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The Clone Wars: Knightfall -- Raid of the Jedi Temple Mod 5/22/15 CONCLUDED

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TheIRISH Rogue:
Star Wars: The Clone Wars


"The Republic stands battered by the turmoil of war. The height of the conflict has passed with the failed Separatist plunge against the capital system, Coruscant. The CIS forces are faltering, the Clone army surges fourth in every direction, the Senate remains locked, and Chancellor Palpatine's power grows limitless.

The influence of the Jedi has become even more transparent whilst the war wanes. Their numbers spread thin. The order exists on the brink of annihilation. Lesser skilled Jedi are pushed into battle. The costs grow. The populace has lost faith in the Jedi to restore order.

Even now as clone troopers comb through the damaged planet, hunting isolated pockets of stranded CIS droids, a number of cruisers bring detachments of the 501st back to Coruscant under direct orders. The planet is eerily silent. For the first time in the conflict the Jedi see a light through the cloudy haze..

The vale of the darkside has fallen… "

A cooling breeze lightly whistles against the shattered glass of Chancellor Palpatine’s dim office. The frame scorched grey and black from the recent electricity unleashed upon the Jedi Master, Mace Windu. The effort to arrest the dark chancellor has failed, setting in motion events the Sith master has been meditating on for years. Grinning shrilly, Palpatine set aside the façade he previously maintained in front of Anakin Skywalker since his childhood. Within moments of Anakin’s murder of Windu, he finds himself completely abandoning his sacred duties, kneeling to the dark lord whom he had been hunting for years. In a state of panic and desperation to save the woman he loves, Anakin’s fall to the dark side is only just beginning..

Darth Vader, the newly anointed apprentice stood before the chancellor’s desk, his master cloaked in raven robes turned to face him. Glowing, fiery eyes of hatred pierced from the depths of Sidious’ hood, “First I want you to go to the Jedi Temple..” Showing little surprise, Vader’s eyes met his masters; his silence already accepting words yet to be spoken. Lord Sidious’ grumbling voice continued with the orders many Sith had fantasized for centuries, “You will catch them off balance. Do what must be done Lord Vader. Do not hesitate and show no mercy!” Suddenly his master’s voice softened to a mere whisper, “only then will you be strong enough with the darkside to save Padme..”

A deep bellowing whir of Venator-class Star Destroyers, as they would come be known, became audible. From empty space they descended from their secret holding patterns above the planet. The initial cruiser of the trio had already begun offloading troopers when Lord Vader departed the chancellor’s office. The others utilized LAAT gunships that whizzed downward to drop their squads into formation. Night enveloped the city lit skyline. Traffic and street activity could not nearly be described as normal. All seemed eerily silent after the Separatist attack on the governing sectors; some blocks still smoldering, bleeding thick smoke from their inner layers. Vader’s Jedi interceptor hissed passed the docks of gathering troopers. The cockpit latches snapped as they disengaged, springing the upper windows open. “Atten- tion!” barked a clone trooper near the newly arrived craft. The clone clad in the blue of the 501st saluted and quickly stepped to the side of his General. “Sir, we are ready and awaiting your orders!”

With a slight grin, Vader recognized the blue markings and familiar white arrow outline that adorned the troopers helmet. “Commander Appo, have your men ready up and begin to secure the surrounding blocks of the Jedi temple. No one…No one is to go in or out. Tell me, What’s our tactical strength?” Commander Appo lifted his helmet rolling it beneath his arm, “General, we have been tasked with two full regiments a third is in reserve, and the original regiment is being re-armed after their last assignment.” Vader nodded, such strength would be needed to deal a decisive stroke to the order. With a moment of worriment, the general paused his quick pace.. “Captain Rex…what’s his status?” As if to understand the dark lord’s cause for concern, Appo raised his hand outstretched in a motion to harden Vader’s resolve for the task at hand, “The captain, Torrent company, and the majority of the 1st regiment are recovering from their last mission. I know Rex would be at your side if he wasn’t injured sir. He is the most loyal trooper in the GAR. “No matter the cost, preserve the Republic”..Those are the orders.”

Nodding, Vader’s face hardened. His gaze became opaque, emotionless..cold, “You’re right. That’s good commander.. Have the gunships lock down a perimeter out of sight. We will be approaching on foot. No tanks are necessary. Form up on me. Block off and have the main force approach in parade formation. Dismissed..” The clone trooper briskly saluted, his helmet pivoting between his fingers while he spun it atop of his tightly groomed hair. The trooper jogged to head the legion and raised his comlink, tapping the green button, his eyes watched Vader pace forward walking down a long narrow drive. About 200 meters ahead, the robed fallen Jedi raised his gloved, mechanical hand and motioned forward.

