Author Topic: The Clone Wars: Knightfall -- Raid of the Jedi Temple Mod 5/22/15 CONCLUDED  (Read 19460 times)

Offline wraithnine

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Re: The Clone Wars: Knightfall -- Raid of the Jedi Temple Mod 11/18
« Reply #15 on: November 18, 2014, 01:54:56 PM »
wow! once again a fantastic chapter! totally loved it ,love the detail and the rhythm.
R.I.P. The Clone Wars line ..Hasbro you are ..idiots
good riddance to Movie Heroes...

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Re: The Clone Wars: Knightfall -- Raid of the Jedi Temple Mod 11/18
« Reply #16 on: November 19, 2014, 03:15:55 AM »
Update on the front page.

Offline TheIRISH Rogue

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Re: The Clone Wars: Knightfall -- Raid of the Jedi Temple Mod 11/18
« Reply #17 on: November 19, 2014, 06:52:35 PM »
Thanks mates for the support!

Y'all will enjoy this next transition!...that I promise! ;)
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The Clone Wars: Knightfall -- Raid of the Jedi Temple Mod 2/7
« Reply #18 on: February 06, 2015, 11:21:23 PM »
The Clone Wars: Knightfall _ Volume 6.

The Jedi Temple stands alone.

High above the other buildings enveloping Coruscant in its entirety. Four bold towers surround the central temple, a monolith amidst the skyline. Always a beacon of hope and symbolism amidst the chaos of the hustle and bustle that is the metropolitan planet. The pinnacle of purpose for not only the core world, but the galaxy. Simple in structure and design, illuminated clearly in the waning eve. The glow seen from city blocks, even multiple hectares away, as far as the senatorial penthouse districts.

This night that glow of hope is different. Orange hues abound as the temple stands ablaze; silent, bold walls concealing the horror raging within…

Darth Vader’s defeat of Cin Drallig sent robust reverberations through the force. His death signified a turning of the tide. The older Jedi fought on buying time for the less experienced padawan’s to elude death’s final grasp. Their numbers on the upper decks dwindled.

The dark lord walked with purpose past his fallen saber instructor’s body; intentions fixed upon the corridor ahead of him. Troopers of the 501st flanking him by the dozens. Their armor more worn and tattered from this engagement than any other conquest including Christophsis, Rhen Var, even Felucia.

Boots continued their muddled cadence. Each impacting the debris covered marble floor. Vader paused, as did the clone troopers behind him. With a small snap his saber was secured against the leather belt around his waist. Fiery eyes looked at the door from beneath a dark vail as if already piercing the first of many bulking vault doors. Numerous sections on the door contained force keys. Points which only most talented force users were capable of unlocking.  The dark acolyte raised his hand, closed his eyes. His instincts penetrated the mechanisms; beginning to slowly unwind their intricate maze of locks.

Clone troopers stood, not knowing what to expect next. Their journey through the temple had exposed them to more fighting styles than they were ever accustomed. Many, particularly those closest to Vader did their best to mask any emotion from their heavy breathing. The brief pause allowed the soldiers to begin contemplating what was happening now that there was a lull in their adrenaline rush filled struggle for survival.

This is not something Vader needed; reflection nor the time stealing locks. His anger was constant by this point, only giving way to a mix of rage and fury! Raising his other hand, Vader pressed his hands forward with a jab, the backs of his hands touching. As if to peel the door open, Vader’s flexed hands dragged apart the force. In conjunction with his hand gesture, the mechanisms could not repel power of such a vast scale. The door’s metal and stone torn asunder: rippling, splitting, peeling towards the opposite walls. Trooper Hotsh stood aghast at the sheer power of Vader’s will; pulling apart such refined materials. The weapons quickly clicked as the 501st raised their weapons to blast anything opposite them, but their sights only revealed an empty hall. Seeing the door with closer inspection, looked as though tremendous hands shredded a simple leaf.

Again, Vader was advancing with purpose down the corridor. Following, the clones noticed the floor was again clean, the dirty heels clicking, echoing off the pristine walls. The surface almost slick in texture as the angle increased steeply. Down and down they clattered towards the deep Sanctum of the Jedi temple…
Roused from his sleep in an instant, Vallen’s chest rose with a gasp. His body twisted of the bed in a contorted position. A fearful cold sensation swelled from within his heart, spreading across every limb. His left hand wretched over his pounding heart while he inhaled deeply. C3-77, his protocol droid, activated sensing Vallen’s traumatic rouse, “Sir, is everything alright?” Vallen leapt to his feet, “No!...Something has gone terribly wrong!” His body slammed into the duristeel case ahead of him. Clenched, his fist struck the activation sensor rolling the doors back unveiling his armor, “What pilots are on Duty at this hour?!” Pausing for an instant the droid’s eyes flickered twice, “Captain Valkier and Flak are the closest. Shall I summon Net or another gunship sir?”

