Author Topic: The Enloe Trials - Chapter 12  (Read 3529 times)

Offline CHEWIE

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The Enloe Trials - Chapter 12
« on: February 13, 2018, 02:17:21 PM »
Posting another Rykrof Enloe adventure.  I hope you guys like it and I've love to read feedback as always.

For reference, please feel free to catch up on the past chapters at the links below -- plus character profiles too:

The Enloe Trials Prologue: The Baron's Crusade
Chapter 1: Seeds of Insurrection
Chapter 2: Atrocity
Chapter 3: Revelations
Chapter 4: Shadow of Death
Chapter 5: Depths of Despair
Chapter 6:  Seekers of the Dark Relic
Chapter 7:  Veils of Deceit
Chapter 8:  Catastrophe
Chapter 9:  The Fall of Banyss
Chapter 10:  Shards of Rebellion
Chapter 11:  Desolation

And the character profiles to help understand this chapter are as follows... that's right, most other main characters are not present in this chapter, so to see their profiles please reference a previous chapter in the links above.

Rykrof Enloe - Homeworld - Naboo.  Former Republic Commander, who is now an enemy of the Empire.  He has a history of entanglements with the Badoo Corba terrorist organization, dating back prior to the Clone Wars.  He is a former close friend of  Imperial Baron Tylin Gere and was been forced to embark on a desperate mission to acquire an ancient Sith artifact for Tylin - which ended in failure.  Since then, he has inadvertently led Imperial forces to a secret Rebel base on Banyss, which was destroyed by Darth Vader's forces.  Rykrof has now been taken captive by the Empire and resides in the Imperial penal colony on Tartaaris.  Most of those dear to him believe he is now deceased.

Baron Tylin Gere - Homeworld - Naboo.  Former close ally of Rykrof Enloe, the two served as Republic Peace Officers prior to the Clone Wars and later as officers in the Grand Army of the Republic.  Tylin thirsts for power and has become obsessed with acquiring an ancient Sith artifact, which was recently acquired by Darth Vader, who he secretly sees as a rival.  He has taken custody of Alyssa and Caldin Enloe, and ordered the death of Rykrof's father.  He believes Rykrof Enloe is dead, once and for all.

Commander Vlarra Gere - Homeworld - Naboo.  Nephew of Tylin Gere.  Vlarra has always admired his uncle's ambition and strives to rise through the Imperial ranks quickly, regardless of the means.

Emperor Palpatine - Homeword - Naboo.  Dark Lord of the Sith and the undisputed leader of the Galactic Empire.  He attempted to mold Rykrof Enloe as the ideal Imperial officer but failed.  He takes great interest in Baron Tylin Gere's personal quests for power and admires his ambition.

Darth Vader - Homeworld - Tatooine.  Dark Lord of the Sith and follows the instructions of his master, Emperor Palpatine.  During the Clone Wars, he was once friends with Rykrof Enloe.  He considers Rykrof a traitor to the Empire but also is fully aware that Rykrof once helped protect Padme Amidala, and rather than killing him, he has spared Rykrof's life by sending him to a secret penal colony on Tartaaris.  However, his loyalties to Emperor Palpatine are secure.

The undisclosed Imperial penal colony on Tartaaris has now been Rykrof Enloe's home for several years.

The surface of the planet is under constant watch by the Imperial garrison.

Many of the garrison's probe droids have begun to widen their perimeter checks... recent events have caught the attention of the prison's warden.

Rykrof now finds himself in the company of Garlin Nomad, a mysterious fellow prisoner who aided Rykrof during a recent encounter with a group of hostile inmates.

"Let's see... I've given you shelter," the old man smiles.
"...I even saved your life... yet... you tell me so little about yourself."

"There's not much to tell," Rykrof replies under his breath.
"I just want to get off this planet."

"Hell; we ALL do!" Garlin laughs sarcastically.
"But if you want my help, you need to be honest with me..."

"How did you know there was a lightsaber inside that droid?"

"That's a really good question," Rykrof admits.

"You mean to tell me you're NOT a Jedi then?" the old man smirks.

"No, not even close," Rykrof pauses.
"Finding this was just luck. That's all there was to it."

"Very well," Garlin smiles.
"Perhaps it was luck.  Or, perhaps it was something more..."

Closing his eyes, Rykrof resists memories of his mother's Force sensitivities.
"No... I'm sure it was nothing more..."

"Well then," Garlin says, changing the subject.
"You say you want to get out of here... if you're willing to risk infiltrating the Imperial garrison..."

"...I can show you a way in."

Suddently, the sound of rusty servo-motors interrupts the conversation.

"What is it, K3?"

"Sir, I'm sorry for intruding, but it appears as though one of the trip wires has been disturbed."

"Probably nothing to worry about," Garlin assures the droid.
"Which one of the wires was it?"


"Well, THAT isn't good!" the old man exclaims.

"I thought you said it was nothing to worry about?" Rykrof asks.

"Yellow-three is too close to here," Garlin explains.
"Someone has found us."

"Come on, Rykrof.  I might need your help... K3 can guard the shelter."

The loyal droid watches as the two men make their way toward the tripped wire...

...they are quickly out of range of his photo-receptors.

"Why do I have such a bad feeling about this?"

Turning a sharp corner, Garlin suddenly stops in his tracks.

