed in the Stenax Massacres, when the Stenax invaded using stolen Imperial technology.

Soothsisters of Pelgrin - were a sentient species. According to Evocar by Direus'Pei, they were made extinct by Xim because they prophesied his empire would fall.

Sorkis - were the indigenous inhabitants of the Core world of Serob 6. Most of them dwelt underwater by preference. Only 1% of the population of the floating capital city of their homeworld, Kells, was made up of Sorkis. The aquatic Sorkis were humanoids with webbed feet and hands. They had translucent bodies varying in color from green to blue, with their internal organs visible. A long crest ran from the top of a Sorki's head to the base of the back. They were physically incapable of speaking Basic. Their native language resembled the communicative abilities of dolphins. A people who believed in maintaining harmony with nature, they restricted tourism and industry under the Galactic Republic to avoid destroying their environment. Unfortunately, the Galactic Empire ignored such restrictions, and the Sorkis feared this would damage their world's ecosystem. The Sorkis were famous for their unique psychiatric therapeutic technique of "mental projection." This technique turned a patient's memories into a virtual-reality world in which other beings could be immerse and interact with projected elements. The technique was somewhat dangerous. An individual "wounded" or even "destroyed" in a patient's memory-world could, in the real world, suffer permanent mental damage. Alternately, interaction could result in an individual's personality becoming confused with a patient's, and becoming amoral, immoral, or even sociopathic.

Sorrusians - were a species from the planet Sorrus. They differed from baseline Humans in that their skeletal system could compress, allowing them to squeeze through tight places. Notable Sorrusians included the bounty hunter Ona Nobis.

Souns - were brown-skinned humanoids from Soun IV. A Soun princess was one of the patrons of the Outlander Club when Zam Wesell encountered Obi-Wan Kenobi in 22 BBY.

Spider Ducks - were a sentient species with a broadly avian appearance, with a yellow duck-like beak, and white feathers. It had a large cluster of seven eyes on its head. A member of the species was present on Harix when Imperial Major Stafuv Rahz kidnapped Myoris Lin and her school. The being listened to the rescue plan of Berd Lin. It wore a sealed spacesuit within the planet's atmosphere.

Spider People - were the ancient rulers of Ord Cestus but were driven under ground by the X'Ting in a great war. They were quick to their conclusions. They resided in Ord Cestus' many caves. They were most likely related to the Cave spiders that were still extant in more modern times.

Spiners - were nearly extinct bipedal sentient mammals with sharp quills. They were capable of hurling these with great speed and accuracy by flexing their muscles in a certain manner. Their native world, Worxer, was destroyed when its sun went supernova. The surviving population gradually became sterile for a lack of nutrients found exclusively in their home sector of Elrood.

Spirits (Bedlam Spirits) - were spirits who inhabited an unidentified planet near the Bedlam Pulsar. During the Galactic Civil War Princess Leia Organa encountered them while escaping from Imperial troops. The spirits were very powerful beings, capable of manipulating time and mass, but prone to childish behavior.

Squalris - were humanoids indigenous to the colonies world of Ifmix VI. Above all else they desired social interaction and success which brought increased personal wealth and status. They were famous along the Perlemian Trade Route for their love of making deals. Traders often used the term "slick as a Squalris" to describe a proficient deal maker or haggler.

Squidge - was the insulting name given by the Vindar to the race of beings they oppressed. They were diminutive blue creatures with elongated skulls and wavy black patterns on their skin. They spoke a primitive form of Basic and were organized under "den mothers". Long after the Skywalker epoch, two Squidge, Remoh and Otalp, found a broken C-3PO, known to them as the storyteller, in a cave. When Otalp was killed by the Vindar, Remoh picked up a lightsaber he found in the droid's wreckage and determined to bring hope to his people again.  

Sronk - were a member species of the New Republic. They spoke Basic using hand-based metaphors, such as "seeing things full-left-handed" for "seeing things first-hand" and "full slamming brunt of the closed right hand" to describe a large-scale military offensive. In 9 ABY, their homeworld's defenses were beaten by seven Dreadnaught-class heavy cruisers which Grand Admiral Thrawn had retrieved from the Katana Fleet. When Thrawn appeared to return in 19 ABY, the Sronk senator, who had personally witnessed his homeworld's defeat, advised caution.

Ssamb - were large sapient arachnoids indigenous to Kathol. They were created by the DarkStryder to serve as its guardians. They appeared as headless creatures which moved on its six legs and attacked with large fangs. Within the DarkStryder's fortress, there were swarms of these creatures that would move across the many surfaces, constantly in search for any intruders. They were genetically engineered to serve their master and would do so at the cost of their own lives. The fortress possessed a guard complement of 500 Ssamb while 1,000 served as the DarkStryder's personal guard.

Ssty - were a furry, sentient, bipedal species that possessed two arms and hands that bore tiny claws that acted like fingers. They were often thought of as cheaters.

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« Reply #6 on: February 01, 2010, 11:51:24 AM »
Stacchati - were a tall humanoid species. The CZ-series communications/business droid's photoreceptors were modeled after their eyes.

Starweirds - were unusual space creatures that resembled tall, skeletal humanoid beings that were only encountered in the deepest regions of space. They were non-corporeal, appearing to lack any substance. These creatures appeared to spacers whose spaceships had been damaged in deep space; Starweirds seemed to materialize out of space and enter through hull breaches. Investigations into starweird attacks revealed that individual starweirds seemed to choose one victim before attacking, then only attacked the selected individual. A starweird would emit a telepathic scream to immobilize its victim. The scream was powerful enough to affect any creature within twenty meters. Once the victim was paralyzed, the starweird would make its claws tangible and attack its prey. Their abilities left many scientists baffled. For instance, they seemed to have the ability to make themselves corporeal or incorporeal at will. They used this ability to maximize the damage of their claws. Their adeptness of self control also gave them the ability to ignore their victims' armor completely when attacking. Little was known of these creatures outside of theory. It was speculated that starweirds consumed their victims' life energies. The Jedi theorized that they were physical manifestations of the dark side of the Force. The theory appeared sound due to the tendencies of the creature. For instance, witnessed attacks suggest that they tended to seek Force-sensitive individuals as prey. In addition, they were known to use the dark side to attack with abilities such as Drain Energy, Telekinetic Kill, and Force Lightning. The Jedi soon found that the starweirds were completely vulnerable to force attacks.