Vallen latched his chest plate shut, pulled his left gauntlet into place, and then hurriedly reached down, lifting the belt with his sidearm. Bolting quickly into the hallway he was raising his arm to tap the comlink, “Valkier do you read me?!” The familiar clone pilot’s voice calmly replied, “Sir yes sir! How can I be of assistance Major?” Vallen’s clone boots resonated down the long stark hall. As he passed room after room he realized the 501st barracks were empty. Odd..since he had not been notified of any night drills. “Where could they be?” he wondered to himself.

His voice rang out toward his comlink, “I need you to touch down by the AT-TE port!” Flak, Valkier’s co-pilot unwittingly chimed in, “Sir…isn’t it a little late for a..” “SCRAP IT FLAK!” the major barked to his wrist.

A white light activated sliding the exterior blast door of the Republic garrison open. Vallen continued his sprint passing a stationary Turbo tank. He gave pause, looking down column after column of towering behemoth AT-TE’s. The low whirring of the familiar LAAT increased in audibility! Approaching the ground, the doors heaved open. Inside only red light greeted him, no squad of clones. “Sir, where’s your helmet and kama?” Flak inquired. Vallen had forgotten them in his haste. Running out of time, not knowing why!

“Kark..” he exclaimed under his breath. The clone pilot turned to look back into the boarding galley of the larty, “No worries sir; we keep extra buckets on deck! Where to Major?” Gunship engines pulsed lifting the gunship up diligently into the air.

“…the Jedi Temple.” The clone focused on his new mission, “Right away sir!”
Minutes passed slowly as did the ride. The gunship drew near; the temple came in sight! Vallen’s eyes grew with concern…fire bellowed from stone! Clone troopers continued hustling about. Both clone and Jedi lay strewn across the campus; each decorated with blast point or lightsaber strike. The Major now knew why his heart sank, but now so many more questions unveiled themselves.

Flak unclipped his safety harness, climbing down into the trooper bay of the gunship. “Sir you may need one of these. Only 501st is permitted here.. that does not include attachés.” The co-pilots normally cheery face was different than ever before. It seemed to hold a weight, one of weight which the soul never truly frees itself. Flak pulled down a trooper bonnet from a netted compartment.

Vallen raised the helmet, lowering it over his head. The doors swung open as the gunship touched down on the temple deck. 501st troopers instantly reached the bay doors, raising their weapons in threatening posture. The sergeant of the squad sharply shouted, “Halt! This site is off limits to all personnel!” Valkier stepped from the cockpit, “Stand Down Sergeant: I’m Captain Valkier of the 501st Thunder Wing! Fresh trooper as requested!” “On whose authority captain?!” the sergeant’s voice pierced the humming gunship engines. A brief pause ensued as Valkier stepped off his ship into the sergeants face, “I don’t need to explain my orders to you…request filed by Commander Appo for special assignment. Also here for any wounded, bring them aboard!”

Calmly with a dark demeanor the sergeant took a step closer to the Pilot in reply, “There are no wounded…Captain” A long pause followed.

Before listening to more of the conversation, Vallen had begun running towards the temple carrying a rifle lifted from the Gunship’s weapon internal rack. Damage to the sanctuary’s walls were substantial! He entered the temple of death…
The slanted ramp seemed to never end! The clones blindly following Vader to an end they did not know. Boots clamoring, armor clinking, breathing in unison, but not a pair of lips moved. The hallway began to brighten, hues of gold and blue abounded wall to wall. Vader’s hand rose, stopping the troopers before their presence became known.

Elsewhere in the temple Vallen ducked and dodged through debris until he tripped. His body tumbled across the crackled floor then slid into a soft object. The non-clone officer pressed his hand atop of his knee. Vallen looked back at what softened his impact to the wall. To his horror, a Rodian child lay before him…shot dozens….countless times. That was enough to propel the Major to his feet! More Jedi were strewn about the ground. He leaned to look over a gap in the railing, immolated by a clone rocket; the temple was mostly quiet. Patrols of clone troopers paced the halls; Jedi littering every surface. Never had the heart of the temple been so cold.

Slowly Vallen began his way down the walkway. Before long he found himself in front of a series of lifts. A quiet calm fell over him, cooling his body from continuing to burn in emotion. Gloved hands reached up, removing the helmet…inside, drenched in sweat. Taking a large breath the essence culminated. A deep voice echoing from within his mind’s eye. “Haide…you are in great danger here… take the lift…a padawan you will find…his mother planet of wind and ice…” A small, hopeful grin grew on the officer’s face when he spoke in a hushed tone, “Shakkra! You’re alive.. where are you?”

 “Be strong – aid his survival…” Kien’s meditative voice continued. Vallen attempted to interrupt the communion of thoughts, “Can’t you hear me!? Where are you?” Ignoring the officer’s plea, the Guardian’s voice faded away until it was gone, “Now go….the force be with you…always..”

The central lift leading toward the high council chamber opened, the force locks undone from elsewhere.

Shakkra Kien was kneeling amidst the greatest pillars of the inner temple sanctum; coming out of his state of meditation. Ahead of him the largest of the temples atriums, a rare sight for even the most elite of the Order’s Jedi Masters. This was a place more sacred than the holocron vault. Behind the horned Chagrian were tunnels for the Guardian barracks and numerous, priceless ancient artifacts of the order.

