Imperial Surplus Sales > Star Wars Trades

Seg's Trade List


Here is a list of some Marvel Legend figs I have in package:

Maria Hill and Iron Man two pack
Fin Fang Foom Doc Sampson
Fin Fang Foom Absorbing Man
LCBH Witchblade
TRU Exclusive Diamond Emma Frost
Ronin Human Torch x3
Galactus Bullseye

Also some Star Wars stuff in package:

30th Anniversary Rebel Honor Guard x4
Legacy Evolutions Rebel Pilot Legacy II
Saga Sandtrooper
Vintage Saga Sand People
Vintage Saga Han Solo in Trench Coat
Vintage Saga Luke Skywalker XWing Pilot
Vintage Saga Greedo
Episode I Clash of the Lightsabers Card Game (sealed)
Episode I 12” Qui-Gon Jinn
POTF 12” Snowtrooper
POTF Cantina Showdown
POTF Purchase of the Droids
Saga Commemorative Episode V DVD Collection 3 pack Han Solo, Chewbacca, Stormtrooper
Legacy Comic Pack Darth Vader and Rebel Officer
Legacy Comic Pack Chewbacca and Han Solo
Saga Han Solo
POTF Luke Skywalker in Stormtrooper Disguise
POTF Luke Skywalker in Hoth Gear
Shadows of the Empire Luke Skywalker in Imperal Guard Disguise
Shadows of the Empire Leia in Boushh Disguise
Star Wars Masterpiece Edition Anakin Skywalker 12” figure and Story of Darth Vader book set

Here are a few BAF's I have, I think I've got a few more but can't seem to find them right now.

The Galactus leg is the left one, and the Monkey Man leg is the right one, just in case you can't tell.

Here are my ML, DC, and similar scale figures.


Cash is always good,

Warhammer 40K will work as well. I'm looking mostly for Tau and IG, maybe some Space Marine and Ork stuff.

As far as needs in BAF's:

Giant Man: Right Hand, Right Foot, Upper and Lower Torso

Pitt: Right Arm

Ronin: Torso and Rt Arm and Cape

Sentinel: Upper Torso

Monkey Man: R and L Arms, Left Leg, Lower Torso

Foom: Tail End, Left Arm/Wing, Head

I'm also looking for some of the Halo 3 non Spartan ODST figures.

Marvel Universe

Green Goblin
Ms Marvel (modern)
Union Jack
Warpath (black and grey)
Wolverine (series 6)
Black Widow (blonde)
Captain America (series 7)
Thor (series 7)
A.I.M. Soldier x2
Kitty Pride
Iceman (Wolverine Origins)
Logan w/ bike (Wolverine Origins)
Gambit (Wolverine Origins)
Deadpool (Wolverine Origins series 2)

PM me an offer if you are interested

for star wars will you trade for star wars

Depends on what you have, there are a few things that I am wanting, I've just not listed anything really.

Shoot me a pm and let me know what you are interested in.


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