Stassians - were a sentient species.

Stellans - were a species of peaceful beings, though there was the occasional aggressive child. Such children would be launched into space to be brought up by whoever found them. Jeigh Esse was one such child, who was raised by Rodians.

Stereb - were the tall, primitive natives of Serroco. They built the Stereb cities and had low technology.

Stennes - were near-Humans from Stennaros who, much like Defels, had the ability to blend into any crowd. They resembled short, pale-skinned Humans with sunken eye sockets and no hair. Scientists believed that the Stennes Shifter was a genetic variant of the Stennes race, which first appeared some 5,000 years before the Battle of Yavin. They were discovered by the ancient Jedi Knights, for the Stennes Shifters had a strange kind of Force sensitivity which allowed them to obtain energy from the living Force. The Shifters could even "steal" the living energy from a nearby being, earning them the nickname "Force-eaters". Unlike other species which could change their appearance, the Stennes Shifters were the only species who truly used their abilities to the disadvantage of other races. They were xenophobic in nature, partly because of their own inborn prejudices and partly from millennia of persecution by other races. Their home world of Stennaros had been bombarded several times since their appearance, in efforts to wipe them out. Unlike other species which could alter their physical appearance, the Stennes Shifters used telepathic manipulation to change their shape. A Stennes Shifter Trinto Duaba was seen in Chalmun's Cantina.  

Stieg-fan - were a peaceful species from the planet Stieg.

Stokhli - were a species of nomads from the world of Manress. They were the inventors of the Stokhli spray stick, a nonlethal capture device often employed by Noghri, bounty hunters and Mara Jade.

Strathen - were a sentient species whose first contact with another species was with the Duros.

Stribers - were a water-breathing species indigenous to Julsujod III. Due to a natural disaster, a benevolent species, which may have been the Celestials, relocated them to Iskalon where they became part of the Iskalonian school. They were the rarest of the species making up the Iskalonians. In physical appearance, they were smooth and without visible fins, with crystal blue skin, thin bodies, and large eyes. The Stribers were telepathic, and so when they chose to speak, they chose their words carefully. They thought out situations carefully before acting, leading to slow reactions. Unfortunately, the Stribers were slowly dying out, and it was predicted they would die out within a few generations after the Battle of Endor.

Suiraons - were a lizard-like sapient species. They enjoyed basking in warm areas.

Sulituans - were a species with nautilus-like heads and shells with long tentacles that served as arms and legs. They lived on Archae Teuthis.

Sullorians - were an alien race.

Sumria (pl. Sumrias, adj. Sumrian) - were native to the Lol system. The Sumrian thought-caste had four digits on each hand, which led to the development of a base-eight mathematical system. The Sumrias also developed the Df scale, a measurement used to determine the effective range of artillery, using their base-eight mathematics.

Surronians - were a race whose society was based on groups called guilds. Within each guild, there was a hive mind which governed each individual Surronian. They were known for their starship designs, unique creations almost never seen offworld. When the Surronian economy fell on hard times, they entered a contract with Rendili StarDrive, a deal which eventually produced the Starlight-class light freighter. They also produced the Conqueror-class assault ship, the same class of ship as Guri's Stinger. It is presumed the Surronian Farstar was also produced by Surronian craftsmen.

Suurjans - were the sentient species of Suurja. They were near humans who lacked ears.

Swamp Maidens - were a race of all-female aliens, generally considered to be one of the galaxy's best exotic dancers.

Swaze - were a technologically advanced people from the Jidlor system. Though they had an advanced culture, with access to starship technology, they revered the wisdom of the comparatively primitive Rellarin people of Rellnas Minor. Every year, the Swaze leaders would go to Rellnas Minor to seek advice from the Rellarin tribal leaders and sages, the un'Yala.

Swimming People of Dellalt (also known as Swimmers or Dellaltians) - were lake-dwelling sauropteroids indigenous to Dellalt. They were large, with small heads on top of long, muscular necks. The Swimmers also had blowholes on the top of their heads instead of nostrils. Their mouths were filled with sharp, pointed teeth which they used to catch fish and for defense. They also had four flippers for movement in water and heavy, short tails. Swimmers also spoke an accented form of Galactic Basic, using their mouths to form the words. Their eyes were also protected by a nictitating membrane. The colors of their hides varied from light gray to green and black. As a species, the Swimmers were territorial and had a series of laws to govern their lives. For a fee, they would ferry people and cargo across their lakes on rafts.

Syboona - were blue-skinned aliens that lived on Syboona. They also seemed to resemble that of a Humanoid Anteater. They had five-fingered hands with sharp claws. Their feet resembled miniature versions of elephant feet. They could be identified by their long arms and legs. They also had small tulip shaped ears like bears or Grans. Their nostrils were at the far end of their snouts. An example of a Syboona was Knire Dark.

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« Reply #7 on: February 01, 2010, 11:52:58 AM »
T'kkrpk - were a species of sentient, long-lived insectoids. They did not begin to calculate time according to the Galactic Standard Calendar until their homeworld's Great Reconciliation circa 95 BBY; as a result, many of them did not know how old they were. Their language consisted of chittering and clicking noises. Their homeworld was defended by local defense forces, which included a female officer named T'Chttrk.

T'rinn - were an intelligent species with very bright plumage.

Tahlbooreans - were sapient humanoids indigenous to Tahlboor. There were two variants of the species: the blue Troobs and the purple Hobors, who were at constant war with one another. They once had a highly-developed civilization that had created the Sky Cannon, but a misfire of it had caused them to revert to relative barbarism.

