Imperial Entertainment TV and Movies > Star Wars Movies

Theroretical Question Luke Skywalkers training

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Ok I was think if Luke was only trained for what a week or 2? and he ended up becoming one of the most powerfull Jedis ( based on the novels) what do you think could have happened if he was trained in the normal sense of the Jedi way?  Do you think he would be a stronger Jedi or a lesser Jedi based on the constraints of the order?

Me I personally feel his development would have went down a different path and perhaps would have been more constrained, In a sense the bond of family is what enhanced his use of the force and caused him to look into ideals not practiced by the previous Jedi Order,

Total fan geek question I know, just curious.

I actually have thought about this recently as well.  He trained for a very short time on Dagobah with Yoda, and then took off to Bespin where he got his ass hammered by Vader.  He then spent what, a couple years, couple months, between then and the events of Return of the Jedi?  There's a lot to be said about practice and whatnot, but I guess his real growth seemed to come after ROTJ, while the New Republic was forming.  It is an interesting question, and I have to wonder if Luke didn't learn from the mistakes made by the Jedi Order during the Clone Wars.  Being the last of the Jedi, beginning everything anew, it only made sense to try something different.

I heard lucas in an interview say that when vader got his robotics to replace his limbs he became much weaker and the only reason the Emporer was tempted to bring Luke to the dark side was that he was more powerfull (potentially) than Anakin even with all the training.  Basicly (reading a bit into that) is that Vader had already been deminished (but was amazingly powerfull still) but Luke was (is) soooo powerfull that once he learned to hone that skill a little bit he was able to take vader (All the while haveing no clue how powerfull he really was).

The fact he even SURVIVED his first confrintation with Vader was a testement to that (As vader was supposed to be a totally evil and powerfull bastard even then, but he had a bit of trouble with Luke in the center of Bespin, not a great deal but he didn't dispatch him as easy as he appears to be able to everyone else).   

B.R. Steel:
Seeing the movie the first time as a child and now being an "adult", I can say my view on how long Luke may have been on Dagobah has lengthened.  To a certain extent when first viewing the movie, the viewer is somewhat forced to think the various plot threads are happening concurrently.  From a storytellers perspective this probably makes a lot of sense as you don't want to bore your audience with the mundane.  I also have become more prone to rationalizing events as they might occur in the real world.  Getting to the point: the Millennium Falcon wasn't capable of entering Hyperspace after it left Hoth.  No matter how fast the ship is, without such capability the distances in space are vast enough that it's going to take a while to get from one place to the next.  In my mind, this gives Luke a lot of extra time to remain on Dagobah before he's required to meet up with the crew on Bespin.

I've really enjoyed reading you guys' posts on this topic.  Interesting.

i agree with the previous post, what for us might seem like days , in the story couldve been many weeks, months , years? i just wish glucas made it a bit more clearer


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