“Silently lads, forward! We have our orders: “Execute order 66.” March!”

Stepping off, the regiments began their hushed march towards the temple. Their boots echoed from building to building. The sheer number of troopers steadily marching forward created an ominous clatter. Vader alone, at the front of the column turned the next corner in a direct lane towards the Jedi temple. His hands reached up towards his shoulders, his fingers clasped the cusp of his hood. In a quick motion his hood rose above his hair, darkening his face beneath its cover.

Anakin Skywalker stood before the gates of the temple. Border security was fairly minimal due to the optimized safety protocols instituted during the Clone Wars. Mostly guard duty fell to various remote droids and a handful of sensitive Jedi. Many knights were deployed on the front during the current wide reaching campaign against the Separatists..This campaign is thought by all to be the coup de gras and it is…

Master Jurokk was patrolling the grounds. He approached the main entrance and realized it was Anakin Skywalker and rushed towards him while he stepped up the stairs. “Anakin, Anakin, what happened? Where are the Masters?” Jurokk was aware that Masters Windu, Fisto, Saesee Tiin, and Agen Kolar,  composed the arresting team sent to subdue Chancellor Palpatine after the defeat of General Grievous. During their leave he did what was possible to keep order under the command of Shaak Ti. Anakin without inflection inquired, “Where is Shaak Ti?” Jurokk looked at Skywalker as he strode beside him, answering..his insides churning as the negative reverberations within the force riveted his senses, “In the meditation chambers- we felt something happen in the Force, something awful. She’s search the force in deep meditation, trying to get some feel for what’s going on…Something has happened, hasn’t it?” The Jedi Master’s eye caught a gleam of white armor. Looking behind he saw clone troopers ascending the stairs in marching order.

The white of his eyes grew as he saw not a squad, but rank after rank of clone troopers. His hand lightly touched the back of Skywalker’s arm, “..Something horrible…How bad is it -?” His breathing was near panicked, his face still turned towards the growing sea of blue and white armored soldiers. Anakin’s hand rose from beneath his thick brown robes holding his lightsaber, “You have no idea…” Jurokk’s face turned towards Skywalker without noticing the hilt being held beneath his chin – Click – the familiar whir of the saber igniting could be heard for only an instant – Click – as quickly as it had extended, the blue blade quickly collapsed back into the hilt. There was no redemption now as Skywalker fell deeper into the darkness. The Gate Master lay slain, the first casualty of the Temple raid.

No alarms sounded – Massed troopers stayed in large rectangular formations, climbing, in step, up the countless stairs. A handful of newly promoted ARC troopers accompanied the regiment, interspersed with their brothers. Six Jedi stood sparring within courtyard before the echelon’s path. Their blades bursting with color as they clashed together then dissipated when dodging and pushing one another. Recognizing the 501st stripes and the Jedi at the front they rushed towards Anakin deactivating the sabers in their grips. “Master Skywalker, welcome back!” one shouted, another, “I just saw the holo of the CIS flagship crash you did..WOW was that your best landing of a Seppie cruiser yet Master!!” They closed in on the hooded figure, noticing a change in Skywalker’s typical cavalier attitude, something wasn’t quite right, “Master Skywa… Urkk..ACK..HMPH” the speaking Jedi was raised from her feet…choking..

“That is no longer my name..” Vader’s voice spoke lifelessly from beneath the hood addressing the female. His pointer finger and thumb touched as if to squeeze the life from the choking knight. A sudden popping crack of the spine left the Jedi limp in the air..her saber clattered to the floor. The remaining five were caught in complete shock. They watched their friend’s body lifelessly fall towards the stone floor.

In that instant Vader drew his saber. Lifting his arm, the dark apprentice cut down a Twi’ lek knight in the first stroke, cleaving him through his leg and torso. The blue blade whirled in a blur as Vader spun the blade behind him impaling another knight through the chest; the scent of burning flesh filled the still night air. His gloved hand jutted out hurling two knights backward before their thumbs were able to ignite their weapons. The final Jedi, a Nautolan ran towards Vader pulling his saber from his belt. Tick – tack – Tick – tack - his boots snapped rapidly against the stone. A red dot appeared on his chest for a brief moment before being replaced by a larger glowing hole that knocked him off balance. His body crumbled to the floor, an orange glow faded as smoke rose from his chest, felled by a far off clone sniper. The two force pushed knights regained their footing for a moment until being rapidly pulled towards Vader whose arm continued to drag them in a wide clearing motion. Their bodies slung shot across the courtyard until being stopped by a marble wall. Their bodies cracked, bursting on impact…thrown so hard, there was no chance to regain their footing again.

