Author Topic: Northwest Indiana Finds  (Read 1423 times)

Offline Phatty

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Northwest Indiana Finds
« on: March 01, 2012, 10:44:42 AM »
Weird, I thought I had a thread for this area already.

Actually went out to look for some toys today.  Haven't gone out specifically to look for toys in quite some time.  And once again, I was disappointed.  Can't be sure if the area scalpers got in first, or just bad luck.  Both are very high likelihoods. 

At Toys R Us, they had ALL of the Deleted Scenes TVC figures!  However, every single one had severely bent cards.  What makes me suspicious is the fact that the bends were all extreme, and all different.  I could see if they all had a bent corner in the same spot, indicating that the case had been dropped, but that was definitely not the case.  It was like looking at snowflakes.  I may have actually bought 2 of them if the cards were nicer.

I was actually on the hunt for the new Avengers movie figures, specifically for the comic book "Ultimates" Hawkeye.  I found the "Ultimates" Thor at Target, but no Hawkeye.  Target also had one single Marvel Legend, Extremis Iron Man (Dark blue), but none of the good ones.  I was also hoping to find the Adam Warlock/Thanos comic pack, but came up empty on that as well. 

Bottom line: Came home empty handed.  Oh well.