Tai'ni - were native to the planet Di'tai'ni, two systems away from the Both system. They had many non-Tai'ni workers on their homeworld, including Trintic and Leresai. In 19 ABY, the Tai'ni government invited General Garm Bel Iblis to mediate a dispute between the Tai'ni and their non-Tai'ni workers. This turned out to be a ploy orchestrated by their allies, the Bothans, to get General Bel Iblis's forces (including Rogue Squadron) into the region to help protect Bothawui.

Tal Nami - were a sentient species from the Tal Nami system in hutt Space. To survive, they needed two specific foods: the fruit of the egoa tree, and the roots of the capabara plant. As the two grew in different places, the Tal Nami developed a rigid "honor system" for their trading.

Talking Trees - were sapient trees found on the forest moon of Endor.

Tallan - were a sentient species presumably native to the planet Tallan. Rebel Alliance member Rallan was a Tallan.

Talortai - were a mysterious race with both avian and reptilian qualities. One notable member of the species was Urai Fen, the bodyguard of Tyber Zann, head of the Zann Consortium. The Talortai were known to be Force-sensitive, able to distinguish between the light and dark sides of the Force, in addition to the ability to detect its presence. Urai Fen demonstrated this ability on the planet Dathomir, much to Tyber's surprise. The Force was a large part of this species' life; however, for unknown reasons, many did not become Jedi or Sith. Additionally, Urai mentioned that his Force-sensitivity was something he did not like to speak of.

Talvarians - were a species of non-humans. They were said to be very honorable.

Tambles - were a family of sentient beings similar to pufferfish, who bounced along the surface of rivers; without water, they would die. The Tambles lived on the forest moon of Endor. It is unknown whether "Tamble" was the family's species or surname.

Tammarians - were a species from Tammar. Because of the relatively small atmosphere on Tammar, Tammarians possessed air sacks which would allow them to survive in vacuum for short periods. They also had intense fears of water, as Tammar was completely lacking in surface water. Ayddar Nylykerka was a Tammarian.

Tamran - were an alien race.

Tangreneans - were native to Tangrene. The Galactic Empire used them to construct a garrison on their planet. Once the garrison was complete, a bigoted Moff ordered them massacred.

Tanjayans - were native to Tanjay IV.

Tantrans - were the inhabitants of the planet Tantra in the eponymous Tantra sector. Due to the ice-age that gripped the planet, and the fact that its atmosphere was poisonous, they lived in enclosed settlements on top of the glaciers.

Targonnians - were a green flightless avian species.

Tarrack - were an alien species.

Tarnab - were a species characterized by their triangular skull. They possessed a tapir-like snout and a cluster of horns amid rough hair. They were represented by Mot-Not Rab in the Galactic Senate. They were later represented in the New Republic Senate.

Taurill - were a species of hive-mind primates controlled by an Overmind. They ate shag ferns. They were contracted by Durga Besadii Tai to help steal the plans for and construct his Darksaber weapon in the Hoth asteroid field. While the Taurill provided very cheap labor, they were easily distracted and generally a poor choice for a construction project. Their shoddy craftsmanship led to the destruction of the Darksaber, which proved to be a spectacular dud.

Teevans - were Near-Human species from Teevan. Their bodies were highly flexible and able to bend in ways most humanoids found difficult to impossible. They also had silver-hued skin. Jedi apprentice Tru Veld was a Teevan.

"Tefauans" - were sentient humanoids indigenous to Tefau. The average "Tefauan" was a tall, thin being with blue skin and bulging eyes set into a ridged, disc-shaped head. Soth Petikkin, a recruiter for the Alliance to Restore the Republic, was a member of this species.

Telfreyans - were a sentient species native to Telfrey. They were green-skinned humanoids who were apparently exterminated when their planet's biosphere was destroyed by the Galactic Empire.

Temolak - were reddish-skinned sapients indigenous to Zirulast. They had what appears to be a fin-like structure on the underside of their forearms, from the elbow to the wrist. Their native language was Temolish. Temolak used one-word names, including Chaiza, Durakas, Eskavon, Kurun, Luzura, Orborus, Shalunask, Unkave, Zanvost and Zardanka.

Tempestro - were force-sensetive flying lizard sapients indigenous to Koda's World.

Tervigs - were a sentient species.

Thennoqora - were a sentient species. Tamish was a member of this species.

Thennqora - were a sentient species that influenced Saffa paintings after their initial contact, several millennia before the Galactic Civil War.

Therans - were known as 'listeners' because of their ability to hear the Tsils speak to them. Because the Therans listen, they were aware of what takes place on Nam Chorios'. Therans were in charge of keeping the drochs, carriers of the Death Seed, life suckers that sent their victims' life to Dzym on the planet. They accomplished this by protecting huge gun stations that were placed around the planet so that nothing larger than a B-wing can land. Anything larger than a small one-manned fighter would have enough shields to protect drochs from the planet's radiation when it left, and would inadvertently loose the Death Seed out into the galaxy. The Newcomers thought that the Therans were trying to keep the planet's possible export of the programmable 'smokies' or 'spook crystals' (Tsils) dampened and the planet poor. They did not discover the real reason for the gun stations until Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa Solo came to the planet in 13 ABY and explained it to them during Bleak Point's invasion.

Thobek - were the native sentients of their homeworld Thobek.

Thodians - were a sentient species.

Tholians - were one of many species previously portrayed by the holovid actor Palleus Chuff prior to 20 BBY. The actor seemed to hold having played the species in high regard though why that was is unknown. Little is known about the Tholians, their culture, or even what they looked like. Considering Chuff's short stature, they were probably a diminuitive race if Chuff effectively portrayed one of them.

Thrakians - were a species of sentient insects native to the planet Thrakia. Where they had once only used pheromones to communicate, they learned how to communicate with their mandibles which left them overawed.

