Author Topic: Mon Calamari Discussion  (Read 46016 times)

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Mon Calamari Discussion
« on: November 26, 2009, 10:05:14 PM »
Admiral Ackbar is one of my favorite characters in the Star Wars universe.  I think it's his "IT'S A TRAP!" , or the fact that he sounds like an old man with jowels.  Whatever it is, the Mon Calamari species is a specific point of my customs.  One of my first customs was a Mon Cal Jedi, followed by a Mon Cal Sith!

Offline Cimter

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Re: Mon Calamari Discussion
« Reply #1 on: December 21, 2009, 05:25:30 PM »
INFO: The Mon Calamari (also known as Calamari, Calamarians, Mon Cal or Mon Calamarians) were one of the sentient species indigenous to the world of Dac the other was the Quarren.

RACE: Mon Calamari
HEIGHT: 1.7 Meters Tall
SKIN: Usually reddish brown, sometimes blue, green, silver, or magenta
DISTINCTION: Amphibious physiology, bulbous heads, unique vision spectrum

Dac, as it was called in Mon Calamarian, Quarrenese, and Basic, also known as Mon Calamari and sometimes simply called Calamari, was a planet in the Calamari system of the Calamari Sector, located in the Outer Rim. It was home to a wealth of sentient species: the Mon Calamari, the Quarren, the Moappa, the Amphi-Hydrus, and the Whaladons. Mon Calamari was the name given to the planet by Human explorers from the Galactic Republic who first discovered and revealed the world to the rest of the galaxy. The native species referred to the planet as Dac. The planet was a shining bluish-white orb from space, due to its ocean-covered surface. It was home to 27.5 billion Mon Calamarians and Quarren, as well as surrounded by the impressive Mon Calamari Shipyards.  For further info on planet please see post below.

Mon Calamari were fish-like amphibious humanoids with domed heads, webbed hands, and large eyes. Male Mon Calamari had protrusions on their chin called "barbels" which grew more numerous with age. Most Mon Calamari had salmon-colored skin, often mottled with light and dark patterns, though examples of other skin colors were known. They could also descend to depths of up to 30 meters below sea level without breathing, though they found it uncomfortable and often used organic gills. Mon Calamari could stay underwater for a long period of time, although a frightened Mon Calamari, particularly a juvenile, could drown underwater. They also did not need to decompress when resurfacing.

Their hands, apart from being webbed, also featured five claw-tipped fingers; one opposable thumb with two more shorter claw-like protrusions, two long middle fingers, and two extremely short outer fingers. As an additional feature, Mon Calamari hands also presented three suction-cup like holes on their palms.

Mon Calamari could swivel their eyes independently from one another, focusing on two areas at once. Mon Calamari saw in different wavelengths than Humans, making it difficult for one species to view visuals designed for the other and vice versa. Their eyes were often used to express emotion; staring with the left eye was a way of showing surprise, while staring with the right eye was either a challenge to fight or an expression of love, depending on the circumstances.

Due to their fish-like appearance, the Mon Calamari were referred to by the somewhat derogatory Deal-slang expression "Mon Cals in a fishbowl", which referred to the act of making several big and easy deals from naïve or less-than-intelligent clients.

The Mon Calamari shared their planet with the Quarren, the Whaladons, the Moappa, and the Knowledge Bank. Unlike the other species, their civilization was centered in the shallow parts of the ocean and on Dac's few islands. This gave them a technological head start over the planet's other people, especially the Quarren of the ocean depths.

Circa 4,500 BBY, the Mon Calamari were attacked by the Quarren. The Mon Calamari, though less aggressive by nature, had much better technology, and won the war. In order to prevent future wars, the Mon Calamari took hundreds of young Quarren prisoners, taught them the ways of Mon Calamari civilization, then set them free. After the re-educated Quarrens gained control over Quarren civilization, peace between the two peoples continued for centuries (though it was sometimes a tense relationship).

The Mon Calamari had always been explorers, even from their earliest records, and wanted to explore the stars. They were delighted to find out they weren't alone when the planet was discovered in 4,166 BBY, but their delight turned to dismay when the corrupt forces that gripped the Galactic Republic devastated their homeworld. Later, Dac joined the Galactic Senate. One Mon Calamari even served as Supreme Chancellor in 3,653 BBY, during the Sacking of Coruscant.

