Author Topic: MOAWP S1/E5: "The Mandalorian Connection"-Part 2  (Read 1577 times)

Offline Darth Depressis

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MOAWP S1/E5: "The Mandalorian Connection"-Part 2
« on: March 26, 2010, 10:09:21 AM »
Gnarlytown-Coruscant-19 years Before the Battle of Yavin IV

The glaring light of life on the upscale shines across a sparse underpass wherein sits a vagrant Besalisk attempting to pass out.  His slumber is denied as four silhouettes march towards him. Before the vagrant can attempt to defend himself; a young girl violently begins raining blows down upon him. The three others slowly approach the troubled youth.

Gauer: never seen such vigor for this in a recruit before?

Dilbun Vont: (holding Gungan Vibro-axe) yur telling me; she really needs to get her beating skills down. Way too eager to kill.

J’mee Fett: why don’t you just flash train her commander? It would really be more..

Gauer:  they don’t make a flash training program on how to be a mercenary aight? Takes a certain balance to maintain it. Not so much murderer, and not so much butcher. it’s a fine line we walk clone.

J’mee Fett: there are benefits of flash training at which she will never receive in this manner Commander. ARC training includes the specific bio-signature of all beings at five minutes till certain death. If ms. Cittro is selected for such extreme interrogation; she will not garner evidence but instead a body count.

Dilbun Vont: point taken Clone. Cit! enough on the stomach he’s gonna rupture, ya gotta be random or day might  get used to the pain and attack.

Cittro: (blinded by rage) awww!

As the scene becomes that of a murder, Vont finds himself rushing to save the indigents life rather than running to join in the fray. Vont takes hold of Cittro by the shoulders and pulls her kicking and screaming form away from none other than Dexter Jettster.

Dexter Jettster: (coughing) oh Dilbun…its you. Thought you might’ve perished like everyone else in this upside down galaxy….

Cittro: (attempting to get free) he’s a jedi sympathizer!

Dilbun Vont: Dex…..

Gauer: what’s the holdup vont let her ice this deadbeat.

J’mee Fett: statistically speaking commander, a dead body can’t serve as a witness.

Experiencing a sudden urge of friendship towards Dex, Vont finds himself unable to deal with the current situation.

Dilbun Vont: (pulling cittro back down the underpass) Black Opps move out. He lives that’s final.

Skylane -Coruscant-19 years Before the Battle of Yavin IV

Dilbun Vont: (narration) it wouldn’t become clear to me til years later that those kriffin Lekku Loper investigators had been workin their calming techniques on me to some degree of success.

Cittro: (smashing her fists on the dashboard) I coulda killed him!

Gauer:  I’m not getting this either Vont.

Dilbun Vont: (driving) who paid us to snuff out that old tramp? Nobody. She wuz just wasting her rage on a ol’ cloud of gas that’ll scumb to his death outta ol age before anybody ever gets there change together to have somebody kill him. There was no profit in that scene back there.

Cittro: all these rules!

Gauer: good point. Were mercs kid, not random vandals or hooligans.

Cittro: so how in the five fire rings of Fornax em I supposed to ever equal the likes of you guys?

Dilbun Vont: (turning to stare; while driving) git a job….

Dilbun Vont: (narration) The ensuing glee in which cittro carried out five hit jobs on that night, drove home the fact that I myself had lost some of my edge in that Jedi cling, or maybe slaughtering eighteen twi’leks just takes something outta ya.

Jedi Conclave-Caamas-19 years Before the Battle of Yavin IV

A serpentine Jedi holds a discussion with the Holograms of Ranik Solusar, Merr-Que Diuan, Ashoka Tano &Voolvif Monn.

Ranik Solusar: (via hologram) Master Del Gormo you must convince the residents of the conclave to either abandon that planet or prepare for the coming struggle all Jedi face. 

N’Kata Del Gormo: I can see my former pupils aggressiveness still plaques the order, the residents of this conclave as well as myself abstained from the Clone Wars as we will avoid the bloodshed of a rampage against this Sith Empire.

Ashoka Tano: (via hologram) but master the galaxy will be….

N’Kata Del Gormo: will go as it has for the past eons young one, believe me the light and the dark are but just passing eddies amongst the stars.  The sith no matter how strong they’ve become would never risk a galactic revolt against themselves once in power.  You remaining Jedi must cast off your negative energies and take solace in the light of the force; once within it you will find serenity. 