Thranta Riders - who referred to themselves as Air Brothers, were sapients of an unknown species from an unknown world who tamed the thrantas of Bespin and rode them, performing aerial circus-like shows across the galaxy. They liked to paint themselves with complex patterns.
During the New Jedi Order era, Jacen Solo fell down from Cloud City while being hunted by some Black Sun followers. If not for one of the Thranta Riders that saved him, he would have fallen down and been crushed from the pressure.

Thrella - were an extinct sapient species indigenous to Mimban.

Throbes - were small sentient creatures.

Tikiarri (sing. Tikiar) - were sleek, dark, sapient predatory birds from Joralla in the Senex Sector. The Tikiar starfighter was named after them. They were known to use the six-limbed Oslets as mounts.

Tinnell - were a felinoid species of sentients from the Mid Rim.

Tlönians - were a species of sentients exterminated by the Mandalorian Crusaders sometime between 5,000 and 4,000 BBY.

Tirrith - were an energy-based species of hive-minded sentients indigenous to Beheboth. Unlike most species of the galaxy, the Tirrith existed in gaseous form. Behoboth was a sparsely-inhabited backwater world, so the peculiar species were rarely studied; the galactic scientific community, by the time of the Galactic Civil War, had not yet reached a conclusion about whether the Tirrith represented a single huge group comprised of almost 17 million individuals, or several thousand colonies of anywhere from a few dozen to hundreds each. The Tirrith had the ability to affect the atmosphere at atomic level, as demonstrated when they electrically seeded Beheboth's atmosphere and brought rain to the salt flats for the first time in centuries, in 3 ABY. Around 8 ABY, former Imperial admiral Giel discovered he could mutate the Tirrith.

Tobek - were a sentient species. They rediscovered the planet Brath Qella after its destruction, renaming it Maltha Obex.

Tocoyans - were indigenous to the desert world of Tocoya, in the Ktilac Regions. The musician Neb Dulo was a Tocoyan.

Tof (pronounced /Tarf/) - were green-skinned Near-Humans from the planet Tof, located in Companion Besh, one of the galaxy's twin satellite galaxies. They were ruled by monarchs who usually had military experience. The Tof were devoid of morality, compassion or patience. They were natural enemies of the Nagai and both species were constantly at war. The Tofs had captured the Nagai home planet, resulting in the Nagai invasion of the known galaxy. The Tofs followed soon after, and were defeated when the Nagai joined forces with the Alliance of Free Planets.

Tolanese - were a sentient species. Var'Rotha Fin'Rotha was a Tolanese.

Tolfranians - were a sentient alien race.

Tolo - were a sentient race from Toloran. They shared governance of the Panto system with the amphibious Lomins.

Torine - were Near-Humans indigenous to Torina. They were set on the cause of preserving the environment of their homeworld.

Tratlin - were a sentient species. The Alliance to Restore the Republic operative Rallan was a Tratlin.

Travelers of Gap Nine - were two distinct species that came to the planet Gap Nine. The first of the Travelers was a ferocious race who built magnificent temples for their own worship. The second race of Travelers, a species of knights, defeated the ferocious race and turned the temples into libraries.

Tren - were bald, purple-skinned humanoids who colonized three worlds other than their homeworld. They joined the side of the Galactic Empire during the Galactic Civil War.

Triffians - were a species indigenous to the planet Triffis. They were a corpulent, hairy race with flat feet and three fingers on each hand. Triffians had special thermo-regulator flaps on their heads. Ebe Endocott was a Triffian.

Trintic - were a species found among the non-Tai'ni workers on the planet Di'tai'ni. They walked with a lumbering gait.

"Tripods" (as they were dubbed by Luke Skywalker) - were a sapient species of three-legged, triocular beings with sac-like bodies. They had long yellow fur around their hips and tentacles, as well as shadings of pink and turquoise. They were indigenous to an Imperial planet in the Outer Rim, on the route from Pzob to Belsavis. A number of them were taken prisoner aboard the Eye of Palpatine, though they were able to resist being brainwashed by Imperial agents. Their needs were taken care of by the gentle Talz. Protocol droid C-3PO and Skywalker were unable to identify their species by proper name. Primitive beings not familiar with galactic civilization, they referred to themselves simply as "the People" and their homeworld as "the World."

Tritonites - were an insectoid species from the moons of Triton. They were followers of Gactimus, and as acolytes they were a common sight in spaceports around the galaxy, offering tracts to individuals for their personal enlightenment.

Trogodiles - were cave-dwelling, sentient crocodylomorphs indigenous to Rattatak. They were large, reptilian creatures with protruding, crocodilian jaws, clawed fingers and toes, and a spiny ridge running down their back, rising along behind their eyes and continuing down their muscular, lengthy neck. Their scaled skin tended to be coloured in shades of brownish-yellow or green, and their small, reddish eyes were adapted to life underground. It is known that at least one member of the trogodile species competed in the Rattataki Arena, where it was killed by Asajj Ventress.

Tromes - were small humanoid beings found on the Forest Moon of Endor. They were characterized by their small size, high voices, and large beards. Despite the small size their favorite sport is wrestling, they have wrestling tournaments annually.

Trooshti - was a small flying creature native to Tatooine. Trooshti appeared to be sentient, utilizing pumps to obtain water on the desert world. They lived in colonies.

Troxan - were a race native to the planet Troxar. They were distinguished by their purple gills which differed from individual to individual.

Truishii - were a species of space-traveling people that were known for their large caravans.

Tsinimals - were an alien species. In 129 BBY, they conquered the planet Langhesa and enslaved the native Langhesi because they saw their biotechnology as an abomination to their gods. This led to a mass migration of Langhesi to other parts of the galaxy. However, piracy and war weren't opposed by their gods. The Tsinimals were described as "graceful and intolerant."

Tsyklen - was the name of a sentient species from the planet Tsyk. They were round, hairless beings with taut skin, large eyes, and very nimble hands. Each hand had seven fingers, so long and delicate they appeared to be tentacles. They also had two opposable thumbs on each hand. A female Tsyklen on Nar Hekka took advantage of her manual dexterity and acute vision to become a master forger. She made false identification for Han Solo and Chewbacca in 5 BBY.

