Author Topic: CITADEL : An OG13 community writing project (shared story)  (Read 4361 times)

Offline BL4CK5H33P

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CITADEL : An OG13 community writing project (shared story)
« on: October 08, 2012, 04:29:47 PM »
This story has taken on a new life over @ OG13 as a community writing project w/ many contributing writers... I am posting the shared story here also..

CITADEL... A community participation project...

I have let this languish in limbo & am concentrating on my BROOD story... so, I turn it over into the capable hands of my fellow writers here @ OG13... take over guys

Xanther Burgrave : Defender of Citadel 2171

The year is 2171... the world we knew is no more. Economic, political and climatic upheaval give rise to war, famine and widespread biological plagues.

Over 86% of all life that once inhabited the planet is now gone. Vast areas of once fertile ground have become desolate wastelands, savage and uninhabitable. Pockets of life still persist in remote mountain ranges and isolated coastal regions.

Society and civilization have been reduced to small bands of survivors, desparately clinging to life in the aftermath. The largest of these groups have migrated to the Pacific Northwest of the former United States of America, establishing an enclave called Citadel.

Citadel is a 783 acre "safezone" and home to nearly 1,600 people. Within it's concrete walls and steel caged dome, the population co-exists in relative peace and harmony. Outside this sanctuary... chaos reigns supreme.

Packs of ravenous Wildlings, descendants of mutated and infected humans, roam the Outlands, preying on all forms of life they find. Nocturnal and ferocious, they have begun organized and focused attacks against other strongholds like Citadel.

Another threat that mankind faces are automated machines called Deliverers. Originally constructed in an attempt to put an end to the spread of infection, these technological horrors, now hunt human and Wildling alike. Encounters with Deliverers are becoming more rare, but are nearly always fatal.

As, more and more lesser communities continue to fall one by one, Citadel remains mankinds greatest hope for a future. One man, Xanther Burgrave, is Citadel's only hope...

darkwise entry :

The dome.

The boy stopped and stared in wonder at the steel dome. It was as though God had dipped the moon in molten metal and crammed half of its body into the soft, ruined earth. It was imposing, sinister... and lethal. No matter how many times he "worked" the crowd, he would never be accustomed to the sheer size of the crescent; nor the blood lust of the spectators.

The crowd had already begin to gather near the dome walls, scrambling for a vantage point, even though tonight's event was still hours away. Dirty, half-clothed legs shuffled this way and that, causing the boy to nimbly step here and there as congestion took hold. He would pick no pockets today. Whatever meager coinage lined wallets today sat safely enough out of his reach. Tonight was not about bringing home enough money to care for his younger sister or long ailing mother. Tonight, was about redemption.

NEUSPEAQ entry :


The name he was given at birth, (should anyone have bothered to ask it of him) was Jin Osaiyma. He was once a very proud young man, once a member of one of the first families (of very few,) to find success on this ravaged rock of a planet; he was once 'normal'.


The utter finality of it all...

The thought humored him as a faint trace of a smile almost made its way across his lips; and to think, that all of his troubles started because he merely wished to warn those untold in the wilderness of the 'impending finality' of it all.

It is unknown exactly Why the Fates chose to intervene; all that Is known, is that they chose to do so using something as subtle as an ancient data file hidden on a CD. The discovery of said object set the stage for the unfolding of events that would change the course of Citadel's history, (and Jin's very life,) forever.

darkwse entry :

Normal, fate, redemption. All were but words without substance, until they were set in action.

What was once normal was now ancient history. Bones bleached and split baked beneath the relentless sun and stripped down atmosphere; a testament to mankind's innate ability to destroy everything it had been birthed to protect.

What was once fate was now reality; in your face, brutal, and full of the kind of despair that filled the pit of a stomach in the way that food once did, when it was in sufficient supply.

What was once redemption was now just a hand's reach away, measured in dwindling heartbeats and rapid breaths.

Jin's very pulse threatened to betray the nerves that stood on high alert in his tense body. As the crowd grew around him, he disappeared into the many legged monstrosity and prepared for the events that were to unfold.

