Imperial Creative Engineering > Custom Vehicles

Doc's Chop-Shop ("Jo'Bray" cargo skiff added, 4/4/11)

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I will say it is all Jules' fault...   ;D

Beige-4, one of your guesses is close!

Vehicle goes to detail-paint today.  Pulled out an old model-building trick on the canopy for masking it - burnished scotch tape down over the clear parts and trimmed it to fit.  Sprayed and peeled.  Voila!  Only one small area of seep, which I will show up close soon.

I never could figure out a reason to buy that stupid Naboo Skiff mini-rig... until something in one of Jules' threads triggered a thought that bordered on an instant obsession!  Now it has a backstory and a place in the Outlands Station corner of the universe.  Detail work should hopefully take just the weekend.  I give lots of drying time.  ;)

sweet!   cant wait doc   ;)

Here's today's look at the beast...

upper and lower fuselage, side-by-side:

cockpit closeup.  you can see the minor amount of paint seepage under the edge of the cheap tape I used.

cockpit closeup.  I chipped the paint slightly when removing tape from the canopy.

rough fit of parts:

rough fit, open canopy:

Tentative backstory is the combat airspeeder is owned and operated by a private security contractor with a contract to defend mining interests on a planet close to Outland Station.  It is used as a CAS bird (close air-support), having four blaster cannon mounted in the fuselage and wings.  A lack of missile/bomb racks likely hurt sales of the craft.  Additional details are continuing to percolate - frex, is it a development by the Naboo firm that designed the Star Skiff or was it a retro-fit/upgrade by a third-party or by the PSC armorers?

Tentative name has been the "Sky-Raider," but the real AD-1 was a much better CAS bird than this thing would be.

I am also developing a custom pilot idea for it.  Prolly use a biker scout as the base body with a Cobra Tele-Viper head, or similar.

Doc, I'm liking this quite a bit already!  Can't wait to see and hear about more.


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