Vader’s boots neared the fallen Nautolan igniting his saber only briefly enough to sever his head. “He would have done least alarming them with a scream..” Their death march continued unknown. He made sure to leave no lingering life- force connection between those who came in contact with him. By severing their connection to life, wounded Jedi were unable to commune with other knights of the living force. Their presence only a void.

Pillar statues of tremendous Jedi that towered over the courtyard became surrounded by thousands of clones nearing the precipice of the stairs and temple entrance. No longer did these large figure’s shadows tower over practicing nights. The fight was no longer simulation, but truly a struggle from being extinguished.

Another lone knight walked towards Skywalker, “Good evening Master. What is the cause for th..” Interrupting, Vader made his final demand of the Jedi Order, “Draw your sabers and become one with the Force! Your plot to overthrow the Republic has failed!” Confused the knight laughed uncomfortably, slightly confused by such a declaration from the esteemed prodigy. “FOOLS!” Vader exclaimed slicing down the man in a growing rage: so many years of being held back, the lies, the mistrust, bubbled up from dark places unknown. “Commander Appo, direct your men as necessary. You have your targets. Now, isolate and destroy!” With a nod before turning to his captains he shouted to his lord, “Yes sir! Right away!”

Appo gave the signal through his comlink. As drops from a waterfall clash upon rock, squad after squad rapidly charged into and around the temple surrounding every gateway. Dozens swarmed the halls quietly, choosing their positions and moving forward, none dared to advance past Vader.

“Troopers follow me..”

that was utterly superb!  wow!

Cool deal, on the front page.

I am gonna enjoy this read tonight or tomorrow.

TheIRISH Rogue:
The Clone Wars: Knightfall Pt 2

Darth Vader’s plan was going unnoticed. “Destroy the hanger and all ships! We must focus on reaching the communications center.” A wing of gunships swooped in without warning. “Commence the barrage!!” a voice rang out across the comm lines.  Each gunship unleashed their entire payload of rockets in quick succession, turbo lasers continued pouring through the smoke, turret and chin guns rapidly fired slamming into any hint of a silhouette. The Jedi defense turrets were dismantled by the barrage, bursting into flame as they attempted to lock onto the gunships. Two gunships, filled with rocket teams, selected the futile turrets that remained. Barrels collapsed as the variety of gunfire tore through them. The clattering ceased when the last turret was obliterated. Any star fighters on the deck were too damaged put up a fight. In moments the entire hanger was left in ruin! Smoldering, torn and tattered metal, ships, and bodies alike; the hanger laid to waste.

Jet troopers burst through the smoke making use of their heat sensitive helmet visors to see through the smoke. They sprawled through the vaulted hangers and executed any surviving, but disoriented Jedi in addition to other ground crew. One Jedi went unnoticed, his robes cut and scorched, meandered into an area where he used the force to part the smoke. The man’s skin warm from the flames that flickered bountifully around him, a warm flow of blood trickled down his cheek, arm, and leg. Looking up, his eyes strained to see past the flashlight beams that broke the smoke; in front of him a squad of clone troopers drew near.

His chest relaxed as he exhaled in relief. A brief, yet menacing moment elapsed as he watched their DC 17 blasters raise, “Clones..?!” A tempest of blue laser bolts were let loose from the squad. The Jedi’s legs collapsed to his knees, his hand unbuckled his saber activating it for a moment before being overwhelmed by the bolts. His saber clattered when his torso fell backwards. “All clear!” the jet pack sergeant reported through clone command.

Alarms sounded across the temple, but were too late. Thousands of clone troopers had already established a foothold in the entrance of the temple. Jedi of all ages rushed from their rooms. For many in the already occupied wings of the Jedi Temple their doors opened to reveal a terrible surprise, a personal firing squad, most were gunned down before they knew the armor insignia. The 501st surged forward into the great halls, infiltrating the corridors in vast numbers. Pockets of resistance formed as knights, masters, and temple security rallied.