NEUSPEAQ entry :

He fluidly began weaving his way out of the growing congestion of onlookers, nearly colliding with what appeared to be a famished, disheveled child, who's (when pausing to fix on the youth's face,) eyes betrayed a passion thought unheard of in one so young.

He silently lamented, for such expressions were becoming more and more commonplace as of late.

Breaking through towards the outer fringes of the crowd, he ducked into the first dark alley he could find as his mind traveled back to the events that had changed his destiny...

[Six Months Ago from the Day:]

With spontaneously erupting riots becoming nearly a monthly occurrence, it came as little surprise when the modest excuse for a structure known as Citadel's Public Library was left (evidence of the previous evening's uprising,) burned to the ground.
His father's dream now a smoldering crater; he stood amidst the ruins in search of anything that could be salvaged when he'd discovered it.
Peeking out from between the charred pages of what appeared to be a book titled Theological History, lay a slim disc, which reflected the flickering embers which danced around it.

He retrieved the disc, (certain he was doing so in vain,) and pocketed it before making his way back home where he could investigate his find further. He had to hurry, as his routine forays into the more impoverished sections of the Dome were not only a growing concern with his parents, they were also Incredibly unwise after dark...

darkwise entry :


The alley encircled Jin's slender frame in a lover's embrace, folding him in darkness; the thick stone walls absorbing even the very sounds of his footfalls. Whenever the dome hosted an "event", the streets cleared out in a hurry. Lust for blood and unbridled violence (violence without consequence) made even the most impoverished of Citadel's citizens forget what passed for their own existences.

He remained close to the walls, stepping only in shadows, never letting his head crest above a window sill. The shape of the disc could barely be felt where it pressed against he skin, but he was aware of it in a way that defied words. The disc was now as much a part of him, as he was a part of his father. Whoever had burned the Library down had done so under the guise of civil unrest, but Jin had discovered the grim truth. The Library hadn't been the target. His father, the Professor of Antiquities, and leading historian of all Citadel knowledge, lore and legend, was the one bearing the martyr's mark. And now, he was missing.

Jin crossed a thoroughfare like a specter passing through a clothesline full of sheets. His white skin was more of a glimmer, giving off very little substance as his quick stride carried him into the mouth of the next alley, unseen by nearly all. Nearly...

NEUSPEAK entry :


He'd made it home in short time that day, having become quite adept at hugging the shadows and steering clear of the more heavily populated sections. Removing the hood from his SMARTTM Cloak (capable of 'matching' most backgrounds and colors through the utilization of billions of nanomite cameras/projectors interwoven within the fabric,) he stood perfectly still while his retinas were scanned, and his DNA verified at the Security gate to his parent's estate; only daring to exhale after hearing the telltale *clicks* indicating the remote-activated explosive charges underneath him were disengaged, before walking inside.
His greatest fear (at least back then,) was that the 'gate' would one day malfunction. Yet no matter how often he begged his father to remove that particular safety parameter, his father refused him, stating such precautions were 'a necessary evil'.

As expected, neither his mother nor father were home as he made his way towards his father's study, anxious to scan the disc and see if its contents survived the inferno...
« Last Edit: October 17, 2012, 11:14:35 AM by BL4CK5H33P »
Once more into the fray, into the last good fight I'll ever know. Live & die on this day. How we die is equal to how we live. Once more into the breach, my friends, once more, or we close the walls up with our dead...

Offline BL4CK5H33P

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Re: CITADEL : An OG13 community writing project (shared story)
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2012, 04:32:00 PM »
BL4CK5H33P entry :

[Later... ]

"The boy *click* - *hiss* has the item..." - the voice was electronic, low & gravelly. It eminated from a vocoder that had been surgically implanted, yet seemed to appear as if it had "grown" & protruded from within the tissue & skin of the Tracker's neck.

"How certain are you that the boy has it in his possession?" - this voice was human, but, it held an animalistic, predatory tone...

" I can assure you *click* - *wheeze* that his actions over the past *click* week indicate that he is preparing *hiss* to deliver the item to the Decrypter *click click * tommorrow..." replied the Tracker.