Ranik Solusar: (via hologram) I had assumed you the legendary Master Gormo, would take the place of
His pupil Master Yoda no questions asked. The order needs a new council, will you at least admit that much?

N’Kata Del Gormo: you know very little of my true nature nor do you understand my thoughts regarding the status of the Recent Jedi Order. Therefore I invite all four of you to my conclave, perhaps once within its walls I can explain the way of things best to the lot of you.

Imperial Star Destroyer Armada-en route to Caamas-19 years Before the Battle of Yavin IV

Dilbun Vont and the black opps attempt to enter the bridge of Wilhuff Tarkin’s Star Destroyer as a group but are stopped by Clone Troopers.

Trooper: only commander vont is allowed on the bridge.

Dilbun Vont: keep an Eye on da kid Gauer. Too many trigger happy clones on this tub.

Cittro: I can handle clones!

Gauer: not at point blank range, trust me.

Vont approaches a group of Imperials being issued orders by the hologram of Emperor Palpatine; the hologram is surrounded by Sate Pestage and Armand Isard. 

Emperor Palpatine: in order to keep the holonet feeds from triple zero clear in this affair; my orders will be issued by my proxies: Sate Pestage and Armand Isard. That will be all.

The hologram vanishes. Without pause the holograms of the three other fleet commanders come to life on the bridge beside the Emperor’s proxies.

Armand Isard: Commanders Grammel, Zsinj, Harkov, are ordered to command their destroyers to begin the bombardment at the location of the Planetary shield generator. The installation must be razed before the full attack can begin.

Zsinj: and what of the generator? Who is being trusted with its destruction.

Armand Isard: Lord Vader has been given the honor of personally depositing the Black Opps at the location of the generator. Once there the team will be assisted by our Bothan allies.

Dilbun Vont: nobody sed a ding bout any kriffin bothans!

Tarkin: may I introduce Dilbun Vont; commander of the recently declassified Black Opps.

Zsinj: introductions aside, I share Commander Vont’s misgivings over this Bothan contingent. This mission is in of itself nothing but a grand testament to the ideals of the New Order. Therefore any alien assistance must be a trap…

Tractha: Commander Zsinj; the bothans are not on any mercy mission. This entire covert action was in fact designed by our Emperor and the Bothan heads of state.

Grammel: so we trust them enough to assist us in spear heading a covert operation; but not enough to attend this strategy meeting? let alone set foot aboard our vessels.

Sate Pestage: I assure you, I can speak for our Emperor. The bothans assistance in this case is substantial enough that we need not expect any bothan reprisal. In other words they stand to loose as many political allies as we should this mission  become public knowledge.

Dilbun Vont:  so in otha words da fur bags are the fall guyz should this mess ever hit the holonet.

Armand Isard: not exactly what I’d call a good description. But yes; I’ve prepared a document of damning proportions in regards to the bothan’s complicity in this operation. Should any of our hands be exposed in this, it might just surface.

Tarkin: well commanders I believe you know how to use your code cylinders, the rest is your hands. Cease transmission till the planetary bombardment is complete.

Harkov: Yes, Sir.

The holographic representations of the three imperial officers disappear. Tarkin,Pestage and Isard turn their attention towards Vont.

Armand Isard: not exactly one of Carida’s finest are we vont? Fact: the new order is skirted by xenophobic beliefs. Fact: the emperor aims through COMPNOR to make all none humans the minority of the galaxy.
Despite these goals; we still have to work alongside non-human vermin until we reach the majority. You will not pass a single word of ill will towards our Bothan comrades, is that understood?

Dilbun Vont: when the hell did I git diplomat status! 

Tarkin: We will not argue any of this Vont, this mission is already underway. Prepare your landing party we leave hyperspace within the hour.

Dilbun Vont: I can’t even get ahold of the kriffin emperor regardin dis?

Sate Pestage: your position is tenuous Vont; I wouldn’t press my luck any further than you already have.  The emperor has had many pawns such as yourself, you I’m afraid are the last of a dying. Excuse me:
 extinct breed.  The new order does not require brutes….

Suddenly the door to the bridge opens to reveal the dead bodies of the clone trooper guards whom Darth Vader steps over as followed by the black opps.

Darth Vader: spare us your prattle!