It was said that when Jedi Masters needed clarity, this is the place of inner most peace. Shakkra Kien knew everything that had unfolded within the walls of the temple above. He sent no guardians to their aid, nor was the request made. Guardians hold a sacred duty above simply protecting the temple. They provide sanctuary for the balance of these ancient artifacts, often meditating on the present, past, even future. Objective observers to the passing of time…

Shakkra waits for the tunnel charges to erupt, isolating the guardians far beneath the clutches of the encroaching enemy, but mines remain silent. A darkness nears…but so too does a familiar presence. Closer and closer the entity approaches. Ahead, from the large tunnel a cloaked figure emerges. In that instant he realizes the darkness and familiar presence are converged within the figure before him, Anakin Skywalker.

“Take heed of your next step Sith-spawn!” Shakkra’s heavy voice carried through the hall. The two apparently alone in the forum separated by a vast space. Vader’s voice hardened and edgy hoarsely shouted back, “Jedi will NO longer hinder me!!” The guardian’s eyebrows raised in gross curiosity, “Hinder you?! The Order has done no such thing in all its time. Masters Qui Gon and Kenobi liberated you! No longer recall the life in the sand? Again, you are enslaved to a master! What is the cost of the Chancellor’s bidding?”

“He only seeks to push.. to grow my power! My NEW master’s influence is superior against ANY Jedi!” Anakin’s blood began boiling. A vein surged through his neck, pulsing harder with each beat. His forehead glistened with beads of labored sweat. The night forged within that sweat and blood.

Calmly, Shakkra Kien stood from his knees. Calm blue eyelids opened, raising his head to observe the adversary, “Nothing is more powerful than the light of the force. Have you fallen so far..SO far THE ONE has become a misguided puppet for the Sith?...Anakin Skywalker.” Vader incensed at the mention of his former name pulled the lightsaber from his belt!


Vader’s blue blade hissed when activated! Instantly his fist clenched tightly around the silver hilt, grinding his jaw, “..Do NOT call me by THAT name!”

A slight smile emits from Shakkra Kien’s countenance. Master Guardian Kien hands point outward to his sides. Fingers extending from the palm. Two clinks echoed off the walls when from beneath his many robes, Kien’s saber hilts crossed before him, spiraling into his hands, activating upon impact! His right hand seized a standard, gold, dual bladed saber whilst the other held the original blue Kyber crystal that had chosen him as a youngling.
“So be it Sith…Continue your crucible…your conception…your rebirth, Anakin Skywalker – BETRAYER.” Vader’s hands were trembling while the words echoed in his ears. He had remained silent during the raid for a reason. The fallen one’s robes rippled when he took a slow step forward; looking directly into Shakkra Kien, eyes not blinking. He continued scanning the periphery for other guardians: where were they? The Master Guardian sensed the blind anger he had encouraged.

Shakkra’s robe jolted with his lunge forward, “This is your legacy!!”

Stay tuned in --- NEXT Volume by the end of the weekend!!  --------------------------
Writer of all things this in that.
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Re: The Clone Wars: Knightfall -- Raid of the Jedi Temple Mod 2/7/15
« Reply #19 on: February 06, 2015, 11:25:50 PM »
Here is a pic of Guardian Kien beginning his charge in the NEWLY released Volume 6!! (Featured above)

hmmm...I wonder what'll happen next.. ;)
« Last Edit: February 06, 2015, 11:27:22 PM by TheIRISH Rogue »
Writer of all things this in that.
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Re: The Clone Wars: Knightfall -- Raid of the Jedi Temple Mod 2/7/15
« Reply #20 on: February 09, 2015, 08:40:44 AM »
Nice, time to get the news to the front page.

Offline wraithnine

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Re: The Clone Wars: Knightfall -- Raid of the Jedi Temple Mod 2/7/15
« Reply #21 on: February 10, 2015, 03:05:34 AM »
once again another stupendous chapter!
R.I.P. The Clone Wars line ..Hasbro you are ..idiots
good riddance to Movie Heroes...

Offline TheIRISH Rogue

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Re: The Clone Wars: Knightfall -- Raid of the Jedi Temple Mod 2/27/15
« Reply #22 on: February 27, 2015, 03:16:49 PM »
The Clone Wars: Knightfall _ Volume 7.1

Bright hues of Blue and Gold cascaded down from the high ceilings above the Sanctum, deep under the Jedi Temple. The colors trailed the pillars to the floor, rich ethereal blues ascending into the golden shine above; colors for which the Temple Guardians were renowned. The brightness serving as an eternal reminder to all Jedi who pass beneath, that light is the path of the resolute. The walls, though vacant of intricate design, were laden with very small stones that shift while glimmering. Not a single day looked the same in this room, the light forever altering as does the will of the force.

Alone in the spacious atrium, Master Guardian, Shakkra Kien, abounds towards his fallen Jedi nemesis, Anakin Skywalker. Seemingly alone, the pair clash in the center of the chamber! Blue and gold lightsaber blades flash brilliantly whilst hissing violently with each flurry of rapid strokes. The room morphs! The tiny, rare gems within the walls absorbing not only the gold and blue light of battling blades, but the white flashes from each saber assault. Glimmers dazzle every surface.
Master Kien remained silent through their contest of skill. His breath remained calm, nonexistent. Even in his near-blind state of fury, Vader was taken back by the tenacious skill of Shakkra Kien. On several instances Vader’s heavy brown robe met the singeing golden blades.