The dark, growling voice belonging to Gresh seemed indifferent to this update... "Do nothing to interfere with this exchange... report back to me when it has transpired..."

The Tracker bowed ever so slightly & then exited the small antechamber, leaving Gresh alone in his office. Gresh paced the floor in front of his desk for a few moments, contemplating how best to implement his plans to suppress the information that he feared would come to light, if indeed that was what was contained on that wretched disc... Somehow he must not allow such a damaging piece of evidence to become public knowledge... All of his power & influence over Citadel's Pentilus (the governing 5 council members) would be stripped away in an instant. He knew he would possibly have to kill those who could translate & unlock the past... no good could come of this... the past needed to stay in the past.

[Meanwhile... ]

After the electro-maglock had accepted his DNA scan & disengaged, Xanther Burgrave pushed the door to his small quarters open & shut it behind him. He was immediately greeted by the hearty aroma of the meal that Merta, his housekeeper had left on the hotplate for him... as he unfastened, unbuttoned & released his patrol gear, mindlessly letting it all drop in front of the door... he was thankful he had drawn the day patrol. He had just enough time to eat, wash & get to the Rotunda Amplus for tonight's event... his 1st in months.

Dishing up a large bowl of what he assumed was squirrel stew... he sat down & devoured it quickly... it was one of Merta's better concoctions (when the proper ingredients were available), she had even managed to pick up a loaf of bread & he sopped up the remaining juice with a couple of slices.

Setting the dishes in the scrubtub, he then set about washing the dust & grit that had accumulated on his body from his workday... With a refreshed sense of himself & a change of clothes, he headed toward the center of town... where the crowd could already be heard chanting in the distance... "BLOOD! BLOOD! BLOOD!"... Tonight's carnage promised to be one of the most thrilling this year...

Viper6 entry :

(Else where)

She could see it, there just below the ridgeline; a mass of weathered tracked steel. It sat idle, but there was no guarantee it was inoperable.

Her range finder had failed weeks ago, and with no surplus of parts or source of repair it was bartered off for some desperately needed ammo. Her best estimate placed the Behemoth (a slang designator for a deliverer of this size), at about a thousand yards and at an elevation of about eighteen hundred.

Ilysa was trembling, she knew full well if that damned thing was online, that it was tracking her even now and she was well within range of its heavy weapons. She was frozen, half crouched, her thoughts running wild; she needed to make a choice and she needed to make it now.

Turning sharply, rock crunching under foot, she gripped her rifle tightly and sprinted back the way she came.

Weaving her way between the wreckage of what had been an old industrial center she halted near the remnants of the main building. She was breathing hard and heavy, and very thankful to be alive. She wiped the sweat from her brow, brushing back the strands of long red hair unrestrained by the ribbon which gathered the rest of her wavy locks into a tight ponytail. Ilysa whistled sharply as her emerald eyes darted amidst the shadows of the treeline, looking for any indication of her element.

The reply was instantenious and her gaze fell on the rustling leaves which parted only slightly to reveal the broad form of Jaryn, one of the better fighters with whom she traveled. His dark hair shadowed his unshaven face as he craned his neck with a questioning glance.

Ilysa made her gloved hand into a tightly clenched fist, which ment STOP and she shook her head emphaticaly NO!

Ilysa made her way to Jaryn, slipping into the brush as silent and seemless as a woodsprite. As she settled in next to him she discovered there were half a dozen others from their little band of travelers all encircling the rally point. Their faces wore the look of desperation and defeat.

She spoke a little above a whisper, about the menacing machine.

"I know we cant even consider engaging it...but we need to know if that things operational"

"Ilyasa, NO" Jaryn extended his hand for emphasis "we go back, we go around, its not for us to find out!"

"Look Jaryn" she narrowed her eyes as she met his gaze then turned to the others "These people, and the others, dont have it in em to go go around, again, and who knows if thats any better, okay..."

Jaryn continued to protest but he was once again firmly interrupted

"If that thing is just an aging rust bucket, we can shave days off our time, AND... maybe score some valuable parts?"