In 532 BBY, many Mon Calamari and Quarren were taken as laborers to Lamaredd. During the last decades of the Galactic Republic, the government of Dac, and its representation in the Galactic Senate, was shared between the Mon Calamari and the Quarren.

Just before the Clone Wars, the corrupt Quarren Senator Tikkes allowed Thalassian Slavers to operate in Calamari Sector, and defected to the Confederacy of Independent Systems as leader of the Quarren Isolation League after being forced out of office. A civil war on Dac ensued, with the Republic loyalist Mon Calamari Knights joining Republic forces against the Quarren Isolation League and Separatist Mon Calamari led by Merai. After the Republic victory at the Battle of Dac, new accords between the Quarren and Mon Calamari were signed, with pro-Republic Senators Tundra Dowmeia (a Quarren) and Meena Tills (a Mon Calamari) jointly representing Dac in the Senate.

With the dawn of the Galactic Empire, the Mon Calamari initially welcomed the Imperial forces when they entered their system. However, the Imperials saw the people of Dac—the Mon Calamari in particular—as natural slaves whose industries and resources could be used to power the Imperial war machine. The Imperial leadership may also have been suspicious because both of Dac's senators signed the Petition of 2000. Aided by the sabotage of the planetary shields by Quarren saboteurs such as Seggor Tels, the Empire swiftly conquered Mon Calamari.

The Mon Calamari led a passive resistance movement, but they were unsuccessful. Emperor Palpatine ordered three Mon Calamari cities to be destroyed in reprisal. Regardless, the Imperial attack did not succeed in breaking the Mon Calamari spirit. Eventually, the Mon Calamari, joined by the Quarren, rose up against their oppressors, driving them off their planet.

Later, an Imperial sentientologist named Obo Rin, working under the direction of Darth Vader, wrote the Catalog of Intelligent Life in the Galaxy. In an attempt to discredit the Mon Calamari, this work included falsified claims that the first contact between the Mon Calamari and galactic civilization occurred during the reign of the Galactic Empire. This was accepted as truth by many citizens of the Empire, further angering the Mon Calamari.

The Mon Calamari eventually joined the Rebel Alliance, proving an invaluable asset in the Galactic Civil War. This was primarily due to the Mon Calamari being masters of starship construction and supplying the Alliance with badly needed Mon Calamari Star Cruisers, the capital ships that could take on the Galactic Empire's ships of the line. Prior to joining the Alliance, the Mon Calamari had only built passenger liners because of their peaceful ethos. During the Battle of Endor, Mon Calamari vessels were used by the Alliance and played a major role in the battle. The Mon Cals would continue to serve its successor governments: the New Republic and the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances.

During the reborn Emperor Palpatine's insurrection in 10 ABY, the Mon Calamari were targeted by the Imperial Remnant in retaliation for supporting the Rebel Alliance. Many Mon Calamari floating cities were destroyed by the massive World Devastators. However, the Empire's efforts were repulsed during the First Battle of Dac. Dac came under assault again by the forces of Admiral Daala in the Second Battle of Mon Calamari, but her forces were also repelled. During the Yuuzhan Vong invasion, Dac was used as the temporary capital of the newly formed Galactic Federation of Free Alliances after the loss of Coruscant.

By the end of the Sith-Imperial War, the Mon Calamari were reduced from their equal status under the One Sith. Since then, the Mon Calamari assisted Alliance Admiral Gar Stazi, by supplying recruits, parts, supplies, and bacta. When Stazi stole the Imperious-class Star Destroyer Imperious, Darth Krayt took his frustration out on all of Dac's population. He ordered the inmediate extermination of ten percent of the Mon Calamari population and internment of the rest in work camps to provide an example of the consequences of betraying the Sith to the rest of the galaxy. The first act in the genocide ordered by the Emperor was the massacre of the Mon Calamari Council. However, in order to oppose the extermination of their people, the Mon Calamari Rangers were formed.

The Mon Calamari had developed a very civilized culture. Art, music, literature, and science showed a creativity surpassed by few in the galaxy. Mon Calamari literature depicted stars as islands in a galactic sea. This showed a passionate longing to explore space and discover other civilizations.

The mathematically-minded Givin could not stand the Mon Calamari spaceships, as they were too organic and not geometric enough.