In darkness, the 501st waits with bated breath. Clone troopers on edge biding their time until signaled by the hooded figure to strike their killing blow. An odd aura developed among the troopers. Many felt justice for the thousands upon thousands of BROTHERS lead to their eternal fate by Jedi generals, many others following orders believing it to be the execution of oath and duty. Then there were the slight few who stood intermingled believing a horrible wrongdoing was being carried out. To this few, these orders did not make sense, but for the moment they were not in a position to oppose them; at least not yet…

Vader’s strokes fell well aimed, but were incapable to pierce Kien’s defensive vale. Again and again the embodiment of evil lashed out in offense. Raising his hands over his hood, Vader slammed his arms vertically down, but the Chagrian’s stamina remained boldly unwavering. Countering, Kien tightly gripped his dual bladed hilt forming a clenched fist. Squeezing, he force pushed himself from the floor – propelling the double blades at high speed to counter and flip. In conjunction, the guardian expertly used his blue blade, thrusting through the golden haze with sniping accuracy. Vader remained on his heels, retreating, his domain threatened.

Like a stone through a large pane of glass, Shakkra Kien had shattered Vader’s aggressive attack! At no point during the operation against the temple had the Dark Lord been threatened in such a way. Kien kept the momentum, plunging his blue blade towards each opening he saw available. If Vader’s passion was hot, Kien’s composure was ice cold with focus. Swiping left, he harshly drove Vader’s saber aside; following with a spiral high kick to his hooded throat! With a thud Vader’s shrouded body slammed against the floor. Not taking a moment to feel the pain, the sprawled figure reignited his saber, slashing it across the floor! Leaping backward in the air, Kien momentarily curled up as he spun backward. Rolling to his back before righting himself, Vader’s feet hit the marble with a pronounced, echoing click.

Before the echo finished bouncing off the immense walls, Shakkra Kien’s feet hit the deck from which he rebounded, hurling sprawled hands forward! A powerful force blast was unleashed, launching Vader again off his feet toward the darkness from whence he came minutes prior. Standing tall, the lightly robed figure continued Vader’s expulsion, “Betrayer, leave!...or be vanquished. The choice is yours, but not for long!”

Vader raised himself. Stretching his shoulders back then rolling his head to the side, “I’ll only leave when every last one of you is given an end!! Understand…your pride is here to bring this temple down upon you!”

“Pride has only been yours young one…” Kien challenged, nearing Vader who stood in the middle of a tremendous dark gap. Unyielding, Vader looked on. Kien was within a strike of the Sith whose saber was not ignited. “It’s not wise to lower your defenses Sith..” The guardian struck an aggressive stance, preparing his next move.
Vader raised his saber, a slight arrogant grin growing from the corner of his lips. With a click of the ignition switch, the blue blade extending slowly upward. As it did, the blade illuminated what stood behind him…rank after rank of clone troopers at the ready…
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Re: The Clone Wars: Knightfall -- Raid of the Jedi Temple Mod 2/27/15
« Reply #23 on: February 28, 2015, 02:42:56 PM »
Great new chapter. Time to go share.

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Re: The Clone Wars: Knightfall -- Raid of the Jedi Temple Mod 2/27/15
« Reply #24 on: March 01, 2015, 11:28:09 AM »
Irish Rogue
I enjoyed this chapter.
I just bought some HO scale train buildings for my son off an ebay seller named, Irish Rogue.  Cooincidence?

Offline TheIRISH Rogue

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Re: The Clone Wars: Knightfall -- Raid of the Jedi Temple Mod 3/10/15
« Reply #25 on: March 09, 2015, 10:52:55 PM »
See Corresponding Image:

Clone Wars: Knightfall Volume 7.3

The lift raced up through level after level. Indicators flickered the higher Vallen rode until the speaker rang out, the doors slid effortlessly apart. The Major began lightly stepping down the hall…very much confused by the situation engulfing the temple. The shoulder pad moved aside when his long rifle tightly nudged into his shoulder. Ready for anything, he scanned the hall. The sights shifted sharply, high and low, continuing to clear every space no matter how small. “What am I looking for?” he asked under his breath.

Damage on the upper levels was barely evident. No marks were visible near the lifts; remarkable. No bodies, no blast points; only darkness. Vallen’s hand traced the side of his helmet. On the right side his finger grazed the familiar click switch, activating his flashlight. The beams offered a stark beam in contrast to the dark hall, only illuminated by the city skyline of Coruscant. Not a sound was made, but the soldier was not alone. His eyes scanned the city profile looking for other activity. The Senate Dome looked unadulterated from his perspective. Nothing provided insight into the onslaught. .

Crack* Crikkle* Kreek*

Glass buckled and creaked beneath his boots. Looking across the hall, his eyes took in the detail of a window. His light reflected brightly off what glass remained in the window panel. A sparkle glistened where the glass had melted from being blown open.