As much as she now appealed to his logic Jaryn couldnt bare the thought of losing her, She'd taught him so much and her strength had carried them all this way.

"I'll do it"

Ilyana was surprised by his reply "wha.."

"Listen, they need you...I'll go, I'll do it; you're right, someone needs to."

Her eyes widened as her lips parted, she saw through to his affections which brought the briefest hint of a tear to her eye.

"Okay..." She barked as she stood quickly, turning to conceal her emotion "someone bring up the slugger*, might be your only chance to survive this if that behomoth is up and running, Jaryn".

* Slugger; slang designation for a crude man portable anti-armor weapon, powerful blast, limited range, slow to reload, on occassion known to malfunction killing the user(s).

darkwise entry :


The burned our remnants of the library rose in front of him as he closed in on his destination. The signs that had once marked the ruins as a crime scene had long since been torn down and strewn about. The street leading up to the once proud building were littered with the rubble of blasted walls, scorched timbers, and small piles of ash that had burned hot enough to fuse into solid masses.

Jin cast a glance over his shoulder, certain that he was being tracked, but unable to turn back now. His directive had been very clear. When the blood starts, so begins your true journey. This cryptic message had been scrawled over the wall of his bedroom in what appeared to be charcoal. The hand responsible for the missive had left the letters in fat, lazy loops; like a child just learning the cursive of the old world.

Aside from special occasions, the blood started with the new moon (not that normal citizens were privy to ever view such a heavenly wonder), and the new moon was only minutes away. From the center of the safe zone, Jin could hear the citizens of the Citadel begin their chants for violence. Little did they know the true measure of the violence coming.

BL4CK5H33P entry :

[Evening... dusk]

Xanther knew that the sun was more than halfway below the horizon, even though it was to his back & he quickened his pace... the opening event would start soon. His heels kicked up dust from his boots that intermingled with the dirt they had gathered from his patrol from earlier in the day. He wasn't worried about getting a good viewing spot, he knew his CSF* partner Holscher would be working crowd control in the Rotunda Amplus tonight & was reserving a choice seat for him. He wanted to get to his seat before the opener began... it was to feature an actual brown bear, that had been captured by one of the CSF 3rd Division's night patrols a week earlier, pitted against a pack of dogs... Xanther wondered if it was the last brown bear on the continent...

As he neared the western entrance to the Rotunda Amplus, he had to merely show his CSF badge to the attendee there & was granted passage, beyond the more unfortunate spectators clamoring for purchase to catch a glimpse of the night's entertainment. He side stepped, nudged & forced his way to the area where Holscher was assigned... he spotted the large framed blonde man standing at the edge of the retaining wall where the arena floor opened up below. The roar of the crowd was deafening & he knew there was no way his partner would hear him from this distance... making his way through the bodies between them, he finally got close enough for the big blonde man to see him & wave him down to the front... he had never been so close to the action.

*CSF = Citadel Security Force
« Last Edit: October 16, 2012, 10:04:46 AM by BL4CK5H33P »
Once more into the fray, into the last good fight I'll ever know. Live & die on this day. How we die is equal to how we live. Once more into the breach, my friends, once more, or we close the walls up with our dead...

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Re: CITADEL : An OG13 community writing project (shared story)
« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2012, 04:34:21 PM »
NEUSPEAQ entry :


After a preliminary scan indicated that the disc's contents seemed to be miraculously unharmed, Jin delicately adorned the rather cumbersome antique 'goggles' his father utilized whenever he wished to instantly 'process' raw data. Although his father loathed the use of such devices, preferring to acquire knowledge 'the good old fashioned way' via hard copy books (verses having the data converted into a myriad of complex light patterns, then 'main-lining' them through one's pupils,) he understood that there were occasions when the constraints of time were a factor; and as such, speedier solutions towards the transfer/procuring of data were deemed 'necessary'.

