Imperial Creative Engineering > Custom Figures

Star Wars Custom Cardbacks by Foxtrot Delta

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Foxtrot Delta:
Here's my first post on custom cardbacks for The Force Awakens action figures.

Wow, Foxtrot Delta those look absolutely perfect. As I said on our front page where I shared some of these, if they had release these new figures on these types of cards I would have bought em all. Beautiful work and what a way to introduce yourself. Welcome!

Foxtrot Delta:
Thanks Tamer, I totally agree that if they had released them in vintage style cardbacks, it would've been awesome and I would've purchased them as well, so we have to resort to customizing, I actually did a Desert Stormtrooper cardback just before the vintage collections came out, thought it was pretty cool that they used the same type of photo when Hasbro put out they're Desert Stormtrooper.  I saw your AT-AT Driver costume, That Was Really Cool!

WOW they look awesome and I love the old style you have given them.



--- Quote from: Foxtrot Delta on December 11, 2015, 03:32:32 PM ---I saw your AT-AT Driver costume, That Was Really Cool!

--- End quote ---

Why thank you sir. If things calm down I want to work on a TK or a Snowtrooper outfit and maybe even a Boba down the road. I like the armored costumes the best.


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