The fighting thickened, echoing through the halls. Upon reaching the library…all was again silent. Darth Vader was flanked by two squads of clone troopers who guarded the wooden arch ways behind him. “On orders from the Supreme Chancellor, you are to grant me access to the secured beacon!!” A voice emanated from behind a holobook shelf, Jocasta Nu proudly walked out. “That is a request only made possible by residing Jedi masters..on the council..” Rebelliously, she ignited her lightsaber.

Standing defiantly she raised her arm to initiate her attack stance, but Darth Vader, without care, levitated her. Her saber wiggled within her tightening, clutched hand. Pulling harder until she no longer could hold on; it flung from her hand. He then held it in front of her with the force. “You aren’t exactly in a position to deny this request..” Slowly the dark lord guided the saber through her chest; a concise, but tormenting death.

Nu’s body was tossed amongst her books that she loved so dearly. Librarians poured from above and below. Launching themselves from concealment, shelves, and statues they engaged Vader and the clones with a calm, but very deadly demeanor. In a last ditch effort to protect their livelihood and secrets from the invaders, holobooks became the target. Sabers blazed through the books which briefly flickered before permanently losing their data. Jedi continued to leap down cleaving clones apart, severing limbs and helmets alike. The strike was deadly and dangerous, but their numbers were too few. Blue bolts burned and mowed down Jedi from unpredictable angles as their valiant, but futile fight raged on.

Vader’s comlink beeped, “General, we’ve knocked out the hanger sir.” -- “Impressive, most impressive, but this battle hasn’t ended yet! Push your men towards that beacon! Keep this building sealed!” Vader walked through the halls, not a single threat worthy to display much effort. His blade cut swathes through the Jedi who came to oppose him. Clone trooper blaster fire speckled the once beautiful walls. “Push your way to the beacon!” The halls became littered with bodies from both factions. Blood, smoke, and fire poured through the halls. Glass shattered as thermal detonators burst through windows. Rotary cannons formed deadlier crossfire patterns while clone troopers gained ground on each vertical level.

Seldom were Jedi able to punch holes through the thousands of clones to get outside the walls, but every so often a padawan or knight would make their way out of the tremendous temple. They always left the same… first peering out into the silent courtyards, then sneaking and crawling from cover to cover; all the while under the eyes of clone sniper/spotter teams. Each target allowed to reach a breath away from freedom; taking a brief pause to look back at the smoldering temple to reminisce. In that moment they would be gunned down from afar. Dropping lifelessly out of sight from the temple, the distance permitted more Jedi to fall into the same trap. Utter hopelessness…

The raid intensified as Vader and the 501st surged towards the beacon. Knights of all species and training styles attacked in pockets and waves alike. Clones would be thrown against the walls forming large craters and cracks or cut down. In moments their absence was soon filled…an ever growing faceless enemy crippled the spirit of those Jedi able to fight. Vader toppled statues to crush Jedi snipers who used the high perches to pinpoint targets to sever. Non-Jedi defenders used what improvised breast-works they could to fire down on the sea of troopers. Rocket infantry exchanged explosions behind heavy cover with only smoke trails as their witness. Each shook and burst flaming marble in ripples across the halls. Undaunted Vader marched forward. “Your pride has ruined you!” he exclaimed slicing a Jedi’s arm from her body before using the force to throw her toppling over the railing. Every gesture resulted in waves of death.

Vader and his fist of soldiers struck through Jedi brutes and interceptors. Finally, the Sith reached the beacon. The second crippling blow of the operation was near completion. Clone troopers circled to defend Vader while his fingers quickly typed to reset the coded message broadcast to all Jedi; recalling those on missions to return. The troopers held their circle tight using suppressive fire and a constant application of stun and thermal detonators to keep any interruptions at bay.

From a side entrance two green saber blades spiraled! Slashing into the trooper ranks, dozens fell cut, pierced, even decapitated. The dark lord’s attention shifted when a helmet rolled, tapping against his boot, cleanly scorched. His hood quickly turned as the blades returned to their master in the dark crevice. Finishing his task - he pressed the beacon close, “I want a squad of assassin’s placed here. As for the rest of you, die holding this position until they arrive.” His cloak folded and twisted as he stepped over the fallen troopers.

A wounded clone barely able to wield his weapon, stretched out his arm to ask, “..But General…where are you ..going?” Pausing before entering the crevice where the green sabers fled, he replied, “To hunt Jedi…”

this story really add horror and distress it really adds meat to the bones of "the great betrayal"


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