Continuing he noticed there were two more vacant slots; glass splayed across the floor. Walking to the third, Vallen reached out and took hold of a cable attached to a grappling hook.

The butt of his rifle clicked as he pulled it snuggly to his shoulder beneath the armored plate. Turning a corner, Vallen briefly stumbled over a pair of legs. Looking down, the sights of his rifle quickly found their mark. Kneeling to verify the vitals of a wounded trooper, the officer observed. The armor was a different variation from a standard clone.

Customizations matched the most recent batch of ARC troopers. These clones were known for their harsh mentality towards anyone without a proven Republic reputation. Lacking the earlier phases of training, they were quickly produced to reinforce the ARC’s dwindling number. The major had not seen these troops prior to their dissemination among the corps, their purpose: strictly to enforce the will of their highest commander.

The ARC's pulse noticeably weakened through Vallen’s thin glove. Reaching over his lap, the Major lifted the helmet for a closer look. It looked very peculiar. The helmet had an experimental view plate…two separate eye-like plates. His armor had no color work on it. His helmet was still gleaming white from the factory floor. The two eyes, starkly black, but maintained the familiar V shaped frown for ventilation.

Vallen noticed the trooper's chest barely rise with an inhale, “Trooper, what happened here?” Slowly the clone raised his head, vengeance clearly spread upon his face. In a low harsh voice, “ are not supposed to be here..” His arm raised to Vallen’s shoulder feigning gratitude. The major once again asked, “Give me a status report..” The clone locked eyes through Vallen’s view plate. “..not the clearance.. *cough* You are not supposed to be here..” Quickly the downed-soldier attempted to use the last burst of his energy to fire a poison dart from the wrist that rested upon the officer’s shoulder!

The fatal round neared Vallen’s neck, narrowly missing, as it popped against the wall. In that instant, Vallen's fist smashed into the clone’s throat bluntly! His cuff unveiling the blade within, spraying crimson across the marble.  After a mottled garble left the clone's angry lips, the trooper rolled to the floor. Finally expired.

Vallen still kneeling, was very troubled what had just occurred. A clone willing to kill regardless of the possible link of brotherhood or any other apparent reason. Vallen's identity was concealed with the clone helmet. Seldom clones killed one another in such a way. Recent broods however, were exhibiting signs of detachment; even to the Kaminoans. A troubling thought. “Sociopaths bread for war mongering…is this what we’ve come to?”

Standing up, the contemplative man looked again toward the hall. In the dim city lit way, two silhouettes stood, watching. Silently without speaking they took a step forward, stalking their new query. Barely in sight, a brown leather boot rested against a cornerstone. It belonged to a murdered Jedi no doubt. Vallen's eyes strained in the dim, but it was noticeable one of the pair was breathing very heavily. Vallen had interrupted their dark deed.

Taking a step closer…then another. The silence deafening as they crept…


Falling from his perch on the ceiling a shadowy figure leapt! His agility swift! Quickly actuating his helm lights again, Vallen noted deep blue fur briefly before claws clutched one of the troopers, throwing his body towards the disguised non-clone soldier. Both were knocked to the floor. All four now engaged in close quarters combat.

Vallen quickly drew his side arm from it’s quick release rig.. but not before his assailant straddled his chest, clasping Vallen's neck between amidst his gripping vice! Tighter in each moment. Vallen gripped the trooper’s forearm armor…struggling to take hold. Franticly tried pushing the trooper’s helmet to disengage! To no avail as his gloves slide across the white surface.

Non-lethal efforts were costing the man his life. Vallen rotated the pistol in his grip, placing his thumb in the trigger guard. Pulling the trigger, a bolt bore its way into the clone’s thigh. “EhhG…AHHH!” the trooper let out! Now even more driven to finish off the officer. The distraction of pain was just enough for the Major to reposition his arm firing two blasts point blank!

The orange circles glowed beautifully. Never before was he so grateful to see that hue from clone armor! His helmet light had been damaged when the trooper was thrown into him, but the other two figures remained visibly engaged in their duel. From what he could see the figure was a young male creature, his hands like claws and long raven hair tied neatly behind him. Muscles adolescent in nature, but bold as if forged from a lifetime of strife.

The clone was larger than average and held his own against the Jedi. Both acceled in their hand to hand offense, striking blows that visibly effected the other. Fists like iron pounded away at the creature smaller in stature. “Forgive me Master..” his voice said when he collapsed to the floor. The clone batted in reply, “I slaughtered your master..a little too late for forgiveness!…ya, think?!” Following the insult, the assassin applied just as grave a kick; knocking the Jedi against the wall.

“UP!!” the trooper shouted while standing over the beaten knight.

Slowly the wolf creature rolled to his side. Pressing his palm against the floor, a whimper escaped. It was clear the young one did his best to mask the pain while glass shredded his palm.

