Imperial Entertainment TV and Movies > Star Wars Movies

how many season u think they will make?


i for one only hope that they will keep the phase 1 clones. i like 2 phase 2 clones but they will look weird. plus we will have to build clone armies again. 

though, i think they will make a movie for each phase and one night i dreamed that they will make an "empire wars series" well maybe not "empire wars" but maybe galactic civil war. this project should take 10-15 or 20 years!

what do u think?

I hope they will show Phase II clones in the series too. I'm more a fan of them. In the Clone Wars cartoon they showed also both variants of Clones and I think they will also do it in the series but I can't say how many season they will make.

btw your idea (or dream) sounds very interesting, I think it has potential to make a galactic civil war series.

i read somewhere that they are only making 3 but still thinking that they may make 5 im not sure but it was once on the star wars home page


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