Author Topic: Weaponry  (Read 20189 times)

Offline Reconsgt

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« on: November 26, 2009, 06:22:39 PM »
Credit to Tamer for this next article

All weapons created by the Yuuzhan Vong are biologic and are crafted by a select caste of the Vong known as Shapers.

Grenandes and Explosives

Yuuzhan Vong Razor Bugs: Range 20 to 130m. This is the Vong equivalent of a blaster. These are ranged weapons commonly called "bugs" and dozens of different types exist, but all are either thrown or fired. The most common is called a thud buy and is strapped to a Vong bandolier and once thrown can reach speeds of up to 150 kph with smaller versions used to stun a target if that is the desiire. The next most common version is called a blast bug and explodes upon impact with its target.  A less destructive version is known as a snap bug which gives off a flash of light and sonic wave to seriously disorient an enemy. That last and perhaps most viscious version is called a razor bug  which is covered in tiny razors and once it impacts its enemy it returns to the wielder and a common tactic is to use dozens of these at once to totally compromise an enemy.

Melee Weapons:

Amphistaff: Resembling a large serpent with four fangs it is usually wrapped around a warriors forearm when not in use. Upon mental command this serpent uncoils and becomes as hard as "stone" and is used something like a quarter staff. This “snake” also has the ability to narrow its neck and tail creating razor like edges so it can be hurled like a spear. It also has the ability to create an internal electrical pulse that is expanded outward about a millimeter beyond its surface and can cleave through most know materials. If this were not enough, its most feared feature was the ranged venom that would cause instant blindness, then a slow agonizing painful death. Incorporating a type of force healing, only severing the head from the staff will cause a failure to regenerate. Jacen Solo was even known to have used 17 “wild” amphistaffs to create a suit of living armor around him and was known to have fought with two of these at one time. This was truly one of the most feared weapons in the vast Yuuzhan Vong armory.

Starship and Planetary Weapons:


Resembling something like a large elongated beetle, similar imo to a locust, this was the Vong version of the traditional missile or torpedo. Once released from a variety of Vong craft, this beetle quickly reaches sublight speeds and then latches onto the enemy starship with its mandibles which then release a potent acid which quickly forces its way into said ship. It then simply “eats” the ships metal components and seems to particularly like droids, ion engines, and starship cockpits. Its thick carapace is also extremely thick and repulses most explosives and blaster fire.

Yaret-Kor: This is the Vong version of the plasma cannon and operates by emitting various sizes of “molten” rocks which have amazing guidance systems and can simply burn through any armor plating ignoring any defensive shield. Interestingly enough these also serve as the ship’s propulsion force and can heal on their own requiring very little, if any, maintenance and requires only visits to debris or asteroid fields to resupply the projectiles. Vong Worldships have been known to carry many hundreds of these type weapons ranging in varying sizes.

Personal Protective Gear:

 Vondunn Skerr Kyrric: This is once again a bioengineered vondunn crab that is trained to literally wrap itself around its warrior wearer. Able to withstand most melee weapons, including lightsabers, this armor actually sprouts razor like appendages that can also be used as weapons. The crab also releases a natural antiseptic when either it or its wearer suffers any damage. Additional life forms also bond to this suit to give it a variety of extra abilities like enhanced communication, life support systems, etc. It also seems these crabs are the natural enemy of the amphistaffs and may have been originally grown to serve as some protection for early amphistaff training. The only known thing to harm this armor is a particular type of tree pollen only found on Ithor. If it is exposed to said pollen it will swell violently and suffocate its Vong user inside.

Offline Reconsgt

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Re: Weaponry
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2009, 07:37:04 PM »

Offline Squirepec7

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Re: Weaponry
« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2010, 03:05:00 PM »
Good gosh that staff is scary.
"Army or not, you must realize you are DOOMED!"