“Ha ha ha…killing you with a weapon takes the sport out of it…child..” The Jedi clamored to his feet, wavering. “Revenge is not the way…This is Justice..” Pulling from his back a large, almost spear like hilt, the figure ignited a blue saber blade! As cruel as the clone had been in insult and injury, the wolf administered his cool vengeance. Spiraling his hilt within the moment he ignited it; the Clone’s hands were removed, hitting the floor simultaneously as the saber dissipated. In utter shock the clone meandered back, looking at his glowing armored cuffs. Standing in silence, he did not asking for mercy; for there was none for any this night.

Troopers were trained to face death, even smile when it came; this one was no different. The face of Jango Fett gleamed as he looked up towards the creature who bested him. At the same rate, the Jedi’s hand rose steadily. Before the clone could offer further insult, the blue being flicked out his fingertips -- unfurling a fierce force push! The trooper’s body violently propelled back horizontally making contact against a pillar. The immense impact sent a crack splicing towards the ceiling. The momentum so strong his body did not falter towards the floor; his limp body spiraled out the gaping window.

A victorious yet mournful sigh left the alien's chest. Instantly aware, his head glanced towards Vallen! Weary of his presence, both unsure whether to fight or speak.

Vallen paused. The presence before him stood tall once again, cautiously approaching. “I sense you are not a clone..not like the others. So why come to this place of death? It is no longer a temple, but a tomb.”

Vallen calmly began removing his helmet, revealing he was in fact not a clone. “I am Major Haide Valhallen…the 501st was sent here without my knowing.. I felt this terrible.. wave overcome my sleep.. It is only by Guardian Kien's guidance I am here for: he who was conceived from a mother of wind and ice.”

Being careful not to step blatantly into a sniper’s scope, the Jedi treaded into a holoscreen’s glow, unveiling himself. “Then I am what you seek; Kohana Tala.” In the light Vallen could see much better. The young male was a Nelvaan. His body covered in icy blue fur, tattooed in a deeper blue of interlocking keys. His tunic and robes had been through much. It was obvious the Nelvaan had been fighting and hiding most of the night, but why not try to escape this den of hell?

The two gave pause above the fallen Jedi Master. Vallen lifted the lightsaber pausing to remember its once beautiful owner. Fires from below gave more light to the hall. Vallen remorsefully handed the hilt to Kohana. Briskly the pair sped their way down the hall avoiding detection of far off snipers. Taking an abrupt right turn they entered a shorter corridor. Sliding the door open, Kohana hushly whispered, “Be at ease young ones! This is a friend here to help us. We are safe for now.”

“Kohana, where has Knight Chion gone?” inquired a small charming lad. “She’s gone away for the time being little Sors. Be strong! Soon another knight will come.” Kohana’s statement was broad to keep fear from encroaching upon the youngling clan of eight.

Though soon to be true, the Nelvaan had no idea another Jedi knight would come to their section of the temple. The Blue figure sat among the younglings who admired his unique light saber. Vallen picked up a back-pack looking at its contents. From within he pulled one of many small, blue glass cubes, “They are Holocrons Major Vallen…its pertinent they no longer reside here or fall into the hands of these soldiers.” Vallen quickly devised a plan of escape, “Captain Valkier, do you read me?...Do you read me?”

“I’m cold sirs.” A small girl’s voice murmured from the shade of a desk. Sors Bandeam walked to her, blanket in hand, tucking it compassionately around her arms. The fair boy encouraged the others, “Use this. It can help until the Master’s come back.” They huddled together on the floor.

The chill they felt was not the power being deactivated, but the loss of thousands across a galaxy.

“Sir, I read you loud and clear!” Valkier’s voice came clearly over the comm. “We need you up on the deck outside the central spire of the Jedi Temple! Do you have an ETA?” 

----- the communication began to sizzle with static. “…r…..we will….eet…yo…there…! We…grab…*Crsssshhhhh*” ---- “Communications have dropped. They’ve activated a jammer. We are going to have to make this quick Kohana.”

The Nelvaan nodded in agreement. “We need to prep the doors for the gunship! We won’t have time if pressed for it..” Pulling off the clone helmet, the side of Vallen’s lips curled up hinting a smile, “Let’s hop to!”
Writer of all things this in that.
Commissioner of art: Figures, Art, 1/6th Scale.  <-- What's that? Oh cool, stories! ;)

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Re: The Clone Wars: Knightfall -- Raid of the Jedi Temple Mod 3/10/15
« Reply #26 on: March 10, 2015, 02:43:08 AM »
I nabbed the artwork. Another great chapter. Off to share.

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Re: The Clone Wars: Knightfall -- Raid of the Jedi Temple Mod 3/10/15
« Reply #27 on: March 12, 2015, 12:22:15 AM »
awesome! i sooo love this story!
R.I.P. The Clone Wars line ..Hasbro you are ..idiots
good riddance to Movie Heroes...

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The Clone Wars: Knightfall -- Raid of the Jedi Temple Mod 3/14/15
« Reply #28 on: March 14, 2015, 06:03:55 PM »
The Clone Wars: Knightfall Vol. 7.5


*Chink*       ccrrssSSHHH- PHOOM!!

A clone launched rocket slammed into the ground mere paces away from Shakkra Kien. The concussive wave threw him aside several meters. Vader strode forward from behind the shadows, the first few squads following suit. Hustling from Shakkra Kien’s flank, a lone masked knight came sprinting. The squad nearest Vader raised weapons; fingers tense upon their triggers. Without a word, the Sith’s robotic hand raised, holding the barrage momentarily.