"The wire is in the next room," he says quietly.

"I'll check it out," Rykrof offers. 
"You won't be any good with that rifle in close quarters."

"Brave of you," the old man says.
"Are you sure about this?"

"No.  So make sure you cover me."

"Be careful... if it's one of the Maker's hunter droids..."

Rykrof then cautiously moves down the corridor...

...unaware of what lies ahead.

Garlin watches silently as Rykrof approaches the trip wire...

...oblivious to what now stands behind him!

Rykrof then inches toward the doorway...

...not realizing that he and Garlin have been tricked into an ambush!

Rykrof then turns at the sound of a faint noise behind him.

"...are you..."


Rykrof then spins, igniting the lightsaber!

He quickly slashes through the attacking droid...

...only to turn as another assailant approaches!

Rykrof then takes a step back...

...waiting for the droid to make the next move...

...and then swiftly decapitates his adversary!

His attention then shifts back to the old man...


Horrified, he finds K3-95 kneeling above the fallen man.

"I knew this would happen to him eventually..." the droid laments.

"...but, at least it was a quick death."

"I'm so sorry," Rykrof says solemnly.

"He was a good man."

"That's debatable," the droid bluntly states.
"Garlin broke countless laws in the past... hence his imprisonment."

"Well, he was good to me," Rykrof counters.

"And we're giving him a proper burial."

"Yes," K3-95 agrees.
"That is very thoughtful of you."

Several hours later, little appears to have changed on Tartaaris.

However, Rykrof can't help but feel a looming shift in his direction...

...thanks to a man he barely knew.

K3-95 then breaks the silence.
"You have not spoken in the past 52 minutes and 16 seconds."

"I guess I'm not sure where to go from here," Rykrof admits.

"There is nowhere to go," the droid replies.
"This planet is nothing more than a graveyard.  No one has ever escaped."

"That's about to change," Rykrof whispers.

"Garlin said he knew of a way into the garrison."

"So what if he did?" K3-95 responds.
"It's not like you wouldn't get yourself killed once inside."

"Do you know of a way in?"

"Perhaps I do," the droid admits.
"But we'd never make it past the Maker's droids.  They would tear us apart."

"I'm not asking you to go with me," Rykrof explains.
"Just information on how to get in."

"Very well," K3-95 concedes.

"But this is a terrible idea..."

"...Garlin would't like it."

Back outside the garrison, security remains tight.

A group of troops gather for a rare appearance...

...from the prison's warden.

"Sir, we have identified the inmates who had the altercation with the two droids this morning."

"Prisoner 22 did not survive... however, prisoner 1067 is still alive...

"...we are unable to locate his current position."

"Enloe...  he is finally rising from the depths," the Maker says.

"Shall we hunt him down?"

"My men are ready."

"No, let him come to us," the Maker grins.
"I want to see if he lives up to his reputation."


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Re: The Enloe Trials - Chapter 12
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2018, 03:26:34 AM »
Awesome, let me go share this in the right places. I will try to leave better comments on my break today if toy fair planning doesn't eat it up. Thanks for sharing.

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Re: The Enloe Trials - Chapter 12
« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2018, 06:49:23 AM »
Very well done! The pictures are amazing as always! Nice setup of all the scenes! I'm a big fan of K3 as I'm still working on a similar project right now (tan B1 Infantry Battle Droids) and the texture is quite similar on them. I also like the white-blue astromech seen in one shot.
I'm very sad that you let Garlin die so quickly, though...I really like his character - I can even imagine his voice by the way you make him speak.

As said in chapter 11: You got BIG talent to create characters and to tell stories! Excellent work of art CHEWIE!

Thank you so much for sharing!

- Philipp 

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Re: The Enloe Trials - Chapter 12
« Reply #3 on: February 14, 2018, 08:46:02 AM »
Ahhhh re-runs. Just as good a read as the first 4 times. Keep it up.

Offline CHEWIE

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Re: The Enloe Trials - Chapter 12
« Reply #4 on: February 15, 2018, 11:20:27 AM »
Thank you all for the very kind words and thank you Tamer for the front page nod.

The death for Garlin was something I struggled with doing a bit, but I thought it would add a bit more realism and also be a little surprising.

Again, thank you for reading and the feedback.   :)


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Re: The Enloe Trials - Chapter 12
« Reply #5 on: February 15, 2018, 01:07:49 PM »
Hey Chewie! I just started reading the Enloe Trials recently, and I love them! Your custom figures, awesome backgrounds and dioramas, and mastery of plot and suspense really makes your photonovel amazing! I'm up to Chapter 7 and can't wait to read more!

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Re: The Enloe Trials - Chapter 12
« Reply #6 on: April 13, 2018, 12:47:14 PM »

It’s been ages since I’ve reviewed your work, in fact any work come to think of it, so coming back to the series I can see that you have significantly upped your game in terms of presentation. The subtle digital effects really adds depth and atmosphere, so big thumbs up for that. Customs and Dioramas are a thrill to see (as always) and the story just makes everything come alive. The combination of images and text really flows nicely too. I really enjoyed all of the elements.

I have to say that after being dissatisfied with the direction Disney is going with the new trilogy, I am taking a pilgrimage back here for some much needed sustenance. Thank you Chewie, this is just want I needed.