Squid Lake, a performance of Mon Calamari dance, played at the Galaxies Opera House on Coruscant in 19 BBY. The audience for the premiere included such influential figures as Supreme Chancellor Palpatine and Anakin Skywalker.

Mon Calamari tended to dislike and mistrust smugglers, with the famous Admiral Ackbar being no exception. This facet of Mon Calamari culture led to some tension in the early days of the New Republic.

Conflict with the Galactic Empire would forever change Mon Calamari culture. Once seen as one of the most peaceful species in the galaxy, warfare has come to define the Mon Calamari people. Once their allegiance to the Rebel Alliance had been solidified, the Mon Calamari began a massive military buildup. The shipyards over their home planet of Mon Calamari, began converting their ships for war. These ships, once viewed as some of the most beautiful and luxurious passenger liners in the galaxy, quickly became instruments of death and destruction. Though new to warfare, the Mon Calamari quickly adapted and soon found themselves at home with the concept. Nearly overnight, thousands of Mon Calamari began to fill the ranks of the Alliance.

As soldiers, the Mon Calamari were known to fight with a resolve that rivaled the Wookiees. As pilots the Mon Calamari would control their ships like an artist would control a paintbrush. Their most notable role in the Rebellion were the officer and tactical positions that the Rebels desperately needed to fill. The Mon Calamari were renowned for their leadership and tactical brilliance both in space and ground combat.

After the defeat of the Empire and the establishment of the New Republic, the Mon Calamari found themselves unwilling to return to their post-imperial pacifism and military disarmament. Instead the Mon Calamari felt the galaxy was yet to be safe and continued to devote ships, personnel, and resources to the Republic.

Even 40 years after the Battle of Yavin the Mon Calamari were still noted for their continued military excellence, with many Mon Calamari serving at the highest ranks of the Galactic Alliance military.

By the time of the defeat of the Galactic Alliance in 140 ABY and the rise of the Galactic Empire under Sith rule, the shipyards over Mon Calamari consisted of a massive and heavily armed construction station that ringed the entire planet.

« Last Edit: December 21, 2009, 05:41:00 PM by Cimter »

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Re: Mon Calamari Discussion
« Reply #2 on: December 21, 2009, 05:26:02 PM »

Dac, as it was called in Mon Calamarian, Quarrenese, and Basic, also known as Mon Calamari and sometimes simply called Calamari, was a planet in the Calamari system of the Calamari Sector, located in the Outer Rim. It was home to a wealth of sentient species: the Mon Calamari, the Quarren, the Moappa, the Amphi-Hydrus, and the Whaladons. Mon Calamari was the name given to the planet by Human explorers from the Galactic Republic who first discovered and revealed the world to the rest of the galaxy. The native species referred to the planet as Dac. The planet was a shining bluish-white orb from space, due to its ocean-covered surface. It was home to 27.5 billion Mon Calamarians and Quarren, as well as surrounded by the impressive Mon Calamari Shipyards.

The Mon Calamari lived comfortably on the surface and below while the Quarren lived in the depths of the oceans. The massive Whaladons meddled little in governmental affairs, swimming in their pods and protected from hunting by law.

In 4,500 BBY, the Quarren made war on the Mon Calamari, but the Mon Calamari won the war, resulting in the near-extinction of the Quarren. The Mon Calamari raised the next generation of Quarren themselves, teaching them Mon Calamari values.

The planet was discovered in 4,166 BBY, by that time its inhabitants have already been exploring nearby star systems for several years. In 532 BBY, many Quarren and Mon Calamari were taken as laborers to Lamaredd. The planet was one of many where podracing became popular.

Choppy Waters
The planet was represented in the Galactic Senate by the corrupt Tikkes, who allowed Thalassian slavers to operate in the Calamari Sector for a share of their profits. He was exposed in 22 BBY. He escaped Republic custody on Coruscant and fled to Geonosis, where he became a member of the Separatist Council as leader of the Free Dac movement, which sought to cut ties between Mon Calamari and the Republic.

During the Clone Wars, the world was attacked twice by the Confederacy of Independent Systems. First, Count Dooku devastated the world with the Dark Reaper. Later, the Techno Union-member Quarren Isolation League attempted to overthrow the Mon Calamari Council. The League was defeated by Kit Fisto and the Mon Calamari Knights. It was discovered by Kit Fisto that the League was allied with the Moappa, whom Kit discovered were also sentient. Kit informed the Mon Calamari that they needed to make peace with and respect the sapience of the Moappa.