The guardian helped the dazed Chagrian master to his feet. Activating their golden blades, the pair retreated toward the main gates they presided over. More troopers poured through the entrance of the dark ramp; not realizing the advance was bated. Shakkra straightened himself, then recalled his single handed saber from the floor, charred in black.

“Skywalker…to what end?!” the tall, horned knight bellowed. Guardians stormed from the rear corridors, their boots softer due to the material footing. In silence, guardians assembled in lined ranks. Each activated their golden blades for the fight to come.

The cloaked Sith slightly grinned raising his saber into an attack pose, “Finally..Yours..” A very brief moment ensued. Vader’s foot charged forward, leading across the large atrium, a sea of blue and white racing behind.

The horned Jedi master’s voice rang above the thunder of boots, “Brothers of the sabre, DO NOT YIELD!”

A blue blade extended from the hilt in his one hand. Kien led his silent stampede toward the clone mass! Guardians spiraled their blades, plowing deeply, deflecting incoming bolts unfurled by the clone invaders. Two formidable, faceless masses ensnared one another, unwilling until death parted all. The armies clashed! Guardian Knights were the most organized and skilled nemesis the 501st faced that night. Their dual blades reflected deadly, blue lasers back into their clone senders! Armored troopers fell in droves; severed limbs littering the floor. The hall echoed with screams of agony. Its gems violently imitated the ferocity of the raging fight!

Jedi felled by enormous explosions and rotary cannons lay scattered across the floor. Bodies doused in smoldering entry wounds, the scent of burnt flesh mixed with melting armor. 

Vader’s fist established foothold in the entrance of the chamber. A guardian charged forward, throwing his blade with sniper accuracy through the chest of three rocketeers simultaneously. Before he was able to recall the blade from the dispatched foes chests; two rotary cannons took advantage of the circumstance, showering him in a flurry of blazing bolts. His shoulders were the first point to lurch back and forth, the impact pushing him from one side to another until overcome. Looking to one another - the clones nodded in satisfaction at the job well done, both earning them glowing orange necks, felled by a fellow guardian. Continuously clones and Jedi slew one another.

Helmets and masks alike coated the tiles. Shakkra’s eyes scanned across the dying while effortlessly dispatching clones. Several lifeless robed figure’s faces were exposed. Faces of different color and species lay ‘neath the vail. No longer did guardians focus efforts to disarm their enemies, as they often did. There was no energy to use on preserving life, except their own.

Vader threw disoriented guardians into swaths of troopers who leapt on their prey, murdering them by any means possible. Vader headed straight for Shakkra Kien who made quick work of clones both far and near. The double blades acted as his shield, the blue blade then hurled to devastating effect. Whilst the battle thickened, Kien’s voice echoed above all, the walls seemingly carrying his voice above all others, “Fight! What awaits is immortality – Give to them an end!”

Clone troopers continued filling the hall, at times climbing over the dead to get to the action. Vader gripped a protector in the force, pulling him away from the troopers he was fighting. The blue of his saber erupted through the mask the suspended Jedi.

Kien held his position near the archive gate. Guardians fought vigorously to keep the bleached, soulless troopers at bay. Vader passed three-quarters of the room, Master Kien saw the opportunity he had been waiting for, “Sentinels, ARISE!!”

Vader observed Kien’s gaze shift upward silently. High above, dozens of Sentinels, extremely adept Guardians, bounded from their perches. Nearing the floor, each simultaneously threw out their arms, releasing shockwaves that crushed clone troopers beneath their power; fragmenting armor. Their chaotic ranks utterly dispersed. Troopers that were isolated rapidly met their ends by lightsaber. The clones pushed back into the entrance they had poured through shortly before. A guardian raised his saber, “Hold the high watermark! Do not let them cross unless departed!”

The battle of the causeway raged!

Shakkra Kien and Vader, alone, the pair isolated by the newly formed wall of guardians. Golden, brown robes wavered, charging the 501st. “Today your lesson has come at a high cost Skywalker. You are only a shadow of yourself.” Kien’s face was stern. He did not gloat though the battle appeared to be in his favor. Saturated with raw emotion Vader’s mind flashed a vision of Padme, fair skinned in the Naboo sun smiling toward him…barely able to revel in that moment, she screamed out! Red fire rained down enveloping her, smoke stifling his love, choking her. Tears streamed down her cheek…she was dying..

The vision hadn’t lasted long enough for Kien to notice any lapse in Vader. Anakin’s heart throbbed heavily; his resolve renewed from the horrifying vision. “I must…I need to save her!..YOU…killing her..delaying..betraying ME!” he said beneath his breath. His words relatively unclear in all the commotion. Kien’s brow perked with confusion; attempting to interpret the emotional rant. Now was the time to strike!

The blue master flew with haste to Vader. Blue sabers collided, sizzling between the pressure and grind applied to them. Kien glimpsed the fiery hate of Anakin’s eyes…Sith eyes only for a moment before Vader pushed sharply! Both spiraled with brilliant finesse. Their sabers fluidly struck then countered; each using the strength from the other to commit another attack.