Tulgah - were a sentient species of short beings with squat, humanoid frames and yellow skin. Their faces were elongated and snout-like, and their limbs ended in sharp claws. Tulgah were inherently magical. Different Tulgah put their abilities to different uses. For example, some became great healers, while others turned to evil pursuits. 130 BBY, the colony ship Free Enterprise left Eriadu carrying hundreds of Tulgah and Jinda colonists who planned to settle Kuna's Eye. However, the ship crashed on the forest moon of Endor. There both species established healthy populations. One of the colonists' descendants was the evil Tulgah witch Morag, who was an enemy of the Ewoks of Bright Tree Village during the Galactic Civil War. The Dulok shaman Umwak impersonated a Tulgah trader in order to steal the Hate potion from Ewoks. In addition to the forest moon, the species was also spotted in Myydril Caverns on Kashyyyk sometime after the Battle of Yavin.

Tulvaree - were a species of semi-intelligent avian hunters, native to the planet Pochi. When Faarl the Conqueror took control of the planet, the Tulvarees quickly learned how to take orders from the human. Faarl, recognizing a source of soldiers, provided a constant food supply to the Tulvarees in exchange for their allegiance. There were a number of different Tulvaree tribes, and each tribe engaged in intense warfare with the others. Each of their wings was tipped with three razor-sharp talons, and their small mouths were filled with sharp teeth.

Turan - were a sentient species with orange skin.

Turian - were a species of Near-Humans. Senator Luralon Odaay was one. He came from the Limbala sector, but it is unknown whether or not this was where the species originated.

Tursha - were a humanoid species distinguished by their headtails and eleven-fingered hands. One of them was a bounty hunter who tried to capture Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker on their training exercise on Ragoon-6 using a stohli stick to paralize them. He was killed at 27 BBY probably by another bounty hunter.
« Last Edit: February 01, 2010, 12:59:11 PM by Cimter »

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« Reply #8 on: February 01, 2010, 01:03:17 PM »
Ubasameir - were an alien race known for their instinctive fondness for children.

Ubuugans - were a sentient species from the planet Ubuuga. They had a grayish skin, three eyes, and a long snout. The Ubuugans developed a toxic secretion that protected them from the deadly Ubuugan fleshborers. Some of them even considered the fleshborers as a delicacy.

Ug'Ggerans - were a sentient species. Cith Sninif was Ug'Ggeran.

Ulorin - were the native species of the planet Dela, in the Centrality.

Umaren'ks - were the native species to the planet Umaren'k'sa.

Unets - were a sentient insectoid species. They had four arms and spoke a language called Une. During the Clone Wars, their homeworld was conquered by the Confederacy of Independent Systems.

Uogo - were a race native to the planet Uogo'cor in the Trax Sector. They were used as slave labor by various pirate crews in the area, and later nearly wiped out by the Galactic Empire.

Uteens - were eel-like sentients affiliated with the New Republic.

Uukaablians - were a species native to the planet Uukaablis in the Kathol Outback. They had pale green skins. Originally a race of aggressive, warring factions, the Uukaablians reinvented themselves after the biological near-destruction of their world. Devoting themselves to developing medical technologies, the Uukaablians transformed their society. Uukaablians were aware of the Galactic Civil War, but had no contact with either side. By 8 ABY, the Uukaablian government was anxious to contact other species, especially those within the Core Worlds to open trade for their medical technology. Having devoted their society to the development of medical technology, all Uukaablians had an aptitude for medicinal technologies and remedies. Uukaablians mastered the art of conversation, believing it to be an essential part of politeness and diplomacy. The Uukaablian's native language seemed to derive from a dialect of Huttese.

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« Reply #9 on: February 01, 2010, 01:13:36 PM »
Vagh Rodiek - were Rodians shaped by the Yuuzhan Vong Shaper caste to be deadly war beasts during the Yuuzhan Vong War. Rodia was one of the countless worlds that fell to the extragalactic Yuuzhan Vong invaders. After destroying the cities of Rodia, the Yuuzhan Vong turned their attention to the violent Rodians. The alien invaders planned to forge their Rodian captives into deadly warbeasts. The Master Shaper Taug Molou was placed in charge of this project. He took his Rodian experimental subjects apart on a cellular level, reassembling their genetic code with bits from other creatures. This experiment resulted in the creation of the Vagh Rodiek. These mindless warbeasts scuttled forth on four crab-like legs and had sharp half-meter long scythes of bone in place of arms. Their natural head-spines had also been mutated into razor-sharp quills. These drones retained enough sentience to receive commands from their Yuuzhan Vong masters, but nearly all sense of their former species was erased. The armored beasts devastated many battlefields; particularly those in Hutt Space. While the method of creation violated the protocols of the Shaper caste, the effectiveness of the Vagh Rodiek was so impressive it was overlooked.

Varvvans - were large sentient creatures from Varvva. Their eyeballs could be extended out of their sockets. The species had a reputation for bravery and fearlessness.

Veeza - were a sentient species. According to Evocar by Direus'Pei, they were made extinct by Xim, who justified his actions on the basis that they were slavers.

Veknoids (also known as Velkoids) - were a species native to the planet Moonus Mandel. The famous podracer pilot Teemto Pagalies was a Veknoid, as was the Jedi Master Zao. Despite being reptiles, they gave birth to live young, and they were renowned for their culinary skills, as proven by Master Zao.

Velabri - were a humanoid race from the planet also known as Velabri. They were generally known as a warlike race with a strict code of honor, despising crime. They were distiguishable from Humans by their pure white eyes and spiky silver hair.

Velmoc - were sapient insectoids indigenous to the planet Velmor. The only known member of the species was Jedidiah, a good friend to Velmor's Prince Denid and a Jedi hopeful. He was later killed saving Luke Skywalker's life.

Venans - were pale-skinned Near-Humans from Vena. They were descendants of Hapan explorers. 

Vendarans - were the native sapient species of the planet Vendara. They were reputed to be the descendants of ancient colonists.