However necessary though they may be, Jin's father never lost sight of how potentially dangerous they were; never ceasing to remind Jin (or his mother,) how one of the first actions taken (during the primary stages of the Revolution Mechanica,) the construct's R3V3R3D M1ND introduced 'program rewriting' viruses into the then existing internet's data stream, causing those who 'jacked in' to have their minds 'wiped clean' of any and all memories/emotions, (leaving only a primal murderous instinct behind,) thus causing those subjected to the virus to go on a serial killing spree until they were aggressively 'put down'.
The moment the virus was discovered, the 'world wide web' (as we knew it) ceased, and became a thing of the past.

The data existing only on a solitary disc, Jin rationalized the chances of such a scenario reoccurring to be nearly impossible; thus feeling it safe to utilize the device.
Besides, the disc had been discovered buried in the midst of a theological textbook; what harm could it be?

Viper6 entry :

A young boy, no more than eleven or twelve years old, responded to the request. Within a moment or two, He arrived from the main body, halted elsewhere, deeper in the forest. His orange hair was a tussel of gnarly curls which had collected leaves and twigs, his face dirt smeared to effect a crude camoflague, his sad brown eyes carried a fatigue and weariness no child should ever know. He carried the weapon curled in his arms, although heavy not an impossible load for even a child his age. Carefully he laid the cumbersome tube before Ilyana and Jaryn and then slipped off the patchwork back pack, sewn many times over to reinforce the seams against the weight of the rounds clanking inside as he set it down.

"Thanks Jack" Jaryn said to the boy, pleased at his eagerness in supporting their small band. Jack was always volunteering and growing up way to fast as a result.

"Come back Jaryn" the words stuck in his thorat and he swallowed hard.

Jaryn gave the biy a smile and a wink, concealing his own doubts.

"Jaryns gonna be just fine young man" Ilysa spoke confidently "now you get back to the main body and tell Captain Harper to pull everyone back to the springs, we'll link up there in one hour and if we miss muster, you all need to push on west of the it?"

"YES!" Jack insisted, he hated to be questioned. Of course he had gotten it. he understood more than most of the adults. one day he was going to be Ranger of some reknown, then theyd see. He wished he could be the one to fire up the behemoth, he knew he could do it.

Jaryn slung the anti-tank weapon as he watched little Jack disappear into the trees. he remebered a similar childhood, but the world was getting worse, far worse.

Ilysa stared in silence. Jaryns bravery impressed her...she wondered if shed ever see him again, and to her surprise her heart sank.

darkwise entry :


As the clamor of the crowd escalated, Jin took a final look over his surroundings. At one point, all roads had converged on the once great library, as learning and wisdom had taken precedent in a new age of enlightenment. Scholars, nobles, and common-folk alike, had flocked to all city's learning centers, eager to join a revolution of knowledge and intellectualism that had seemed on the brink of inspiring a time of peace and tranquility unseen in millennium.

Universities were accessible by all, offering all services, classes and workshops without charge. Libraries had become revered, ever hallowed grounds, where multi-tiered, wireless circuits transmitted and streamed all of the knowledge of the known world in real time, granting instant access to any notion that mankind's collective mind could think to query.

It had been a time of sharing; a time of progress. But like all times so grand, when it burned, it did so with a heat that was all consuming. The collapse of the information era brought enlightenment quickly to its knees, making information precious, and often outlawed. Circuitry became a commodity, and electricity a near miracle.

This library had been a glorious testament to the era it had ushered in, yet now was little more than a reminder of humanity's eventual fallibility. It was a snapshot into a time recently gone. And more than anything else, it was a potential tombstone casting a pale shadow over an empty grave. If Jin's father were truly dead, and not just missing...

The boy shuddered at the thought, and pushed it aside.

Not now, there was still so much to be done.

He leaped nimble over piles of scattered rock, and what might have been a seared femur, and stepped through the arches of the main entrance.

Viper6 entry :

Jaryn ventured out across the ruins and wreckage. The sun was setting behind him, almost below the trees now and his shadow strecthed out in front; pointing like a compass ontowards his objective. Jaryn stalked quietly, as quietly as one could over such unforgiving ground, with the slugger at the ready he cautiously made his way forward to the base of the mountain, his eyes nervously locked on the idle deliverer.