Dilbun Vont: saved by the sith…..

Jedi Conclave-Caamas-19 years Before the Battle of Yavin IV

Voolvif Monn: I personally speak for a great sum of Knights at this meeting; we have the power of the force with us Master Gormo, the Sith are but two. We many. They cannot survive the type of mission my fellow knights have outlined.

N’Kata Del Gormo: more violence, is that all you young Jedi can think of? The lot of you would send younglings against this raging storm upon the galaxy. The path of the Jedi is clear to a centered mind.

Ashoka Tano: if my master where here he’d…

A blast rocks the conclave and is shortly followed by a deafening klaxon scream. The young Jedi assembled ignite their light sabers and make for the balcony.  The anti- air craft  turret farm surrounding the conclave begins to take heavy damage as a series of fast moving seismic anomalies approach.

Ranik Solusar: well I’ll be; anybody see what I see?

Merr-Que Diuan: some sort of interference, other than that I don’t follow master solusar.

Ashoka Tano: I follow.

Voolvif Monn: those savages! Their barely even….

N’Kata Del Gormo:  I’ll not have bloodshed on these grounds, nor will the caamasi  allow any conflict.

Merr-Que Diuan: to sit idly by and allow your own demise is insanity master, we fight in knowledge or defense. Perhaps your own ideals regarding our order have eroded its actual purpose.

The four young Jedi depart the temple walls and hit the ground running towards the mysterious seismic activities. Tano and Monn charge blindly towards the rampaging impact craters as several more of the turrets are exploded. 

Ranik propels the debris towards the oncoming seismic abstraction; to reveal a feline like metallic walker bounding towards the conclave. The lurmen master springs into the air and latches onto the rampaging mech. Once atop the vehicle Merr-Que uses the force to lock the front legs in place thus causing it to flip over on the next movement as the Jedi is launched.

The mech explodes, as six more continue their cloaked rampage towards the conclave.   Solusar and Tano attempt to charge one of the oncoming cloaked mechs but are caught in a sudden cross fire, barely catching a round of blaster fire the Jedi deflect the bolts at random. The two quickly take notice of a platoon of cloaking shield equipped troops making their way towards them.

Ranik Solusar: Bothan cowards!

The Jedi use the force to short out the bothan saboteurs cloaking shields reveling their number. Several bothans are caught off guard and catch their own blaster bolts to the face.   The bothans close a circle around the four Jedi as a lone vessel attracts the attention of the remains of the anti-aircraft turret farm.

A craft resembling the sith infiltrator takes several hits and crash lands into the turret farm battle. From out
Of the dust storms a squad of clone troopers whom immediately open fire on the Jedi.

behind the clone contingent runs Darth Vader and the Black Opps; sensing the overbearing strength of the Sith Lord the Jedi knights begin a hastened retreat back to the conclave.

As they come within range of a force assisted leap; Lord Vader suddenly hurls himself saber first towards them. A fierce light saber battle ensues.

Darth Vader: (engaging four Jedi)  the Jedi are mine! The rest of you know your missions!

Merr-Que Diuan: You will not defile this paradise!

The lurmen master attempts to engage the dark lord in a acrobatic display of Ataru only to find himself impaled on the crimson blade. The black opps make their way into the conclave as followed by the bothan saboteurs. While the cloaked walkers continue to pick off the anti-aircraft turrets.

Imperial Palace-Coruscant-19 years before the battle of Yavin IV

The overly confident sith lord strides through his newly constructed palace halls as followed by his ominous red cloaked guards. Upon entering the throne room; both doors close locking the emperor in with his guards. Without a seconds delay the guards close in on their charge with stun pikes set at maximum lethality they make their attempt. Darth Sidious is faced with Clawdite changelings posing as his red guards.

The strikes are too close for comfort, at nearly every attempt to slaughter the clawdite assassins The Sith Lord is thwarted. At unnatural speeds for a non-force sensitive the assassins escape certain light saber impalement.  Sensing the advantage; the sith lord exerts his own force powered will over the entire building.

 Palpatine calls into action his recently acquired death commandos. without the aid of their secret force enhanced escort, the clawdites are quickly subdued by the agile Noghri assassins.

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Re: MOAWP S1/E5: "The Mandalorian Connection"-Part 2
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2010, 12:45:30 PM »
Will comment on last part.