Vestaari - were a nomadic race from the planet Vestar.

Vesuvague (Hanging Tree) - was a carnivorous, semi-sentient, red-barked tree from the planet Ithor. It was one of a number of intelligent plants from the world, a category which included the Bafforr tree. The tree was able to move towards motion, though rooted in the earth, using vibrations in its leaves and in the ground. In order to catch its prey it used its quickly growing vines and roots to seize and strangle food. It could be trained to respond to simple commands much like a pet. Momaw Nadon planted a Hanging Tree in his secret garden in the mountains south of Mos Eisley on Tatooine. It acted as a watchdog for the site, and its reputation warded off stormtroopers and local police. The grove also concealed a secret chamber for hiding local Rebels.

Veubgri (Veubg for singular form) - were an insectoid species native to the high-gravity world of Gbu in the Outer Rim. They were tall six-legged beings, with tendrils for arms. During 14 ABY, the Veubgri of Gbu were visited by a New Republic delegation including Chief of State Leia Organa Solo and her children as part of her tour of several remote New Republic member worlds. During the visit to Gbu, the New Republic delegation was forced to meet with their Veubgri counterparts on a satellite due to the intense high gravity pressure of the planet. Grake, a slave of the Empire Reborn, was a Veubg.

Vicon - were a race of meter-tall aliens distinguished by their long noses.

Vindalians - were a humanoid species. They appearance human, but their facial features show a vulpine resemblance. The females of the species were larger than the males, and size was considered a desirable quality in females.

Vindar - were a species of white insectoids. Long after the Skywalker epoch, they oppressed a species they referred to derogatorily as the Squidge. The Vindar considered all things not of themselves to be inconsequential, and worked to destroy the culture and heritage of those they oppressed.
They were also responsible for the "death" of C-3PO after they blasted his remaining parts to oblivion.

Vippits - were cephalopods from Alee, an agricultural world in Hutt Space. Having one large foot with many toes, when "walking", a yellow mucous trail was often left behind. A large flat turquoise shell, which displayed deposits and rings, protected the wet and fleshy body and folds of skin underneath. Twin eye stalks functioned independently, being capable of reading and absorbing information or other visual stimuli. However, such information could not be integrated until the Vippit slept, thus allowing its mind to pool the mental resources from both sides of its brain. Vippits used viptiels to decorate their shells. At least some of them worshiped the Broodmaster. Doolb Snoil was a notable member of this species, acting as one of the top legal minds of the Galactic Republic.

Viraanntesses - were ten-legged crustacean-like aliens from the planet Vvaw. Jmmaar was a Viraanntesse.

Vordum - were an alien species whose scent was considered repulsive by Humans.

Vrakolian - were a species with thick skin from Vrakolia. They used the Spin-blade for harmless games of skill. Other species have adopted them as weapons.

Vray - were a peaceful species of sentient aliens. In 27 ABY, the Yuuzhan Vong attacked their homeworld and they had to be evacuated.

Vrot - were a small race.

Vultans - were a Near-Human species native to the planet Vulta. They were physically similar to Humans except for their pale olive skin, and a mass of fleshy cartilage folds, ridges, and strands covering the top and back of their heads. These ridges were said to be able to protect the head of the Vultan against most forms of injury. Male Vultans tended to have folds and ridges on their heads, while females tended to have fleshy strands radiating out from the head. This visible difference was said to have an impact on the Vultans' mating and courtship rituals. As a people, the Vultans were enamored with the latest in trends and fashions, and were known for their skill with technology. Other features include: two toed feet, ridged structures on the upper torso, fin-like growths on the back, and, sometimes, white eyes, lacking pupils and irises. This may signify blindness, which is not an obstacle to a Jedi or Sith career. Oss Wilum was a famous Vultan who was also a Jedi during the Naddist Uprising. During the waning years of the Galactic Republic, the Vultan Echari Di'San became leader of the Cularin Trade Alliance, a trade organization that operated in the Cularin system.

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« Reply #10 on: February 01, 2010, 01:19:49 PM »
Waroot - were a race from Ab'Bshingh who waged almost constant war against the Farang. The battles were incorporated into Crat Dakerno's game, B'shingh.

Wasbo - were sapient insectoids, one of many species that traded with the Killiks during the Swarm War.

Wasilsi - were an ancient race who once shared the planet Joralla with the Tikiarri. They were said to be much stronger than the Tikiarri, and were also their enemies. For unknown reasons, the stronger Wasilsi died out rather than the weaker Tikiarri. One of the most popular theories is that a plague that killed only Wasilsi spread across the planet.

Waterspouts - were a sentient humanoid species who were presumably composed of hydrogen compounds. A female waterspout was present as a manager at Crseih Station's Crater Lodge in 14 ABY where Lord Hethrir and other members of the Empire Reborn movement were lodging while trading in kidnapped alien slaves and paying a visit to the mysterious "faith-healer" Waru. Prior to a skirmish on the station, she reprimanded Leia Organa Solo's son Jacen for allowing his pet bat-like tappratine to feed on an expensive fish from the pools which decorated the lodge. In response, Rillao offered to compensate for the loss by having the fish placed on their hotel account.

Wehttams - were a giant humanoid species with red skin. The Wehttams' homeworld was Wehttam. They spoke the language of Wehttam.

Wetakks - were a sentient species that were serpentine in body-build, and had six hands.

The Ancient Order of the Whills - was a higher order of beings deeply connected with the Force. They had holymen known as Shamans. One of their Shamans was known to have discovered the secret of eternal consciousness and later, Qui-Gon Jinn learned the secret, allowing him to interact with the living after his death.The Whills kept a collection of stories, called the Journal of the Whills, that chronicled the history of the galaxy. A Keeper of the Whills was responsible for adding new information into it. One such Keeper was told the story of the Skywalker family's exploits during the Clone Wars and the Galactic Civil War, by the Astromech droid R2-D2 one hundred years after the Battle of Endor.