The fight wore on. Saber strokes evolved wildly, cutting groves through the stone at their feet. Sparks flew into the air as both knights attempted to gain the upper hand. Clone troopers again and again clashed against the defenders in an effort to reach their isolated lord. The soldiers fought tenaciously, but the rifles and carbines could not make a dent. A squad of snipers joined the fray.
Guardians holding position noticed a lull in the continuous blitz. From the dark, a shield wall approached one step at a time. A hard metallic clank rang when the shields slammed the ground. Alternating with the severe echo, a stomp thundered when the troops took their next step, each bracing behind their shield. What trickery lie in wait? The grey metal wall drew near…both Jedi and Clone clenched what fatal tool was at hand. The shields slammed down again, halting the advance.
An awkward silence was born..

All blaster fire had ceased.

Phap* Skrat* Phoom*

A chain of snipers fired simultaneously from the cover of the metallic curtain! Handfuls of Jedi fell with bolts landing amidst their masks and chests; the velocity so fast - sabers unable to deflect. Again a volley tore through their saber wall, some attempting to crawl from the torn gate.

Thousands of blue lasers cascaded into the Jedi as multiple rotary cannons cut loose their fury; the balance began to turn. Lightsabers swirled in vain, overcome by sheer volume! The knockout blow soon came. Their task of defending such a storm was as futile as struggling to keep drops of rain from hitting the ground. Any trooper within throwing range primed a detonator. “NOW” barked a clone. In tandem, clones threw their grenades as rocketeers unleashed their explosive payload. The floor vibrated when chunks of stone dissolved from the sheer power!

“This was the time” thought many clones, “Now BROTHERS!! For the Republic!!”

The surge of the 501st followed! Clone troopers poured in as a singular mass! All thought of self cast aside. The clone troopers sprinted into the guardians at the gate. Sabers cleaved shields and armor, but the Guardians were overcome by troopers who began tackling them. The room was disarray as fighting devolved into primal hand to hand combat! Surging forward many tripped over the bodies coating the floor. The double bladed sabers were more cumbersome than the single handed variant in battling odds of this caliber.


During the chaos, few Jedi sabers lost. For those whose blades were, their resourcefulness was put to a dire test. Hotsh, a squad leader and sharpshooter, calmly entered the conflict with his squad of batch brothers. Remaining undaunted, his team took pause at the sight, sound, even smell of the carnage.

“Left! Left! Left!” Hotsh hollered, motioning to his men with sharp jutting movements of his forearm. The small group darted in and out of several struggles. The squad leader’s armor severely impacted the column; seeking refuge. Pike ran towards squad mates Hotsh and Wraith.

A body of a Jedi Guardian unexpectedly crashed him from his feet. Disoriented, Pike struggled to gain his awareness. Back and forth his body moved. Deathly wrestling took place on top of him. A myriad of troopers brawled to restrain their temple host. Pike’s ears were filled with sounds of muffled boots sliding, losing grip on the floor. Lowly grunts from the struggle filled his pressed helmet, screeching against the stone surface.

“Ahhh!” the Jedi’s voice echoed between the floor and tattered armor. One clone bent an arm across his and Pike’s body. Another pair did their best to fatally subdue him with their bare hands. A force blast propelled one trooper off of Pike, hurling the clone toward the ceiling with a scream that ended abruptly upon impact with the floor. Forced to square off, the two clones prepared to charge the Jedi as Pike pulled himself to his knees.

Hotsh raised his rifle to eliminate the target, but the pair obstructed his aim with their stance. “Move!!! Down troopers!” Hotsh ordered, but with no effect. Without another breath of hesitation, the pair of 501st clones projected themselves toward the Knight! The squad leader watched in pending terror as his comrades bodies lurched towards their target! Spiraling gold blurs quickly sent them reeling to their demise, cut down. Hotsh again lifted his rifle! There he saw Pike looking a small glowing cut in his chest plate. It had been unknowingly cloven during the Jedi’s corkscrew parry! Pike removed his helmet which clattered on a small unobstructed plot of ground. In one diligent motion, Pike leapt to his enemy, unsheathing the dagger from his chest rig!

In simultaneous moments, each thrust their blade deep within the chest of their foe. Together they sauntered to the floor, gripping one another. The lightsaber deactivated with a twist of the clone's knife. Pike’s hand reached up, harshly tearing away his enemies mask, exposing the green countenance of a Rodian. As if surprised, Pike’s eyes widened.. face growing pale. Both men engaged a final gaze… their corpses slumped away from one another.

“KARKING JEDI!!”  ()rr ()rr

Picture references:

Below -- Wraith (Left) and Hotsh (Right)

Other mentioned characters:

« Last Edit: March 15, 2015, 11:26:31 PM by TheIRISH Rogue »
Writer of all things this in that.
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Re: The Clone Wars: Knightfall -- Raid of the Jedi Temple Mod 3/14/15
« Reply #29 on: March 15, 2015, 06:08:25 AM »
Wow, another great chapter. Time to go share the news.