Author Topic: The Enloe Trials - Chapter 11  (Read 2717 times)

Offline CHEWIE

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The Enloe Trials - Chapter 11
« on: January 11, 2018, 07:19:42 PM »
I am overdue for an update here!  As always feedback is much appreciated.

For reference, please feel free to catch up on the past chapters at the links below -- plus character profiles too:

The Enloe Trials Prologue: The Baron's Crusade
Chapter 1: Seeds of Insurrection
Chapter 2: Atrocity
Chapter 3: Revelations
Chapter 4: Shadow of Death
Chapter 5: Depths of Despair
Chapter 6:  Seekers of the Dark Relic
Chapter 7:  Veils of Deceit
Chapter 8:  Catastrophe
Chapter 9:  The Fall of Banyss
Chapter 10:  Shards of Rebellion

And the character profiles to help understand this chapter are as follows... most other main characters are not present in this chapter, so to see their profiles please reference a previous chapter in the links above.

Rykrof Enloe - Homeworld - Naboo.  Former Republic Commander, who is now an enemy of the Empire.  He has a history of entanglements with the Badoo Corba terrorist organization, dating back prior to the Clone Wars.  He is a former close friend of  Imperial Baron Tylin Gere and was been forced to embark on a desperate mission to acquire an ancient Sith artifact for Tylin - which ended in failure.  Since then, he has inadvertently led Imperial forces to a secret Rebel base on Banyss, which was destroyed by Darth Vader's forces.  Rykrof has now been taken captive by the Empire.  His wife, son and closes friends believe he is now deceased.

Baron Tylin Gere - Homeworld - Naboo.  Former close ally of Rykrof Enloe, the two served as Republic Peace Officers prior to the Clone Wars and later as officers in the Grand Army of the Republic.  Tylin thirsts for power and has become obsessed with acquiring an ancient Sith artifact, which was recently acquired by Darth Vader, who he secretly sees as a rival.  He has taken custody of Alyssa and Caldin Enloe, and ordered the death of Rykrof's father.  He believes Rykrof Enloe is dead, once and for all.

Commander Vlarra Gere - Homeworld - Naboo.  Nephew of Tylin Gere.  Vlarra has always admired his uncle's ambition and strives to rise through the Imperial ranks quickly, regardless of the means.

Emperor Palpatine - Homeword - Naboo.  Dark Lord of the Sith and the undisputed leader of the Galactic Empire.  He attempted to mold Rykrof Enloe as the ideal Imperial officer but failed.  He takes great interest in Baron Tylin Gere's personal quests for power and admires his ambition.

Darth Vader - Homeworld - Tatooine.  Dark Lord of the Sith and follows the instructions of his master, Emperor Palpatine.  During the Clone Wars, he was once friends with Rykrof Enloe.  He considers Rykrof a traitor to the Empire but also is fully aware that Rykrof once helped protect Padme Amidala, and rather than killing him, he has spared Rykrof's life by sending him to a secret penal colony.  However, his loyalties to Emperor Palpatine are secure.

Tartaaris...for centuries, the Outer Rim world prided itself as a haven for smugglers.

But the planet became a brutal battleground during the final stages of the Clone Wars.

Deemed a galactic disaster sector, it was abandoned before the Empire began utilizing the planet as a dumping ground...

...and established Tartaaris as an undisclosed penal colony for former Separatists and other undesirables.

Over time, a hierarchy of gangs has risen within the prisoner ranks...

...led by a former slave trader known as Atracion.

As the malefactors throughout the wasteland struggle to survive, they are constantly being watched by an enigmatic observer...

...and hunted by mysterious droids.

The planet is consumed by the stench of death.

It has been many years now since Rykrof Enloe was captured by the Empire...

...he now calls this festering hellhole his home.

The Imperial ration drops are the only reliable form of sustenance...

...but they have become infrequent at best...

...forcing Rykrof to explore new territory.

This extreme lifestyle has made Rykrof Enloe a changed man...

...he now lives for one sole purpose...


Rummaging through the remains of a crashed Republic gunship, he spots something in the debris...

...he jumps down to grasp it... E-5 blaster!

He looks back to ensure he has not been followed...

...then grasps the weapon!

But as expected, the power source has been exhausted.