He had heard stories of the horrors of facing such a mechination, stories which he hoped were embelleshed tales of the battle field.

Jaryn slipped under a giant steel beam which formed a natural bunker from the accumulation of dirt and debris, there in the shadows he paused and watched.

The Behemoth remained motionless, like a gargoyle of old, its myth alone immobolizing, paralyzing one with fear.

He had to find the strength to span the distance, Ilyana and the others were counting on him...and whether he survived or not, this would bring honor to his clan; but far better it be if he survive it to reap the reward of such honors among his own.

He opened the breach and inspected the round once more, locking it firmly back in place he thumbed the safety nervously and stepped out from his concealed position and began his climb defiantly toward the automaton.

Captain Harper wasnt a man of impressive stature, he was short, thin, well into his fifties, with one good eye, asthma, a bad back and a bumb knee. He was bald, a fact which he concealed with a patrol cap bearing the emblem of a winged wolf poised on a lightining bolt, this symbolized the "27th Special Reconaissence Service" and man was he damn proud to have served and led such fine soldiers. The forces of Bastion disbanded after its destruction, but he was still Captain Harper and no one in his "unit" better ever forget just who was in charge.

Reaching inside his OD field jacket he felt the familiar flask he turned to in times of tremendous stress. As he knocked back a shot of the foul tasting swill, it warmed his face and tore at his throat.

"Fraaaaaaaaaaak...gets me every time!" he growled at the large man who served as his second, who gave a harty laugh as Harper coughed.

"Think Jaryn's got the stuff?"

"Ive no question of the mans bravery seen him single handedly take down two muties in a pitched brawl, cut one scrote to throat and broke the other godforsaken thing's neck, twisted it off like a damn bottle top...but that is a behemoth sitting up there on that mountain side...thats enough to make even the most seasoned soldier shit his pants; no easy thing hes volunteered for, just hope he has it in him...we need to know the way ahead and I dont think this outfit has it in em at the moment to turn back now."
Once more into the fray, into the last good fight I'll ever know. Live & die on this day. How we die is equal to how we live. Once more into the breach, my friends, once more, or we close the walls up with our dead...

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Re: CITADEL : An OG13 community writing project (shared story)
« Reply #3 on: October 09, 2012, 04:36:10 AM »
Wow, this sound great. Do you have any links for OG13? I will work this up for the front page.

Offline BL4CK5H33P

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Re: CITADEL : An OG13 community writing project (shared story)
« Reply #4 on: October 16, 2012, 10:23:55 AM »
Viper6 entry :

Ilysa watched over her small band of fighters, wondering how long they could continue to survive like this. She'd come to trust in them in as much as anyone can ever trust another in this savage world, but she kept her distance, suspended in her growing reknown. They had remained behind from the main element which had retreated deeper into the forest, holding at a decision point. Ilyasa squad would reinforce Jaryn's retreat if he could make it to cover; they could then bound to the rally point, withdraw by fire and hopefully bog that damn thing down in the dense forest enough to defeat its sensors. It was a fools ambition. She crimped and set the last of their charges, she hoped if pursued by the mighty machine it could be led into the killzone, it really would be their only chance.

Ilysa's eyes met Jenyra's, there was something feral about the girl, beyond the way she crouched like a cat in the low hanging bows of the gnarled oaktree. She smiled back at Ilysa but a deep sadness haunted her sapphire eyes. She had been an orphan, her lineage unknown and as such forever on the outs with the clans, but she was liked by everyone, and known as a damn fine scout. Ilysa hoped to give more time to her training once they made camp for the winter.

"Check the signal strength on that clicker" Jenyra remined her mentor playfully

Ilysa grinned "good, you have been paying attention!"

NEUSPEAQ entry :

[Jin... Now]

A man stood, adorned in the absence of light, as if every dark crevice around him offered its endless cold 'cloth' to conceal him.
He'd vigilantly followed his charge, (the young man Jin,) up until this point, only seeking cover when the youth paused before walking through the ruin's arch akin to a Reaper striding through the gates of a very human Heaven.