NOTE: It is a common misconception that "Whill" is the name of the unknown race of Yoda, but George Lucas has firmly denied this. Their form is totally unknown, so since the Whills were an early concept of the Force, some fans speculate that the Whills are of spiritual substance more or less like Wisties and probably immortal. However, this is unlikely to be true, as Star Wars Episode III Revenge of the Sith: Illustrated Screenplay and The Art of Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith both have Qui-Gon Jinn stating that he knew of only one Shaman who had achieved immortality.

Since the journal was composed in 104 ABY, it's possible that the events explored in the Star Wars: Legacy were not part of the narration. In fact, it is unclear to what extent the narration covered the history of the galaxy as we know it.

Wirutid - were hyper-intelligent fungus that evolved an ability to mimic a Human form to secure shelter and trap prey. At least one Wirutid, in the guise of a nubile young woman, prowled for victims among the patrons of the Outlander Club.

Wisties (also called firefolk by the Ewoks) - were a sentient species native to the forest moon of Endor. They were very small (they fit in Ewok palms), radiant creatures of possibly insectoid origin that had an appearance of a moving flame. Fire didn't have anything to do with their luminosity since they could be safely touched by other creatures, but, unlike most species, it was harmless to them. They seemed extremely simple, even non-sentient, but they had a language that consisted of buzzes and a form of government with a Queen as Head of State. During the time the rest of the Galaxy was ruled by the Galactic Empire, Izrina was Queen of the Wisties. The Tulgah witch Morag once used her arcane Force powers to set the Wisties on fire and bend their will to make them burn the Bright Tree Village and its life-trees. The firefolk set the forest on fire and nearly destroyed the village and more importantly, the soul trees. However, even as the Ewoks struggle to fight the fire, they free the firefolk from Morag's spell. In gratitude, they offer to help implement Wicket W. Warrick's plan to airdrop Master Logray's firefoam on the fire by guiding the gliders safely around the dangerous convection currents caused by the forest fire. As a result, the fire is quickly brought under control and the wistie's take the liberty of dropping a bag of firefoam on Morag to humiliate her in revenge. When the Ewok caravan that accompanied Mace and Cindel Towani in their search for their parents camped in the Endor plains, a group of Wisties were attracted by Logray's candle, carried by Cindel, and leaped into its flame. The candle was considered magical by the Ewoks and its powers must have led the Wisties to this behavior. Wisties are fond of laughter, and appear to possess some ability to either physically or psychically affect Humans and Ewoks in a manner that provokes it. The sensation has been compared to playful tickling, however the experience is extremely enjoyable and continues to be so long after an actual tickling would have become unpleasant.

Wizards of the Night Spirit - were a mysterious species formerly from the forest moon of Endor. At some point ages before the Battle of Endor, they came into conflict with Ewok shamans of Bright Tree Village. In the battle, likely with the help of the Sunstar, the Ewoks banished the Wizards from Endor to an otherworld, a devastated wasteland. The Wizards were trapped on the world until the time when two other moons of Endor aligned above the forest moon. The aligning of the moons opened a temporary rift in space from which one Wizard was able to speed through in a quick spacecraft. The Wizard was able to steal the Sunstar from Bright Tree Village and used it to open the rift again and keep it open so that the rest of the wizards could speed through. After a decisive battle, the wizards were defeated and pushed back across the rift and back to their otherworld where they were forced to remain permanently. The Wizards of the Night Spirit were the followers of the evil Ewok deity, the Night Spirit who may have been the Ewok representation of the dark side of the Force. Among other powers, they possessed two wings, large, menacing teeth, and a bone structure and anatomy that allowed them to survive in the vacuum of space, much the same as the Givin. The Wizards seemed to come in three varieties, with minor differences between the three. The Stranger's familiarity with the Sunstar, and their association with the dark side of the stone may have meant that their origins were tied to the creation of the shadowstone, the dark side of the Sunstar. The rift that the Wizards crossed to enter space above Endor may have been a rift into otherspace.

Wode - were an eight-legged species native to a planet with a very strong atmosphere. They were liberated by General Solomahal during the Clone Wars.

Wreans - were the inhabitants of the planet Wrea. 

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« Reply #11 on: February 03, 2010, 08:39:05 PM »

The X'ting are an insectoid species, native to the planet Cestus, that change gender every three years. This species proved to be dying out in the novel The Cestus Deception.

The Xexto are short, (1.30m [4'3"] max), have four arms, two legs and long necks. They hail from the planet Troiken. Some examples of a prominent Xexto is Gasgano, the Podracer pilot; and Yarael Poof, Jedi Master and one of the last members of the Jedi Council before the Great Jedi Purge, who was a member of a genetically altered sect of Xexto, the Quermians.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2010, 07:45:25 PM by Reconsgt »

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« Reply #12 on: February 03, 2010, 08:41:17 PM »
Y'taa - were the natives of Y'taa.

Yalarans - were an extinct primitive race from the planet Yalara. Jedi Master Broden Kel Verdox installed a cloaking device on the planet to keep other planets from discovering the Yalarans until they were ready to integrate into the rest of the Galaxy. However this never happened - they were thought to have been wiped out by Noghri that Darth Vader sent to wipe out the population when he discovered their planet.

Yanthan - were a sentient species notable for its dexterity.

Yao - were an intelligent species. Formayj was a Yao.

Yatir - were a species native to Absit.

Yimi - were a species of sentient, diminutive large-skulled humanoids that were indigenous to the world of Kathol. They were created by the DarkStryder and contained large brains which were flash printed with necessary skills. They were created to be extremely loyal to their creator. Despite their complex brains they were unable to learn new skills that were not flash printed. It was believed that the Yimi were crafted by DarkStryder to be twisted versions of the ancient Kathol themselves, as a cruel joke on its own creators.

Yns - were a diminutive humanoid race. They were represented in the New Republic Senate by Wwebyls.

Yoberrans - were a sentient species of octopeds from the planet Yoberra, in the Outer Rim Airam sector. The Yoberran racer Jomo won the octoped division of the Mobquet Presents: Fastest Land Beings race of 22 BBY.