Many members of the Free Dac movement fled Mon Calamari, settling on the CIS worlds of Pammant and Minntooine, where the Free Dac Volunteers Engineering Corps created shipyards. Using designs based on Mon Calamari Shipyards blueprints stolen by the CIS as a basis, these yards created Recusant-class Light Destroyers at Minntooine and Providence-class carrier-destroyers at the Pammant Docks for the Separatist fleet.

There were also Separatist Mon Calamari, led by the heroic Commander Merai, backed by Passel Argente and the Corporate Alliance. Without the approval of Count Dooku, the Mon Calamari led an effective assault during the First Battle of Kamino, using their amphib fighters and Merai's personal assault ship, the Shark. Ultimately their assault failed, as Dooku betrayed them. Most of the Mon Calamari forces were able to escape the disaster due to the sacrifice of Merai, a true hero to the end.

After the Republic loyalty of the planet was cemented, the Loyalist inhabitants agreed to a new arrangement: dual representation in the Senate, with Tundra Dowmeia representing the Quarren and Meena Tills representing the Mon Calamari. Meena Tills was held hostage on Coruscant by Korunnai terrorists, but rescued by Republic Commandos. Both Senators were signatories of the Delegation of 2000's petition, resulting in their arrest upon the Declaration of a New Order.

Imperial Era
The planet was represented in the Imperial Senate by Timi Rotramel until it was harshly subjugated by the Galactic Empire, which saw the people of Mon Calamari as natural slaves whose industries and resources could be used to power the Imperial war machine in the Outer Rim Territories. The Imperial propaganda machine cited the signing of the Petition of 2000 by the planet's previous disloyal senatorial representatives as an excuse for the repression of the Mon Calamari. The Imperials were aided during the occupation by the sabotage of the planetary shields by Quarren saboteurs such as Seggor Tels, swiftly conquering the planet.

During the Imperial occupation of the planet and its system, the Mon Calamari started a resistance movement, which was unsuccessful at first. Eventually, Emperor Palpatine ordered three of the planet's floating cities to be destroyed in reprisal. Regardless, the Imperial attack did not succeed in breaking the Mon Calamari spirit. Instead of extinguishing the resistance, it pushed the world's natives into open rebellion when the Mon Calamari joined the Quarren against the invaders into a grand and secret military effort which finally repelled the Imperials and pushed them off their planet, their system and indeed the entire sector. Shortly after the uprising, while preparing the planet to join efforts with the Rebel Alliance, the Imperial Senator Timi Rotramel himself attempted to bring other species and systems into the Rebellion against the Empire; unfortunately for Rotramel, shortly after failing to convince the Tiss'shar to join a Sector rebellion, he was killed on Tiss'sharl by Darth Vader, who discovered his secret rendezvous with Tiss'shar President Si-Di-Ri.

The Imperial propaganda did not wait to attempt to discredit the Mon Calamari, as the Imperial sentientologist Obo Rin, working under the direction of Lord Vader, wrote the Catalog of Intelligent Life in the Galaxy. This work included falsified claims that the first contact between the Mon Calamari and galactic civilization occurred during the reign of the Galactic Empire. This was accepted as truth by many citizens of the Empire, further angering the Mon Calamari.

After Mon Calamari's revolution against the Empire, the Mon Calamari and the Quarren joined with the Rebel Alliance, proving to be an invaluable asset in the Galactic Civil War. The Mon Calamari, masters of starship construction, supplied the Alliance with badly needed capital ships constructed at the Mon Calamari Shipyards. Prior to joining the Alliance, the Mon Calamari had only built passenger liners and deep space exploration vessels because of their peaceful ethos, but by heavily retrofitting these vessels, they were able to create warships that could take on the Empire's mighty ships of the line.

During this time of war, the Mon Calamari and Quarren of Dac lived under the constant threat of an attack by Imperial fleets. The Alliance maintained a strong presence in the star system, including enough capital ships to defend against a standard Imperial battle line or perhaps even a squadron, but the Alliance and the Mon Calamari didn't have enough firepower in the system to repel a full Imperial attack squadron. The main Alliance fleet was considered too precious to risk in such a dangerously exposed position. [6] As early as 1 ABY Imperial Intelligence Operations sent operatives to the planet in preparation for Imperial strikes on the planet's floating cities. [7] But the war ended before the Empire could put its plans into action.