Rykrof is just about to leave the wreck when he feels a strange sensation.

The hairs on the back of his neck stand up and he feels a subtle compulsion - KEEP LOOKING!

Nudged by this sensation, he approaches a broken down astromech droid.

Almost without thinking, he feels compelled to remove the debris leaning on the dome of the droid...

Freed from the wreckage, a hatch on the droid ejects a cylindrical object!

Could it be...?

A lightsaber?

His heart pounding uncontrollably, Rykrof presses the igniter switch...

...and the weapon hisses to life!

Holding the weapon, a strange feeling spreads throughout his body...
...his mother was a Jedi of the Republic...

...her gift with the Force was not passed onto him; or so he has always been told.

But for all the tribulations he has survived, Rykrof has begun to have his doubts...

Most men, through his experiences, would have died dozens of times.

Did his father lie to him?  Does part of his mother's gift run through his veins?

"YOU!" a raspy voice sneers.

Turning around, Rykrof sees a pair of penal colony prisoners approaching him; a brute Katrillian flanked by a human.

"You're not supposed to be here!  You're trespassing!"

"What's that right there you're holding?"

"Looks fancy; whatever it is," the Katrillian's companion says.


"I'm not really sure," Rykrof lies.
"Just more junk; I guess."

"Hand it over."

"It's not anything worth taking," Rykrof shrugs.

"Besides, it's mine."

"Kill him!"

"Dammit!" Rykrof curses...

...before striking the reptilian alien dead!

The other assailant then swiftly strikes Rykrof down!

"Worthless slug," he spits...

...before a laser blast slams into his skull!

"What the...?"

"Settle down," an old man smiles.
"Don't be afraid."

"Whoever you are, thank you," Rykrof says.

"Don't thank me just yet," the old man insists.
"We've got to get far away from here."

"All this commotion won't go unnoticed."


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Re: The Enloe Trials - Chapter 11
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2018, 03:07:36 AM »
Awesome to see an update. Let me go share this and I can leave better comments later.

Offline Darth More

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Re: The Enloe Trials - Chapter 11
« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2018, 10:12:02 AM »
Perfect start to start the weekend with! Wow, what an incredibly awesome project this is CHEWIE!

I am really impressed by the way you edit the pictures! But even more impressive are your customs and environments! I hardly have time for even one single custom or diorama and you got so many in just one story!

Do you also work with resin? Because you used some rare parts on your customs! They all look great! Where do you get all the fodder seen in the background like the AT-AT leg? There're just countless cool details to find in your photo novels and that's just one reason I love them so much!

The first reason for that would be the unique characters you create and the story you tell with them! Also the headsculpts fit the characters very well (especially for the Katrillian, who is my favourite)! And also Rykrof, the slave trader and the old man are just beyond amazing!
I am very curious who the old man is and why he saved Rykrof!
The idea of the hidden lightsaber in the damaged astromech is just awesome!! The effect you added to this scene is...I am missing words's my favourite picture of this chapter!
So brilliant!!!

I am outta house! You made my Friday! Thank you very much for sharing!

Best regards from Germany!

- Philipp

P.S.: The dancing Chewie shows best how I feel about your story! Keep it going, please!
« Last Edit: February 14, 2018, 06:32:32 AM by Darth More »

Offline CHEWIE

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Re: The Enloe Trials - Chapter 11
« Reply #3 on: January 23, 2018, 07:00:40 PM »
I appreciate the nice words - made my night!  Thank you!

Note - I do not use resin - I have a lot of extra parts from over-buying during the 2005-2012 timeframe...

The AT-AT leg was a lucky purchase, I was at a collector shop in St. Louis called SAGA Toys and it was in a pile of "parts" and I asked how much, got it for $5.00.

I'll post the next chapter here shortly, and thanks Tamer for the front page spotlight.


Offline Darth More

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Re: The Enloe Trials - Chapter 11
« Reply #4 on: February 14, 2018, 06:40:34 AM »
Thank you CHEWIE! I'm just reading how Rykrof's story continues...

The fact that you do not use resin parts makes your custom work even more impressive! You must have a giant collection of loose parts and fodder! I did make some resin parts, but I hardly have time at the moment...I wish I would - there's still so much on my to-do list...

- Philipp