Yonnas - were a species famed for their dancing. They were a feature of expensive entertainment. Threepio sarcastically refers to dancing Yonnas being part of the package when criticising the cost of hiring Han Solo to get Luke Starkiller and the droids to Ogana Major.

Yourellians or Ureallians - a race of large, slime-covered and deformed aliens, with green skin and gills, hunted and trapped Wookiees on Yavin. They spoke the Wookiee language Shyriiwook.

Yresilini - were sapients native to the Unknown Regions. The Chiss Dark Acolyte Sev'rance Tann was once tasked with creating an army of these creatures loyal to her orders as part of an experiment. She succeeded, and the Yresilini followed her everywhere.

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« Reply #13 on: February 03, 2010, 08:42:13 PM »
Zarracines - were the native species of Zarracina III. When they resisted Galactic Republic conquest when their homeworld was discovered by the greater galaxy in 11,660 BBY, the Republic fleet bombarded the surface of their planet, leaving an irradiated wasteland. The surviving Zarracines adopted nomadism and eternal enmity against the Republic. Many joined the Confederacy of Independent Systems, including assassins who targeted Tannon Praji, only to be thwarted by Ottegru Grey. A number of Zarracines supported the Diversity Alliance.

Zeetsa - were a small spherical species with short arms and legs native to the planet Ord Cestus. Zeetsas had leathery skin. They came in at least blue and gray, but possibly other colors. The height of one particular Zeetsa was described as "knee-high," placing them at around .25 to .5 meters tall. Their skin changed colors or turned splotchy in times of heightened excitement or anxiety. Guntar and Shar Shar were Zeetsas.
Zeetsas were an important part of Cestian society in ancient days. The X'Ting would feed them and receive a food known as Lifemilk in return. Eventually, the Zeetsa developed sentience, and some of them chose to join general Cestian society, though others did not, preferring a quieter, simpler existence. Interestingly, these creatures were able to shape-shift somewhat, assuming and mimicking the facial features of others at will. While they retained their size and spherical shape, they were able to alter their typically hidden eyes, nose, and mouth to mimic someone else, as Obi-Wan Kenobi found out. Also, they could apparently defy gravity to a limited extent, and their preferred method of transportation was bouncing or rolling.

Zeku - were a species native to Zekulae.

Zisians - were Near-Humans with scaly green skin and orange eyes. In their old age, they often suffered from rheumy eyes and wrinkled skin hanging in loose flaps. One individual of the race was Ganar Tos. While the physical description of Ganar Tos seems somewhat reptilian, and the term humanoid is used in the text rather than Near-Human, he apparently expected to be able to have children with a Human woman, Bria Tharen. For this to be possible, the Zisian species would have to be closely related to baseline Humans.

Zizimaak - were a species of sentient insectoid avians that were indigenous to the world of Kathol. They were genetically created by the DarkStryder to serve as scouts. The race eventually escaped and formed their own society. The Zizimaak despised their creator, the Darkstryder, and developed a friendly alliance with the Charr Ontee and the Yapi though they fed on the Segmi. Unlike the other genetically made servants of the Kathol or Darkstryder, the Zizimaak had no connection with the mystical Ta-Ree life energy that existed on the homeworld of the Kathol. They aided the FarStar crew and helped fight against Imperial Moff Kentor Sarne.

Zoa'mon - were a sentient species. According to Evocar by Direus'Pei, they were made extinct by Xim, who justified his actions on the basis that they were slavers.

Zolanders - were the native species of Zolan. As their sun increased the radioactive emissions, the Zolanders created a skin-altering gene, accidentally making the genetic offshoot of the Zolanders, the Clawdite. After the formation of the New Republic, the Zolan Civil War broke out between the two species, and the Zolanders became dominated by the Clawdite, whom they previously treated as lesser species.

Zongorlu - were the native species of Zongorlu. The propaganda of Goodvalor claimed that the Zongorlu had nine major warrior-tribes on their planet, each of which had a vacation camp for its younglings on Serroco, these camps being destroyed by the Mandalorian bombardment. As a consequence, Goodvalor claimed Zongorlu were outraged, and those abroad in the Galactic Republic returned en masse to their homeworld, including their Senator, who asked for a leave of absence and a heavy assault cannon. All of this information was false, meant only to scare the Mandalorians out of attacking Zongorlu. It seemed somewhat effective, since it led many Mandalorians on Taris to pester Kublus Sornell with questions about what Zongorlu looked like. In truth, the Zongorlu were big, lumpy plants that moved about a meter per day. When the Mandalorians landing on their homeworld, the Zongorlu "kind of blinked." The Mandalorians grew so bored on the planet that some of them began to set fire to the natives. Kublus Sornell forbade this entertainment to continue, fearful the entire Mandalorian camp might catch on fire due to the rainless weather that week.

Zoolli - were a sentient humanoid species. They were almost exactly like Humans in appearance; their only defining feature being their extra-long noses.

Zybahhod Yenyoni - were a Human-sized species which were well-adapted for desert life, with some tribes being found on Tatooine. Their skin lacked sweat glands, and they had openings beside each of their eyes which housed salt glands to remove sodium from the brackish water they had to drink in the desert. They were semi-nocturnal beings and retired to underground caves when the sun became too much for their bodies to cope with. They were also known to play a unique instrument known as the "udjudg" with their "Y"-shaped naso-facial opening.

Zygian - were a species of sentients native to Treylon II, on the Outer Rim of the galaxy. They were noted for Zygian's Banking Concern and its subsidiaries, including Zygian Savings and Loan, which had branches on many Outer Rim worlds, including a branch in Mos Eisley on Tatooine.

Zylurians - were a sentient humanoid species with a bluish skin, long hanging nostrils and three fingers. The crew of the ZZ-class freighter Mingula consisted of four Zylurians who were all killed by a swarm of Ubuugan fleshborers. Boba Fett discovered the corpses when he searched the freighter for valuables.