By the time of the Battle of Endor, Mon Calamari Star Cruisers were extensively used by the Alliance, playing a major role in the hands of Mon Calamari Admiral Ackbar, who put them to good use in that decisive battle.

Anchor of the New Republic
Mon Calamari was a founding member of both the Alliance of Free Planets and the New Republic. Ackbar represented the planet on the New Republic Provisional Council. The New Republic defeated the Imperial Remnants thrice at Mon Calamari: the first time against the Whaladon hunting submarines of Emperor Trioculus; the second against the World Devastators of the clone Emperor; and the third against the Star Destroyers of Admiral Daala. These three battles caused many cities to be destroyed and members of all the indigenous sentient species suffered loss of life. During the battle against Daala, Leia Organa Solo discovered that the Mon Calamari Ambassador Cilghal, Ackbar's niece, was Force-sensitive. Cilghal was the first Mon Calamari to join the New Jedi Order. The planet was later represented in the New Republic Senate by Q-Varx, who was revealed as a traitor and replaced by Cilghal.

Birth of the Galactic Alliance
During the Yuuzhan Vong War, the planet was represented by both the Quarren Pwoe and the Mon Calamari Gron Marrab. After the fall of Coruscant to the Yuuzhan Vong in 27 ABY, the remaining senators and politicians of the new Republic government fled to Mon Calamari, which had not been taken by the Yuuzhan Vong. The world's massive shipyards, large defensive fleet, and isolation from the front lines made it a desirable location. Pwoe tried and failed to usurp the New Republic presidency and eventually joined the Ylesian Republic on Ylesia. Marrab, however, remained loyal, and represented his homeworld in the Senate. Following the election of Cal Omas as the new Chief of State, the New Republic was reorganized into the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances, or Galactic Alliance in 28 ABY. The Alliance was formed on Mon Calamari, which served as its original capital until the end of the Yuuzhan Vong War.

After the Sith-Imperial War, the planet was once again under Imperial control. Under the rule of usurper Emperor and Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Krayt, the Quarren were placed in charge of the planet, as the new Sith Order held a number of Quarren amongst its members, most notably Darth Azard and the late Darth Maleval.

In an attempt to destroy Gar Stazi and the Galactic Alliance Remnant, who the Calamari supported in secret, Admiral Dru Valan laid a trap at Mon Calamari by leaking information about the Imperious, a new type of Star Destroyer that was under construction at the Mon Calamari Shipyards. The resulting battle resulted in the destruction of more than half of the Shipyards.

Krayt was angered by the theft of the Imperious, and decided to take his anger out on the Mon Calamari people. He traveled to Dac, and during an address to the Mon Calamari Council, he ordered the immediate execution of one-tenth of their population. After initiating the massacre by having the members of the Council itself killed, Krayt commanded that the remainder of the Mon Calamari population be rounded up and incarcerated in work camps; those Mon Calamari who tried to escape this fate were to be pursued and killed. Krayt's ultimate goal in this matter was to render the Mon Calamari extinct and to "purge the galaxy of their culture and history" as a warning to anyone who had notions of defying his empire. The Galactic Alliance's Rogue Squadron launched a daring mission to rescue a group of Mon Calamari refugees, but the Rogues were forced to retreat when both the Sith and a Mandalorian bounty hunter created complications. One of the Rogues, Hondo Karr, took center stage on this risky job from which at least one member of the squad will not return.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2009, 05:27:54 PM by Cimter »

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Re: Mon Calamari Discussion
« Reply #3 on: December 21, 2009, 05:26:34 PM »
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Crix Madine in the Databank
Massassi Temple in the Databank
Mon Calamari (planet) in the Databank
Mon Calamari (species) in the Databank
Mon Calamari Knights in the Databank
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser in the Databank
Mon Mothma in the Databank
Meena Tills in the Databank
Orrimaarko in the Databank
Quarren in the Databank
Quarren Isolation League in the Databank
Rebel Alliance in the Databank
Thaneespi in the Databank
Trade Federation cruiser in the Databank
Winter in the Databank

I would like to thank Wookieepedia for this info.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2009, 05:40:19 PM by Cimter »