'Humans', he mused, 'what primitives they deny they are; what riddles their simple lives can be.' The focus of his attention proving no different it appeared. If his Don was correct, this 'boy' held in his possession the means, the very key to unraveling the web of control that stood testament to the Family's power. However, instead of running to the 'authorities' with his find, (the man obscured in shadow smiled at that, knowing just how much influence the Family held over Citadel's 'Authority') he opted to navigate his way here, at the threshold of a scorched tomb; as though he hunted ghosts, as though he were on the very heels of Death itself, come to collect.

'What foolishness was this?' Tracker queried.
'What significance did this forsaken place still hold, and why return to it after having gone missing for nearly 3 months?' A fact that, (were it not for his invaluable service and fierce loyalty to his Don) would have cost him his life.
'Why here? Why Now??'
And WHY were his instincts telling him, no; SCREAMING to him that his recently returned charge was not just an ordinary human anymore, but something much more, possibly the likes of which he'd never seen?

While his thoughts raced, his neck burned; a constant reminder of his peoples' allegiance to the Family.
Say what you will, his masters the Don's were shrewd.
Very early on, they'd come to the realization that his kind shared a means of privately communicating with each other via the use of vibrations; (their unique form of 'telepathy'). Using it, they were not only capable of 'speaking' to others of their kind discreetly, but were also able to (generally) 'sense' where each other were (within a quarter-mile radius above ground, a half-mile radius underground.)
This 'no-speak' troubled the All Father, (fearing potential revolts/uprisings from his subordinates,) who then charged his Dons (and their Bosses,) to outfit his kind with 'chatter-boxes'; devices which converted vibratory patterns into an 'established' vocabulary.

It was never revealed to any of his kind (that he knew of) exactly who it was who aided the Dons in translating their vibratory patterns into a discernible dialect/'filthy human' terms their masters could overhear; all that was known, was that there was a 'special' art of torment set aside for them should they ever be discovered.

Tracker's attention suddenly jerked back to Jin, (who'd suddenly collapsed to his knees, his head facing the 'sky',) when his 'chatter-box' began to pick up faint vibrations in the air emanating from the young man. Before Tracker had the opportunity to turn his infernal 'translator' off, (something his kind had learned how to accomplish shortly after being forced to 'display their loyalty' by having to sport them); his device analyzed one last set of vibrations before 'translating' them to him in an ominous tone.


'I Knew it!' Tracker thought to himself; just as Jin turned his head, and seemingly locked eyes with his entrenched observer as though he stood in the midst of an empty street, every streetlamp focused on him.

'SH*T!!' Tracker fumed to himself, as he turned to flee, Gresh MUST be made aware of this!!'

He'd only just turned, when he was suddenly slammed/pinned to the unforgiving ground from behind by the young man who somehow managed to traverse 30 some-odd yards in scant milliseconds, and whose eyes had now begun to slowly turn a vibrant yellow.

Tracker was able to free an arm just long enough to wrestle a beacon free from one of his belt's utility pouches and pierce the earth with it, Feeling (rather than hearing) the S.O.S. it sent out; hoping others of his kind would 'hear' it in time...

darkwise entry :

[Rotunda Amplus - Now]

The dome had reached capacity, yet still people found a way to squeeze in, like thick clots of blood jamming their through thin arteries, bloating an already diseased heart and stressing the very foundation of the organ. And it was true, the dome was now an organ. The atmosphere was supercharged with the anticipation of the show of shows, the fight's delight, and the great unexpected.

Tonight's card featured three events, following the standard structure of animal versus animal, man versus animal, and than finally, man versus the unknown. While the first two struggles were surely enough to satiate the thirst of even the deviant of voyeurs, the surprise element of the third fight is what truly inspired desolate and impoverished citizens to part from their hard to come back coins, tokens, and other barterables. Even the most destitute of citizens would miraculously find something to place down on a bet, if main event held enough mystery and allure. The buzz behind tonight's attraction guaranteed something never before seen. Something so far beyond unknown, that it became unfathomable.

