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Star Wars: The Book of Boba Fett - with SPOILERS

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Darth More:
My brother and I just watched the first episode of BOBF. And now I dare to open this new topic. Shall we make this a spoiler thread?

YES!! Thank you for taking the dare.
What made it most enjoyable?? No omega character.
This was a very enjoyable episode 1.
I liked the back story, however a more in-depth depiction of his escape from the sarlac pit
would have added a stronger closure to that aspect of Boba Fetts mystique.
The sand people chapter of the story demonstrates Boba's strength, endurance and intellect as well as the cold ruthlessness of the Tusken Raiders.
The sand monster was interesting. Looked like a cross between a minotaur, a reek and something from Harry Potter.
Do you think that Boba killing the monster by choking it with the chain was meant to be a tribute to Princess Leia?
The Gamorrean guards were an unexpected addition to the story.
Where the next 6 episodes of this series go will be exciting to watch.
I'm looking forward to next weeks episode.

I have been reading reviews of The Book of Boba Fett and----HOLY S--T they are not good at all.
I would say that at least 90% of what I have read is highly critical of EVERYTHING about the first episode.
Boba himself, Fennic, the sand monster, the escape from the sarlac pit, the cantina, the Tusken Raiders and everything else. Including Favreau. He is being attacked from every angle possible.

Honestly, I wondered about the reviews and agree some of what I have read has not been favorable. Frankly, I don't know what more you would have wanted for the first episode of this? I think people are so caught up in "trolling" they don't know how to be even remotely objective anymore.

I agree we will discuss spoilers here. I mean folks need to be ready for that.

As for the first episode, I loved seeing his flashbacks while he was in the bacta tank. Once again, I don't think we could have asked for a better backstory of how he got out of the pit and into the Tuskens tender loving care.

I also liked seeing how he is going to try and be the new criminal underboss ot Tatooine and do it with respect and how it is so far leading to nothing but trouble. I look for this to get a bit more violent before it gets better, which is great for the show.

I swear the only thing I can say bad is I wanted the episode to be about four hours longer, but that is to be expected. It is so awesome seeing Jon Faveraux's name come up after the episode and know it is gonna be good.

I think the Mandalorian is gonna have competition! I wish they would just put the rest of the movies in his hands and forget about it.

So yes I really enjoyed it. Plan on going back and watching it again today to see the easter eggs I no doubt missed when watching it the first time. I cannot wait to see what more trouble he gets into and blasts his way out of next week. Surely we are gonna see the Slave I in a fight or three as well!

Bravo Jon!

I liked it, even though I'm not especially a fan of Boba Fett. I agree with Tamer my only complaint is, it was short. They had some cool western and samurai movie motifs, and strangely enough The 10 Commandments. The title is a reference to the movie and Exodus 2:22 where moses says I was a stranger in a strange land. I like the parallels between being a stanger in the sandpeople's land and being a stanger in mos espa as a diamyo. In both cases he has to prove himself, to gain respect and acceptance.
I probably watchrd it 4 or 5 times waiting for the stupid refrigerator that never came.


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