At once, the overhead lighting in the dome blinked out, so sudden that the sun itself may have ceased to exist. With the cessation of light, came the electric stillness of two thousand voices hushed in unison. A single spotlight suddenly pierced the darkness, casting an empty circle of white in the center of the arena. From the inky blackness beyond, a wide figure took a single, calculated step into the bright ring.

The man, was it truly a man, was adorned from neck to foot in a crimson jump suit that might have been leather, or might have been scales. The old material was so worn, and creased with age, that it was impossible to tell. Silver lines spread across the fabric, forming what appeared to be a neural network, or even a latticework of veins, long emptied of their precious cargo. The figure threw his arms skyward, his appendages taking the shape of a child's star. From his sleeves, sharp triangles speared towards the ground; thick drops of some liquid running to their points and spilling heavily to the ground. Where they hit, small holes appeared in the dirt, steaming, and then collapsing on themselves. Wild hands flapped at the end of the sleeves, more avian in their movements than human. Long nails formed silent communications with every heart in the arena, which all beat so heavily in the silence that the roar of blood in the community's ears could almost be heard. The nails were as dark as the jumper, and these two also dripped and sprayed that unknown liquid about.

From jagged collars, the pale white of flesh erupted from his suit and exploded into a face adorned with cracked white paint. Red, red lips formed a great smile around teeth that were far to large for his mouth. Something spilled from one corner of his mouth, falling towards the ground, and then flapping away before impact was heard. A gasp came from the crowd. And then a laugh. The man in the center of the light looked towards the sound, pinning an unseen citizen with his stare, memorizing an invisible face and cataloging it for later use. His bulbous nose was painted red as well, to match not only his jumper, but the bloodshot eyes that stared out of sockets set so deeply in his skull that they might have been bored out by antique machinery. The crest of his skull formed a monstrous ridge, upon which rode eyebrows so great that one would be tempted to throw a saddle over one and ride it off of his face. His head was completely bare, and covered in the same white paint, which seems to magnify the spotlight and redirect it back towards the dome's roof.

With a garish motion, the Ringmaster produced what appeared to be a human bone from the air in front of him, and snapped it to his sneering mouth. Although his lips moved to enunciate and form sounds, his teeth remained clamped together, giving an odd vibration to the guttural words that came forth.

"Cccitizens of Cccitadel," he began, eyes suddenly rolling back into his head, revealing whites where red once existed.

"Tonight shall prove to be very ssspecial. Very ssspecial indeed. From the bowelsss of the pit, to the earthen moundsss of sh*t, we bring excccitement, essscapadesss, and the very folly of humanitiesss sssad pride. Oh yesss, tonight, we danccce. Tonight, we all danccce. And the musssic is far too lovely to put off for long. The short time for wordsss is over. There is only time..." the Ringmaster paused, letting the silence fill the void.

"... for blood!"

With the termination of his statement, every light in the dome came on, showcasing the empty arena. The Ringmaster was no longer there. In fact, he may have never been there at all, with no evidence of his departure.

The crowd roared to life, stomping their feet and raising hands clenched with coins, trinkets and other precious items, each more desperate than the man before him to cast away their valuables in a "game of chance".

The festivities were set to begin.

« Last Edit: October 17, 2012, 08:35:21 AM by BL4CK5H33P »
Once more into the fray, into the last good fight I'll ever know. Live & die on this day. How we die is equal to how we live. Once more into the breach, my friends, once more, or we close the walls up with our dead...

Offline Viper6

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Re: CITADEL : An OG13 community writing project (shared story)
« Reply #5 on: July 27, 2013, 10:14:25 AM »
Nice to see Citadel over here, shame it doesnt get more love, i thoroughly enjoyed collaborating with such fine authors!

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Re: CITADEL : An OG13 community writing project (shared story)
« Reply #6 on: July 27, 2013, 01:05:04 PM »
Nice to see Citadel over here, shame it doesnt get more love, i thoroughly enjoyed collaborating with such fine authors!

I so agree. Fan fiction and graphic fiction is just a labor of love for fans in general. I will try to get a story or two posted on this in the near future. Viper6 you may know, did this story continue at OG13?